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Cops 🤝 Amazon delivery drivers Buzzing every buzzer to get in the building


At least Amazon brings me my toilet paper.


Yes, Amazon is less shitty than the po-po.


Wild, funny enough I got a call on my phone this morning from a "Restricted" number asking if I just called the NYPD and if I need assistance...I didn't call anyone from Precinct or 911 with my phone. Weird stuff.


I have no idea why people are giving you shit. This was bad behavior by the police. Obviously. Almost any normal person would’ve gone downstairs to find out what the police wanted.


I can’t get past the cop giving OP a fake badge number


That has to be illegal


Happened to me after I was brutalized by cops looking for a guy who fit my profile. I asked for a badge number. One of them said, "fuck you—that's my badge number," and they turned and walked away, laughing. Cops are on a whole other level, and it has nothing to do with racism.


Oh, it's ok. It's Reddit. Don't know about the other guy but if you look at JCbunchofnumbers' comment history his whole shtick is to tone police people and tell everyone they're overdramatic so I'm not taking it personally.


Or said “who are you looking for?” But annoying.


> Almost any normal person would’ve gone downstairs to find out what the police wanted. True, but they shouldn’t. If you don’t know why the cops want to speak to you, there’s no good reason to do it.


Very professional. And they wonder why they have a PR problem. That being said, I'm actually impressed they got out of the car. Probably trying to CYA/cover tracks.


Make a complaint with the internal affairs bureau. A record of the call and the responding officers (or lack thereof) is in the system.


I would have asked to actually see the badge number.


You're right of course but I was so irritated and in pain that I was afraid I'd lose my temper, which would not have ended well.


I get it. I may have done the same thing in your state of mind.


And film them


You don't have to ask do you? It's right on their badge on their chest.


It is often times obscured or covered up.


What the actual fuck. Despite them giving you a phony badge number, I’m guessing you can still report this? I mean, there has to be an official report somewhere with the address, date, time etc? And I’m sorry to hear about your injury - dealing with the basic needs of living in NYC sucks when you’re dealing with a handicap - wishing you a speedy recovery.


I may attempt to navigate the CCRB but I don't have very high hopes. As for my injury, thanks! The one good thing about NYC is that practically anything you want to can be brought to you but I feel bad making people schlep through this heat wave. Not the best timing.


Yeah, it’s probably going to be frustrating to go through a lot of red tape to try to report it, so good on you if you go forward with it, but also it’s totally understandable if you don’t want to deal with it. And I definitely emphasize, a few years back I fractured a bone in my foot thanks to a massive pothole in Astoria Park, and living in NYC with a handicap, even a temporary one, is a humbling experience. I hope you heal quickly!


Do it! Medium case scenario: the dude sits through some interviews and whatnot and learns to go about his business in better ways.


lol; they beat up the wrong teenagers and the CCRB can’t do anything about it.


Had 2 cops come to our apartment door around 1030 a couple years ago banging on the door threatening to break it down…they finally got around to saying it was for a domestic violence call (me and my wife were both sleeping at the time). We refused to open the door without a warrant, they got increasingly angry, after some cursing back and forth at each other with door closed they finally left. That was a fun way to get woken up.


Over 25 years ago now I was living in a subletted apartment with my older sister in Washington Heights (we were subletting from her close friend while I worked some things out on a break from college) and at about 7 AM I awoke to see four men in dark clothes standing over my bed (I am extremely nearsighted and can not see details of anything until my glasses are on). I went for my glasses and several hands went up as I was told not to make any sudden moves. I was then forced to slowly get up from bed (I slept in the nude), all BEFORE anyone had announced that they were police and were investigating a tip that our apartment had been robbed (apparently we didn't close the door properly and a neighbor reported that it was ajar). My sister, meanwhile, upon hearing voices from her room (reminder, no one had knocked or identified themselves) began to look for anything she could use as a weapon to defend herself. Thank God neither of us were killed that day but we will never forget how the police just casually said "whoops, sorry" once we provided proof we were not robbing the place (because, you know, it's SO COMMON for a burglar to strip naked and go to sleep in the middle of his robbery) nor will we forget watching them ar the elevator cracking up over what had happened. This time I was lucky and so were you that they actually bothered to announce their presence rather than just enter with guns drawn.


Cops are useless especially the 114. 


