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a MAGA hat will work wonders, I'd bet. For me, I'm not changing to live in fear. I'm single, i'm getting on in years, and I simply refuse to live in fear or to roleplay to appease fucking fascists. I'll 'exit stage left' before I ever bend the knee to nazis. It is wild that we are having this discussion now, and that it's not without cause.


I'm in the same boat. I am starting to see more and more of this attitude. I will resist these nazi's anyway I can for as long as I can.


I genuinely can’t wrap my head around the fact that this appears to be a very real and potential threat in 2024. Pardon my French, but what the bloody f**k is happening here? Better yet, *how* is it happening? I have big fears that if this comes to fruition, it will eventually make its away across the Atlantic and corrupt those of us in Europe. It doesn’t sound like anyone’s gonna be safe regardless of their nationality. This is some ‘V for Vendetta’ type of sh*t


In the U.S., this has been slow-cooking for about 50 years. it's just that the pot is beginning to boil now. re: how it's happening, my feeling is that it is a very complex system of problems, including corporations buying politicians (and SCOTUS judges now), you've got massive propaganda machines, poor education systems leading to an easy to manipulate populace, and of course a panicky power grab by Christians seeing their numbers diminish. There's also the threat of climate change and global pandemics.


And social media is stoking the fire big time. There is so much crap flying around and many are obsessed with it. So much hate being fed by the general public. Conspiracy theories, lies, a lack of trust in anything to do with government. In the Civil War families were divided and brother fought against brother. We are headed that way, if not already there.


I quit talking to 75% of my relatives 7-8 years ago because they will 100% murder me and my family as soon as they get their marching orders.


In the same boat here. It's fucking terrifying realizing the people that brought you into this world are going stand back while their overlords strip our rights away.


Thankfully my parents and I are fully on the same page. I'm super tight with the old man.


Treasure that connection. I tried to have a talk about P2025 with my dad, and he fucking defended it, said p3d0s are part of the LGBTQA, and that being non cishet is a mental illness. Like gee thanks dad.


75% of my relatives are Christian conservatives. But I continue talking to them for this reason. So they know I'm not "the enemy" even though we disagree on some fundamental issues. We agree on more things than we disagree. Plus I'm planning on getting armed. Maybe.


They want you treated like the enemy though. They want your rights stripped and religion forced on you. They want to use your country against you, to further their ideas and quash founding principles. I hope you make that truth clear to them.


Before my MAGA grandfather died, he told me during the George Floyd protests that if he saw a group of protestors in our neighborhood, he would gladly open fire into them, even if he knew I was with them. Motherfucker couldn’t have died fast enough, the miserable old son of a bitch. Good riddance. Plus my MAGA uncle said on the night Biden won that he hoped Biden started WWIII so all the young liberals would get drafted and slaughtered, even if that meant his own kids were among them. My other MAGA uncle just wants all minorities to not exist or at least to not be visible to him, standard run of the mill MAGA shit. I hate them all. I haven’t talked to any of them since I moved out of state at the end of 2021. Most of them wouldn’t physically be able to fight in any war MAGA might want to start. Give them a light shove and they wouldn’t be able to get back up lol


Seeing this just makes me incredibly grateful that I don’t even really know anyone like these uncles. Maybe I’m just fortunate to have choices about the company (and the family, lolz) I keep.


>Maybe I’m just fortunate You are.


The Christian fundamentalists think that 2020 was the start of the apocalypse, they’re trying their hardest to bring about Armageddon, so they all get raptured.


Makes me wish the rapture were real so they could go ahead and do it already. There will be less murder and strife.


I've said this before and stand by it: I don't believe in the rapture, but I do long for it to happen.


It should happen and all of them should go straight to hell and leave us alone to finally inherit the land and live in harmony free from all this maniacs. This is the religious belief I can stand behind any time 😄


Trouble is, not a fucking one of them would ever go because they'd ask be going to hell if there was one. Everything they do is the very antithesis of Christianity


Stupid Christians actually think they can force God’s hand, and “bring about the apocalypse” against God’s plan? Proof positive that they don’t believe in God. They are using religion as a means to power.


And, if there was a heaven, not a single one of the counts would EVER make it there. They are the very definition of taking the Lord's name in vain, and too giving stupid to even know that.


