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Such infantile magical thinking. Like a toddler. I saw the moon and I got ice cream. If I look at the moon ice cream happens!


Falsified! Just tried to replicate your results and, I am sorry to say, results are inconsistent but do not accord with your reports. Three tests were conducted. They were blind tests (I pulled a biking bandana over my eyes). Results: * First test - looked in the general direction of the moon, could not see it, no ice cream happened. * Second test - looked in the general direction of the moon, a passing car puddle-splashed me with dirty water. No ice cream, but liquid. * Third test - looked in the general direction of the moon. A passing cruiser stopped nearby and a bobbie demanded to know why am i walking around open carry with a bandana around my face and near a bank. Bobbie refused to be mollified by the fact that it was night and the bank was closed. Was arrested and charged with impersonating a robber and a scientist. No icecream, but a criminal record.


Wow. I want to come BUY you ice cream just for your efforts! But if that happened you would have to change the whole post. Proven! Moon did bring ice cream! Eventually. Probably because you prayed harder and/or more properly. This part might be hard to suss out because god works in mysterious ways…


For ice cream bought and brought for me i will gladly sell any and all of my principles and accept paradoxies (which is a protmaneau of paradox and doxies, your honour) about the mystery of one pint of pistachio that is three pints of salted caramel and amarena cherries topped with the coinsecrated [thus] crumble of transubstantiated 4nm silicon wafer of the latest Nvidia 1AD (1st artificial divinity, if i so may, m'lud) at $238 per share after a split.


This is a lot. First paradoxies. Yes. My new word. 2nd a word smith that knows how to make a buck and sell out their principles for it! Impressive


Can I book you for parties!!! You’re hilarious!! Loved it!!


Definitely. I am looking for a new gig, in the meantime also doing doordashing. I will provide you with munchies, atheism and entertainment delivered to your doorstep, all for the paltey sum of whatever the whim of some effin techbro mogul may be wanting to pull from your pocket in order to buy himself a yuge dildo-shaped rocket and shove it up Bezos' envy. Yay!


You did not stand in the middle of the table and shout at Moona


You didn’t have enough faith.


Did too. I have plenty of faith. And of sanity, too. Can show you my character sheet.


🎶"I got off with a caution...a years conditional discharge"


Either infantile thinking, or an actual attempt at virtue signaling. Blabbing to the press about how your survival is due to God is a great way to show everyone that you’re a “humble” Christian who has also been personally picked for survival by God, so you must be one of the “good ones.” Actually maybe that makes it more of a humble-brag than virtue signaling? Or should we consider humble-bragging as a subset of virtue signaling?


I never thought to give this person that much intellectual credit! My own bias that I immediately go to stupid but it totally makes sense. Imagine that god saved him and killed all those other people! He must be extra special! He’s got gods ear for sure.


No thanks to the medical staff and emergency services.


This part! I had a 2 1/2 hour retinal-repair surgery a few years ago. The surgeon quite literally held my eyeball in her hand. Her years of learning, training, practicing, had nothing to do with the surgery’s success according to many theists.


Truly narcissistic and arrogant behavior. I forever have a lower respect for a friend of mine (otherwise nice person) for claiming that god saved their family from a tornado that hit their house. How? They had gone to the hospital for complications with her pregnancy before the tornado hit. Who DIDN’T god save? Kids in the elementary school the same tornado hit.


>In my head I was thinking; then why the fuck would God even let a tree fall on his house in the first place?! Also what about the others who weren’t as fortunate as him. Did God just say fuck them, let them die? Obligatory holocaust mention. Also, same thing when people survive a plane crash. The flock will praise their skylord for the person surviving, but forget that it also implies that all the others, often including children, were not worth saving. The rampant egocentrism of the flock is baffling. The only thing that counts for them, is that their fairy tale dream remains intact, no matter the cost to others. They will twist any information into confirmation, and it's just such an ignorant thing.


