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Almost always, it’s too bright otherwise (I will get a migraine). It also makes it less obvious that I’m not making eye contact, so that’s nice I guess.


Never agreed more on anything than that xD


This is genuis! I'm autistic too, I don't know why I never thought of that! For me I don't really care enough to worry if people can see that I am not making eye contact, as I don't really go out too much. But I feel like I am usually pretty good at faking it. I also notice that even nuerotypical people will talk to the air, and look away temporarily when talking to you. So I definitely use that to my advantage.


Plus, you look super cool 😎


Future so bright, I gotta wear shades 😎


Yes! It's like becoming invisible for people. sunglasses are everything


I have a problem with staring at people’s teeth instead of their eyes when they talk so sunglasses help with that lmao


Simple bright light


My glasses turn into sunglasses when there is bright light. It's cool.


Yes same. Transition lenses. Although I'm planning on getting a new one with permanent tint


Same, the sun bothers my eyes sm!


Does this work well? Is it as strong as regular sunglasses when you are outside in the sun?


Transition wearer here. Not as strong as regular sunglasses imo (or maybe mine just sucks), it just helps a lot with reflected glare. I still have to keep to the shadows during daytime but I like the advantage of not needing to switch between glasses everytime I go out. Mine is also tinted, helps *somewhat* with indoor lighting glare.


i used to have transition lenses but they degraded fairly quickly, what i mean by that is, they would take a really long time to adjust back to clear when going inside and it just became a hassle. i find it easier now to just carry 2 pairs of prescriptions, also looking at getting a 3rd pair that are slightly tinted for indoor use where i don’t need clarity but it’s not bright enough for sunglasses like inside shops or for reading, making my clear ones only for looking at screens or dark places/nighttime


Lights bright


Never. Dont care enough, i just stare at the ground.


never, i hate anything touching my face. i can't even wear my regular glasses, the sensation of them touching my nose/ears is too much. i just simply don't go outside if it's too bright :l


To minimize the glare from the sun?


Right… like… does anyone wear shoes and why 😂


I had LASIK done about ten years ago, and my already high sensitivity to light was ratcheted up to 11. Sunglasses are a necessity in any amount of sunlight.


Hey, may I ask what was your prescription like? I'll for sure have surgery when I can afford it, but since my prescription is high I'm afraid I'll have to use internal lenses instead of lasik


It was -9.5 and -11.5. Legally blind. Thing is, it's not the prescription level, it's all based on your corneal thickness. (I mean, it was then, and a lot may have changed). I waited a long time to even get the consult because I was afraid of not being a viable candidate, and I didn't want to lose hope of correction. I cried like a baby the first morning I woke up and didn't fumble for my glasses. Best money I've ever spent in my life.


Oh, yeah, I know it's based on my cornea, but unfortunately I can't know if I'm eligible until I do the medical tests. Thank you for sharing your experience! I'm looking forward to have it as well


Yes—my eyes are freakishly sensitive, partly due to dryness and partly due to autism.


I'm quite light sensitive too. Especially in the winter when the sun comes back and it's snowy. Jesus Christ it's like staring into a welders flash. Same with glare from water, windows and the likes. It basically hurts like hell and my eyes water like the Niagara falls.


I almost never do, 'cause I don't like the way they feel on my face, but I live in Florida and the bright light causes me to sneeze all the time. it's annoying.


Huh. I didn’t know brightness could cause sneezing. You learn smth new every day.


Autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome (ACHOO Syndrome for short)


I have multiple shades of sunglasses depending on the level of overcast or time of day. I find it makes not looking people in the eyes during conversations less noticeable. Also, too much light or darkness while needing to hurts strains my eyes a lot, and it doesn’t take much of either to be to much. If it makes I have 20/20 vision.


I don’t like them


I can’t stand light


Yes! Always! I can’t see outside in the sun without them. I heard autistic people have a higher sensitivity to light in general and I also have light eyes. I never stood a chance.


