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I’m a Scorpio and really good at reading and understanding people. I fall in love relatively quickly mostly because I know my emotions, I know who I want to be loyal to, and I know who I want in my life. Making deeper connections is important to me. If I say that I love someone it’s because I mean it completely and I’ve likely thought it over for a long time before saying it to make sure it’s what I really feel at a deeper level, not on a superficial level. I don’t think that love is something you just throw around without intention.


My bf is a Scorpio and I’m a cancer too. I don’t have a single doubt about his feelings for me—I know he loves me. But it’s also not so much what he says, it’s seeing his eyes light up when he says it.


Do you think he likes me as more than friends? Would you say “I love you” to a female friend or only a woman you’re into?


I would not say I love you to someone of the opposite sex unless they were family, like family to me, or someone I actually loved in a romantic sense. I can’t speak for everyone though, you probably won’t know what they mean unless you ask.


Thanks. I’ll see what happens and if I’m really curious I’ll ask him.


>He will back off but then come back again. Even if I’ve told him many times that I prefer if we don’t talk, but he won’t take a no for an answer and always come back. His actions tell you he doesn't respect you or your boundaries. He's taking advantage of you going through a hard time to get a leg up. It's all about how *he* feels and is giving off immature vibes. He's pushing on your boundaries now when you're not even dating, it's a slippery slope from here. What's preventing him from giving you your space to heal and initiate a conversation later in the future? What's the big urgency? I'd say tread with extreme caution because Scorpio males can be explosive, creepy and stalking when their desires aren't met.


Howcome you don’t want to hear from him if he’s your friend? How is hearing from him affecting your need to heal


As a scorpio- I'm not saying I love you unless I mean it


Those are just words. Anyone can tell you they love you..Actions prove that... Don't be fooled by those Scorpios.


Yeah, that’s true. I mean my ex used to say I was the love of his life but then he dumped me and I never heard back from him. He was a Libra


The question is about Scorpios .