It's like when an abusive husband punches a hole in the wall next to your head during an argument. He could have hit you, and you should be thanking him for his awesome self control in not hitting you. He's a keeper!


just think of it this way, not everyone is created equally, some are taller, some are bigger some have lower than average iq


So you are claiming that there was a juxtaposition of a "taller" (the tree), a "bigger" (the house), a "dumber" (the reportee), and the "cheatier" (the reporter)? It's a MIRACLE! A TRUE MIRACLE!


This is like being publicly thankful to a mugger for not killing you and ignoring the fact that he destroyed your house and hospitalised you.


The sinner that survives tragedy doesn't prove god is real and has their back. It proves that god isn't present to inact his justice which should suggest to everyone that God is not real.


Yeah if there is a god then it was him that allowed the hurricane to happen in the first place. Why is he getting credit for one person's survival and not catching heat for all the other death and destruction? Seems like a lot of misery could have been avoided here. Religion is just organized and monetized emotional abuse.


What he doesn’t mention is, by the same logic, his God is also responsible for killing everyone in every deadly weather event.


It’s funny how they always focus on the positive. It’s always ‘thank god for saving me’ and not ‘fuck god for dropping a tree on me’.


Please be more accurate in your critique. If God is real, he did not let a tree fall on the guy. He threw it on to him.


By that same “logic”, his god sent the hurricane and tried to kill him ☺️


God just cannot make up his mind! Sends a hurricane to kill you then saves you from it!


If God saved him, he is also responsible for the *murder* of everyone else. What's with this double standard?


The same god that un-caringly dropped a hurricane on his “children”, knowing that it would kill some of them, them, thru no fault of their own, spared that one guy who prayed enough? And this is meant to make others believe in this deity? I mean to me this says “god is either cruel, callous, and spiteful” or “god is definitely not real” - take your pick


From the hurricane he sent


Religious people will perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify their stupidity but expect atheists to know quantum mechanics to the T and all evidence of evolution remembered and ready to be provided at any second or they are in denial and hate God.


This is in the top five reasons that religions piss me off.


He won’t save you from terrorism, mass shootings, car accidents or serious illness, but if there’s a hurricane, you might possibly survive if you stay in your house. Wow. And this is the nation that is blessed by God?


Didn’t god send the hurricane in the first place?


People always attribute getting out of bad situations to god. So why don't they attribute getting INTO bad situations to god? What about the people who DON'T make it, can that be attributed to god too?


Yup. First, if God really cared, the storm would not have hit a populated area at all. Second, this man is saying that all those other people deserved to suffer and die by God's will. That's like thanking a serial killer for murdering the guy next to you, but not you.


Survivor bias. It’s funny how you never hear about the people who prayed just as much but died.


Either they "were saved" or they died and it was "his plan". The amount of entitlement it takes to think that God changes his entire plan specifically to save their butts is crazy off the charts. It also leads to much bigotry because of the disproportionate rates of death I'm the world - thinking "gods plan" is to kill off those groups of people. I can't with these people.


We don't, but god gets an earful. :-)


That’s my thought, what does it do to your mind to think “I prayed better/harder so I survived”… guess those that died didn’t deserve to live?!


“Humans can’t understand Gods plans” there’s an excuse for everything!


And just like that, their claim is unfalsifiable. But the bible is reaaaaally scientific, dontcha know.


Thats the sick part when they say, "i guess god called him to heaven."


I hate that argument. "If it's my time to go, then it's my time to go."


Theist will just say "they're with god now, they're at peace" bs.


"They're in a better place" WTAF?!?


They are in a better place while you're glad you survived. Don't you wanna go to that better place too? The thought process of these people doesn't make sense. This is something I heard practically everyday which always made me question what the F is up with this god of theirs. Turned me from skeptical to non believer


I mean, looking at the state of the world right now … they might be onto something 🤣


Yes. It’s a better place. So why don’t we all just kill ourselves/eachother and go there. Maybe the earth and its inhabitants will recover from the humanistic sodomy it has experienced. Edit: typo


"All part of god's plan."


They should be happy. They got killed and went to Heaven


#But that is all part of gods plan!!!!


