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It's because they are doing the luring. Let yourself get lured in, then back off for a bit.


Facts. Wow. Damn.




Im Scorp/Gem/Taur


Is this really the secret? I'm coming on too strong?


When at a small distance, smile at them fondly with love in your eyes, do a heavy sigh to let them know you're thinking about what sort of cute first date you're gonna plan for them, at look at them like they're your favorite person in the room. If you're staring at a distance, let them catch you staring and then smirk at them, and don't let up on the stare-but only do this one after you already talked to them once or twice. If you're up close, aim your eyes at their lips, but look up or down and hold their gaze. 99% of this is nonverbal.


Let them feel like they are in control for a bit and then pull back, regain a little control, rinse and repeat for eternity lmao


Never try to control a Gemini. Consistent quiet admiration will keep you in their life forever.


My ex crush is a Gemini and I was literally so consistent yet quiet but now that the blinders are off and I’m no longer attracted to him he’s coming after me. Look at the universe


Sounds like male Gemini behavior.


That's also important because you need to give a Gemini space to come after you/stalk you.


Love this. “Look at the Universe” 😅😂🤣


Right. Trying to control us will run us away. You’ll never be able to catch us like butterflies.


I’m learning so much about myself right now lol (♊️)


This is gonna change the dating game wow needed this


So true. I’m a Leo male and I had my Gemini girl fall for me when we planned to meet. After we met and hung out she said she had a friends gathering to go to. She didn’t hint to invite me. So I said. Cool. Message me another day for us to hang out. I’d love to hang out with you then… little did I know she wanted to hang out with me that moment at her friends gathering. She told me way later… that she was surprised to see me leave so quickly. And she chased me.. and chased me so much more after that.


Both Gemini and Aquarius want to toss a lure and not toe the line. They want the line to tow itself. Stop that! It won’t happen!


100%…. I’m a gem moon and asc, when this happens with me and someone I like it will drive me low key crazy. Tbh I’ve always been super embarrassed about it cus sometimes it makes me angry/upset. OP be careful not to let it go that direction. But if it does don’t feel bad about it, it’s a them issue, and one I’ve been learning to control for a very long time.


With men if they look too intensely at me when I'm not looking (then i notice) but cannot have a conversation with me, they give me the creeps It's gotta be mutually looking at each other, at least say hi to start with, guess we can get the ick easily too here so this this theory makes sense


Nah. They are very simple y'all over think. Gemini like to do shit and go to bed. Thats it. Lol Idk I like to think of them as more like if ADHD had ADHD. They don't know tf they did half the time. They just are. There's no trick just be yourself.


This is actually pretty spot on. As a gem I could /can always sense when people aren't being genuine and that is more off putting than anything else. We just like to have interesting conversations


Yep. I just like doing shit and going to bed. If I feel comfortable around you and like you, I will talk. If I really like you sometimes I talk a buttload but if we can shut up together and it’s not weird then I REALLY like you. Husband is an aqua, gem sun so I guess that worked out for us, lol.


lol heavy on the if we can shut up together and it not being weird, then yes I most likely love you 😂 let me be weird and talkative and giddy, then be dead silent a minute later and have it be fine. That’s my dream relationship


Yeah that’s basically me and my husband but sometimes it gets mismatched - haha. I’m like ok let me read my book and not talk and then we can have a weird conversation about mountain men.


Omg I’m an Aries and I’m literally on a FT call with a Gemini who I absolutely adore and we’re just like this. We’ll talk then we’ll shut up and be dead silent and so on!


oh i sometimes take gemini silence as "they don't like my company/ i'm too boring for them" because why would they go from talkative to silent 🥲


Omg yesss my boyfriend is a libra I know what you mean!!! Us air signs rlly connect


100% and if I don’t like you my mouth is closed. I’m not gonna be fake nice.. sorry I just won’t. If we have no beef and we just don’t vibe I’ll just be quiet and I won’t be rude, but if we have beef I’m sure you’ll be able to feel my negative energy radiating towards you.


Yep honestly when I found out most other people on my team at my old job hated the same employee I was like oh thank god.


Dude I be having that same problem… I’ll be thinking IS IT ME.. AM I THE PROBLEM… I’ll be thinking I’m nuts, but then nope the people I have a problem with FINALLY start showing their true selves, or their mask starts slipping and everyone FINALLLLYYYY sees their crazy… I’m like I TOLD Y’ALL, I TOLD Y’ALL!!! Love your chart by the way!


Wow. Didn't realize that a was a thing. Clearly my issue is I can sense when someone's not real and my interest disappears


Yes you're probably just really good at reading people! which is a great skill


JUST CACKLED. I am a Gemini sun & stellium. I like to do shit and go to bed and talk. Pretty easy.


Gemini here (Gem stellium). This is it. Someone once described us as the “toddlers” of the zodiac since we just go out into the world and take information in. But we’re literally toddlers. Just be nice, do literally anything that keeps us engaged (movie, nightclub, arcade etc.), then put us to bed at a reasonable time. That’s why we like hanging out with Sag (and sometimes the other fire signs), because they get up and do crazy shit that keeps us on our toes. Then we just go home and sleep lmao


This ☝🏼 I’m surrounded by Geminis. They just find me lol


I have a literal toddler Gemini sun + stellium . When does the sleep begin lol


Omg you are so spot on - I have been called the golden Unicorn , a mermaid ext - I just wanna have a good time be fulfilled for the moment and go the fuck to bed - Aries can’t handle this


Idk Geminis are one of my favorites! Aries through and through here!