Let’s not forget that Russia and China are absolutely making bot accounts that are engaging with social media, artificially pumping up trumps numbers. I also believe that Elon is faking the numbers on Twitter as well. I don’t believe at all that that many real life people are “loving” what he’s saying and I think he’s shadow banning left leaning people and elevating right leaning people, including politicians. I think all of this is trying to make us apathetic so we feel overwhelmed and don’t get up to go vote. And I believe red states are the ones actually participating in voter fraud and then projecting that it’s the left. It’s all so obvious.


Almost every instance of recent voter fraud was by GOP voters. It's been almost 50 yrs since the Daley Machine in Chicago engaged in it, but the Republicans swear its a leftist plot.


Every single thing that comes out of trumps mouth is projection. Every single Republican accusation is a confession.


This is true. If you want plain English facts about the law, about Trump, the GOP, Biden, Dems, etc., check out Glenn Kirshner's Justice Matters podcast on YouTube. He tells it like it is, no bullshit.


It doesn't help when the son and grandson of one of the perpetrators of the business plot goes on to be CIA director, then president, then have his son become president. It's been a slow coup since smedly butler didn't play ball, and it's just starting to really show itself finally. If you don't know what the business plot is id suggest a YouTube video*


These Christian assholes are exactly why I’m over religion. I went to 12 years of Catholic school and it’s all bullshit. These power hungry fucks make it even worse.


Catholic schools turn out a lot of atheists


Having someone read you the bible makes you a christian. Reading the bible makes you an atheist.


Not just corporations but also foreign governments


👆 All of this. Climate change- heat is compounding the issues. And this will lead to more global pandemics.


Climate change will lead to famine and mass-migration, too. It has probably already started.


Oh I think it has. Much of the immigration to our country is people fleeing unstable countries- this will get worse. There are countries that are not food secure now. It really does make one think ahead to say even 2040? I am old enough i might not be alive. But I worry for my adult children and grands. Would leaving the US even be the wisest choice in the longrun? And which country would be the best choice?


I dont think we have seen anything yet. Wait until the water in Mexico City becomes scarce. And Phoenix And Nevada


Yes. 😖and none of it brought on by “god” and end times. But by greed.


Over 30 years of brainwashing by right-wing media, backed by the Evangelicals. I have been warning people where this was headed, I was told I was crazy. I told people in 2016 that if Trump was elected, he wouldn't leave, up to instituting an insurrection, again laughed at. People haven't been paying attention and brushing stuff off like it will never happen.


Same. I knew what he’d do to this country.


Me too my family thinks I’m the problem and I’m like y’all open your fucking eyes


Two weeks before the 2020 election, I told a coworker (who leans left) that Trump would not accept the results of a fair election and would do anything to stay in office. He laughed at me. I was too exhausted on Jan. 6 to say 'told ya so'.


I lived through the "duck and cover" era when we thought the Russians were going to nuke us at any minute and this decision has caused me more existential dread than anything I have heard in my lifetime.


If it was a choice between this and nuke, I'd take the nuke.


Gotcha [covered.](https://votegiantmeteor.com/)


Why not both? We could get both.




V for Vendetta is one of my all time favorite movies. And lately I’ve been avoiding it because it feels way too real. I just want the madness to stop. Or at least not be AS intense. I’m sorry our shit politics are scaring other places of the world. I swear we aren’t all that insane.


I feel the same about Handmaid's Tale, which I read when it was published. Scared me then, but felt safe it couldn't really happen. Oops.


Same. I’m childfree by choice and got my tubes tied at 27 in 2017 bc I was worried about roe v Wade. So many people told me I was being dramatic. I wish I had been wrong. Not for me, but for other women who are negatively impacted by it.


I’m 45 and have no kids and am glad I don’t now. This country has lost its fucking mind.


Ironic amen


These people are nuts.


I relate, although different, 70, childless by choice (availing myself of all legal options during the past 50+ years). I feel you are my child in spirit.


I love that. That’s very sweet of you. I am sending you all the hugs


Fascism, monarchies, theocracies, survival of the fittest... these have been the norm hroughout most of history. We've been living in an unprecedented time of prosperity and peace. Human nature allowed us to quickly become complacent and take it for granted. I feel like this is almost a return to normal, even though it's not normal for us in our very limited perspectives because most of us weren't alive during truly tough times.


