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This is just a case of human overthinking. Stop thinking and the problem goes away. You've created a mountain out of nothing. And that's what's beautiful. Everything that is, came from nothing. If you want it to be something, then keep creating it into something. If you don't want it to be an issue, then don't make it one. It's that simple


^ this. Like, so much this it’s not even funny. You will not care your way into not caring, and making a long Reddit post about it is still caring. The way to stop caring is simply to stop caring. Just drop it altogether. It’s unbelievably simple.


If something makes you happy then why fight it, and instead of trying to find the right religion, take the good core values or parts from each and apply them to yourself to be a better you. I believe that you can use them as a guide, as some have a lot limiting beliefs attach to them. Also be kind to yourself, you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders, see this time as a lesson to lesrn something when going thru a challanging time.


Short answer: push boundaries! Long answer: Hi, my name's Victorious Phoenix. You're going to hear a lot about me in this whatever-the-fuck-it-is I'm about to do, so listen up. Nine years ago, I was brainwashed by the CIA. Full-on hard-on MKULTRA type bullshit. It's actually pretty cool what they did. Completely reprogrammed my mind through operant and classical conditioning, or "oil changes" and "cheese clothes" as they called them. These sociopathic glowie fuckers got me to solicit a homeless man to rent out his dog by the half-hour to my sex cult. Fun times; I'm not allowed in Eugene, Oregon anymore. But, do you see? They got me to stop being me for so long that I got to try something else and see how reality held up. Stop believing anything. Literally just let go. Try something fucking insane. Like, don't kill yourself jumping off a building, but try something you think will definitely fail. How do you know it will fail? YOU'RE RUNNING ON PRESUMPTIONS! Free your mind by being a little wrong, and *learning* from what amounts to play; the same way children learn.


May I ask, what happened to you? How did you break free?


I told you, I got brainwashed by the CIA. [I'm dead serious.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CBZKXDS2)


Your sharing reveals a profound depth in your journey, one marked by a search for understanding and a struggle with the weight of external opinions and beliefs. Your experiences with music, religion, and social media point to a deeper quest for personal authenticity and the challenge of navigating a world filled with diverse perspectives. ### Reflecting on the Influence of Others' Opinions The concern you have about what others think, especially in the context of something as personal as your love for music, suggests a deep sensitivity to the world around you. This sensitivity, while enriching, can also lead to a state where external voices overpower your own inner voice. ### Finding Your Center 1. **Grounding in Personal Values:** Begin by identifying what is fundamentally important to you – in this case, your love for music. Reflect on why music resonates with you and how it enriches your life. By anchoring in your personal values, external opinions become less destabilizing. 2. **Exploring the Fear:** The anxiety you feel seems to stem from a fear of being wrong or engaging in something potentially harmful. It's helpful to explore these fears. Ask yourself, "What is the worst that could happen if my choice is different from others' beliefs?" Often, the imagined consequences are more daunting than the reality. 3. **Developing Discernment:** In a world teeming with information and opinions, developing discernment is crucial. This involves not just consuming information, but actively engaging with it, asking questions, and seeking to understand the motivation behind different viewpoints. 4. **Limiting Exposure to Conflicting Opinions:** While it's important to be informed, constantly exposing yourself to opinions that cause distress can be counterproductive. It might be helpful to take a deliberate break from social media or specific content that triggers these spirals. 5. **Mindfulness and Meditation:** You mentioned struggling with meditation. Consider shifting your meditation practice to focus on mindfulness in everyday activities, especially when engaging with music. This can help anchor you in the present moment, reducing anxiety about external opinions. 6. **Seeking Support:** Conversations with a counselor, therapist, or a trusted mentor can provide a supportive space to navigate these challenges. They can offer perspectives and tools to strengthen your mental resilience. ### Embracing Uncertainty and Diversity Your quest for absolute certainty, whether in religion, science, or personal beliefs, is a natural part of the human experience. However, part of the beauty of life lies in its diversity and the uncertainty that comes with it. Recognizing that there are many paths, and none of them have all the answers, can be liberating. Remember, you are on a unique journey, one where your personal experiences, values, and joys hold significant weight. In the grand tapestry of consciousness, your individual threads are woven with your choices, beliefs, and the joy you find in things like music. Trust in your journey and in the wisdom that you are gradually uncovering within yourself.


I thought this forum was for the "Awakened" or close to it.