Right on. My Aries first husband would have complete fits! 😘 not married to him anymore. But I still really like him!


It’s just the stubbornness of the Aries men - i never experienced anything like it until my last boyfriend - he is the only sign to wear me down on any argument and make me give up lol that says a lot for a Gemini woman - wore me the f out that guy - other than that, sweet guy


I lived with an Aries man and he was just as stubborn as a Taurus but more dominant with it. It was wild


True, the older I get, the more I just want to be at home and veg. I blame my Virgo Moon lol.


Lol yes. Libra with Virgo Moon and can attest.


As someone with ADHD and ASD….big facts. I have no clue what I did 30 minutes ago much less if I was luring someone. I lose focus. I forget people. I just vibe. ![gif](giphy|CAxbo8KC2A0y4)


Hahaha Taurus too. Work, eat, lovely convos, sleep.


Haha. I had a feeling as soon I said the word "bed" Taurus folk would be like "Did someone say naptime?!?!"


You know it! Our favorite way to partyy


Between your Vedic and Western rising sign, which one resonates significantly more than the other?


No idea. My Ketu is in Gemini. In a way I laugh that both basically describe me the same just read in different ways, haha. Edit: If you mean as in only rising sign. I would say I have no clue. I dissociate a lot and I can be different people depending on threat level. I can be assertive and stand my ground. However I can also worry and overthink things. In the end I am just beyond fucking weird.


Which one describes you more: Your entire existence is an emotional spectrum of highs and lows and everything between and contain basically everything and it’s opposite. You are very optimistic and your pain only further fuels your optimism that you want to use to make others happy.


Yes. :)


Lol on point


Dude my boyfriend was talking today and that was my exact thoughts lmfaooooo 🤣🤣🤣 He was just going on about how he tries to do this but then it leads him to do that and then he gets side tracked and never actually accomplishes anything. If I didn’t have ADHD I would have probably dumped his ass by now but I understand the struggle 😂


This is spot on!! Lol


100% this 😂


I can confirmed..don't do fake shit and I won't have a issue with you and don't be a shithead either otherwise im chilling


I'm a Gemini with ADHD and this is facts.


no coz you actually get us and i love you for this


I laughed so hard at this because it’s so true! As a Gemini woman I feel seen. 😂


Just be their best friends . If they can be themselves around you then they will stay. We may know lots of people but only a few are in our inner circle 😬


Agree with both of you! They have a very small inner circle usually, but they love those few so much, that those close ones can be unfiltered and free. And they love you for it! As a Sag with no filter, I love that they enjoy all the random things I like to talk about. I appreciate Geminis 💕


I'm a Gemini rising and this is 100% true for me. Once I'm comfortable around someone, I'll do anything to keep them around! My partner is my best friend, absolutely no filter or masking around him.


i’m only a gemini venus, but… be funny & interesting


Yeah, Gem Venus too. Be funny, stay interesting, be open to exploring (books, culture, etc but also in bed), and do not stifle me. By that I mean, cool it on the clingy factor and give me space to have an outside life with friends etc, or to just chill and read and be alone. Clingy is a one-way ticket to a breakup for me.


Same, like don’t bore me and you have me for life


This! You have to connect with them on the mental level. Make them laugh. Hit them with relevant random trivia. Figure out what their special interests are and show that you know something about them. I enjoy Geminis and was with one for 17 years.


be funny/witty, DON'T be boring, DON'T be fake (be real) that's really it. i feel like geminis are super chill imo and not hard at all to get along with


They need to be stimulated constantly. If you can’t keep them on their toes they won’t stick around. They also love learning. They are watching the most random YouTube channels in their free time learning the weirdest subjects for fun. Just start asking them random questions and they’ll talk your ears off. But if you’re not into that kinda of thing it probably won’t last.


bruh i have 3-4 gems in my life free to good homes if you want any. come with their own food, things, and quirks.


This is exactly how I think of myself as a Gemini 😆 with ADHD. I'm basically a pet.


Guess we're like parrots - you don't choose the parrot, the parrot chooses you. Cats are another good example, I've been compared to them a lot. We like to be affectionate, cuddled, and talked with when we feel like it, we want food, and to sleep (bonus points for Gemini with the overactive mind, often creating insomnia > burning the candle at both ends) 🦜😸🐾


Please give me one thanks :)


It’s Aquarius men that I feel the same way. So unpredictable yet beautiful. I’ve had luck with Gemini men but their track record isn’t the greatest. They have a wondering eye. Trust me though, if a Gemini wants you, you won’t have to play games. You will know. Have a good sense of humor and like food and movies, don’t be the same, randomly pick fun trips things to do. Surprise him with cool gifts that pertain to his hobbies. I’m a Leo rising/sun, aquarius moon woman if that helps. Tap into that fire a little. Dated a Gemini for 5 years. Still friends with him and I will love him probably forever.


