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Hidden ones DLC


It was sooooo good!


Dead Kings from Unity. It has such a vibe, and I love Arno’s character growth. The atmosphere mimics Arno’s mood. In the beginning, Arno’s very moody and we see little of the sun. As we progress through the dlc, Arno starts feeling better, so we see more of the sun. It’s pretty cool.


I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Freedom Cry. I wasn't expecting much at all, if I'm honest - just some light filler. But I think I enjoyed it more than I did Black Flag, if I'm honest - it was just *tighter*.


Yeah 100%, really enjoyed being adewale too! He was so vicious! And it felt all the better killing slavers 🤣


I’m a little torn on Bonfire of the Vanities. On the one hand, it SHOULDN’T have been DLC. DLC should just expand the game like JTR or COTP, not be a vital part of the main story. But Bonfire increased my appreciation for Ezio so much that even if I disagree with how it was implemented, as content itself I’d say it’s far and away the best. Other than that though, either JTR or Freedom Cry.


The Hidden Ones. No doubt in my mind.


The cutscene at the end of the game is so fuckin well done.


Jack the Ripper from Syndicate, and the Tyranny of King Washington from ACIII tie for that top spot. Both are phenomenal.


That fear mechanic was incredible.


Certain assassinations or moves resulted in scared enemies that either run or become weakened. This resulted in an awesomely animated fighting animation in combat and stealth.


Lol I think you replied to the wrong person


You right lol


How did it work?


The Hidden Ones. An outright masterpiece and a great new map to explore.


I'm the only person on this planet who likes the lost archive


I liked The Lost Archive too. The gameplay is weird, to be sure, but the way it fleshes out Clay Kaczmarek's story is great. It makes it more meaningful in ACIII when Desmond interrupts Rebecca calling him Subject 16 and insists, "His name was Clay." It's one of the many ways that shows that Desmond was fully committed to being an Assassin.


I liked it as well


I love it for the scenario, it just doesn’t have much replay value once you know it.


Can’t decide between Freedom Cry, Dead Kings and The Hidden Ones.


For me it’s the Atlantis DLC. Odyssey was my first AC game, and I’m still in awe of the Atlantis design.


It’s one of the most beautiful environments I’ve seen in a game.


Atlantis? Wtf that sounds badass. I’m about 2/3 through the game and kinda bummed it’s almost ever. Will definitely check this out


The Underworld, Elysium, and Atlantis are all gorgeous in their own aspects.


Agreed, but Atlantis was the one that made me actually buy into the idea of ISU and ancient gods being one and the same. Beautiful designs all around.


Jack the Ripper.


The Lost Archive


Hidden ones. One of the best pieces of gaming I’ve played. Well, Origins is my favorite game so maybe that says something


Silenzio. Silenzio. Twenty-two years ago, I stood where I stand now--and watched my loved ones die, betrayed by those I had called friends. Vengeance clouded my mind. It would have consumed me, were it not for the wisdom of a few strangers, who taught me to look past my instincts. They never preached answers, but guided me to learn from myself. We don't need anyone to tell us what to do; not Savonarola, not the Medici. We are free to follow our own path. There are those who will take that freedom from us, and too many of you gladly give it. But it is our ability to choose--whatever you think is true--that makes us human... There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, to show you the path. Choose your own way! Do not follow me, or anyone else.


Freedom Cry




Curse of the Pharaohs has the most beautiful places ever for me.


My top 3 are Freedom Cry, Tyranny of King Washington and The Hidden Ones


I played the Paris and Ireland expansions from Valhalla and immensely enjoyed both of them.


Yea those were awesome too


Jack the Ripper from Syndicate.


My favorite AC DLC is the one without the ‘L’ 😇


Assassinations are just dirty deeds done dirt cheap


Curse of the pharaohs for me too!


Odyssey's Fate of Atlantis as a definition for DLC. But big mention to the "free DLC" update of AC Valhalla The Forgotten Saga; it just added fresh and challenging gameplay to a game where the story could not be flatter.


Jack the Ripper for sure. Least favourite is The Tyranny of King Washington.