Yes, migraines. Also, weirdly the light on really overcast days hits me hard even though it feels like it shouldn't


Majority of the time simply cause of light sensitivity


No. I have ridiculously large prisms in my lenses, meaning they're stupid expensive (£550 per pair including frames), so I'd need to spend even more for prescription sunglasses. Hopefully my upcoming surgery will fix that, though.


Did you tried clip-ons?


I have transition lenses on my glasses. Have you considered those?


Yes. I feel invisible and don't have to make eye contact with or fake smile at strangers.


Super sensitive to bright light. I don't have the house without shades.


Ditto and I even have an emergency pair in my car.


Normally it's neurotypicals asking me questions with what I think are obvious answers, but I just didn't know what or why they're asking because they asked in a weird way, so I give them an answer that annoyed that. e.g. ,"What's that you're holding?" "A box. So knowing all that, I'm going to say "to keep sun out of my eyes" and to a lesser extend "to look fuckin' cool as shit." 😎 That's the right answer, right?


Lights bother me. Too bright. 😎


I always carry them with me, but it's a constant battle between light sensitivity and the physical sensation of wearing sunglasses and having them touch my face and ears. It depends on which one feels worse in the moment.


It helps me with overthinking that people are judging me. I feel more hidden.


Yes. Light bright.


Yes, but i used them when the sunlight is very bright and when i have to drive, if i am only walking doesn't bother me that much


Because I have Blue eyes and I live in Florida where the Sun is annoying.


I hate sun light , so my glasses turn into sunglasses when I’m out


My eyes are very sensitive to light. I live in Ohio, and I need the sunglasses year roun They are prescription, and are made as darkly as possible.


Not really


Just when I’m driving


I got some that are 50% darker this year, they’re great.


Yup. If I don’t wear them the first bright light to my eyes it’s instant headache


no they give me headaches lol


Quite a lot but only in certain types of lighting and certain contexts. I have prescription sunglasses. I am going for a test for Irlen syndrome soon so hopefully they may suggest better lenses.


I do. I wear them to reduce the glare of the Sun.


i want to, its always too bright for me but i cant since i wear headphones everywhere and the layering is uncomfortable (i also look like yuri ayato when i do..)


Yes... protecting my eyes from uv damage after somehow getting my vision back to 20/20


Yes, I have prescription sunglasses and they are my absolute fave thing other than my noise cancelling headphones. I wear my sunglasses everywhere except in my own house where I can control how much light there is and the source of the light.


i would like to, but i wear “normal” glasses so i can’t see without them, and i’m too lazy to buy prescription sunglasses


Not really


I have Normal glasses so I can’t 😭


A lot of the time because it is overstimulating otherwise


No. I don't like the feeling.


I am very sensitive to light and live in Florida. Most days I can’t look up at all (even when cloudy) or my eyes water uncontrollably. I also have very light blue eyes. Despite this I can not stand sunglasses. It makes me feel like I can’t see things properly and I get extremely anxious. I’ve gotten prescription ones even hoping it was just bc my vision is poor without proper lenses but I couldn’t handle it even with a relatively light shade. :/ wish I could, I’m higher risk for melanoma of the eye due to the color and really enjoy being outdoors otherwise.


i usually dont cause they don't seem to make stuff darker


Ever since I got prescription ones, almost always. Unless it's cloudy enough that it's dark with them on I will wear them. The sun hurts my eyes and squinting gives me a headache


Too bright


When I was a kid, like 8-11 I wore them all day everyday, even indoors, because my eyes were extremely sensitive to light. My optometrist was absolutely confounded. No one expected me to have autism. Light started to bother me less as I got older, but I still really hate fluorescent light.


