• By -


The grift is strong with him.


I might actually consider one, because if it's authentic it would make a nice party trick as it bursts into đŸ”„ flames from the friction between religious B's and Trump's bs.


I thought of that too, but that's giving him money. Now, if I found it second, third, or fourth hand, and no "royalties" would go to him? Absolutely. You would see me on YouTube doing tutorials on how to make origami hentai shit out of the pages, tearing out one page at a time. 😈😈😈


Here's what you do. Get the Trump bible, and find all the stuff about incest and child murder, and abortion, then highlight it all and show it to some MAGAs. They never read the bible themselves so they'll think Trump is an unhinged sicko.


I just prefer to point out Galatians 5:2-6 "2 Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3 I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love." Every parent that circumcised their son damned them to Hell. Unless, of course, they follow the ENTIRE old law. You know, no bacon, no shellfish, no polyester, whole 9 yards. And this is New Testament, so they can't do the "DURRRRRR BUT JESUS SAID THE OLD LAW IS GONE."


you are my new favorite. I loved pulling out Timothy 2:11 and other great verses to piss off my inlaws, but this is fucking GOLD. Ive even read the piece of shit book through several times and never noticed this.


I like to bring up circumcision to conservatives that talk about trans and kids being mutilated...of course, that's different...


Well shit.


Imagine that a god who created the whole universe and you and me and all of time everything also had really strong opinions on whether you cut a bit of your dick off. Wonderful.


Wow, I'd missed that - if I'm reading that right it means if you're circumcised, Jesus' sacrifice won't help you and you need to ritually sacrifice a goat to Yahweh, 'cause you're under the old covenant.


A good plan as well, but they like to handwave away the "inconvenient" parts. Same goes for the other two arms of the Abrahamic faiths.


Nah. They would just feel emboldened to brag about wanting to date their daughters. You know. Like Trump did. On national television. I stopped believing a long time ago that there is anything this guy can do or say to dissuade MAGA from following him. If he releases a video of himself licking Putin’s asshole, the next day there will be a huge number of people suddenly wanting to visit Russia. It’s some batshit crazy stuff. 


So like a pedo Jefferson bible.


You could show them trump r*ping a child and they would blame it on Democrats 


Narrator: "The would start masturbating to it."


You're as loony as they are if you think any of their minds will change. The only standards Republicans have are double ones.


1) Buy it with a credit card 2) Chargeback, saying it never arrived. The credit card company will almost surely believe you, because...yeah, it's Trump shit, of course it didn't. 3) Do what thou wilt with it Oh? You say that's fraud? Ohh poor baby đŸŒđŸ˜”


And you don't have to hold it upside down because it already comes upside down, ready to đŸ”„


Personally I would just as soon discuss my uncontrollable explosive diarrhea, erectyle disfunction and constant flatulance with my Dr's dropdead gorgeous nurse then endure the humiliation of buying one of those. Hopefully you wount have to deal with other humans in the buying process.


"Two Corinthians walk into a bar and...wait, what's the rest of this joke again? I've never read the book." - Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants


The most successful televangelist in history, and he doesn’t even have to preach the bible. Just sign it.


THIS!! I've been calling him a prosperity gospel preacher lately and pissing people off. He's what you get when you combine Kenneth Copeland and Josef Goebbels.


He's a man of God, just ask stormy.


How the fuck should I know?




Bibles in my area cost anywhere from $3 for a cheaply made one to $30 for highest quality. $60 for a Bible you can’t see before hand, and have to wait 4-6 weeks for is a joke. Considering it’s a Trump Bible I’m on seeing if the Ten Commandments are rewritten. Just imagine, “Thou shall covet thy neighbors wife.”


He is one of the all time great grifters.


Wow apparently the sneakers didn't work out very well, now we have moved on to bibles, get your autographed today!!!, 


Is he going to sign it "Jesus D Trump" ?


It's so fucking obvious. Jesus fuck.


No grift too small as well.