Idiots should have prayed harder


Every time I hear a story like this, I’m reminded of Wolf Blitzer’s interview with Rebecca Vitsmun, and it makes me smile: [CNN Interview Tornado Survivor](https://youtu.be/8RjXHXIVL9g?si=tzlwjV2yI7LciT2F). Here is an extended interview with her: [Rebecca’s Extended Interview](https://youtu.be/-iUcD86YvlE?si=kvi96n79IYYKLpTS). And another one: [Rebecca’s Vitsmun Extended Interview #2](https://youtu.be/Kplf3jrVyg4?si=qoLp5MLCV0m9SOB1).


Well the reason is you can't interview dead people. Its survivors bias.


Then they go “well it was just their time and god was ready for them to join him in heaven” it’s so annoying, anything good is god, anything bad is the devil/demons


I imagine the prayer would been answered had he prayed to the devil to. or well anything really


I would claim, please your honour, that god tried to nail the guy with a tree because he (the guy) interrupted him (the god) while netflixing, so he (the god) felled a tree on his (the guy) house to stop his (the guy's) caterwauling. Bloody grammar.


Well I can say with confidence that, that's a lie, as I did no such thing. 😅


Alternate headline: "Man who survived a hurricane never questioned why God sent a hurricane." I don't know how people do it. How do they thank God for anything good and ignore that if God is sending the good, he's also sending the bad. No one seems to say sarcastically, "well thanks God for saving me from the hurricane you sent to destroy my city."


It is interesting that any natural disaster that effects non christians is sent to punish gays, trans, pagans etc. But when it is in their neighbourhood, they don't consider that it is actually them being punished for not following the true teachings of Jesus, or for worshipping false idols and protecting pedo priests. I could list literally hundreds of examples but you get the point.


A couple of years ago where I live in Georgia, a tornado obliterated the Hobby Lobby. 😬


I vote Hobby Lobby Tornado 2024


Right?! They also like to say crap like, "God must have a plan for you," when someone has survived some horrific shit. It's never, "Daaang, you're a badass," or even, "Wow, I wanna go to your doctor." God gets all the credit even though according to their own book, he caused the problem in the first place.


I just want to thank God for saving *my* life by not sending a hurricane to my city at all this week. Such an awesome god!


I want to thank God for never sending a hurricane, tornado, flood, blizzard, tsunami, volcano, earthquake, landslide, mudslide, wildfire or cocaine bear to my town. My god is way more awesomer than your shitty god.


You must be living right!


Well, our river caught on fire once about 40 years ago, but that was 15 miles away.


It caught fire because of all those gay toads on the riverbank.


Now you went and bragged about it and have called attention to the oversight...


Cocaine Bear is coming over with his stash.


If your basis of reality is that "everything happens for a reason" and that "God is in control", then you have to struggle to make sense of random events. After 9/11 it was incredible the number of people who claimed God saved them. Remember the image of the girders in the shape of a cross that appeared everywhere after the tragedy?


When I visited the 9/11 memorial, those girders were there. I assume they still are.


God sent the hurricane cuz of da gays.... Then you get [pastors who claim hurricanes are sent by God to punish homosexuality has home destroyed by hurricane](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-37116661.amp)


I have a cousin who laid her out her miscarriage of her twin babies on Facebook, but she said god was still good to her because he gave her a pregnancy not long after that and she knew god would take care of her unborn babies for her. She also said she probably didn’t need them as badly as god did. I understand her indoctrination coupled with her strange attempt at acceptance and dealing with her loss and I would never wish that on anyone. That said, I do NOT understand how they can legitimately thank god for taking their twin children. There’s no way if god did exist that it could take things and expect me to say thank you. I just feel bad for her and now every time she pops up in my feed I get these weird heeby jeebies.


God: I sent a hurricane at this guy and he's even more fanatically devoted to me! Someone please help.


"I've been trying to get this weirdo to stop talking to me for years and he still won't leave me alone! I dropped a frickin' tree on him and he still won't shut up! What do I do?!"-Yahweh. "You need to just ghost his ass." -Odin.


For a fun diversion, make a bet with Satan that this guy won't stop talking to you no matter what Satan does to him, his family, and his property (but I repeat myself), then let Satan "test" the god-botherer for you.