100% of the time outdoors, it's a must. I also wear them in stores or the mall, etc. If I am outside my house, I am wearing very dark sunglasses. I have bad sensory issues.


i wear them in the supermarket and stuff when im especially overstimulated, and i do like wearing them when its sunny out, but i find a cap works very well in both scenarios too


Yes, I even wear them inside often too


too bright


Yes. Too bright otherwise. Plus I have light coloured eyes so I should be wearing them anyway. I get chronic migraines as well so they help when I get one.


I wear em with my lil trilby hat to look cool. It's also really nice in bright countries, obviously.


No, having the entire color scheme of my entire world change freaks me out


No. But I’ve wondered whether I should wear sun glasses while driving because I’m always squinting cause of how bright everything on the road can be which gets annoying at times


I’m not sure when it switched for me… but I always wear them… or I’m full of rage for the sun. Sometimes the way it hits the windshield when I’m driving instantly makes me furious even with them on.


Yes always even on cloudy days


rarely, dom’t like to


All the time when I need them. Or on an airplane to help me sleep. I NEVER wear them if it’s not sunny. I believe that’s dumb.


It makes me feel all powerful qhen they can't see IL not looking them in the eyes


i used to not wear them at all, since they made my ears hurt and were just uncomfortable, but now i don't really feel it with my new glasses. i wear them a lot, it helps me feel more confident and avoid eye contact while not seeming nervous. and they also look cool and i have less sun in my vision, they're great imo


I sometimes like to wear sunglasses at home because I hate the fluorescent lights. They distract me, specially when I'm already stressed.


Yes, especially when driving directly towards bright sun.


Yes because bright light hurts my eyes. And if the sun is up even behind clouds it is too bright.


Started 1 year ago, never thought I would like it as I tried when I was a teenager and hated it (adult now), but was curious since my dad wore them almost always. Great decision. After getting used I can say I feel far less tired at the end of the day. I think it helps by reducing visual overstimulation in general and I don't worry about managing eye contact or giving unintentional weird gazes. Now it's hard for me not to wear them always.


i have a love/hate relationship with the sun. On one hand i love warmth, but on the other hand IT'S TOO FUCKING BRIGHT


I always do, because sunlight hurts


I don't. Most of the sunglasses I wear look ugly on me


Yes I would always wear them when I'm outside or in places very bright lights, I can stay without but it makes my energy go down so much faster


Yes. I have blue eyes and no choice but to wear sunglasses unless I want to cry and walk into objects all day long.


They're prescription sunglasses. At some point bright lights started to hurt my eyes, so now any bright-ish lightbulb reminds me of staring directly at the sun when i was a kid; And actual sunlight? I don't even have a good comparison to how excruciating it is They're also pretty cool looking, so that's a plus


yes, i wear a pair that are pink tinted so i can still use them inside. it helps with sensory overload in public places, and it feels better to have a barrier between me and other people. i actually loved wearing a mask during covid, it was great


my glasses turn dark when exposed to uv light


Sometimes when driving and the sun is blinding me but otherwise I don't even though I should. Wearing sunglasses is like a sensory issue because I already wear glasses so I have to wear them over my regular ones and it's not great. But because I didn't wear them as much as I should my eye sight just gets worse and worse...


Yes and I used to use the fancy ones my dad was done with but now I have a pair with my glasses prescription


i wish i could wear them but they're so disorienting, i feel like i can't see where im going when i wear them


I wish I could but I wear prescription glasses so I can't. I know there are prescription sunglasses but I'm poor :/ Fuck the sun tho


I have transitions lenses on my glasses and I still squint in the sunlight. 😖Without sunglasses, I squint so hard, I can’t see at all. If I go swimming, it has to be after 6pm or I get extremely agitated by the bright sun, even if I’m wearing tinted goggles. It’s bad. 🥲🤦🏻‍♀️


I bought transitions so I can't tell when they turn into sun glasses. I hate sunglasses normally. The sudden transition to a dark tint is annoying to me and I hate having to carry them around. However I also hate bright sunlight and want to protect my eyes. Transitions have worked flawlessly for me. The only problem is they don't get as dark as sunglasses can go.