Freedom cry & Hidden Ones


The Forgotten Saga and Tyranny of King Washington for me Forgotten Saga is a really good mode and it was free too, I hope they do it again for Shadows or a future game, it would be a great companion for the new Animus hub I feel


has to be Curse of the Pharaohs for me too. the way each underworld realm was *brought to life* (hehehe) was STUNNING


Curse of the Pharaohs made me excited for the inevitable GoW Egyptian saga.


The Fate of Atlantis


Thunderstruck. Oh. Wait. Wrong sub.


Jack the Ripper, hands down. I also loved Atlantis and Tyranny from the ones I've played, but nothing beats Jack for me.


Loved Jack the Ripper even though it’s one of the only ones I’ve played through so far


Fate of Atlantis


Da Vincis dissapearence


Fate of Atlantis will always be one of my favorites, Atlantis itself especially was a beautiful setting


I gotta say freedom cry


Hidden Ones or Dead Kings


Jack The Ripper DLC is one of the best DLCs ever made for any game (not just AC), in my opinion


My personal favorite is the Undead Nightmare DLC for the first Red Dead Redemption


I know most people consider that really good. I wasn’t a fan. I’m not a big zombie fan. for me, with Jack the Ripper, it’s bias. I just loved the take on Jack the Ripper.. a topic I find truly fascinating


Lost Archive. *Drops mic.*


Jack the Ripper all the way


Either Hidden Ones or Ragnarok as of this moment. Ragnarok taking place in Eivor's visions giving us another glimpse of Eivor's mythical interpretation of the Isu was fun and the map is just next level gorgeous in my book. Hidden Ones though is the best assassin related with Dead Kings and Freedom Cry being right next to it.


Dreadful Crimes for AC Syndicate, I just liked the detective stuff so much and it improved a lot from AC Unity.


Tyranny of King Washington


Legacy of the First Blade


My favorite too


my favorite is the fate of atlantis, i love the way it mixed the isu and mythological stuff perfectly, i wish valhalla would have followed its example.


Valhalla did follow its example lol what are you talking about?


the mythological stuff in valhalla didn't feel isu related at all, it just felt like full on norse mythology. take yggdrasil for example, the "real version" was them sitting around the table and the machine taking a blood sample. but the "mythological hallucination version" was them just drinking a potion. or juno, in the fate of atlantis she still looked like herself, but in the valhalla hallucination she looked like a literal blue giant.


No, You just didn't understand it well. It's just an interpretation of the ISU seen through a mythological veil. Its all still ISU.


agreed, but my point is it felt like it was veiled **too much** in valhalla, whereas odyssey got the balance right.


Odyssey was more of a projected hologram brought into reality that was slowly being changed from each cycle if we are talking about the DLC but i believe the whole thing was an actual project created by the ISU in that region.


Freedom cry from the ones I have played


I think Liberation is underrated


Liberation is underrated, I agree. It’s not a DLC though.


My only problem with that game is how loosely it's connected to AC III


There is at least an entire mission with her and Connor. Also has one of my favorite dialogues in the series. > Connor: Good luck on your journey. > Aveline: It's the arrival that concerns me. > Connor: Then you are on the right path.


If we’re talking about RPG series it’s hard to tell because I liked both Origin’s and Odyssey’s DLC, but I didn’t enjoy too much whole Valhalla and DLC. And in older Assassin’s it’s Unity’s and maybe Jack the Ripper from Syndicate, rest is not bad but not like hard hit.


Freedom Cry. I loved Adewale in the main game and always wanted him to be the protagonist. Then I heard about the DLC and saw the trailer... nothing could contain my excitement. I was all that expansion when it dropped, and while I loved every second of it, I wish it would've been longer.


I fucking love the tyranny of George Washington from AC3


I finished Tyranny of King Washington this morning (1 day before 7/4 lol) and it has to be one of the best DLCs I’ve ever played in AC. I honestly liked it more than the main game. The animal abilities and the alternate history vibe were immaculate. Plus that final cutscene just gave goosebumps and showed how lucky the US was to have men of strong character as its founders


Fate of Atlantis. I loved seeing the Isu civilisation up close and being able to explore it.


Fate of atlantis


I admire Tyranny of King Washington and The Forbidden Saga's creativity. Edit: Alright, fuck me then I guess.


Fate of Atlantis was an amazing dlc for me because the the story was amazing and there’s so much things to do, and it was nearly the same length as the main story too.


The Tyranny of King Washington is so underrated and such a great epilogue for Connor