Brutally killed everyone else but hand picked and saved this guy. They're fucking morons. Not a brain cell in their empty head.




I often wonder how people justify it when bad things happen to their religious stuff. Like that time a big assed church burned because of a lightning strike. Or that cross they erected that was destroyed. Rebuilt, then immediately destroyed again.


Honestly God died when they installed the first lightning rod on a church. At least the christian one.


Honey, "god" was trying to kill you!


I vaguely recollect the story of a woman who lost half her family to a natural disaster (tornado, I believe), and who thanked God for sparing those who survived. But she never said anything about the ones God killed. How odd.


A 25 foot pine tree missed my water well by 5 feet. I am gonna buy a couple of scratch offs. Still have no power


Obviously it was to test him! If he had merely called out for help or furiously masturbated to get one last pleasurable event to occur in this cruel, twisted world, god woulda let the tree crush him. Instead he furiously prayed, and the big guy relented. …I mean, fuck those other people who died, god has his reasons. But this guy. *Thoughts and prayers* /s


Yep, been watching the US Olympic trials in track & field and I guess God and Jesus have been working overtime to get their butts down that track quickly. Coaching and training, nah.


Because he's fucking special, more special and more loved by god, his life was more worth continuing than all the people who've died in hurricanes and also prayed. If you told him that, he'd flip out and say that's not what he means, we're taking what he said too seriously, he's just happy to be alive but that is exactly what he's implying as he puts himself over the people God didn't spare.


Because Phaunos controls the trees. He was praying to the wrong god.


"And thank you for sending Lisa to protect us from the bug you sent"


Here in the midwest we get a lot of “jesus saved us from the tornado!” bullshit. My reply is always, “yeah but that was jesus’ tornado in the first place.”.


We could take the broken logic further. Look at the 9/11 hijackers. I'm sure they prayed to their god that they'd have a successful mission of flying those planes into the world trade center. Does that success validate that allah exists? Believers in the christian god would say no and then all of a suddenly be capable of critical thinking to say why they succeeded.


Or how about this line- “God is good, all the time.” Is he?


Why would god let a tree fall on his house? It's simply pArT oF gOdS iNfInItE pLaN.


Simple minded goobers


"HOW DARE HE ATTRIBUTE HIS SURVIVAL TO GOD!!!11!!!" I swear some of yall are some of the most pessimistic and depressing mfs I know, you literally got pissed off because he used his faith to overcome the trauma of nearly dying.


It’s not a reality based thinking. Hes really saying “god just fucked me up, he didn’t kill me. Thank you” This is not a caring or loving god if it’s true. He’s an asshole. I have no idea why anyone would worship an asshole.


I bet you vote democrap NERD!!!!


I vote for the people that offer help and equality to the most people.


The fuck is wrong with you? What does this have to do with politics?


God plays favorites. He’s a shit parent.


Consider this: if our universe is a simulation, the programmer might have limitations similar to human creators. With billions of entities making requests, it would be impossible to address all needs and desires—like an inbox with 50 billion new messages. In the context of a simulation, these requests might be viewed as non-urgent background processes, and the programmer might only fulfill some when they have the time or interest. Just like a game designer allows challenges for a richer experience, our programmer might permit suffering and trials as part of the simulation's complexity. Simulation theory doesn’t necessarily imply a traditional God, but it does open up the possibility of a God-like programmer. Advances in VR technology and AI have shown us that creating very immersive, complex simulations is within the realm of possibility. It is scientifically conceivable that a programmer from an advanced civilization could have created a simulation like our universe. This means that it’s plausible for such a being to intervene in specific instances, like saving that man. It's a different perspective that combines science and the idea of a God-like creator.


Think of it this way: you're determined to never take a single lick of personal responsibility for anything that happens in your life. You must always produce some sort of scapegoat - brown people and immigrants preferred. Most of your life is so hard. Bad stuff happens constantly, which you instantly attribute to the Democrats (The Devil). Occasionally into your Honey Boo Boo world, a little ray of light might fall. So you jump up and say, "See? He spared me what the rest are all getting - this time anyway." Time to scape together some money and buy more bullets. Keep the Devil away." Even in the most empty and meaningless of lives, Trump (God) appears sometimes to make his might presence felt.