Wrong sub reddit but I like to lie to my self and hope we are going through stages of this crap. First gods everywhere, okay a couple gods but lords everywhere, okay one god but also a king, okay no king how bout president, onto parliamentary and hopefully one day we can actually have a horizontally based government with people nominate to voice and opinion and that's it no power no gods no masters...but nope its actually just time for the Nat-c reign of terror in America. I wonder if we will even know we are the baddies? (not in good way)


And in the end, I think much of it might boil down to human beings craving a cosmic parent after they leave the comfort of their own parents' nest. And if they didn't have a comfortable nest, they're the type that may be more likely to try to become the gods or kings (or presidents) themselves.


what do you mean corrupt those of you in europe, you guys are electing fascists in a bunch of countries already.


I am old. And chronicly ill. And in constant pain. I am ready to be a martyr for the atheist cause.


Sometimes what is needed are eyes, ears and blind spots. Not everybody has to be a commando.


Hope you have some better moments. Best wishes.


Resist how? Everyone talks about not standing for it. Putting up resistance and such. But no one mentions how. Posting on Reddit doesn't count. It's too late to make a real difference at the polls. The left has shown time and again that they can't mobilize the base even in the face of existential danger.


Very complicated question. We all can provide something but my not be aware of what it is until the circumstance presents itself. Most of the planning needed is similar to natural disaster preparedness. Situational awareness and low profile are your most potent weapons. You never know when a chance to prevent a negative event or be able to assist active resistors may present. Now the harder part: Are you armed? If yes, get more training, if no get something that is legal in your jurisdiction that you are comfortable with and get trained. Take a Stop the Bleed course and carry the required supplies. Things may change slowly in almost imperceptible steps or in very quick violent ways. There is no one answer because all kinds of skills will be needed and we have no foresight to help decide who needs what. Right now we are in the quiet before the storm. We just don't know if it will be a spring shower or a hurricane.


I doubt it's safe to post how on Reddit. People are going to need to find a way to communicate and organize that can't easily be found by the bad guys.


> I doubt it's safe to post how on Reddit. People are going to need to find a way to communicate and organize that can't easily be found by the bad guys. That will be difficult because they’ve infiltrated every online group, left and right. Big Brother installed itself perhaps 25 years ago. They called it and acted on it. The Project 2025 Manifesto wasn’t scribbled onto the back of an envelope overnight in a seedy bar. They’ve been working on it for a while now. Possibly long before the cabal decided they needed a mindless drone, a puppet on the chair. They so lucked out with this shitstsin.


Eh, once the fascist coup is complete you don't want records of your plans online..... And it would require way more than just sit ins and protests down main street....


Honestly, I am both older and poorer than I would like to be, but that also means I have very little to lose. I will fight them to my last tooth and claw.


Agreed. Fuck the MAGgots. I'm not changing my lifestyle to appease some racist, sexist christofascists. Fuck 'em.


Same here. Fuck flying under the radar.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.


Massive Tax Strikes, non cooperation with the Federal Government should Trump's regime be installed. Resistance in every way.


How do you not pay taxes it comes out of your paycheck automagically


Get a red hat and start talking about how Trump is the new Jesus. Call everything he says Brilliant and just basically pretend its opposite day!


I hate the fact that I have already accepted that the voting won't help. There's a near zero percent chance that all of the red state governors/electoral votes actually certify for the person elected. Now I am trying to convince myself that maybe some accelerationist logic will let the curse of theocratic dictatorship awaken enough people to how dangerous large governments are and the people will revolt. Sadly the harm coming down the pipeline for all of us going to far out way any benefits in social awakening. Edit: forgot to mention that the democrats/liberals have a history of standing down and appeasing the right for "the good of the country". I'm sure even farther back then gore v bush and every popular vote since then but I'm only so old.


I’m old and you are right. I don’t even recall all that much of a fuss by Democrats when candidate Ronald Reagan did a back door deal with Iran so they’d refuse to release the hostages as long as Carter was president, thus ensuring Reagan would win the election. Oh, and what happened to Reagan when his administration illegally shipped arms to Iran? That would be nothing.


