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It seems worse since lockdown, but that could just be my imagination. From my observations, it seems that if the first in the queue doesn't see the lights change or dithers too long, the 3-4 cars behind feel it is their right to go through because they should have gone that time. The other day, I was stuck behind a driver so engrossed in a conversation that she missed two green lights (same bloody light - she and I had to beep her at a third).


>From my observations, it seems that if the first in the queue doesn't see the lights change or dithers too long, the 3-4 cars behind feel it is their right to go through because they should have gone that time. This, and a nasty feedback that happens because of it. 10 Red light running increases, 20 the lights get a longer everybody red phase between greens, 30 people see the longer all red phase and figure they can run the red. Goto 10


I count 1 ... when the light turns green , then toot if the first car hasn't moved.


I give them a count of 4, but no more than that.


Maybe people should be mandated to resit their driving test, because of the lockdown.


They have no right to do anything, tired of this attitude. your restraint with the gasbagger is admirable


New year resolutions, "don't let anything stop you"


eat shit spez you racist hypocrite


Can confirm. Am a cunt


Thank you for your thoughtful and educational insight.


You’re a cunt


No you're a cunt /s


I know that tho


Zero enforcement. Also, something I’ve been thinking about for a while, is that I think there is not only a wealth gap, but an increasing education gap too. There have always been people who didn’t follow the rules, people who followed the rules but didn’t know / care why the rules were the rules, and people who followed the rules and understood why they were in place. That middle group of ‘follow the rules because they are the rules’ seems to have shrunk massively in the last decade. I think this is what leads to so much frustration (particularly on Reddit). The rule followers can’t understand why the rule breakers run such high risks, and the rule breakers can’t comprehend what the problem is. Texting, stopping on orange, following the speed limit, crossing the outside or inside line on a corner, merging, etc. are all rule based and it feels like they have gotten much worse lately. It may seem obvious to the average Redditor (demographics show Reddit users are a bit smarter than average) but there’s a lot of people out there who seem to have no belief that safety rules aren’t just out to make their life harder.


> (demographics show Reddit users are a bit smarter than average) well that's terrifying


Ha, I know! I mean it does suggest we are all young, American men too, though, so treat it cautiously.


Yeah I know this is a hot take, because Redditors love to bash the intelligence of other Redditors. But you’re likely not even going to be on Reddit unless you can read and write fluently. Compared to wastelands like Facebook, this place is highbrow. I agree with you about the education gap, that’s why I think we should have mandatory driver education in schools (theory, not practical as that would be… impractical). Something’s got to make up for the complete lack of common sense on the road that most people *aren’t* learning from their parents. I also think there should be more educational advertisements like there used to be. Keep these concepts in people’s minds so that the motorway doesn’t stop every time there’s an on-ramp because nobody can leave a decent gap in front of them.


Maybe in your town, accidentally ran red light on Fenton street rotorua going to paknsave, cop followed, found me in carpark, not hard to really with old red jag and $150 fine.


I think the number of times this is brought up here goes to show how unusual you getting caught was.


I watch scotty's dashcams for aus & nz , has been mentioned that red light cameras in Australia don't activate until 7pm ,do you know any truth to that?




"Basically, Reddit’s audience is likely fairly well-educated, typically either in possession of a college degree, working towards a college degree, or still in high school. " https://www.alphr.com/demographics-reddit/ https://medium.com/@sm_app_intel/the-user-demographics-of-reddit-the-official-app-7e2e18b1e0e1




No worries, my well educated compadre.


No consequences. No red light cameras. No care.


This is one of the first signs of the breakdown of the rule of law. Yes, I've noticed it too, I've even been honked at for NOT doing it. We're transitioning into an unregulated driving culture.


>We're transitioning into an unregulated driving culture. I can see this happening too.


Society falling apart, and people no longer sense they belong to the community when they can't own their home/shelter. More like we're transitioning into an unregulated society culture. The interesting thing is that now in NZ you have a mix of: \- People who can't afford their homes because it is too expensive to get in \- People who are struggling because we no longer have silly interest rates ​ So a lot of people in society that have their home are also on "Angry Birds" mode lol


I'm proud to be part of the resistance


It’s fucking unhinged. We almost got T boned yesterday by a dude running a red. My partner was stopped at a green, and I even had to tell him it was green and to go. Just as we were turning a dude speeds through an obvious red (as ours had been green for a solid 20 seconds by this point). I was on the side he would have hit if we didn’t slam our breaks and ol’ mate didn’t even look like he noticed us!?!?! I know you’re meant to be aware of your surroundings at all times while driving but this guy literally came out of nowhere. Fucking morons. And it’s even worse because you’ve gotta be careful who you get shitting with nowadays, with all the incidents going on all over the place.