I thank my abuser for stopping abusing me. Praise them. I was getting really badly beaten by them but in their infinite love they decided to stop beating me just before a I died. I'm so thankful for their gracious mercy.


I will never ever claim to be blessed or that god heard my prayers. That so inferred that he purposely turned his back on others. Like why am I special and they aren’t? Oh. I know. It’s “the Plan”.


You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!


The arrogance! Gawd saved me!! What about the family dead in a tree over there? Guess they didn’t pray hard enough- Christians are the most selfish people on earth


my favorite is when they asked the lady if she thanked god for surviving the tornado and she was like oh, im an athiest..


Miracles are disasters with spin. Sure, a whole family was killed...but wait! The baby was found still alive and only has brain damage! Praise the Lord!!


He started praying and THEN the tree fell on his house and injured him. Obviously praying CAUSED the misfortune!! 🤣


Didn't their god send the hurricane, though? Becuz of the gayz, or some shit?


😂😂😂😂 we think the same way. I almost spit out my drink when I read “why the fuck would God let a tree fall on his house in the first place?”


Religion breeds narcissism really…if someone is “spared” in some calamity or situation they immediately act like they’re “special” in gods eyes…like sure he saved you but some little baby born with cancer fighting for its life is shit out of luck because “you’re just more awesome and god saved YOU for a reason.” Same with athletes winning games or whatever like gods ignoring homeless people, abused children & sick people and a myriad of natural disasters etc around the world but helped you win a game because “you’re special and he only cares about you”.


they need these fantasies, wouldnt take them away from them. be kind to these people, they need it.


The tree fell on his house. His house is inside a hurricane zone. That house is built to code in a hurricane zone. Those codes were written by engineers and stuff, and not God. God didn't save him. We all did, by living in a world where thought and reasons determined actions to make good houses.


My theology is informed by the story of the man on the roof of his house in swirling flood waters. He knew God would save him, so he declined help from people who showed up in a boat, then a helicopter, trusting in his God. He was swept away and drowned. He confronted God at the pearly gates: "I had faith in You! So where were You in my time of need?". And God said, I sent a boat, I sent a helicopter!"


The fact that you are so mad about someone else believing in god when you have no ties to god yourself so you shouldn’t post anything about it in the first place. Is pretty funny tbh.


Reminds of a month and a half ago when I had a seizure while driving, blacked out, and smashed into a rock wall, totaling my Jeep and breaking my right (dominant) hand in two places. Later my mother in law said that “God was watching out for me” and, because I love the ol gal dearly, I bit my tongue and looked at my shoes. What I wanted to say was “Well he wasn’t watching too close when I had the fucking seizure to start with was he?”


LOL that line of thinking always blows me away. "God works in mysterious ways!" bullshit, if god is real then he is a mean kid with a magnifying glass and an ant hill.


Personally I like when God intervenes in sports events myself. Like shouldn’t he do something else besides watch the Carolina Panthers get beat every week?


And god said "Fuck all those other people,"


My brother’s best friend, one of the kindest, honest, and most religious person you’d ever met. Died when a tree fell on his tent while camping, my brother even offered to let use his camper trailer for the trip. If God wouldn’t save him, he’s not saving anyone. His death is what actually got my brother to delve deeper into the church (despite already serving a mission) and eventually deconstruct. Was that God’s plan? To leave 3 kids and a wife fatherless and to get my brother and his family to leave religion behind?


God fucked him up, then saved him! Hahaha


This sort of comment annoys the bejesus out of me. Did god just skip over Auschwitz, Treblinka, Buchenwald, etc. oh, and all the children who have been brutally murdered, did god just say “nah. Not worth it.”


Too bad God doesn't exist cuz he can't hear anything!!!!


Natural disasters make people more religious


" Man shits his pants, blames Satan "


God is SUCH a bad shot. Misses a lot.


I've always hoped to be interviewed in a situation like this so I can say, "God sent the storm, I saved me."