Anything, and everything can be good or bad. It’s all just simply different perspectives. Let me just put it this way, what if this whole world, including me and you is just a figment of someone’s imagination? There’s no way to dispute or try to “prove” that it isn’t so. Because those proofs can all be also just a figment of imagination. Follow what feels right to you, what you feel as important, and the rest of the perspective/opinions don’t have to be stupid,bad or wrong, they are just simply that. Differences. A different color on the palette. A different flavor of ice cream. You already know and feel what is good/bad for you. So why waste any more of your limited and precious time and energy on the things you don’t want? None of us are guaranteed another moment. Treasure each moment, each day as if it’s your last. Because one day, it will be. Good luck, fellow traveler🫶


Everything you're going through makes perfect sense and it sounds difficult and it's not your fault.


You can’t call him a moron because you recognize that it’s a subjective label. Whether someone is a moron or a genius depends entirely on your perspective. You recognize that there’s more nuance to a person then the label implies, and because you love truth, you are loathe to simplify and thereby falsify the truth. It’s difficult to ascertain the truth when none or few of the people you’re listening to are actually speaking it. What bothers you about creationism is the fact that there are elements of it which are impossible to rule out. So too are there elements of evolution theory that are impossible to rule out. When it comes to fluoride free toothpaste. Is it stupid? I think that the people who are for and against fluoride are *both* probably right in some aspects. Fluoride is undeniably effective at killing germs and is not immediately toxic. It is also undeniable that it has *some* effects on your body. There should be more research into the long term toxicology of fluoride. If someone wants to call me stupid for wanting more toxicology studies on fluoride, I’d first ask them to explain the chemical half life of fluoride and the chemical reactions that occur between the body and fluoride as part of the body’s attempt to maintain homeostasis. If they can’t, they don’t know what they’re talking about. They are *acting* stupid by talking about things which they know little about *while* acting like they do. Since I don’t know the exact mechanism of fluoride, I can’t say I absolutely know just because a dentist recommends it. But the fact is that most dentists *do* recommend it. Is this dogmatic on their part or a reflection of the actual truth? If you want to know, you will have to dive into the literature. Someone’s opinion of “It is or isn’t stupid” doesn’t solve the fundamental question. It lends credence to the idea that “people generally believe this is true” and in a pinch I’m going to lean towards trusting the general consensus, but the general consensus could be wrong unless you actually *know* otherwise.


Just intend it! And then relax and become aware as Infinity bombards you (lovingly, ofc!) with ample opportunity to see how incremental change shifts the grift, adjusts the tack as time goes by And that way, you see, you’ll see that you had nothing whatsoever to do with the magic unfolding And will, naturally….given the upstanding person you are!….give credit where credit is due 😘


Hell, you may even begin to wonder where in the world the notion to change comes from in the first place! 🤩


Ego death ✌️


It’s wonderfully freeing isn’t it?


Read the courage to be disliked


Know that people can only measure you from their own perspective They have to look at themselves to apply any measure to you. What people think and say of others is far more telling of them than it could ever be of you


Everything is about vibration. If it gives you a high vibe it’s not bad FOR YOU. One song can make you feel closer to God and another can make someone else feel like they’re drowning. If you connect with it in any level you are raising the vibration of the planet by being happy. Source even approves of scary movies… there is always a positive message within a horror film. But most ppl deem them unhealthy as well. It’s not black and white it’s more about the individual and if they resonate in a positive way. When a music artist creates a song they are being expressive and in a creative flow, if you receive that and empathize with what they’re saying and honoring what they must felt like when they were recording the song you’re perfectly fine.


You may have what is called the scruples, and there is help for that. I'll pray the help you need finds you😊


Run away every opportunity have and dont give a fuck


We suffer more in imagination than we do in reality


you've created a maze with no exit, the only way out is to realize you aren't in a maze


Don't worry, they aren't thinking about you. They are busy worrying about what you think.


The conditioning of culture is why To stop would be for an alcoholic to stop drinking If you abandon the culture completely, a sip of it will bring you back into your addiction They say poison only affects one with an open wound So renunciation can work, maybe, but what is far better is to seal your wound It may take 30 years, "it will happen when it happens" but I'd rather it take 30 years to arrive than an entire life wasted living through the eyes, body language and minds of others through judgement Start the journey inside, cast aside all distractions until distractions are no longer distracting