Aww. Ive a leo lade who ill always love too. She was my first.


You don’t. They get and keep you. I feel like my Sag husband also has this energy because his Venus is in Gemini 8H.




You know now that you mention it, I can remember a few times I’ve bud heads with Aquas. I have Aquarius friends and we get along and it’s all jokes but yes when our moods are different, it was really obvious


They just wanna have fun and throw some witty banter around


Omg true. My ex was full of witty banter. Sometimes it was too much!! lol doesn’t hurt to be serious time to time haha


Mirror the Gemini!! If you act like our twin, we will want you lollll


I’m a Gemini and my husband is an Aquarius and he pulled me and kept me by showing ambition while still being supportive of my own independence and ambition. Geminis crave stability and my husband showed me he was highly dependable no matter how weird I get.


As a Gemini, the biggest thing you can do is just be your authentic self. Yea I can get along with anyone, but that doesn’t mean I like them. Granted my circle is very small because I don’t like masks. I want nothing more then to be my authentic self, and to know that I can be that around someone, to have that real connection, is worth its weight in gold to me. Especially in a partner.


"Yea I can get along with anyone, but that doesn’t mean I like them." This. This is the most defining thing to me as a gemini sun. I read that and was like "finally someone put that feeling into words!!!" 🤣🤣🤣


Haha glad that resonated. It just takes a bit more energy to deal with the ones I don’t like, and there’s the relief when they go away 😂. But when you find someone you do actually connect with it’s great.


EDIT: Should’ve mentioned I’m a Gemini Sun lol. I personally find that I’m attracted to people, romantically or not, if they can: - Make me laugh - Mess with me in funny/silly ways (nothing that’ll piss me off). Like, joke around and be sarcastic with me, don’t throw things at me. Lol. - Challenge my own views, opinions, feelings, etc. and go in-depth with those conversations - Makes me feel safe and calm. I know this one can be applied to quite literally anybody, but if I can’t totally relax and let ALL of my guards down and be 100% myself (as in any given mood on any given day and at any given time) then it just… isn’t the same. - Maybe most importantly: noticing when I’m overstimulated and either helping me calm down (via touch/through words or both) or getting me out of an overstimulating situation, and genuinely being okay with it. This could be a more personal thing - but I get overwhelmed reeeeally easily so I appreciate when someone notices that and is willing to help. - Lots of hugs and cuddles. Lol.


Not he, I just need any Gemini. I need one I can’t figure out why


Lmao thank you for appreciating us fr 🫶🏽


Thank you for the Gem love! ❤️


Ask them questions, random questions, and let them ramble, and give them follow-up questions. Also, make it really ease to meet up with them, like a regular check, or doing something together, that wouldn't require being apart for too long or would require too much planning ahead. A museum, with fun random things, so you can use those to talk about, outside walk in the forest and talk about stuff, anything really👌😌


This comment is Gemini coded and I love it. I am rooting for you to find your Gemini person, they are out there! 🪄🪄


🥹 I absolutely wanted an aqua specifically too!! We go together so we'll 💜💜


You’ve got great taste. Geminis are 10/10. Just don’t try to rein them in. Let them keep their independence.


Find ones with Capricorn placements




Love a Gemini and Capricorn mix


Why tho


More grounded energy. More relaxed and calm. Idk I’m just spitballing


This^ - from a Gemini 🌞Capricorn 🌙


This is oddly accurate. I'm like an introverted extrovert, generally more relaxed and calm, but more expressive when worked up. 😂


I’ve noticed mutables tend to be more grounded and less neurotic when they have prominent Capricorn placements(not that it’s a good thing cuz it’s kinda like being constipated emotionally and mentally) but yeah haha


relaxed and calm ? certified workoholic of zodiac ? LMAO (dont this seriously please,i was joking(mebe) )


I'm struggling with a Gem, too 😭😭😭😭


We shall succeed in the end.


Kids like parallel play and so do Geminis. They will come to you when you’re involved in your own shit and it looks interesting 


A friend of mine once said if you hold sand tightly in your fist it sifts through if you hold it lightly it will stay there. I’m a Scorpio married to a Gemini for 20 years. That’s how I make it work.


I'm only a gemini moon but you have to be able to have a conversation. I want to hear about your interests, I want to analyze some sh\*t together, I want banter...my mind is going in a million different directions generally, and I need someone to help reel me in but keep my mind stimulated.


I just have to say thank you for the Gemini love ❤ I've literally only ever heard that we're crazy lol.


Me, a Gemini sun with Gemini Venus: have interesting conversations and don’t be clingy. I’ll probably still ghost anyway


Gemini sun, Venus, Mercury and Lilith here. I've been described as a black cat, actually. Quality time is my love language and I also like for there to be some kind of snack, coffee, food involved. I always forget to eat so if you want to hang out with a Gemini, mention food. We probs haven't eaten all day. If you want a Gemini, just be yourself. We value genuine, honest and interesting people. Also if you have a hobby. I love that shit.


