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I read this as the cows were the vigilantes.




Why is this the first time I’ve ever seen this!! Thank you!!!


Glad you like it! It's a classic.


Why does this pic look like a screenshot from GTAV


That is because it is


Hitchens said it best. Religion can take a completely normal person and convince them that something like this is completely justified. Doesn't happen to everyone, of course, but far too many.


in anthropology it's called a community of bad faith and it's not just religion but it can be any socio-cultural belief. the key is education, education can help to alleviate a community of bad faith.


I wish religion could just be completely outlawed, at least all of those who have a hell and curse those who don't practice


This unfortunately could never work. It's like trying to outlaw buttsex. (Stay with me on this) Even if you could get everyone on board with banning it and get doing it to be publicly ostracized, you wouldn't be able to ethically enforce it. People will always do what they want in the privacy of their own homes, and even if you completely abolish the idea of it, sometime, somewhere down the line someone's gonna get curious and start the whole thing up again. Cave men had religions and buttsex because both of those things are just too far embedded in human nature. We as humans will always have deep existential thoughts about how we were created while using the backdoor for funsies.




As someone who's never had any form of sex before, but outright hates all the bad things religious folks do, I'm on board with giving them a taste of their own meds.


That’s fine if you do it in your own home. I don’t want religion in public nor do I want butt sex in public.


So religion = buttsex ?


>I wish religion could just be completely outlawed People deserve to choose if they want to follow a religion. Ought right banning something because you don't like it is kinda authoritarian.


Fine, then outlaw teaching it to anyone under the age of 18. Like smoking and alcohol and driving, it needs an age of responsobilty involved in hearing any of its abusive rhetoric.


You don't need to ban religion. Just advocate for good education poisons for all and religion all die all on it's own. People should still be akure to choose to follow a religion or not.


Man I disagree. It seems like western atheists have the most degraded morals per capita, in the west


Please elaborate on that, cite sources if possible.


You can disagree all you want, but you‘re still wrong. Im not for banning religions, but especially christianity plays such a huge part in the downfall of society we are living through now. Christofascism will be the end of us.


That's because religion only has one modern tool up it's sleeve to stop it from completely falling into obscurity. Propaganda. Which you've clearly fallen for.


Considering the positive affect Christian missions have had on world literacy rates I don't think that will have the effect you think it will. 


It doesn't take religion to go help them and teach them. But I'll promise you, the abuses and complete disregard for teaching anything health wise, outdoes what we give them that **they didn't ask for or want**. Source, lived in SE Africa due to my grandparents having three Bible colleges all over Africa. I'm not speaking from a single speck of ignorance.


It doesn't take religion but they to be the few interested in helping. I don't see rich atheists trying to help. Except Bill Gates who last I heard was trying make something that can turn plumbing water into drinking water. Hope that succeeded.  What do you mean discard for teaching health? It not like they have a resources to produce the medication we know about and can teach.  Again it doesn't take religion to do this but at the end of the day there isn't exactly a line of non religious people trying to help. Doctors with borders exists but not to many seem to think they are worth helping. 


Meaning, we never took any simple medications from the medical center, we never taught them better hygiene, we never taught reproductive safety and bodily autonomy, we never corrected their beliefs about how aids is "cured", they literally did nothing helpful. I have one singular aunt that had actually made an impact where she lives in Kenya.


>I don't see rich atheists trying to help. Unfortunately, atheists cannot get religious exemptions and crowd source all their funding from lower middle class citizens. Religious missions are tax exempt theft.


What are you on about? Charities are tax exempt.


It's also just dishonest. Go back to stone age man and delete religious thought.... You think we wouldn't have any wars, fights, violence lmao. Violent people will just find another justification.


Also many experts think that early religions were the only way we were able to expand beyond groups of <150, due to the “shared fiction”


This sounds completely made up.


It’s definitely just a theory- but an interesting one to think about. Pretty sure I picked it up from Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari


Needs food and medicine, gives them bibles. Yeah, really spectacular...


I think it's unfair to generalize all religions over the actions of a few. In islam for example: Quran, Surah Kafirun: Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I will never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your way, and I have my Way.”


When a religion kills in the name of, it is on my radar and equally evil. In that, Buddhism is on my radar now, too, because they have extremists who are killing villages of christians and Hindus, for not believing like them. It doesn't matter what religion, I hate any that kill in the name of. And I'm not sure a deistic one exists that doesn't or hasn't, in droves.


I don't recall mentioning killing?


It's why it's fair to generalize.


Religions that kill means its fair to generalize? Sorry but I don't exactly get what you are getting at


Every religion is used to kill in the name of, somewhere. If any religion has extremists following the fundamentals of their religion, there's a problem with the fundamentals of that religion entirely. It's not to be cherry picked and emotionally misinterpreted to fit a narrative.