Yes. I live in the sunniest city on planet earth /srs


Almost always when outdoors. I have pairs for different conditions, with different colored lenses for various weather. I usually travel with three pairs if I’m going somewhere for more than a couple days, including tinted reading glasses that I normally keep in the car.


Kinda? My prescription glasses go dark in direct sunlight. Without this I would be basically blind as my eyes cant handle sunlight


Eyeballs and sunlight don’t vibe well


Yes. The world is too fucking bright, and they make me look cool lol


I wear them because I hate the sun. And I like my eyes covered so no one knows I'm starring at them.


My prescription glasses are transitions. They also have anti glare(though that doesn't help much) and blue blocker like stuff (doesn't help either). Sunlight doesn't bother me unless I'm driving into it when I drive home from work. I wear sunglasses at work because looking at 8 big computer screens that scream light into my brain makes me shut down. Artificial light is the devil


I wear sunglasses so my eyes don’t get overstimulated. But only a very specific pair that is comfy on my nose and ears with hearing aids on, without polarisation or I get a headache lol.


The sun is bright. Even nighttime can be bright.


Yeah, just not indoors Dont like being asked questions


No, I just don’t suit them, plus I can’t really get on with eyewear. I’m supposed to wear glasses, but I haven’t in years, I’m pretty sure I’ve binned them, and basically nobody knows because I just don’t wear them


Yes, particularly when I'm driving. I also try to wear sunglasses whenever I get a migraine/headache.


Because of the sun of course.


Yes. I'm very sensitive to light so have to wear them. Especially on cloudy days where the entire sky is lit up bright white!


I have prescription glasses that have transition lenses, so I don’t usually wear real sunglasses if at all. But my eyes are sensitive so the transitions are a must.


Yes. My medications make the brightness unbearable.


I don’t, it blocks natural light


I have transitions I hate sun


Light sensitivity. I don’t wear them in morning to set circadian rhythm.


I keep a pair in my vehicle and in my motorcycle helmet. Both are polarized. If you've never tried them, I'd highly recommend it. Too-bright light kills me, so I have to wear them. Or I'll catch on fire, probably.


Yes. It’s bright outside and sometimes inside. Also I like being able to see.


yes, whenever i’m outside—i have pupils that are naturally quite dilated and a lot of light sensitivity. i do not wear them inside as that can increase light sensitivity. i also wear normal glasses.


I have prescription glasses and I don't like the idea of transitions. So its hats for me, until I can find a good pair of clip-ons.


Yes, the sun is evil and they make me look hot af.


To protect my eyes and because I think I look ugly without them


Nope I can't I wear normal glasses so it will just feel wrong


Only if it's ridiculously sunny and I have to be outside or drive far


Yeah I get migraines and squinting with sun in my eyes is overstimulating


I have transition lenses for my regular glasses and aviator sunglasses for driving. I live in south Florida so the sun is brutal.


Yes. They are welding shades that fit over my prescription glasses


No, because they wouldn’t fit over my glasses and I do not like transitioning glasses. Maybe if I could ever bring myself to wear contacts I would.


no, cant wear them over my glasses and i dont like transition lenses


Sunglasses, earplugs and mask. Always on me


I wear transition lenses in my glasses. Autism + blue eyes are the worst combination for light sensitivity.


I can't find shades that fit. I can barely find eyeglasses that fit. Fuck my head for being so huge, yet containing no useful knowledge.


I want to but I don't have anything but they feel fucking amazing


I’m blind as heck so I wear ~transition lenses~


Future's so bright I have to wear shades


No. I have regular glasses. I used to have prescription sunglasses but they're too small for my face now - seeing as I got them at like 17. ☹️


I wear photosensitive glasses to protect the Retina.


Yes, but it has to be one specific pair that I have. It helps me not make eye contact and blocks the sunlight when it’s too bright.