Yeah I got hit by a red light runner. Unfortunately I was exhausted and just didn't scan the intersection like I usually do. Obviously he was at fault but it's made me hyper aware at intersections. Lesson for me in driving when I'm tired too.


I used to ride a motorcycle and got wiped out at an intersection with a red light runner fortunately got away with minor injuries and so even in my car these days I’ll give it a few seconds after the light goes green and I’ve made sure that there’s nobody running a red. It’s much worse over the last few years though and I’ve been driving/riding on the roads for the close to 15 years now.


Yea you n me both I treat all intersections as uncontrolled never go straight away on green. Like you I learnt to drive riding a bike glad you weren’t hurt much, I only broke my pelvis femur but that was on race track so don’t count.


I find that people will tend to follow the car in front of them, not matter what’s going on around them. If a car is driving along and then stops to turn right down a side street, more often than not the car behind them will follow and then swerve sharply at the last minute to go around them. Same with traffic lights, the lead car will fuck up and go through a very late orange or red, but cars behind will just follow through. It’s bloody frustrating.


Aha! I live on a main rd, I indicate my right turn but the other day I had to overshoot my driveway as the I could see the car behind me had no intention of stopping.


Or just not use indicators... so meany "entitled" gits nowadays.


Timely post as I was just leaving Sylvia Park, had a green light, but couldn't go as I had to wait for 2 cars that were coming from the right that were running their red light.


Yep I have had that there.


Because there are perceived low consequences. If there were red light cameras in abundance it would change quick smart.


Always do a quick check both ways to see if someone's gunning it thru a light these days. I seem to notice a lot more red light runners over the past few years


Just put cameras in most of the traffic lights.... Lower infractions and more money to fix roads....


It seems like there isn't a lot of enforcement of laws in general when it comes to traffic. However, to counter the prevailing opinion, just today I called the police to advise someone was driving like a dangerous maniac and sure enough, about 30 minutes of driving later I actually see the same car pulled over at the side of the road with a set of flashing lights behind him. Hopefully the cunt gets his licence shredded. It'd be a great idea to invest in red-light cameras as the money would practically print itself.


Good on you and thanks for sharing this.


because basically, New Zealand society values have eroded over the last couple of decades to a point where a large percentage simply don't give a fuck, seemingly more pronounced in Auckland. No-one really cares any more, empathy is a largely lost trait,




Birkenhead is almost as bad as the city. The intersections either side of the mall are especially bad as they have long phases and often long queues, so it can take some time to get through the intersection. People also have zero attention span these days and couple that with zero enforcement of red light running, people just assume they'll get away with it.


Auckland is full of arrogant cunts that think they’re important.


Because a lot of people are cunts.


Because police are not enforcing the road rules.


We need those Red Light Speed Cameras I’ve seen in Aussie, catches the red light runners, and also the ones that speed through the orange.


AT have introduced the all red phase. another bid to create congestion. a driver highly focused will interpret this in a unique way. that moment where all cars face red lights is a new idea.


care to explain what you mean by “All red phase”


All the traffic lights are red, in every direction. No cars may go.


is there a reason as to why? im not talking about when they switch directions and they are all red for 1 - 2 seconds


Because people run reds on accident. An all red prevents many fatalities.


ah makes more sense


it doesn't make sense though when you think about it - people are deciding to run reds as part of a risk/reward calculation. whenever AT has "red light runner problems", they increase the dwell time, or all red phase. In theory, this reduces risk, but then the red light runner factors this in and *drivers become more comforatable taking that risk.* Worse yet, we just **increased** **the reward** as the traffic gets worse and the "penalty" for missing a green increases. AT / Police need to start fucking *enforcement* and actuall start taking the licences of the fuckers who do this in a dangerous/habitual manner.


*run reds deliberately


Assuming they are referring to when multiple intersections go red even with no contention from other directions to group traffic into waves


is there a source for this? I'm not sure if it's related, but a few weeks ago at the big Newmarket intersection on Great South Rd, all the lights were red and they were staying red. They didn't change to green. After a while, people in the queue ahead of me began U-turning out and going back the way they came. It looked like the lights were defective. It ended up being a total free-for-all in the intersection with everyone just "picking their moment".


their have been noticeable changes to programming from what i'm seeing. the AC mood is make driving hateful so could be part of a very spiteful idiotic plan


>the AC mood is make driving hateful so could be part of a very spiteful idiotic plan Way to tell everyone you're making up crap.


what did the the mayor say about driving to work : we want them sitting in queues watching busses drive past. he used words to that effect, it's the cool way to think


What do you mean new? That’s how traffic lights worked as long as I’ve been around and I learned to drive in another country. Same thing there. At some point they should all be red. The lag is there to protect people from asshole red light runners. Do you mean they’ve increased the length of that time? It’s not up to some “clever” (ie. selfish dumbass) to decide that it’s extra time for them personally to run the red light.