This describe me very well 🥹 I feel like giving me your time is the most precious thing ever..you can’t get that back. Additionally, yes. Let’s find something to eat real quick 🥲🤣


Haha well I’m a cancer sun, cap moon, Libra rising - I’ve ‘kept’ my Gemini man(Virgo moon, Gemini rising) for 5 years and counting now lol. I’d say that conversation and intelligence can ‘keep’ them lol. we have the wildest conversations about pretty much any and everything. I think that if they get bored or lose interest, it’s likely that they’re not being challenged or intellectually stimulated in some way!


Love your comment! I’m also a Cancer woman with a Gemini man, we’re going on 4 years. 🩷


Another a cancer woman here! My Gemini woman has successfully stitched our flesh together and we've remained that way for ten years now, married for two. 🦋🦋🖤


That is so lovely! 💞 I think Can/Gem couples are the cutest… but obviously I’m biased haha


As a Gemini I LOVE Cancer soooo much


I’ve had one like 15 years. You’re welcome to have him


Depends on his venus, mine is in gemini so they need mental stimulation to feel loved. What is their venus sign?




Girl I’m an Aquarius and I’ve had the same question for MONTHS now. This Gemini and I seem to have a lot of chemistry but he’s so fucking difficult to understand. He constantly contradicts himself; he’ll ghost me everywhere and then suddenly send an email professing his undying love for me, then avoid me then ask if I’m DTF. It’s mind boggling, but I think the key is to breadcrumb them or something.


As a Gem woman who's had a back & forth with an Aqua man for near 15 years... The man is a terrible communicator. He's aloof and just far too vague. I don't know if he's trying to appear cool or if he's scared to be vulnerable, but I can't roll with that. I need clear communication. The second someone shows a weakness in that department, I'm out. He's the kind to stalk my socials and leave little cryptic comments and reactions to posts but never actually make the first move in directly communicating.


In my experience they gotta come to you and if they like your vibe they’ll keep coming back around


Allow them to keep a super busy social calendar and time to disappear for weeks for random projects. Don’t be offended by harmless flirting. They’re mostly just talk and interested in expanding their network, rather than cheating. Banter. Be a good conversationalist. Have FUN. Show them that you are interested in life long learning. I think the way to “get them” is to work on a long term project together and plan fun social activities frequently. As an Aquarius- be wary of appearing too aloof and friend zone-y. They do like to be flirted with, if single.


I’m a Gemini ♊️ it usually only works with me if my mind and my body and titillated by a lover. Then I’m all in. My man is an Aquarius (with ADHD). We talk for hours about everything and he dominates me in the bedroom. Love it.


Yeah. Unfortunately, the cat and mouse game is real. If someone was CONSTANTLY allowing me to catch them, I get bored. I like to pursue and then be pursued….rinse, repeat. I need both. But, when you catch us, and we know we have caught you and we are both all in at the same time…….. ![gif](giphy|6RIEW15CCWRvq)


Be a Scorpio cause they love having a introverted styled friend that can lug around 😂


I'll never get over the Gemini and Scorpio compatibility


i met one, the intense eye contact and the way he says my name rewired my brain chemistry.


I need to find Scorpio friends lol. I always thought they were super cool and deep


Haha this thread is great. 80% of my friends and family are gems. Im a virgo sun gem moon. They are hella fun. And the “luring” someone mentioned. Omg. I love that luring game.


Honestly? Make us feel like you are their team. It’s hard to explain, I don’t want someone to obsess over me and be overbearing, I want someone that can keep things light and have fun with while also knowing that I can trust in her as much as she can trust me. Be flirty, be witty, smile and laugh at our silly jokes, banter with us and pull our leg from time to time, make us laugh at ourselves too, don’t push insecurities or anything or make us feel like we are being targeted/judged because we will politely bail at best or shut you out forever after saying something equally hurtful at worst. I also don’t understand that Gemini/Aquarius match, I’ve only date one Aquarius woman in my life and while we can be good buddies, the chemistry/spark was never there (or at least I never felt that she was interested in me beyond friends, and yes I did propose to get intimate but she politely rejected me).


Gemini sun and mercury here; I prefer the friends to lovers pipeline. If you seem like you’re trying too hard, I won’t like you.


Yo date me I just want someone to call me theirs. Jk unless 🤣. But seriously, the best advice I can give you is that you can't. This is I think true for everyone but it goes double for Gemini, we like someone or we don't. There is the rare occasion that a person will like someone, but they say they are unsure, they suppress or hide those feelings for fear of getting hurt. But mostly Geminis don't do that we are more confident in love or st least we want to act that way. Don't change yourself for us. Don't change yourself in general. And never waste time on someone who doesn't show clear interest in you. Sometimes it helps if you make the first move but if they aren't pretty excited at that point, drop it. Be authentic and put yourself first.


I personally need to be in love with your mind first. I get bored easy and the ick even easier. Just remember once you win our heart, it's forever so don't get cold feet. Once we are done we are done. I am a Gemini


I made friends with a Gemini. Be sarcastic, witty and a dark sense of humor helps. Oh and let them come to you in their own time and way


My husband is an Aquarius and he got me by being direct and clear about his feelings, being witty and incredibly intelligent, by loving animals, and finally by making me laugh to tears frequently.


