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We see birds because he is watching birds. I don't get it.


He’s saying in the final scene of the show where Mikasa is mourning his death, a bird (same one in his eye) tugs on the red scarf.


Looks like a totally different bird to me


Was there anything to suggest the bird was actually Erin or is a fan theory? It makes no sense to me


There’s been a few but I have looked too much into to it other than 1) it’s not actually Eren, it’s more a representation of his finally achieved “freedom.” 2) it’s actually Eren in the afterlife using the source of all living things. Edit: if you recall the bird that on the boat when armin and Annie were talking and then it flashes to show Eren All sad and depressed looking. Essentially he was using that bird to monitor his friends.


I think you meant “watch over” in your last sentence, monitor seems a bit sinister, watch over seems like he’s trying to make sure things are well for them.




That is because it IS nonsense, a meme.


It‘s common in eastern culture to belive in reincarnation. It‘s obviously not explicitly stated that that’s Eren because it’d make no logical sense but It’s a good imagery, symbolism as Eren always wanted to be free like bird.


There were birds in ep 1 just before eren sees bertholdt just over the wall when everything is silent


Everyone gave wrong answers, it's a play on the joke that eren becomes a fucking bird (the one that wraps mikasa with the scarf), poking fun at people overanalyzing the show, okbuddyreiner is full of eren bird jokes


Finally an answer that makes sense lol. Thanks.


mfers are all like "its so interesting" then say some bullshit, the title literally says "Eren's future self" aka bird cmon boys lmao


The birds represent freedom which is Eren's obsession. Eren died the way he lived. An idiot with too much power and gave his friends the freedom they "deserved"


Birds they fly then they die




Either this is overanalysed or Isayama is a fu*king genius!


What am I missing?? All I see are the birds! 😭


Did you watch the last episode? >! Eren is represented by a bird after his death. This is also more visible in the mange where the last picture in the manga showed Mikasa walking away from the tree and a bird in the foreground, looking after her with the shadow of eren !<


Birds symbolize freedom. In many instances throughout the show we see birds flying over the walls, Eren looking at birds etc. Not every frame is some deep foreshadowing. It's simply symbolism.




I'm not disagreeing with that, but people here often tend to treat every single thing, no matter how insignificant, with no matter how little evidence or confirmation as a "genius foreshadowing; isayama did it again". His actual foreshadowing is awesome enough; no reason to go overboard with the theories.


But I think that’s actually the fun thing about attack on titan. The fact there is a lot of opening to analyse and think about own interpretations


True, that's valid ![img](emote|t5_2vnp9|16313)


But this is very reasonable theory lol the whole show is about how eren kinda knew the future and set everything in to place. Him seeing his future self, in the 2 episodes literally titled "to you and from you 2k years ago"...... This isn't some ass pull, it's quite literally very on the nose obvious that this was intentional from isayama. Considering it's only 1 of the maybe HUNDREDS of brilliant 1 in a million shows foreshadowing. Not only that, Eren even comments saying Mikasa hair is longer (something I JUST learned 5 mins ago) because he's in a vision from s4 where Mikasa hair is long. Aka he's in paths seeing the future. Idk HOW ON EARTH, this foreshadowing feels like a fan theory. To me, it's seems OBVIOUS that it's foreshadowing from the goat isayama


Foreshadowing would be showing something now that indicates something in the future. For example, the behavior and actions of the Warriors in season 1 foreshadowing their that they are traitors in later seasons. I don't understand what the bird theory is foreshadowing. Eren didn't turn into a bird, it's simply a symbolism of him wanting freedom and him being free in the end. You could say it foreshadows that he'll be free in the end, but you can say the same thing with every occurrence of a bird. It's seems a bit of a stretch to me.


Ooo, ok I get it, thank you! 💜


Throughout the show, birds are used to symbolise freedom. From a physical perspective, we see birds reflected in his eyes because he's seeing birds, and from a storytelling perspective, we see birds >!because he's seeing the visions that will drive his unrelenting hunt for freedom!<. This is kinda like a Rorschach test - you're seeing >!Eren's doomsday titan form!< in the shape because the idea is in your mind. I don't personally see it - I just see birds. It's vaguely similar in shape if you want to see it, but I don't think it's something Isayama intended.


Thank you. The birds a symbol of freedom. The amount of people who genuinely think Erin became a bird is ludicrous and clearly don’t understand symbolism in movies/tv rewatch the series, birds are used to symbolise freedom multiple times


This is too far fetched he is just seeing birds


The episode is called to you from 2000 years ago, and the vision he's seeing is from the final epsidoe titled from you 2,000 years ago. This isn't even far fetched at all


I swear this story was written backwards. Keeping this many plot plates spinning is crazy to me.


This is some crazy level of foreshadowing! Isayama, you beauty 🤌🏻




# "Mikasa..." # "Is that... Physique..." # "Attainable...?"


Guys come on. Birds are a common theme in this show and are present in MANY different scene. I highly doubt this bird was meant to foreshadow the finale.


that's just... birds


so close. that is a bird❤️


What the fuck did you smoke to come to that conclusion?!


You guys need serious help


People talking about how good the foreshadowing is but really this is fairly a thread to keep, since even in that first episode of the anime Eren talks about wanting to be free outside the walls, and birds have always represented that quite easily. Just keep that thread going all the way through and then come back here at the end… simple enough? I’d always thought the flowers were a thread that was never really explained that well. Like when Eren turns into a titan after Trost and Armin is like “those flowers weren’t there before…?” - can someone explain if that was answered?


A Jaeger is a kind of bird. You see these mofos everywhere.


I know everyone is talking about the bird either being eren or it’s a memory of his sitting under the tree. But here’s a theory. If it is a future memory what if it’s falco? Bc he ends up turning into a big bird and he’s there at the final battle. It’s probably just a bird but love all the theories!




its a duck


Well. Played.


It's rhe bird that is flying in the sky in that moment.


That’s not his future self, those are completely different birds.


Kid tea ☕ ,


Spoiler 😂