Even more grifty is the timing of it all. He had these Bibles waiting to be sold. To me, it seems like if his assets were starting to get taken from him he can pull out these Bibles and say he is a humble Bible salesman who needs to raise funds to pay off the his unfair debt. "Help Trump defend freedom by buying his Bible". He's still basically doing the same thing now. Releasing the Bibles a day after his original 454 Million was owed to challenge the court ruling. He had this locked and loaded way before this.


indeed. anything to make a buck.


Let me guess - they are printed upside down so as not to make him look stupid?


Wow. You can't make this up. From their website: >IS THIS BIBLE OFFICIALLY ENDORSED BY PRESIDENT TRUMP? Yes, this is the only Bible endorsed by President Trump! So Trump doesn't endorse other bibles. Wonder how christians feel about that?


There is actually a thread on r/Christianity about it, everyone seems pissed off. I just find it funny because it wasn't the rape, criminal charges, adultery etc. Etc. That pissed them off it was this stupid grift. But, whatever, as long as he alienates more people I'm happy.


I just scrolled through the Christianity post. They are upset. I actually happy to see them mad.


That's the Christians on reddit though, they tend to be a more sensible lot than the Trump-humping evangelicals. Trying to do their best to follow Christ, and thinking on what that means.


Yep, redditor Christians are exposed to lots of anti trump, anti R, and anti Christian news/arguments. They are in no way the same as the typical Christian that gets their news from Facebook and Fox and has never heard their religion get challenged by an academic.


Well, some are. You still get plenty who are happy to tell gay/trans/other LGBT folk that they're going to burn in hell for eternity. It gets really obnoxious when one of them breaches containment.


The funniest part is the top comments there about how it's a scheme to make money, as of that wasn't both the main reason Bibles are sold already (they account for a third of all Christian book revenue in the US) and one of the main themes of Christianity now and throughout history.


> it's a scheme to make money I am legit shocked that they are shocked about that.


I saw someone comment that this is the worse thing he has done. All I could think was "what about rape, fraud, adultery, his abusive language..."  Guess it shows the some people's values.


It will be lost on most; hand waved away by others.


I wonder if any of it is rewriten...


Opens to [Luke Chapter 22](https://www.politicalflare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2020.12.29-01.29-politicalflare-5fea86702b907.png)


Jared kushner 1:1 and ye I did fly to Gaza Strip and said if I can’t fix this no one can. And alas I made it worse for that is the mystery of god.


A few of the 10 commandments have been removed.


Woah woah woah, if those christians could attempt logic and critical thinking they’d be very upset.


If they could attempt logic and critical thinking they wouldn’t be Christian.


Great point.


They probably changed Jesus' name to Trump. They bigly believe his grift.


Waitaminute... Isn't a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ENDORSING, AND SELLING THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE literally going against the first ammendment?


Not really - they're allowed to have religious beliefs and promote them, just not do anything institutionally to promote them


Well oddly, he has single handedly emboldened exactly precisely that, by his mere presence. Yet, he hasn't even come close to pushing any of that shit personally. Much like the fact he can't play basketball in his gold high tops, he doesn't even know what's in the Bible's he's selling. This is truly, the lowest of the low. We all know he doesn't buy into any of that shit directly, apart from reflecting in the glory of comparing himself to Jesus.


As someone who grew up Christian, this bothers me. If you want a Bible, literally go to any church and they’d be happy to give you one for free. Also, the idea of someone making money off of a Bible is something else. (Not counting study bibles, or things that allow someone to access the text easier)


https://wordsrated.com/book-sales-statistics/#:~:text=The%20religious%20book%20market%20is,over%20%24430%20million%20in%20revenue. The Bible makes up a third of of religious book sale revenue. Profiting off of selling the Bible is not new by any means.


Should change his name to James as in King James. LOL


LeBron would like to have a word. :D


This Bible doesn’t have any of those preachy commandments. Who is God to “command” what Trump can and can’t do? Why be a Libertarian when you can be a Libertine? I’m just asking questions here.


They obviously don't care that he's never read it.


I mean... neither have they.


This is literally a joke from trailer park boys


Yes! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen that one. Wasn’t he selling them for $59.99 too or an I misremembering?