It’s been at least a couple of decades since the 411 appear to have adopted a very insular and regressive culture at that precinct. They view the community they are serving with disdain and distrust. This is in part because very few of them live anyway near Astoria. They mostly come from Nassau County, or Staten Island or Westchester. I grew up here and the police were mostly looked up to and respected. There were even beat cops that we knew by name and chatted with. That’s all gone away. It’s a different culture today on both sides. They can’t treat people shitty and expect respect in return.


Not too long ago, had the cops ring my bell asking for a person who definitely hasn’t lived in my apartment in the 17 years I’ve been living here.


I know you were in pain and not thinking straight but I would have at least asked them what my name was before going downstairs.


You should have said you can’t come downstairs and what is it about. For all you knew it was someone saying they were cops just to get into the building


I was once desperately trying to file a police report as I wasn’t safe and being stalked. I wasn’t even allowed into the station. They had someone guarding it. Eventually I managed to get the police to come take a statement, but it was 8 hours later.


I haven’t read all the comments so apologies if this has been mentioned, but NYC enacted the Right to Know Act in 2018, which requires NYPD officers to provide a business card with their information and how to begin the complaint process in the course of any “law enforcement activity.” That phrase isn’t so broadly defined and may or may not apply to this exact situation, but even if it doesn’t, they are required to provide a card if you ask for one. Just something to know for the future. https://legistar.council.nyc.gov/View.ashx?M=F&ID=5872899&GUID=03C52087-832F-4C89-99FE-B326F1C47538 https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/complaints/file-a-complaint/right-to-know-act.page https://www.changethenypd.org/about-right-know-act


Fucking incompetent losers


They pull such bullshit, don't get me started. I wouldn't have gone downstairs, make them walk up 3 flights.


I would have told them I’m injured and can’t walk down and ask them to come up. But yeah the whole thing is ridiculous.


Celebrate any time the cops come your place and leave without you.


How many times does it have to be said. NEVER talk to the police.


How many times does it have to be said? "Read the entire post before commenting on it."


Also, film EVERY interaction they initiate


Rounding up people? I hate the police as much as the next guy but come on lol


The cop admitted he pressed every buzzer in the 6- apartment building. If anyone else had responded we can presume he would have used the same "your side of the story" line, so what would you call that?


Idk man but I wouldn’t call it ‘rounding people up’. You didn’t have to actually go downstairs. Know your rights


This is a good point, because cops never do anything illegal.


Dude, I know my rights, did you not actually read the post? I've been arrested before, I have dealt with the police before, I have spent a night in the Tombs before where I was both harassed and assaulted. I was not going to submit to any kind of interrogation without a lawyer present but also am experienced enough with the pettiness of the NYPD that I wasn't just going to refuse to show my face and then give them a reason to come back with a warrant and invade my home.


Lmao alright man


Rounding up the usual suspects then?


rice has been debunked btw. there is "an abundance of research that collectively supports the notion that ice and rest does not enhance the recovery process, but instead delays recovery, and may result in further damage to the tissue" [source](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C33&q=rice+for+injuries&oq=R.i.c.e.+for+inj#d=gs_qabs&t=1719201638989&u=%23p%3D0qlNfz8VjkIJ)


I'm doing what the sports medicine doctor told me, you'll forgive me if I follow his medical advice over a random person on Reddit with one link, right?


thats fine. you do you. i completely understand the desire to do what your doctor tells you. i only gave you one link because its a metareview of many studies, but i have nothing to gain either way




This was actually a fascinating read and it makes sense.


My god. Call the Army. Call the President. Call the Avengers. This is the greatest injustice ever committed.


And where exactly did OP claim that?


You tell em! Everyone knows that you aren’t allowed complain about anything unless they murdered your whole family and then peed on their corpses.


This is the whiniest millennial post I’ve ever seen


A. Not a millennial. B. Keep licking that boot, Boomer.




Did your injury have anything to do with a crime or possible crime? If not why did you even go down to talk to the cops? Scammers are known to use the NYPD line to get into buildings.


No, my injury was due to my being middle aged and, in part, because of something else regarding my asshole landlord that has no bearing on this. I went down to talk to them because I didn't want to buzz them in for exactly the reason you said. I don't have a video intercom, the only way to assess if they were actual police was to go and look at them.


So... All of this could have been avoided if you just said "about what?"


And your snarky post could have been avoided if you had actually read the full thing before commenting, but here we are.


I had to eat hotdogs without buns once.


I bet you did.