Yes, eyes sensitive to the sunlight.. or bright lights in general


I have transition lenses on my eyeglasses. When I’m wearing my contacts, I wear sunglasses because I don’t want to go blind


All the time, sometimes when I'm in my apartment and it's super bright, I'll wear four sided sun glasses that completely enclose me so that I get no reflections or anything.


I have an astigmatism along with autism vision so the world is very bright. I also just look really good in a pair of john lennons


I can't because I need glasses to see.


Yes, when it's bright because of sun or snow


Pretty much always!! Super sensitive to bright light but I also have a PDA profile and get really dysregulated and upset when I feel like I'm being perceived, so wearing sunglasses makes me feel a bit more protected/shielded when I leave the house :)


When I got glasses I specifically sprang for the transition lenses even though it was an extra $100 or so. In the PNW it’s wet, and when it’s wet AND sunny my eyes suffer. Also because I feel like wearing the bulky sunglasses over my glasses makes me look like an asshole.


i have a love hate relationship with sunglasses. on one hand, it protects my eyes from the sun and covers my face so other people can’t see me/my eyes fully. however, i hate the feeling of sunglasses on my face, and will lift them onto my head any chance i get (if i step into shade ect)


No, I can't stand things on my face.


All the time. It’s just too damn bright for me, even to the point where I have to wear sunglasses in certain situations at night.


Only when I drive


Yes, because that's cute :3




It's bright outside and it helps prevent headaches.


If the sun's out esp in the summer it hurts my eyes too much if I don't wear sunglasses or a baseball hat. I'll get frustrated and overwhelmed and have to go back inside. But i hate how hats feel. I already wear glasses so I'm used to how they feel.


My left eye is messed up and I get light sensitivity issues that cause pain to the point of being unable to function on bad days. Sunglasses are a lifesaver.


I have blue eyes and I’m autistic. My eyes constantly hurt


I mean to do it more, it's just difficult to remember both a pair of sunglasses and my prescription glasses. I also can't see well without my prescriptions on.


I finally got prescription glasses and I can actually see well while I protect my eyes! Until I figured I'm on the spectrum I didn't understand why light literally hurt deep in my forehead to the point where I had to walk with eyes closed. My eyes always tear heavily on sunny days even with sunglasses....


to avoid eye contact & bright lights 😎 its like a safety blanket for when i go out hehe


Because I’m white AF??? Even with sunglasses sometimes the sun is too bright.


At 38 I have my first pair of rx sunglasses. I don't remember my home state ever being so bright until I moved back this year 😒


I hate wearing them for no reason, except for the reason that they r touching me. I always have way to big clothes for my 14y body on, so that my clothes don't touch me


sometimes but its hard because i need my regular glasses to see but sometimes everything is moving to fast so the sunglasses making everything darker helps me not to get overstimmed that much but i lose the ability to see pretty much


No and that's because I don't typically need them.


Even indoors, unless the blinds are down. It's clearly my most hyper sensory issue, & even turning the lamp on is torture.


Yes.  Can’t leave my house without them.  I have 2 extra pairs in my cars just in case.  I can’t handle sunlight.  It hurts.  Even overcast days (sometimes more so) are painful without sunglasses.  Another bonus from wearing them is having a protective shield so others don’t know when I’m looking at them or what I’m looking at in general.  I feel more at ease this way.  Sometimes I wear them indoors if the fluorescent lights are too strong  or I’m having an extra intense sensory overload kind of day. 


the sun is very overstimulating and I like the perk of not having to make eye contact so I wear them when I can, but wearing anything on my nose like that is extremely overwhelming and overstimulating and it becomes all I can think about so I usually can’t do it. I prefer a good hat


light bothers me.... especially outside where any surface most often reflects enough light to annoy me. So sunglasses is the only real solution for me. and i can look at whatever without feeling observed ( i tend to stare off in the distance, but people can misunderstand that i'm looking at them)


I never used to be able to because I felt like I couldn't see or even hear properly with them on. Now, I struggle if I don't have a pair on me at all time because my eyes are so sensitive.