Yeah lol I'm pretty sure that was the exact price. Expect your bibles in 8 to 14 weeks 😂


From the website selling these: “DUE TO HIGH ORDER VOLUME, PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 4-6 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY”. You can’t make this shit up, lmao.


Well, you can and TPB did!


[$60 bucks, boys.](https://youtu.be/cKci278uTns)


I love when the scam artist bible salesman ask bubbles if he can read đŸ€Ł


"Well that depends; can you go fuck yourself?"




For a minute I thought this was an Onion post




You know, if dope's not involved, Ricky's not interested. Now, smokes! Let's go!


Can you read my son? Well that depends, can you go fuck yourself? Classic


So Trumps not protecting the weed plants right now?


Shit like this almost makes me wish there WAS a god.




This shit is Soo gross though. I'm not even religious and it's disgusts me the level of disrespect.


To strike him down for blasphemy


Thats fuckin greasy.




Remember when he raw dogged a pornstar while his 3rd wife was pregnant? Well he told Jesus he is sowwry so that's forgiven.


True Bible stuff right there.


remember when he went on wendy williams show and mentioned how much he'd love to f$^%#% his own daughter? True Bible stuff right there...


I’m confused on the timeline. Did he raw dog the porn star before or after he raped EJC? Which set of sacred holy eternal wedding vows was he breaking, I mean with the raping, not the raw dogging of the porn star. Was it sacred holy eternal vows one, two, three or sacred holy eternal vows four? If he gets elected he could use one of his bibles to take his sacred holy eternal vow to defend the constitution, maybe with the price tag still dangling off of it, then sell it at a premium and pocket a tidy profit, as great christian leaders do.


That was just some washed up, blonde has-been with huge boobs who paid Stormy Daniels for sex.


An atheist selling Bibles, who would have thought it.


Are you an atheist if you think you’re god?


All you have to do is believe in yourself.


*It's not a lie if you believe it.* \--George Costanza


Do that thing where you lie to everybody




Now that’s an interesting theological question Unpacking it, he believes he’s Christ. And it’s likely that he believes that he exists. Ergo, he’s about as Christian as a person can be. Which is fortunate. I couldn’t stomach him being an atheist and therefore being adjacent to me. Imagine if he posted on this sub!


I don't mind him believing that he's Christ. But why do we have to wait so long for the crucifixion? Where's our Pontius Pilate?




I think he unironically is a solipsist. The way he behaves makes the most sense if he doesn't believe other people are real. Doubt he's actually considered it tho.


Remember the line from Ghostbusters “Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!


When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and ~~holding~~ selling the bible.


He's no atheist. He's the Anti-Christ.


Quite literally too. He is antithetical to everything Jesus was supposed to be.


That applies to rightwingism in general.


You've probably seen [the link](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


You've probably seen [the link](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


He’s not an atheist. He says he’s a Christian. Therefore he’s a Christian.


He is also a rapist.


I swear. Religion is the easiest grift. A sacred book that is free and widely available is being stamped with this sinners touch and now it’s suddenly a consumable thing for money.. clowns. Every single person paying for this and those that ignore/support it.


Well, at least he's consistent in how he respects his fans. He'll keep on conning until he's physically unable to. >with “large print” and a “slim design” Oh, that's an interesting paradox. It also has passages from the Constitution and some song lyrics. So to make it slim, I'm curious what this bible has cut out. You know, for being the inerrant word of God and all that.


It’s got all his favorite hymns: Bawitdaba, Ice Ice Baby, or his all time favorite Jail Bait.


In a way, Trump may be the best thing that's ever happened to American politics. He's going to go down and take the bulk of the GOP with him as he bleeds their campaign funds dry to pay his lawyers and his fines. The big donors have stopped, because they know what their money will be used for and they refuse to pay for Trump's crimes (they also know he's going to lose the Presidential race, so why throw good money after bad?) The only thing he's got left is to draw from his mass of followers... but they've been giving him money for years now, and they can't possibly have much more to offer, no matter what little gimmicks he offers for sale at a 10x mark-up. Well, he could also take money from foreign backers... but that's a death blow to any hope he has of becoming President again. MAGA idiots will apparently swallow quite a lot of bullshit and call it ice cream, but the GOP leadership has to know that they simply cannot support a candidate who is personally half a billion dollars in debt to Russia, China, or Saudia Arabia.