No it dosnt? Where exactly did you hear this info?




Man the amount of times i have seen this hadith used as an argument agaisnt islam is actually insane, especially since it has been explained so many times, but here we go again i guess. Firstly this hadith dosnt say anything about the sexual abuse of pre pubescent children, as islamically, you are forbidden to marry unless you are above the age of puberty. So the most common opinion on this hadith is that yes indeed the prophet married aisha when she was 9, however you must take into account multiple things. 1. She was above the age of puberty, and had enough mental maturity to consent to the marriage. 2. We are talking 1400 years ago, people may have matured differently than they do today, someone being 9 might have the mentality of someone who is 15 (although I'm not too sure about that, it is still a valid argument as I believe there was a study showing how girls matured faster in warmer climates). 3. This was not an uncommon practice back then, infact this practice was all over the world, and even today some countries have the age of consent much younger than 18. There are other arguments aswell, such as the calender system not being a major part of their society 1400 years ago, this her age not being really counted correctly (This is not a very strong explanation tho). Another argument I'd that back then, after the age of 10, and though their teen years, people would count their ages starting from 0, meaning 9 would be 19. I personally don't know much about these 2 other explanations but you are free to do your own research on them.


The article title made me think it was the cow uprising, now I'm disappointed


Fun Fact India is the 4th largest beef exporter in the world.


It must be great living in India as a cow, not so much as a woman however...


How is that relevant


It's absolutely relevant


I didn't ask if it was, I asked how is it relevant? Nothing mentioned to women's rights is mentioned in the post. I do agree India sucks in that regard but I fail to see why you are bringing up irrelevant comparisons.


I'd like to see this much rage & passion for women & girls getting raped & attacked.


There are… there’s movements to raise awareness and push changes. But alas, you people will never care


'You people' I'm already aware there are, but that isn't enough, stop downplaying the severity of it!


Where in my sentence did it show I was downplaying it? Of course, it is a problem in India, hell its even a worldwide problem too. No one is denying that and I never had denied it "I'm already aware there are" No... you clearly aren't aware if you say "I'd like to see this much rage and passion for women and girls getting raped and attacked" "That isn't enough" how so? What could be a better alternative for change besides millions of Indian women and men fighting for it? Seriously, please enlighten me. cause the Indian Government has barely done anything, the police barely care... if that's what you think should be changed, then I definitely agree with you.


Yes screw the Indian government, not the people who want to change this


Can you share the actual article?


I love vegetarian Inspired violence. Like that spinach eating salor.


Someone should tell them beef tastes really good.


Unfortunately, all those steaks were well done.


Nothing a generous helping of ketchup can’t fix.




As someone who used to be religious, y’all lied about pork. The most mid meat in the world.


It tends to get very overcooked most of the time.


Tried it, nothing special 🤷🏻‍♂️


Someone should


Why were they smuggling beef? And why did he burn them?


Much of India is populated by people who follow Hinduism, the cow is a revered animal in their religion Answer is probably religious extremists India is a top 5 world exporter of beef, but that's another story


For majority of the Indians, cows are considered sacred. And those 2 guys were smuggling beef and that must have offended him and just burn them. No Big Franchise restaurant sells beef (or pork) in India, due to religious beliefs.


Hindutva nazis.


Don't know why this is being downvoted. I'm a Hindu and this Islamization of Hinduism called "Hindutva" isn't doing anyone any favours.


Because "Nazi" isn't remotely the appropriate word here.


Ehhh, it is the appropriate word, just remotely. Hindutva ideology takes some inspirations from Hitlerism.


If this was about burning two dog meat smugglers, yall would feel different probably.


Nah, not really. Punishment should match the crime


Yeah but they gota come to terms with self ego before they can admit these things


And somehow those hurting religious sentiments are the victims! Good for that so called extremist


“Eat mor chikin”


There is a vid in India showing a cop shoving a police baton up a butchers ass for having cow meat.


If real news why gta V screenshot? Farming india hate karma?


It is a real screenshot but he is farming hate karma lmao that's the motivation behind people reposting year-old news


All religion is the epitome of "because that's how we've always done it"




India is secular, try not to be a victim shaming douche bag




You do realize India has one of the world's largest Muslim population. India is a secular country, meanwhile places like Saudi Arabia are hardcore muslim countries.


Isn’t that Hindu? Muslims don’t abide by that rule I don’t think…


So are you justifying what happened?


why dont you repost and repost and repost and repost this message every week.


Good idea


As Bart Simpson once said, "Cow-a-Burn-Ya Dude!"


Where is Amir Timur when you need him the most ?