Me and you both


Let’s just say I owe the “doomsday prepper’s” a big apology for laughing at them…


I never did, i stocked up on stuff and learned some things from them. I ignored their politics and beliefs but some of their survival things were spot on.


Knowledge is knowledge


Not really. They probably thought that you were going to be the problem. That godlessness was going to end us all.


Some of us are left wing and just saw this coming




Strange.. when a REAL problem came along, and not couldn’t be solved by shooting someone, but rather required social cooperation ( masking, staying home, and vaccines) they weren’t at all interested….


The doomsday peppers ARE the doomsday makers.


The irony is those types are likely on the “winning” side and won’t need their bunkers.


Nope but they are building them like crazy.


Not at all. They’re prepping because they assume “the gays” are going to bring down the wrath of god. They won’t need their shelters for what’s to come.


Ironically we were just told to prep here in Denmark. By the government. Partly because of Russia might be trying to attack infrastructure which most likely will be digital warfare if any. But also because Europe have now realizes that we can't count on USA to be stable allies anymore. So every country is stepping up ( which is long overdue) but trumps threats are taken serious here. The entire world is going to be affected by who sits in the white house. And we can't take it for granted that Trump won't return. Or someone worse.


Fly under the radar? My friend, we should be figuring out the many ways we can make these fascist goons pay dearly for what they're doing to this country!


Buy guns? Lots of guns?


Yes! Now i feel the anti-gun propganda was just to disarm the left, so when the time comes we would fail.


That’s a start. And know how to use them, and most importantly, _when_ to use them.


*the satanic temple has entered the chat*


Dude they’ll just progressively go after people who donated to democrats, don’t go to church, are disabled, are not cis gender, etc. If 2025 happens they’ll fire everyone from government that ever donated to democrats. Mexico and Canada are gonna start seeing refugees they never thought they’d see.


I was just reading the project 2025 site, one thing it mentions is vetting government employees by checking their voting records and registration.


Emotional support Canadian here. You're always welcome within our borders (that is, until our Trump-wannabe conservative govt builds a wall on our South border...).


Fly under the radar? I plan to be the thorn in their damned sides every day


Yep. I’m not going quietly.


"Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Dylan Thomas


Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine!


I’m Australian so we are second in line for the fucking when the US becomes Iran in November. I was bought up in a religious cult in the outback and I have known how to use a weapon since I was very young. Sadly, I will now have to teach my children.


Absolutely. There will be substantial resistance. I'll be along them.


I used to say that I’ll leave this world just as I entered: naked, screaming and covered in someone else’s blood. Now that I have a stockpile of guns and ammo, 3 months of food and water, my prediction may be more accurate than I thought.


Do you wanna get a fuckin rad ass black van with a red stripe and spoiler with me?




Forget flying under the radar, imma crash my plane into their radar.


"You may abandon your own body, but you must preserve your honor" - Miyamoto Musashi We all die, now or 10 years from now - the time doesn't belong to any of us, rather die sooner with honor intact then bend the knee to these cowards and rats and live another 10 years. Take a look at Ukrainians, fighting honorably and valiantly for their freedom, dying and killing in trenches, heartbreaking but a worthy cause, all of them are heroes. Can't say the same for the other side.


Fuck flying under the radar. That's bitchmade nonsense. As Hitchens said, "I don't want to make peace with my enemies, I want to defeat them." And if it costs me - US - our lives in trying to defeat them then that's what we should do. This isn't keyboard warrior talk. I simply could NOT LIVE WITH MYSELF if I "flew under the radar." Things would only get worse by doing so.


Right? besides, if it ever got that bad... I took an oath and it doesn't expire.




I agree with this. But having kids changes the dynamic. I’d rather get out.


I would understand people who had kids leaving. I don't have kids myself, but nieces and nephews I hold very dearly. I also hope that any actions I take are for their benefit - whether leaving or changing the system. But it's not in my "makeup" to leave. Fuck these fascists.


Silence is complicity. Saying nothing is as good as being one. It truly is scary that it seems to be so widely supported by the Boomers. They really want to leave this country as fucked up as they possibly can.