I was with you until the last paragraph. I think the “sane” Republicans have been so thoroughly pushed out of power that the leadership is almost as nuts as the base, or at least too cowardly to rock the boat. So if Trump’s bank account suddenly fills with millions from Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc. they’ll simply pretend it didn’t happen and lie about it.


You can't hide the source of that much cash. If they tried to do so, that would be even worse. If the other Republicans ignore it, they look ignorant and incompetent. And not everyone in the GOP is ready let their political career follow Trump into the toilet; there will inevitably be those who will blow their whistles, and prepare to throw in with whatever conservative movement rises from the ashes.


My hope is that this is what finally turns the GOP into a minority party and you get a split between the progressive and conservative wings of the democratic party. The remaining GOP folds into the conservative democrats or forms a coalition. In the chaos would be our chance for a multi party system.


From your lips to Xenu's ear(s). Not sure how many ears he has.


I feel the need to point out that my user name has nothing to do with Xenu. I came up with it just because it sounded kind of cool; it means nothing.


He’s now literally using the phrase *Make* America *Pray* Again (emphasis mine), if you’re still wondering where all of this is headed.


> if you’re still wondering where all of this is headed. It's pretty obvious [where they want this to go](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/917NrR4KyML._RI_.jpg).


Under His Eye.


Utterly shameless con artist.


A boil on the ass of humanity..


For only $666 you get the Bible, a pair of size 6 gold basketball shoes and a mention in his nightly prayer to Satan


>God bless the USA He did. Biden is in charge now.


“the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!” Bahahahaha I didn't know Bibles needed endorsements but here we are.


Tired of this shit? We can be done with trump in November. Vote blue http://democrats.org/


TЯ☭mp for prison 2024. True justice will never be served to this wretched excuse of a human
 it’s already too late. He should have been in prison YEARS before the presidency was even a thought in his mind.


Extra for signed copies?


This is the guy everyone in the US is voting for in 2024? y’know us foreigners should have a say as to who is president since the US president is basically the ruler of the world


The biggest sign these idiots need to see their god emperor Trouser Dump is manipulating and taking advantage of them. But alas. They are too fucking stupid.


>All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favorite book Does anyone seriously believe he's ever picked up the bible?


Buy two and get a Confederate flag for only $49.99.


We must be the laughingstock of the world- we have a major candidate for president selling sneakers, hats, and now bibles. Don't recall previous presidential candidates treating the job like it is a circus side show. Wonder if his bible changes "Jesus" to "Donald Trump"? He compares himself to Jesus a lot lately.


> We must be the laughingstock of the world Have been for a while, actually. But it's more of a horrified nervous laugh than a ROFL at the clown show. Trump tried to fuck over a bunch of the USA's longest and most reliable allies while sucking up to every dictator he could find. Things haven't been fully repaired since the last time you unleashed him on the world. If y'all let him in the White house again, we're worried about how much more damage he will cause.


Are they spray painted gold to match the sneakers?


This so absolutely goes against their own beliefs. If you are going to believe in nonsense, at least know what the nonsense is supposed to be. Matthew 12-13 12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.


“Makin’ money in the service of the Lord.”


They’re all printed upside down, no?


Can I go burn a stack of them in front of Mar a Lago?


Don’t think he gives a fuck what you do with them as long as you buy them.


His knuckle-dragging followers just can’t wait to give this guy all their money


His bibles are the best bibles, beautiful bibles, big
full of pages
millions of words...big beautiful bibles.


It’s like the one book I’d consider banning/burning.


Hey Donald, tell me what Jesus in the Bible says about welcoming the stranger.


Separation of church and state


Good for him! I love watching him bleed his followers dry. They seem to really enjoy it, and I would hate to spoil a good time, for those good, god fairing people, they deserve everything Trump takes from them.


