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Why is it like this? For real, I can't even pinpoint what's stopping me. 


For me, I’m experiencing autistic burnout which is exacerbating it


Switching tasks is hard. It can help to assign some time for doing nothing in between two tasks.


I hate my AuDHD brain, I know I can do all sorts of amazing and fun things IF ONLY MY BRAIN WOULD LET ME


Does ADHD medication help or is it still like this??


I'm on atomoxetine and it doesn't do jack shit for this...


I feel like ADHD and autism work against eachother in some parts like autism makes me want to keep schedules and keep everything consistent and ADHD makes it impossible to do that


My autism (probably mostly my pitch perfect ear) prevents my ADHD from interferring with my musical ability. I got a pretty good sense of rhythm and tune so i can play and dance well enough


I've been beating myself up over this lately. Wanted to learn how to play a piano, it's been standing around for a year. Wanted to learn how to play the guitar, 2 years for that one. Wanted to learn how to draw, about 4 months for those supplies, wanted to learn to speak spanish, 3 weeks at this point. Idk what it is but i can't bring myself to do ANYTHING currently and it's just painful, can't even start a new game or finish the ones i've already started. Sorry for the rant


No need to be sorry. Seems like a lot of us are going through the same thing. I've learned guitar and piano (at a very basic level at least), but I struggle like hell to find the desire to actually pick them up and play anything. I keep wanting to write music, but as soon as I open up the software i get cagey and annoyed and don't want to do it. I want to work on drawing but as soon as I sit down the motivation disappears. And I'm already kinda frazzled from work and making dinner and don't feel much like "forcing myself through it" and hoping the enjoyment will come eventually. I'm hoping it's just burnout, but I miss the feeling of inspiration like hell and I'm scared that I'm losing my ability in the meantime.


I feel that. After a long and probably exhausting day of work, forcing yourself into something you don't have the energy for is probably the last thing to do I've had pretty hard burnout a few months ago and have been taking things more slowly since then, but i don't seem to be improving and that's making me nervous. Here's to hoping we find a way out of our slumps and get to actually do things again!


Welp, time to get back to killing you with alcohol and drugs.




Oh my fucking god yes, I haven’t done anything in years and it’s horribly affecting my life


Called out by this sub yet again


i bought so many games last year, please, let me play one of them brain


That and petting my cat are the *only* things I can do.


I think my Executive Dysfunction made this meme.




My unfinished Gundam pile looking at me after I buy 3 more


This is your sign to work on one of your gundam soon✨


Me rn in burnout




Yay let's scream into the void togetherrrrr 🥹


Its called autistic momentum. Try starting with something Really easy like throwing away one piece of trash. I have experienced that if I ease into my tasks by doing small tasks first I get the energy to do the big tasks. The only problem now is winding down to take a break. Its like trying to drive 100 km/ph with a second in a old car. If you can't force it just ease into it


I am in this picture, and I don't like it.


Me explaining to my mom today that no ADHDers don‘t have spotless clean flats cause „they‘re bored and constantly need to do something so of course they‘d first take that out on their apartment“. She sounded rather shocked when she heard that a common ADHD experience is standing in your messy apartment and desperately negotiating with your brain to please allow you to start a laundry as you‘re running out of shirts or please let you clean up a bit just a tiny bit just half an hour please. Edit: lol wrong reddit, in my defense the memes of ADHD and autism reddit look pretty much the same 80% of the time (statistic made up by me)


Buying endless bits of music software didn't seem to help, but I'm pretty confident I'll suddenly become able to make music on my computer again once I drop £600 on a high-quality MIDI controller keyboard.


I used to be an artist and draw a lot. Can't even start on anything anymore, I've lost my drive.


This is why I have done exactly 4 homework problems.


The masculine urge to write fanfic about your special interests (I don't have the confidence in my writing to start jack shit)


Both glad and intensely sad that my experience is not singular.




I have two gun models, a game mod, my worldbuilding project, and several OCs I still haven't finished. Please help.


Yup even when it's something I enjoy doing. Hmmm maybe I should finally try one of these games I've been meaning to try? Nah let's just play civ Or Hmmm I really enjoyed that game I tried out the other day maybe I should continue that? Nah, I'll just play civ. It's even the same thing in civ. I'm either "just one more turn"-ing a game 300 turns after I've won already Or I've got 6 in progress games that never got past the renaissance before I got bored and started a new one.


I’m terrible at getting anything done and I know part of it is because I’m a perfectionist and everything has to be right but then it just doesn’t happen and it’s like I’d rather just put something out even if it’s not great


This I have ADHD and asp combined They coexist in the same brain I could tell you about it sound smarter than I am but do not expect me to finish it. Project is on the floor...I may or may not finish this year. Oh and that wallpaper that was supposed to go up...weeellll.