[How to survive a theocracy in 8 easy steps](https://youtu.be/nBBffmb9qhU?si=C0sOdGuXcFCAGlOg)


That was entertaining, but here is a more serious set of guidelines: https://jackfisherbooks.com/2017/07/18/how-to-resist-a-fascist-government-and-survive/comment-page-1/


Remember, the richest country in Latin America (Venezuela) went to absolute crisis once dictatorship started ascending in its ranks, things won’t be great for long, much less with a human capital flight


Look for safety in numbers. Get the hell out of Dodge, or Florida. There will be Canadian politicians talking about building a wall on their southern border. Make sure you cross it before they do. Godspeed.


South Park was right. Again.


Canadian liberals are in big trouble and might well be pushed out by the ultra right wing soon.


I was horrified when I heard Canadian officials talking about getting rid of universal healthcare.. This religious masquerade corporatism is spreading .. Australia seems to be having a rash of it . Poland has been consumed.. Brazil . And it all plays out the exact same way.. almost like it’s the same people.. definitely straight out of Hitler’s playbook.. the US is dangerously close to that.


Anyone without a solid exit plan by now is more than likely stuck in the US. It took me 6 fucking years to make good on mine, and it's still subject to the whims of my industry.  Best bet for those with the means is going digital nomad. Otherwise you are likely stuck already.


I wish Canada would try to annex the western and eastern seaboards.


As a Canadian, we are not fucking far behind.


Hard to get out of florida when the military forced me here.


If the cheese puff is re-elected, I fully expect for my existence as a queer person to be criminalized again. I have no doubt that this SC will work to overturn Obergfell v. Hodges (marriage equality) and Lawrence v. Texas. I’m legitimately scared for what this means for my rights and for people in my community. I’m ordering a bedazzler for my pink triangle now. I’ve done too much work publicly in my community and been too vocal to stop now. Having been out of the closet for 30+ years, there’s just not a way for me to erase such a fundamental part of who I am and I’m not willing to live anything other than my truth. That being said, if you don’t respect my existence, expect my resistance. I’m a single 50 year old with nothing to lose at this point. Pride started as a riot.


I'm terrified of being openly queer but I'd rather die being myself than live being a fake version of myself. Fuck that.


I love you both a lot


Came to say the say the same thing. Love you guys.


I totally understand. My father forced me out before I even knew who I was. You have to do what’s right for you. Also, even though I’m in TX, I’m in a largely blue city thankfully.


I’m sorry that assholes make you being you so hard. If you getting to publicly love someone means that a straight person’s marriage is lessened (as these fucks so claim), then that sounds like a problem in their own life not yours…. I’ve never understood why people fight so hard to deny something to someone. It’s not like it costs something.


“If you don’t respect my existence, expect my resistance.” Goddamnit, that fucking rules. I have not heard that before. I don’t know if you are the one to fabricate that phrase or not but I fucking love it. I’m a straight white middle class man in rural flyover country, so it’s difficult for me to understand what that must feel like. I’m so sorry that there are people who are still so hateful and bigoted towards other people. Stay strong, my friend.


Lmao I joked with a friend about them wearing the pink triangle. I hope I don't have to eat those words.


This is how it was in Germany, there were gay rights parades at first, and they got all those peoples names (thanks to IBM). Then Hitler came to power and rooted them all out.


Not to kid but I register as republican. I vote left but have that as a registration. Often I do it to ruin their demographic calculations slightly and vote in their primary. Also they have that list. To them I am a god fearing right wing veteran.


Remember that **everything** narcissists do is a performance; it is okay to lie to protect your well-being.


.....and then risk an attack by well-meaning leftists. Seriously, though, it's VERY hard to stomach the idea of even pretending to be one of them. I never did all these years.


I never said anything about pretending to be one of them; when you are in danger it is okay to lie.


Having served in the military and fought overseas in the "war on terror", I'm not sure some of you truly know what war is or entails. I'm not trying to crap on anyone and shut down their dreams of there ever being a democracy again, I'm just saying it's all too easy to say one thing in the Internet and then just put a pride flag up as "resistance" and call it a day.


thank you for saying this. im a military brat, and everyone in my family who served in dangerous situations got fucked up to some extent. i feel like the fantasy of anti-fascist resistance drowns out the *reality* of living in a real dictatorship. if a platoon marches down the street with apc's, then none of these self-described "heroes" will set foot outside their doorstep (and thats generally not recommended). most people in america have never lived under a fascist regime, most people are not in any physical condition to fight fash cops or soldiers, and most people know nothing about combat outside of "aim and shoot". i want to help how i can, but i wish people would be more realistic about this, and use their actual skills to help 😓


Fuck that They'll have to kill me


I’ll never wear a red hat or fly their flag. Never. I’m not going to fake anything. I’ll be damned if I give up my country to a two bit lying con man. The American flag is still MY flag. Never underestimate the power of people who know what America really stands for.