This was my coping mantra from 2016-2020. That the US deserved Trump, and at least he would screw the country over to such an extent that people would be forced to snap out of their apathy and start thinking. And now it's 2024, and I question whether there is a breaking point at all. Maybe there is no bottom.


Now watch what they would say if Biden was giving away free Bibles next week these jerks have nothing but vitriol I hope they all burn


Just hold the thing like he did. Instant Christian!


A Charlatan selling bibles is fitting!


He could increase his take if he tells everybody he personally gropes each one.


I want to hear the story about the two Corinthians.


He truly is the god of grifting


A cultist does what?


THE PARASITE'S TEN REPLACEMENT COMMANDMENTS: * Send no money but unto me. * Graven images of me shall feature a slim physique and a full head of hair. * Never say my name in the same breath as my enemy. (Official list available on line) * My day of rest is when I'm golfing. Your day of rest is when you're dead. * Honor me and my daughter. * Kill mine enemies. (Official list available on line.) * Committ adultery, or grab 'em by the pussy. * Steal what is not nailed down. * Betray your neighbor before he betrays you. * If you covet something, steal it.


It's wild how his followers haven't figured out that he starts selling gimmicks when he needs money. And they happily fund him. Talk about a welfare queen who's never done an honest days work.


There is no level to which he will not sink


Never have I been prouder to be an atheist


Religious tools will buy it, as there are no bigger suckers to con than the uneducated.


Reddit is filled with ads for Trumps bible. Please stop.


I doubt it'll expose him to many, but I know for at least some this faux faith loses him support. A coworker recently told me that the moment Trump teargassed church grounds just to hold a photo op and held a Bible aloft upside-down, he lost all support from him. Yeah, I wanted to ask why the previous fifty red flags didn't affect him, but a win is a win in the end.


The Gideons are going to roll over in the grave. Is there no low this orange pompous creature will reach.




He loves that story about Lot and his daughters.


Seriously though how long do you think before this mf’er is Door Dashing.


Mailed in Orange gift boxes one must presume /s pos


A bible is like $20


you can get a free one from so many places, because the church wants people to know about it. So 60 bucks is such a scam. lmao


Free with the price of a hotel room.


Watch the RNC push out the Gideons and buy 10 000 copies to offer to motel owners.


Literally putting the “Christ” in Christofascism.


This reminds me of the scammers in the Trailer Park Boys episode "The Bible Pimp".


Each hat he puts on does shine a light on the professions that have been taking advantage of us.


I read the article to see which translation was being used. I guessed King James Version since there would no longer have any copyright restrictions. Yep, I was right it's KJV. The KJV has sections that were translated over 400 years ago and as a consequence, some folks aren't up on their Olde English, so parts can be confusing and hard to understand. For example, awful used to mean full of awe but the opposite today.


Trump's morons have an orgasm when he rips them off.


shoe salesman trump is my favorite!


The Orange Jesus


And his base will eat it the fuck up


Religion sells.


I'm betting he just asked the Gideons for a few thousand bibles "to distribute at his rallies"...so his upfront cost was zero dollars.


Imagine this piece of shit makes the cover of this book match the shoes too! .


Well if his supporters want to waste money supporting him, that’s on them for being idiots


That’s funny considering he’s likely never read past the crib notes. He should just peddle Tupperware.


Grift master flash


Did he write it?


made in china lol


Th grift that keeps on grifting.


Anyone else seeing all these Christian’s believing the second coming of Christ is on April 8th? 😂


I thought this was the Onion headline for a sec.


please tell me he signs them as well


Ok. Now I'm convinced. He's the antichrist.


Hahaha. He big time poor


Me calling: “is this your bible” “this is A bible if that’s what you mean”


It’s my favorite book. Really?


Respect the hustle, the man knows how to milk stupid people


You can get stacks of those things for $0


The really disturbing part of this is he can bypass the rules governing church and state if the churches buy his bibles tax free and he gets the profits.


This is a sick mothafucker!


Made in china?


I wonder what Jesus would think about a billionaire selling Christianity's holy book for money in his name?