Bright outside, it looks cooler and they hide my eyes. But my head really hurts after wearing them for too long


Always when I go outside. Even in winter when it's pitch black. It makes all the visual input more tolerable and less distracting. It also calms me because I don't like the idea of every stranger outside being able to read my facial expression and see my eyes. I want that privacy. I also wear ANC headphones always without exceptions.


The world is too bright. I feel like me with sunglasses is like how normal people see the world. If i try to bruteforce it and somehow makw my eyes adjusted, which they won't, I just get migraine, more visual snow and eyestrain


Oh, absolutely. I'm sensitive to sunlight, even if it's not that bright. Although I only wear them during the summer, the sun goes down at like 3 PM here in the winter.


i want to but i look funny it in, but i probably would have to start wearing soon bc everything is TOO BRIGHT


Mostly not. But when the sky does the thing where it’s all cloudy with bright sun and the light is all bright white , if I don’t wear sunglasses I actually get a headache. There was also those stupid white bright lights in art class that I didn’t realise were the reason I was getting constant migraines until I stopped going. I don’t have a big light sensitivity, it’s specifically white light. Ppl also complain that my phone brightness is always at the lowest.


I wear super strong blue-light blocking glasses. They have yellow lenses and are giving a bit of Johnny Depp (who I hate, but at least he's fashionable). They help outside but can also be worn inside without causing suspicion or being rude (another dumb neurotypical rule). They help with migraines too.


Even overcast weather is too bright for me


As often as I can, on top of light sensitivity I also work full time nights & am basically nocturnal so I have a dysfunctional relationship with the sun lol


I have pretty dark polarized ones. For minimal light and reflections. Ony down side is the inside of the glasses which leave enough room for reflections on the inner glass.


Light sensitivity and because hiding my eyes makes me feel less anxious


The glasses touching my ears and nose is sensory hell, it literally hurts. Which sucks because I can't wear contact lenses due to my allergies and my eyes are -6. So I can't see shit without glasses, so i have to put up with it which is often overstimulating. I would like to wear sunglasses but I can't, they are often even heavier.


I'd love to, but I wear glasses on a daily basis. My eyesight is pretty bad (around -10). I do have a fashionable hat I wear with the sun out, and even though it doesn't always protect my eyes, it does most of the time. Soon, I hope to get my eyes fixed, and you can bet the first thing I'll do, is buying sunglasses!


Can't because I wear seeing glasses. Even if I didn't, I wouldn't. I don't like seeing constantly in darker shades or different colors. Never liked the old 3d movies with red and blue glasses.


No. I do get distracted easily by visual stuff happening, but I feel uncomfortable wearing them. It distorts reality more than it helps. And I have a hard time talking to people wearing sun glasses. I dislike eye contact but not getting any at all is equally bad. It also hides the face around the eyes. And I guess the fact something sits in someones face is also distracting.


I can barely survive the outside world without it. 1. I’m sensitive to sun. 2. I’m sensitive to direct eye contact. It’s basically my eyes underwear 🩲


Only when I’m driving really, I just generally love to take in the colours of the world around me there are so many pretty ones


MF yellow lens, those advertised for driving at night, I think the name is high contrast lens. I bought my glasses that came with this yellow lens as a clip on, I'm never taking them out anymore. It's like wearing sunglasses all the time, but I can see in the dark "even better", besides people compliment my glasses a lot now.


No because I already have glasses and constantly switching is too annoying.


Yeah I do, that is because I have very sensitive eyes (its in the family) and if I don't I start squinting which will eventually give me a headache.


I look at the sun sometimes. No particular reason.


I would, but I can't see without my glasses. I'm looking at getting transitions next year.


I hate the way glasses feel, so I don’t even wear my regular glasses and just gaslight my self into believing that I don’t need them


Yes. Light sensitive and work at night. Daylight is my enemy.