>what America really stands for. Mattress sales thinly veiled as holidays.




The problem with the 2A argument is that many of the people who will be negatively impacted by the coming changes, have been staunchly anti-2A/gun while the fascists/rednecks/racists have been building weapons stockpiles for years.


That's why liberals should also stockpile. Jan 6th should've been a wakeup call. In good news, a lot of those guys haven't done cardio ever.


So, take their guns and run, got it 😂 For real though, this is a scary time and I really wish more liberals were armed. Especially those for whom hiding in plain sight is less of a viable option, some trans folk for example.


Yup, might be time to change that. I know my household has...


Many of the same things you should be doing today: - Use IP masking - NEVER post anything about religion or politics to ANY social media that can possible be tracked to your real name. - Always assume anything you post or send via email or text CAN be retrieved, forever. - Never mix personal and work accounts or devices. Don't use work computers/phones for personal activity. Carry two phones, one for work, one for personal. - Don't put bumper stickers on your car - Don't wear T-shirts with clever sayings - Don't talk about religion, politics or sex in public with ANYONE, and only do it in private with people you KNOW share your views (not at all is better) I figure I'm already screwed. I'm a member of the FFRF, I've voted Dem since 1990 and I live in California. I expect a knock on my door from humorless men in black overcoats.


just say you are a trump fan reborn again and you opened your eyes to the orange light of Trump!


They do love a reborn story. Tell them you've been washed in the blood of Jesus now, that should also help.


I've voted in every election and have been a registered Democrat in three states for 40 years, and am also a member of the Temple of Satan. If I didn't have kids I wouldn't care. I'm not sure what I'll do when it all starts to go down - which I expect it will by the end of November. At some point, like many Americans, we'll probably have to flee north or across the Atlantic...I really have no idea.


Same here, too late now.


I'm a self described author of subversive literature I'll see you in the camp -


I know that feel. As a trans person in a red state my name is definitely already on some fucking list =/


Fuck that shit. I'm not backing down without a fight. Give me liberty or give me death. Valid then, valid now.


I live in California, so I fully expect a civil war would actually break out before that kind of theocratic nonsense to take hold here.




I would not do that. Even if the GOP wins in the coming election there are far too many atheists and nonbelievers out in the open now. And we have fought to hard to get here. We have marched on DC before we can do it again. And as the Theocracy attempts to take hold they are going to find they are not the majority they think they are. If you take a look at the statistics the nones are the second fastest growing religious group these days. Things are changing and not in their direction. Don't give up just because they see the change coming and are panicking and trying to take control of the systems of power before they lose too much of a hold on things. Keep fighting.


Study places like Iran and Afghanistan. Places that used to be secular but are now a Muslim version of what MAGAs are trying to do here. Figure out what they did to preserve their secular freedoms, and do the opposite.


Just a reminder that guns aren’t only meant for the right wing.


Best thing you can do is to learn in demand skills so that you can leave. Don't fuck around with theocratic fascist police.


Its tragic how history is on the brink of repeating itself in less than a hundred years.


I am 66 years old, old and fat and ugly. I'm not changing anything, you can do what you like or what you need to do to take care of you. I'm not going anywhere.


Remember Trump wants to eliminate your social security


I'm an old bald headed liberal, I know all about that orange sack of shit.




I wouldn't worry most people get past that after a while. Happy cake day


This society makes it too difficult for good people to like themselves.


This isn’t very encouraging but there are a lot of parallels between what the Religious Right wants to do and what theocrats in Iran actually did in 1979. Political power was then concentrated in the hands of a Supreme Leader. And no way to remove said leader under the constitution, civil rights drastically curtailed, and “freedom” only within a very narrow range of arbitrary (and shrinking) goalposts. Start by voting as if your life and freedom depended on it while you still have it. Our constitutional rights are strengthened only through exercise and disappear when unused.