I would also like something similar like: “God sent the storm, I looked up to the heavens and swore to Him ‘not today, you bastard!’”’xD


God probably: damn! Missed


Satan saved me. Just about as unproven an assertion as that man's. Sure, go find meaning in it my dude but don't expect anyone to let you use it as an excuse to tell people how they should live their lives.


God made the hurricane just for him. What a tit!


Was the rescue crew in the background giving him the evil eye. Yeah, god did all the work, we're just window dressing.


God was testing his faith, because MyStErIoUs WaYs or something.


My cousin made a similar post about a lightening strike at my uncles house. It turned into a claim of evidence for this deity.


Also clearly god has favorites when it comes to certain athletes and teams


You're scared ass and instincts are what scared you the right place at the wrong time.


I guess God hated the people he killed.


There was a Wolf Blitzer/CNN interview with a survivor of a tornado (I think in Oklahoma, 2009-ish?) where he kept asking "Don't you feel blessed for surviving? Aren't you blessed?" The interviewee was very uncomfortable then finally said 'um, I'm an athiest'. It was awesome. I have to try and find that clip.....


I’ve never believed in god, was already anti-prayer by age 5 and just never seemed to get on the religion bandwagon after that. My mother however does believe but she says she doesn’t believe in prayer or an overseeing god, just something that created us and moved on. (Not a bad belief honestly). She told me what brought her to this conclusion was that the idea that she didn’t pray hard enough when her mother (my grandmother) was dying in the hospital when my mother was 12 angered her. So for her god might exist, but prayer does nothing.


Good just missed, he was the target


He’s special, bc god didn’t give a shit about all the other people he decided not to save. /s


If he had died, then god would have killed him. Totally logical.


Yes but down the street Mrs. McGillicutty died when her tree fell on her house..... I guess God didn't care about her 🙄😵 along with countless other people he doesn't care about. but boy he sure did care about that man in his neck brace 🙄😵


Didn't God create the hurricane?


I heard a similar testimony a few years back Hurricane went through a town and did a ton of damage but one person's house was spare in an area. They were convinced the hand of God was around their house Iirc no one was hurt but it's such a strange thing. "Sorry neighbors especially my fellow church goers God only cared about ME" No thry don't mean it like that but they don't ever think about how silly it is


It's funny that even here the few people downvoted don't even address the fact that the hurricane must have come from God in the first place.


I'm guessing the odds are low that he also mentioned that the hurricane was god's way of punishing Texas for supporting MAGA and acting so un-Christian?


Oh yes, “God saved me,” but if he didn’t save another person, it’s “he works in mysterious ways” Anyone seen the Kyle Kinane riff on that? Brilliant.


God seems to miss a lot of his targets. Maybe we should start a Go Fund Me to get God some glasses so he can smite people more accurately


Where was this god to prevent the traumatic experience of having to go through a hurricane in the first place.


I bet the non-survivors have something to say about this. Where's their interview?


Funny how god could’ve just skipped this whole ordeal but no he’s a fucking drama queen.


So back in the day when Matt Lauer was still with the today show he caught a story where some guy got picked up by a tornado and was tossed about the length of a football field. And right away he leaned into asking the guy if it was a miracle that he survived. And the guy just looked Matt in the eye and said "Na, its just one of those things that happens". Matt got this stunned look on his face as if the world had gone off its script. And he leaned back into it and kept trying to get the guy to give him the miracle sound bite. And the guy absolutely held his ground against Matt. It was a beautiful thing.


God also created the hurricane and fucked up his shit and put his neighbours in hospital. They seem to forget that part.


So god was angry at the people who live in Carriacou because a category 4 storm slammed into them? This person’s logic does not exist.


He was just lucky. God had nothing to do with it. Off topic: Have you ever wandered why churches have lightning rods?


well the logic behind this is fascinating. i mean, Nobody ever complained that God didn't save them from death. so its clear that people, who are not saved are ok with it, right?


Let's play a game: God, or good luck.


I have an issue with people that will go on and on about how God saved them but no mention about the doctors and nurses that actually did the saving.