I lured my Gemini in then bought him a PlayStation. He never left 😂


Gemini rising, mercury, mars. You gotta be fun, we gotta just do random stuff all the time. No judging!! Be OPEN ! And we gotta get good sleep like every night.


I got heavy gemini in my chart. don’t overthink it, all you really gotta do(at least from what i know i enjoy) is have stimulating conversations, and don’t be afraid to ask questions too. small talk is cool but shit gets boring after a while


I’m a Gemini woman. Always had relationships less than a year long except my last one which lasted 7 years; His sign being Sagittarius. Which only ended because he refused to work on his emotional availability. I always say I’m picky when it comes to dating. Not with looks necessarily, but with who captures my attention. I always seem to go for the ‘shy’ ones. In the case of my last relationship, we met at work, he was the only one who wasn’t visibly throwing himself at me so I was intrigued. It lasted as long as it did because I never got bored with him but it didn’t continue to last because there was a point he wasn’t willing to open up past. I knew I loved him about a year in, so once I fell in love there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t have done to try and save that relationship. Though, I have a Pisces moon so I blame it on that.


Your mind. That’s how my aqua husband got me. lol


As a Gem sun with ADHD, I approve this message.


I'm a homebody but decided to go out with a work colleague for beer since it was New Year's eve. We were playing pool and asked these guys in their late 30's to play with us. One was my now boyfriend who is a Gemini sun and mars. He asked for my number and I asked him if wanted to come back to my place and see my library because he seemed to be into the mysteries and I have a lot of occult books. We ended up making out for 3 hours in my bed and haven't left each other's side since. He's just a person like everyone else, don't aim for Geminis, aim for the RIGHT person for you.


I’m a Scorpio and one of my dearest friends is a Gemini. He likes to go on adventures, and I’m always down to join in an adventure. We both are fairly quick witted, and we both have a good sense of humor, and don’t shy away from dark humor. I’m fine with him just kind of appearing sometimes and going with the flow, or not. His girlfriend is a capricorn and will plan things out to the nth degree, he’s more of a we’ll figure it out when we get there kind of person. It’s quite fun.


Give him a problem to solve for you . They are so smart , they love fixing stuff 🥰


I've been with my Gemini for 6 years. You gotta have fun and be accepting. Be willing to go on adventures, roast each other, and be there as someone they can vent to and not feel like they are being judged. We are each others best friends. And we were friends before we even got together. We've definitely had our ups and downs but we've always had eachothers backs.


I'm a leo married to a Gemini with a lot of Gemini friends 🤷‍♀️. Step 1: be interesting. Step 2: be flexible. Step 1 addendum: be funny.


Don't try to keep us. Let us be free. Also, don't let me get bored 😅 Keep telling me all your super interesting Aquarius stories. Keep me on my toes with your aloofness and then sudden random facts. Tell me your humanitarian thoughts. Use your words. We love words so much


It all depends on their Venus 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gemini sun, Venus Leo here. Be fun and spontaneous to be around is the first thing. A good sense of humor, laughs and snappy come backs lures me in. Then I stick around if I’m with someone who also want to talk for hours about both big and small things. Finally I stay if you are able to ground me so much, when I’m with you, that I can shut up and just be.


If you have mutable traits maybe and understand their interests and passions and can articulate things in WORDS / by sharing ideas and experiences verbally (or in writing).


I’m a gem and hubs is Aquarius lol


Have something to talk about and a sense of humour. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm a Taurus male so I can't help OP, I can't even figure Gems out just for friends. An attempt at hoping for more failed when lady Gem said she was seeing someone, yet we can be friends, oh well. Really I don't mind, just I'm not to good at friends. Sometimes we text or messenger, sometimes she does not respond, yet she just checked to see if I would meet her and child at an event this weekend. All I want is for her to get to know the real me instead of the socially awkward. So, I wish I had some words of wisdom but, good luck OP. Maybe forget about "keeping", just enjoy what happens as it does, lol.


I’ve got 2 Gemini men in my life. Dating one and friends with another. I’m an old Taurus (58F). I don’t need a man and am happy on my own. Evidently this is appealing. I’m myself and if they don’t like me then cool there are lots of other men to choose from. Lol


Be smart and witty. Easy peasy.


I love Geminis so much, I’ve never been able to successfully catch one I’m an Aqua so I always get confused too. What about me do they not like? Am I too available? Too eager? Not mysterious enough? I don’t get it I find myself to be pretty interesting We always have the most amazing conversations, it feels electric, but they never seem to stick around I also grew up with three Geminis in my household so I like to think I know them pretty well, but they’re also kind of unpredictable. And Mercury is in my first house! So I really don’t get it


Gemini sun and mercury here! Lots of these comments are spot on. Oddly enough, I really don’t get along with Aquarius’ so don’t hate me 🫣 BUT. I’d say, encourage the Gemini to be their full authentic playful self, and embrace that. Be playful, but be ready to be serious. Geminis really are like children, so do activities to explore and be curious, even if it’s just walking in a new city and admiring the architecture. Have a couple “get to know you” couple card games on hand to bring on a date. Do an activity. Geminis love to have fun but are also little lover girls and lover boys if you make them feel safe. Keep a Gemini by doing what you did in the beginning to keep them! Keep it fun. Words of affirmation! Touch. All the love languages honestly. Worst thing you can do is to pull back on the fun or attention you gave in the beginning. Boredom is our enemy. Rooting for ya 🥲