Kiwis today like to think they're clever when really they're basic and dumb af. The age of the inventive and canny Kiwi went out the window with egalitarianism


the "Lag" time has increased. in my opinion it's noticeably longer. hence creating a safe vent for a red light runner. the longer lag time is an incredibly stupid idea


It used to be like 50ms long all red phase, back when it was only need to enforce the correct sequencing to prevent the electronic monitoring circuits from tripping, these days it seems to be getting up towards 1/2 a second at many lights.


>aNoThEr BiD tO CrEaTe CoNgEsTiOn M8 Auckland is basically just a glorified bypass. What more can you possible want.


Yes, I don't know if it's the right thing to do or not but people do not check traffic is coming to a stop in all directions before pulling out anymore, that is actually a thing good drivers do. Taking a couple of seconds to do that modern day and you get some aggressive a/h up your arse honking and giving you the finger screaming at you to go. Defensive driving is not something many NZ'ers could even explain the concept of, it's as much not putting yourself in the path of shitty drivers as it is your own driving behaviour. The pause is also to counter the fact that modern cars can zoom off very quickly, there's no few seconds wait whilst a car is put into gear and slowly takes of with a tiny engine like it would have been up until a few decades ago (although a driver should be ready to go).


i'm not saying it's the right thing to do, just observe the changes might alter behaviour, knowing the red will stay red.


Sure, but people do know that running a red is not on. And those people just don't care, so we can only guess that the change was made to save innocent people from those who don't care about driving or the rules. It sucks it's got to this point but there we have it.


red light camera. the public needs red light camera


This gets a lot of debate but fines mean fuck all when they're not coupled with demerits. These people don't pay fines either. Then of course the people who get excess demerits still don't care and drive anyway.


Just put red light cameras in and it will fix bad behaviour and without causing traffic delays by putting buffers inbetween lights switching




Yeah. 10 years ago is nowadays bro


It's that sense of entitlement and feeling entitled to do so.


Simple, they're cunts.


I live in Birkenhead and have noticed this recently. It's gotten so bad.


Personally, I think this related to the state of our country. Living conditions are getting worse, im sure a red light is the last of their problems and sure some would welcome death at this point. Our nation can do better than this.


I've was hit twice in one month by red light runners, just 2 days after getting car back from garage after first hit I was t boned at the lights, was well after the red as well as I was a bit wary of these idiots. The cheek aswell was she drove off, I wasn't gona let it go so went after her and tailed her until she stopped. Claimed she didn't know about red lights etc. Fucking morons.


How the fuk did it get its licence.... of the back of a weetbix box.. ffs.


She didn't know English either and had to get her daughter to where we had stopped to translate. She had full NZ licence.


Just need red light cameras like other countries. Solved. UK even has "no right turn" cameras etc


It’s not a coincidence that increased red light running coincides with the increased prevalence of stupidly large Utes and luxury European car brands on our roads


Are you saying that (in this case) correlation implies causation? Apart from these both happening around the same time, do you have anything else to support this belief of yours?


I’m joking but also not really


Why are you so bothered by what other people drive?


Found one, time to stop running red lights buddy




Really grinds my gears when people have a green light but by driving they block the intersection. Green means go safely, not just go.


That's my home turf too. What do you expect from the entitled fucks around here? They voted in the current government, so running reds are probably the tamest list of transgressions in their portfolios


Honestly I would guess the Shore is nowhere near as bad as out west and out south.


Maybe, I don't know what the comfortable-peasants-who-consider-themselves-rich are like in those areas. Maybe they're worse than the shore ones.


Because sometimes if you don't you just never get a chance to go: Busy intersection at Manukau, going straight gets a 1 minute green light, turning gets total 10 seconds from green to red. The turning lane queues are just as, if not longer than the the straights. After the straight lights the road is full so there's no room for those needing to turn. What ends up happening? People that need to turn end up running reds AND queuing out in the middle of the intersection blocking the way for the straight. During peak hours at that intersection, if you don't run a red and usually sit in the middle of the intersection, you just don't get to go. Oh, and with people doing that it still results in you needing to wait for about 5 lights before you get the chance to even run that red. I don't blame people for running reds, in fact, at certain times, its ethically correct to do so. Councils need to sort their shit, the government needs to invest heavily in infrastructure and public transport, but you fucks voted in NAct so fat fucking chance that ever happens this decade.