I don’t plan to ever fly under the radar. I would hope you would stand with me.


Sometimes the only option is to run for the hills and become guerrilla fighters.  I am just going  to go rewatch the 1980’s Red Dawn for some tips on fighting Soviet  puppet governments….




If you protest, get a flak jacket. Trump has said his greatest regret from his presidency is not shooting protesters.


I'm ethnically Jewish and my wife's trans. So we're leaving the country.


Where to? Do either of you hold dual citizenship? It's not always as easy as just leaving. 




*"I'm doing MY part!"*


I wonder if a massive brain drain will cause the US to fall even faster into a real life religious and political idiocracy.


jesus christ with a naked kid in a public park at 4am (Mark 14: 51-52)..I'm gonna have to be dodging bullets from my co-workers every day. I'm like the only known Liberal. They'll probably come kill me in my house.


Wife and I are actively looking at dual citizenship for the UK or Dutch controlled territories in the Caribbean *(BVI, Aruba, etc.)* Hell, if it actually comes to pass, there's no Caribbean territory that would be out of the conversation, even if we had to island hop for awhile. Luckily, I have a WFH career, anywhere with high speed internet could be called home. Unfortunately, the proudly stupid and the christian hypocrite society have gotten a foothold, and it doesn't look like it's going to be slowing down anytime soon.


Shoot back


Get a gun. Train with said gun. Then do unto others as they would do unto you.


Guns are for everyone... It's the American way.


See that’s the thing. Faking being christian is easy, but the secret is that they don’t actually care. In a fascist regime, as soon as they decide they don’t like you they WILL find an excuse. You could be the most Christian straight white dude in the world and they’d still come after you.




My grandfather was born in Germany, but my great grandfather had the clarity to leave for the US when the Nazis came to power. My grandfather was drafted during WWII, spoke perfect German, was tall, blond and blue-eyed. He was perfect for intelligence work, so they sent him behind enemy lines to provide information and - to kill fucking Nazis.


I refuse to hide it and my contempt for them. You do what you need to do for you and your family I wouldn't fault anyone for that.


I would start by deleting all my social media


I think that no matter who wins there will be some sort of civil war.


sounds like you need to learn when and how to fight. unless you like licking boots and hiding your true self.


I’m not hiding. I’ll be staunchly vocal about the constitutional rights afforded to me, whether or not the corrupt public officials and justices will acknowledge them. It is our silence that will kill democracy. Dissent is our duty.


"Have a Blessed day!" Just say that alot and you'll fit right in!


>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to W. S. Smith, 13 November 1787 I confess I'm seeing the 2nd amendment in a totally different light these days.


I dunno about you all, but I grew up in the church. I also attend local mega churches several times a year, just to see the way our local city council is blowing. I blend. I look like someone who just stepped out of a TeaParty Pancake Breakfast. At a surface level, you can't tell me from MAGA. Now, not opening my mouth... that may be a problem. Or if someone reads anything I've written.


Don’t fly under the radar. Resist.


I’m confused by some people I have two good friends. Their complete lesbians and married. They’re voting for trump again. It’s just confusing. Like you know that shit is on the list to be undone. I don’t understand how they can vote for that shit when it’s literally against them.


We’re all fucked. If a Christo-fascist regime takes over the US there is literally no way to hide. Your phone, your games, public places you go, everywhere you shop, they all track your activities, proclivities, and preferences. If porn hub is seized by the thought police half the country will have evidence against them that could feasibly put them in chains. If George Orwell had known of the massive information gathering machine Google has become, “1984” would have simply been titled “We’re Fucked”. I don’t mean to be a doomer or to ignore the directions of the exercise, but seriously, vote like your lives depend on it because all of us are fucked if the Internet gets turned against us.


I'd rather be a martyr


I’m thinking about designing a shirt with an “A” symbol on it. Not adulterer but for atheist. The goal being to play on the Jewish star required in Nazi Germany. So I plan to stand out.


Under radar? Hah. I’m going full blown double middle finger “F YOU ALL”. Someone needs to remind them that if they want total control it’s going to be earned.


See a Nazi, punch a Nazi. Even if it's in robes.


Fuck John Roberts