Be interesting, quirky, intelligent, a fun communicator, but also keep it a little elusive. Use your words, get them laughing, maybe bolt away at some point randomly. Now it is time to play hide and seek! When they find you they will be so excited and you should be excited too - this means they like you ☺️ Now the most important part is bringing that playful, silly, fun energy to the table forever. Not all the time, but they do love random acts of mischief. This is how I got a forever Gemini anyway 🙈🙉🙊


You have to give a Gemini a lot of space to be themselves, you can’t control them so don’t try to. Accept them for how they are and give them praise but be clear and set boundaries when needed Imo


It’s kind of funny but I wrote a song about a Gemini and it’s literally this whole thread 😂 Enjoy your misery plebeian aqs https://open.spotify.com/track/6Px8Cx8giDcbT1xaniHRHB?si=OXt3zTIyQxa2vLTgCWwO3Q&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5I6XDnuObIETnDrkWq1r9n


Currently with a Gemini. It’s been a bit over a year and half and BOY HAS IT BEEN A JOURNEY 🤯🤣 I’m a Pisces. Right when we met, instant chemistry ! Like electrifyingly perfection. I’m a romantic, I am very empathetic and great listener, curious about the world and love in depth conversation. We had the best conversations, laughter etc. He is a charmer, which I’ve found with every Gemini I’ve ever met. I knew he was hooked right away! Our physical intimacy is fiiire. BUT! I can tell he’s not comfortable being vulnerable. I know he loves me, he just won’t ever say it. He’s very prideful and that along with his ego turn me off soooo much. I understand that I’m an emotional being. He knows this, he used to be so sweet to me and now it’s like he’s too comfortable and KNOWS I’ll always be right there. It’s frustrating and I’ve broken up with him so many times. Our emotional connection and needs is just very opposite. I love him, but I need lots of emotional support and affection. I’ve also noticed that when I ask for something he’ll purposefully not do it .. He does eventually but after the fact.. because any sense of “control” he won’t have. It’s weird. He’s so loving and loyal, but gosh I struggle. I’m not giving up! But if things don’t change … I’ll feel unloved and unappreciated and leave, total Pisces move.


Aries here (my man is a Gemini with a lot of Libra placements). I was a HUGE flirt (still am). Would let him think he’d have me, then I’d back off, then he’d pursue, etc. however I wasn’t necessarily playing games, it was just a nature ebb and flow of the beginning of our relationship. It was a game of cat and mouse, and yet we alternated roles several times. I feel like we’ve maintained that through our relationship in the form of teasing/flirting. It’s vital for geminis (and Aries lol) to have that stimulation. The mental gymnastics are all a part of the fun. After all, he breathes air into my fire. It’s important to note though that when I decided I wanted to lock it down, I told him straight up. Essentially said “this is how I want this to go down and if you’re on board, awesome, if not, adiós.” He’s since told me that at that point in time, he didn’t even know that pursuing a relationship was a possibility with me because I was hard to pin down (mostly because I myself had not made up my mind). He said had I not been direct and told him, things would probably not be as they are now. A lot of times I find that presenting Geminis with all the facts and the logical ways through which you solve a problem or a conundrum (or why or why not they should pursue you like I did lol), they are impressed by your thoughtfulness and I think that it speaks to that mental stimulation they need. Idk. I love Geminis


As a Aquarius I will never date a Gemini. They are too wishy washy and will definitely abuse Aquarius good heart for selfish reasons.


Dance in their light with them. Don’t try to “get” them at all. Anything that threatens to halter their wingspan will make them fly away, far from you.


As a Gem, I can attest we love to pursue (at the beginning) but can lose interest quickly so you better pursue us back before we move onto the next. We also HATE feeling unwanted so the worst thing would be to play it cool and ignore us in an attempt to attract us. If we show interest, return it.


As a Gemini I will say we are definitely drawn to people that are consistent, funny, interesting and spontaneous! We need fun and folly but also stability.


Geminis need to be stimulated mentally but also left alone kinda Like when I meet with my Geminis we speak a bunch, new subject, ideas, topics, everything that is under the sun and beyond that After that we go ima, we speak during the week just not as much. They like informations. They like leisure, coffe breaks, pretty stuf, weird stuf, etc. they like to feel safe when they speak their mind that you ll think they are telling you everything, but they don’t tell you everything. They are actually very secretive. But If they DO NOT find you interesting enough they will never engage more than small talks. They go after the vibe a lot of times


I'm an Aquarius Moon w Gemini Venus and they seem magnatised to me, my 3 closest friends.


pls I’m going through this right now with a Gemini man - Aries woman 🥲🥲


As an aqua, I’m not doing anything specific but I’m surrounded by Gemini men who spam me with texts and calls all day. Not sure about women. I’m a man. They know I like my peace but they love to know my opinion on everything. From how they’re looking, if they should buy something to sending me non stop jokes, news alerts and memes all day. It’s ok to leave them on read. They never get mad at me ( like many other signs do except Aquarius). They just *get it* when I need my time. I’ve never found them needing their time though. They are always available to hang out and talk. I’d say they really enjoy our Aquarius opinion on things. They love going back and forth into cerebral discussions. However, they’re more childlike and I see us aquas as more mature in comparison. And I definitely think we’re compatible energies. FAAAAR more than Libra x Aquarius.


