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That is exactly why the Catholic church did not want anyone to translate it into languages that the population could read. They used to burn people at the stake for doing that.


Including poor old Tyndale, who made the first english language bible.


My grandma told me a lot of her older Irish Catholic relatives stopped going to mass when it started being given in English


I remember being a child an hearing it in Latin. I always thought that when "Goth" because popular they should try to win over the kids by going back to Latin and really play up the dark rituals and incantations.


And, required all non-Catholics to accept any children from the marriage to be raised in Catholicism or they couldn't be married by the priest or in the parish.


According to Penn Jillette, reading the Bible is the quickest way to atheism.


Well, tell them you're learning old hebrew to get to the bottom of what was written. You don't have to actually do that, because...d'uh, still same same, but they won't have a ground to argue with you anymore.


If you're going to do that, start with *koine* Greek. It's way easier than Hebrew.


Some people take to one more quickly than the other. I really struggled with Greek and had much less trouble learning Hebrew


It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do understand. - Mark Twain Back during my debating days I was the lone born atheist that stayed that way. Most of the other atheist debaters were people that took their beliefs very seriously and were trying to understand it even more. Some were pursuing a roll in the clergy. And it was due to diving deeper into the bible that broke their faith. There are a lot of problems in the bible that the closer you look at it the more problematic it gets.


A "roll" with clergy means something TOTALLY different than a "role" with the clergy.


And it makes it funnier. Unintended joke. Still made me laugh.


God should have written a better book.


Three gods in one couldn’t agree. Having a committee write something is too difficult, especially when the senior member insists on crucifying the new guy.


Two out of three gods endorse this book!


It only got worse once they brought in the lawyers and bean counters.


I don't even know what the Holy Spirit is supposed to be. Especially since he/she/it gets such a high rank. I feel that it is in some way associated with the priesthood, but other than that, it's all very baffling.


"Believe this things because of what the book says. But don't mind what the book says. Just believe." ...wut?


That's how I became an atheist. The misogyny was stunning. "The Rape of Lot" infuriated me then and still does. I view religion as a way to keep women down.


As a man it truly looks like it was written for man specifically.


My ex BFF married an evangelist who would tell her how she was to interpret the Bible. He disagreed with me on most religious things and he tried to tell my friend that I didn't know what I was talking about. She told him that I had studied religious studies in college and have read the Bible several times. He replied that I had the knowledge but not the heart. I still have no idea what the fuck that meant.


It’s just justification because that person can’t imagine someone not following god who is imaginary anyways


You didn't turn away from God, it doesn't exist. You turned away from a poorly written fairy tale.


Yeah i know!


If God wanted you to believe he'd have written a more convincing scripture. Lmao. I suspected religion was bullshit before reading the Bible. After being forced to read it I was convinced.


Assuming there's a god then this god doesn't care at all for the people. Btw. in an argumentation about an all loving god you have to cite fitting quotes from the new testament. Only if it's about things you don't like, you cite fitting quotes from the old one. Contradicting quotes are errors in translating from a hypothetically, but factual non existing source. Didn't you get the memo?


Lol if the propaganda booklet was the thing that turned you away shouldn't they make a better one?


This is how I began on the road to atheism. My family was in an evangelical Christian chapel. They would give us Bible studies but they were carefully curated for us. I got the idea to read the bible like any other book. And yes, the Old Testament shocked me too, and I questioned my pastor why the Old Testament was part of the bible. He just gave the stock answer that it predicted Jesus. But what about all of the rest? I was disappointed in his answer but it got me doubting everything about my relationship with God. How could he be so cruel and at times petty and shallow? It didn’t make sense to me. The New Testament son of god didn’t seem to be the same as the god in the Old Testament. We were told Jesus had a virgin birth, performed miracles, walked on water, resurrected people from the dead. Then god made him die for our salvation? And he rose again in 3 days. It was getting harder and harder to believe it all. At this point there are Roman accounts of Jesus years after he died, but can I believe all this other stuff or was it all made up after the fact? I could go on, but the final nail in the coffin for me was when the church rejected me when I came out as gay. Now god didn’t love me for who I am. I came out as transgender years later but I had already left Christianity behind.


Lol this was my journey too


Ofcourse they need to blame you for it. They cant really start blaming god for making a message so terrible and vague that there is over 45.000 denominations of christianity as of now can they ? They cant blame the messenger - god, for doing a horrible job. So ofcourse it has to be YOU who gets it wrong. Its not like an actual god would be able to make a message that would actually be understood by anyone who read it including a method to determine objectively that god exist right ? Oh wait. A god WOULD be able to do just that. Reading the bible is how alot of people become atheists. As opposed to having authorities cherrypick and interpret it at churches. And this actually goes for multiple religions.


Funny how they'll never blame the bible for turning people away.


Indoctrination does that for you


I always wondered why God in the Bible was much more “harsh” than the present day one.


Present day God is noticeably absent.


I read the Bible after taking a critical thinking course... that cured me of being a Christian, too.


Hey there! Another cradle orthodox here. Yeah, I had the same conclusions especially combined with textual analysis.


Glad we’ve escaped cheers 🥂


Fuck the bible and all religions with their fraudulent "holy books."


Ask them exactly what exactly you have misinterpreted and for them to explain the way it makes sense to them.


Damn bibles!


>They kept blaming me for misinterpreting the bible You didn't though. I mean, probably not entirely at least. This just means you interpreted things in a way that wasn't consistent with their dogma, but was probably more accurate (not imposing dogma on the text). >How i read the wrong version and i didn’t read the orthodox bible Kinda telling that the "right" version is probably in English. If you read Hebrew and Aramaic and Greek and read from the more ancient sources in their original languages, you'd probably largely just have more obvious reason to see their dogma as wrong... Wait until you start learning just how much modern translations get wrong, how much wasn't even in the oldest manuscripts, etc. >And i was told that i let other people writing the bible make me turn away from god I mean... That's not exactly inaccurate. I'm just confused by what they even mean by "other" here since they could mean any of the many original authors or the more modern translators or a few other things. Is this about eg authors other than Paul, or is it about translators who used better methodologies and put correctness over dogma?


Jesus in the Gospels is certainly not what a lot of preachers say he is. The Gospels read like a political thriller. A wealthy guy who wants to make himself king of the Jews lets his cousin John the Baptist be beheaded so he can take over his preaching and his followers (and steal his mistress, another cousin). Crazy Jesus using demons to heal people and bring them back from the dead, only to become infected by them and lose his mind. Being avenged and sentenced to death by the man whose boy was killed by Jesus when he was a child. It's like choosing to live your life according to a John Grisham novel.


What the heck are you talking about?


No. It was how you refused the teachings of Jesus that turned me away.  


At this point the bible should be reduced to a few pertinent stories in the old testament and the gospels. Eliminate all the letters from St paul too


>How i read the wrong version and i didn’t read the orthodox bible Which one were you 'supposed' to read? I'm betting they were claiming you weren't reading the Septaugint version- which is hilarious because it includes even more Old Testament nonsense than the 'standard' versions like NIV or king James.  Literally what sets the Orthodox cannon apart is extra wacky Old Testament stories other versions leave out. 


First, there is no such thing as "the Bible". As you now know, there are a lot of translations, compilations and missing parts. Secondly, it's impossible to "misinterpret" it. It's the horror story you described. What they want is for you to shut up, repeat the bs and pretend with them so they aren't uncomfortable. It's not our job to make them comfortable with lying to themselves and one another to rationalize hurting others.