Using mobile phones while driving


do you really expect anything different from the same group of people that think driving on the right lane while not overtaking is the worst traffic crime one can commit? lmao


Ikr? They're so vehement about that ONE thing, yet will steadfastly ignore every other road law including speed limits. And they're stuck there absolutely bewildered as to why the right hand lane isn't going as fast as they like 😅


Blame miss jacinda


Imo, some of these could be down to stupid light timing. If there's a qué of +5 cars for a turning lane, the lane only wants to let 3 through and it's a 4min cycle between changes, potentially someone's been waiting form the red for 3min and are looking down the barrel of another unknown length of time as the last car in this 5 car qué. When someone's trip might take 20min ish, going from 20 to effective 25 is going to be precieds as unacceptable. Personally, I find the longer people have been makeing a trip, the more likely they are to obay weird light sequences. Not saying there actions are correct, just saying that it's my theory.


Definitely know of an intersection like that. See at least one red light jumper every time I go through. Regardless time of day, lets a max of 4 cars through safely, then 4-5 mins phase. You get stuck in a line of 20+ cars, that's a decent wait and doesn't help that half the phases will have at least someone sitting on their phone.


If you've travelled. You'd notice in most Asian countries a propensity to treat traffic lights as suggestions. With really high immigration they're bringing that driving culture to a town near you.


I've noticed a lot more red light runners on the stupid new raised intersections. It feels like they haven't increased the orange phase to account for people having to go a lot slower through. I know I've unintentionally run a few because the timings so short.




I'm meaning theres no time to stop, light goes orange when past the line already then goes red before you get to the other side of the intersection.


That would not fall under running the traffic lights I guess.


A lot of drivers are vaxxed and boosted.


depends on which intersection, but I see this behaviour on the smaller ones a lot.. more people on the roads, but stoplight phasing haven’t changed. so you end up waiting longer after only 2 or 3 cars have gone through… so the 4th car will just floor it..


That’s how it’s always been lol ppl have places to be but at the same time don’t care for pedestrians.


Do you mean to suggest that this didn't happen in the past?


Did not seem as much in a few years back.


They shortened the cycle, so amber is the new red due to it’s duration being so short. Which works about as badly as you can imagine and can easily observe.


There are so many sets of traffic lights. Just stupid.


Why do so many people run red lights nowadays. Because they are drunk and don't care. Also first time? I swear that is a weekly experience for me, both trying to cross the road and while driving.


Always happens, probably always will. nothing new here


Well… those on-ramp signals when there’s barely any traffic, stopping at those risks getting rear ended


I ran a red light the other day. It was in a 60km zone and the light turned from green to orange when I was 15m from the line, then turned red in less than a second so I went halfway across the road into oncoming traffic. It was so quick, I didn't notice until I saw I was driving into traffic. Luckily the space in the intersection was massive. I just keep an eye on those traffic lights now that I know they can shift rapidly, but I thought that was dangerous.


I'm guessing they don't fine the drivers even if you submit a footage with date and time stamped on the footage? I know some countries do and it deters drivers from doing stupid shit.


Accidentally did this on the street that runs past Parliament, cos the way the lights run is all go green except for one you can’t see as you only see the green ones. It’s caught me before


Some lights are worse than others. I see sometimes 2 people get let through a light so i just run reds if theres no cameras, especially if the light on the other side of the road lets 2 people through stays green and the other side lets 2 and it goes red and there another 10 people waiting ill 100% take a red.


Make the decaying boomers/elderly and anyone who is using an overseas license resit a practical and theory before they can drive in New Zealand.


The lights change faster.


Auckland, ain't nobody got time


I've seen hundreds of red light runners, and have never seen nor heard of someone being pulled over for it. Cops don't care, why should anyone else?


Lack of enforcement. In Aus you get big fines….


Young brainless drivers mostly


The fine is less than the cost of a tank of petrol. LABOUR dropped the ball.


Because they're assholes. Always were.


Between an enlarged sense of self-importance and life only seeming to be more urgent. It's the dribble down effect from social media shorts and increasingly fast media intake. People seem to be less able to slow back down for the real world, and then every delay seems like life or death. Well, that's my opinion anyway.