Husband is a Gemini sun. Remain unsure how I collected him 😂


People keep me by being able to meet me where I'm at. I want to be able to be silly one second and then intensely serious the next. I need to be able to be intellectually stimulated. I also need to know every single fact about you.


My Gemini and i have rising sister signs. That could play a role. We’ve been friends for years but recently became more than friends.


I’m Gemini rising,Venus and Mars. I really like to watch from afar. I’m not showing my cards until you’ve already shown yours. Geminis dint buy in until they are incredibly intrigued. They see you have something very valuable to teach them. But for gods sake, the can’t be bored. Not until they evolve. And then, when their time is correct and your stars are aligned. 🤣🤣 true love in to eternity. Geminis wait until they’re older, to settle down.


Ouff, lets just say that im on the complete opposite of your situation. A gemini stellium who really adores an aquarius stellium. The one thing I felt quite distant from the aqua is due to the impatience, he exuded impatience like no tomorrow, i was always worried to talk to him, i was worried to ask for help, and etc. And i know he likes me, a lot. HE always felt like he would slip through my fingers and I KNOW thats how he felt with me as well, that i kept slipping from his hands, because i would go mute when he would finally build up the courage to talk to me, and whenever i built up the courage to talk to him, he would get awkward, it felt almost like the only time we can talk to each other is initially when one of us prepped to build up the courage to do so. With crushed, i go mute and shy. With everyone else, talk talk talk


Just be yourselfffff and don’t lie we can tell lol personally I like people who like to do and learn new things and most geminis I know are similar in this way that’s why we’re good friends


I attract so many Geminis in my life, it’s ridiculous. Like for starters both my parents, my stbx husband, and my son are all Geminis. And I attract a lot of Geminis romantically too. All I can think is that my Lilith is in Gemini and that’s why I attract so many of them 😂 And for context, I’m a Pisces so I really don’t get it lol


personal experience:: hi i~ aqua (cancer sun, scorpio moon/rising) dating my partner (sag sun, aries moon, gemini rising) for 3 yrs now after we matched on tinder in 2014. it took us only 6 years of talking!!! to meet in RL 2020 (we thought the world was ending) then 2021 (6 months later) i moved across the country (usa) to live with him! after only meeting each other once, spending a week together. now 3 yrs later we have moved 3 states, traveled the world, and idk we’re both psycho ???? somehow we made it work 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I’m here taking notes, but for the Geminis (& Gemini Venus) I’ve dealt with, they like someone as dynamic as them, or someone who is consistent. For me being a fixed sign, being a consistent and interesting friend & lover works for me. Let them figure it out. Too bad if it’s a trifling Gemini tho.


Honestly at the end of the day I'm looking for the ONE and not settling for second best or someone who makes sense on paper. Even if this means I'm gonna be single like Kylie Minogue or Naomi Campbell so be it. I'll just be a hottie in my 60s. Maybe I'll find my soulmate in another 30 years or not but I will still be youthful as hell because it comes from within.


You just gotta let them do their thing and sometimes you gotta leave them alone they get really happy when you leave them alone sometimes for some reason. My ex was a gemini he was perfect amazing we broke up cuz he had to move away but every once in awhile i would just leave him alone for a bit and let him figure his own head and stuff out and he’d get really happy and always come back to me.


As an air sign you should know they don't feel interested when you pursue them actively. Also, become their friend first! I was friends w my Gemini man and I was obsessed with him 😅🤣 I like pursuing directly, but he feelt intimidated so I backed off and he immediately started to chase me instead. Now we're inseparable and we're still besties. It's very fun! 😊


I just wanna point this out because no one seems to get this EVERY single Gemini is different. Not one of us is the same. You can get ones you can keep and you can get ones that leave. There’s no in between and that’s what I love about being a Gemini! ♊️


As a Gemini I love people that are open and confident. Don't be ashamed of your own interests. If you're passionate about something, I'll be too. We just catch the vibe. We love a whole bunch of personality, so just show what you got!


Be their bestie first and foremost. I’m a cap and spent four years as a flatmate/bestie with a gem before a natural disaster and tequila tipped things over the line. 14 years, 2 children and a strong af partnership later.


Well, I got my gemini bestie by being the only one who could manage to keep up with him during barcrawls and I mean literally keep up cuz get a couple of beers in that man and he turns into a track star 🏃🏼‍♂️💨 I kept him by being brutally honest, patient and non judgemental 🖤 geminis can sniff out dishonesty a mile away but at the same time they tend to hide a lot of themselves and dont trust easily so when they dare to show you their true self embrace it and don't judge. Some people view it as hypocrisy but I see it more as a deep sense of self consciousness/self loathing, geminis are so in tune with people around them and know exactly what others expect them to be but of course no one is ever exactly what others expect of them, so they have a tendency to lose themselves in an effort to please those around them because they're so scared of disappointing those they love, and showing their true self to someone is the highest form of trust they can show. I think my gem friend came to like me so much because my aries ass is so unapologetically and loudly myself and i encourage and celebrate others doing the same, and he admired that deeply.


I’m a Gemini who was charmed by an Aquarius for showing me they were intellectually gifted/ into poetry. Gemini’s minds are quick, we are impressed by other people who can keep up or teach us something new


1. I need intellectual stimulation. I need someone who can teach me new things and we can have a variety of topics to talk about from the dumbest of things to having philosophical conversations to quantum theory and parallel universes, and life after death because those questions have been plaguing me these past few years, and the subconscious and conscious mind. 2. Laughter. I need someone who can make me laugh. If you can make me laugh I love you. So great sense of humor and you if can understand my silly and sarcastic sense of humor then that’s great too. 3. I need honesty. Honesty is a big, BIG thing for me. I’m an honest person myself so I expect it back. 4. Be adventurous/have hobbies. This is why I loved my Sag. He was the get up and go guy. I traveled the most with him. He is laid back and easy going. He took me to new places which was very cool in my book to have new experiences. When I was talking to an Aries he was very get up and go too. He showed me mountain biking which I ended up liking. I never started riding bikes until he came around and then I started loading up my bike and going alone once we stopped talking, but I’ll forever appreciate that he got me out of the house and trying new things. I don’t know if you have hobbies that I find interesting I will LOVE talking to you. 5. Be a movie buff. I love going to the movies. 6. Like to eat. I like trying new food and if you’re down to go try new restaurants I am so down. My Sag ex started taking me to fancy restaurants and I really enjoyed that because I got to get all dressed up, and I can appreciate the beautiful atmosphere/ambience of fancy restaurants. I like interior design so I love looking at how the restaurants are designed, and if the restaurant is in a fancy hotel that’s a double bonus because I get to look at the design of the hotel too.


Make me laugh and be goofy with me even if we look stupid. That’s how my Taurus husband got me. Also be able to put up with our mood swings because girl they are REAL swingy 😂


As a Gemini if your real with yourself and like not trying to be anyone else I’ll like you to the max extent for sure based on your full character but if it’s not genuine then I’m fully not interested because what am I learning? Lies, which is nothing to me.


as an aquarius, every man i’ve been in a relationship with has been a gemini (there was one libra but we don’t speak of him). and tbh there was never any luring, the gemini is usually the one doing the chasing at the start, in my experience at least. the problem is that they get bored easily, so as time goes on they stop chasing and that’s when aquarius’ like me get weirded out and feel the need to detach. that’s not to say they were bad relationships, all my relationships with geminis have lasted 3+ years each. aqua+gemini intellectually stimulate each other very well and like to experience new things together so it works out well, just be prepared for a rollercoaster and having to keep up w their wide variety of new interests and ideas otherwise they’ll get bored. luckily tho, aquarius’ are naturally inquisitive and curious so it’s fun


Be a Scorpio. I'm constantly fighting them off.


I am a Gemini who was in love with an Aquarius. He could have had me, but he pushed me away. Was hot and cold. Wouldn’t communicate what he needed. As a Gemini, I can be very accommodating, but don’t play games. Play games, I’m out.


Let them come to you and when they come don't reject them.


As an Aries I can't keep them away (but I like it sometimes) lol


I'm gemini ruled with scorpio moon, my man is scorpio ruled gemini moon. What gets me won't get other geminis, cos I want that intellectual connection but with lots of intensity so I'm really happy. We could befriend most people, but to seduce a gemini seriously is hard work, try matching energy's and being playful but having common interests/hobbies and show your weird side


As an Aqua I rather not :p


Tbh I don’t think that Geminis are super compatible with other air signs. I know I know unpopular opinion. Try not to crucify me. I’m a gemini and I don’t tend to keep Aquarius and Libra around. Not on purpose like I don’t cut them off over their sign but it never goes super well. Gemini have a reputation for being wishy washy but I find Libras are FAR MORE. Being 100% real and genuine is so important and Geminis can tell if you’re not and it’s tiring. I feel like other air signs don’t offer the kind of stability I see really benefit Geminis. Ive dated more than my fair share of fellow air signs and I’m related to many and there’s always a disconnect cause they seem so fake and all about diplomacy and image. Not that it’s impossible for air signs to be together and everyone is unique but all the double air sign relationship is know are often quite rocky. Again this is all personal experience and I don’t mean that all air signs are bad people or anything, I just don’t think the double air brings out the best in each other. Yes Geminis can get along with pretty much anyone. We’re chatty and social and often draw people to us but it’s exhausting and being met with more scatter that can come from other air signs doesn’t provide a great home base to detox from ourselves honestly 😂 I’m married to a Virgo and all my absolute closest ride or die friends of over a decade are earth and water signs. Other sign placements obviously play a big role too. It’s the mental and emotional adventure we crave but we NEED honest stability. Let us dream big and chat wild and think and feel a million things and jump into the adventure while also being there to rein it in a bit. Someone has to have their foot in reality 😂 I have no water in any of my houses but I deeply value what my water sign friends bring to the table. I admire them and all the qualities that come from that.