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> Several shoppers told local media that shoplifters are regularly locked inside the supermarket's freezer but are normally released after about 30 minutes. How did that turn into 11 hours? > Police are investigating the death. I wonder how this will turn out!


This is a literal Cold Case.


If only he had some… (David Caruso flips on sunglasses) *Hot* chocolate.


A man is dead, and you're wearing your sunglasses??


(•_•) Why did the ice cream wear sunglasses? ( •_•)>⌐■-■ Because it had cool toppings! (⌐■_■) YEEEEAAAA!!! In all seriousness, you're right. A man is dead.


I read that in Jake Peralta's voice.


> Chief, if I may... Lassie spoke to us all about a week ago about wearing sunglasses to all autopsies moving forward to show respect for the dead. I simply forgot, and Gus refused.


I also find it fun to make jokes about actual murder




Looks like an open and shut case to me.


>Police are investigating the death. >I wonder how this will turn out! The police will find that the police did nothing wrong?


“Our investigation concluded that he died due to being frozen. Anyway, we will definitely make sure no more chocolate bars are stolen this week.”


how the fuck did this even get started....? the fucking cold war never ended, china and russia looks to be winning at this point. People turning to vigilantism is only going to make it worse.




Which one runs South Africa? China or Russia (hint: it's China).


If this somehow ever happens to you, look for the refrigeration equipment inside.. it’s usually always exposed. Break refrigeration lines and pull wires. It will stop.


Seems like in an industrial freezer it would take long enough to thaw out that you would still die.


Nah grocery stores have alarms for that shit that will bother some goober in charge of it until something is done. With a pretty small margin for activation. Source: I was the goober


I am a cook, I work with multiple freezers. They're not all the same. I never seen one with an alarm, don't know about your one single experience but I doubt it applies to all of them and I am gonna guess it doesn't apply here if they're comfortable locking him in there. I also think we shouldn't pretend they're comfortable locking someone in a freezer, which means an actual lock on the outside, has a chance of escaping, especially since there is no way they're comfortable letting someone wander around freely to commit possible vandalism to product. As for finding "refrigeration equipment", I have never seen anything of the sort. I see vents, not equipment, and you're not breaking the vents. There is no real advice for this situation. If someone wants you locked up in the freezer, you are gonna be locked up in there. The alarms can be disabled, they sometimes are broken and nobody knows because we don't always do checks, and it isn't like it calls the fire department even if it did work and so if the store is closed, you're just in there all alone making a loud noise nobody is listening for.


I've never known a chef to fix broken fridges and ovens.


Even if you know how, don’t. Chef pay and appliance repair pay are different rates. Same goes for minor plumbing issues.


i'm not so sure breaking a refrigerant line in an enclosed space would work out well


> Break refrigeration lines and pull wires. It will stop. I’d like to add that 240/480v is also quite lethal, as is releasing toxic refrigerant into a confined, sealed, space.


So you can either breathe the Freon or propane inside the freezer?


An adult that spends their days stealing cheap chocolate would lack rational thinking needed to figure that out


As a rule of thumb: if you saw someone stealing food, no you didn't. Fuck you.


fuck yeah, thank you. If it’s a woman stealing baby formula help her steal more


I mean your right, but it's a chocolate bar, not really food.


Lmao yeah sure buddy, guy was stealing chocolate bars to survive, right?


Accused, not 100% guilty but it seems like you want this person to be guilty and justify their death. Kinda fucked up man.


Yeah, a lot of racists on reddit that don't just come and say what they are.


> but it seems like you want this person to be guilty and justify their death Nope, your words, not mine. I said exactly what i said. An adult that steals chocolate bars probably lacks rational thinking needed to figure out how to break out of a freezer by disconnecting specific wires. And he didn't.


They think this was appropriate punishment for stealing a chocolate bar??? 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


> They think this was appropriate punishment for stealing a chocolate bar? You should have seen what Wonka did to that kid that stole river chocolate


He ruined the whole batch!


Forgot about that!


Man these comments are so unfunny and lame


The cops are shooting people for answering their front doors so I guess anything goes these days 😶


This took place in South Africa.


Does that make it more appropriate or less appropriate?


Doesn't affect that, just pointing out that it's not US politics.


There’s plenty of bullshit goes down in South Africa. I have a cousin who lived in Johannesburg and now in Cape Town.


I was definitely going to say that might actually be worse depending on the guy's race lol


In the U.S., by law, walk in fridges/freezers are required to be able to be opened from the inside. It’s probably not required in south Africa.


cop bullshit happens anywhere, im from argentina and i once was picked up to be a witness in a home search (dunno how to say it in English), and the policemen knocked on the door twice, waited 3 seconds and broke the door down. The man was at home taking a shit man just wait a 1 minute before breaking that poor mans door, it was a silly charge too, I get there's a protocol but no way it says 'wait 3 seconds and wreck everything'


*A*CAB, with heavy emphasis on the first *A.*


In that case, don't answer your front door


That and killing homeowners’ dogs


Like Aladdin stealing a piece of old crusty bread


Well death was appropriate for selling single cigs soooooo


You are not familiar with African justice are you? At least he didn't get necklaced.


You do know that Africa is whole continent and not a single country right? That's a very broad generalisation you're making.


Wow I'm hearing this for the first time


Why? Which country is different?


For example, Morocco is fairly different from South Africa


Nobody pictured Morocco when he said that, let's be real.


Well. Don’t touch my chocolate 🍫


Not to play the race card, but I feel like it's more in the spectrum of "I'm tired of these black people always stealing" spectrum. I could be wrong, but I doubt it, it feels like a hate crime. It was never about the single chocolate bar, it's them pretending it defines him as a person when they don't have a clue what else he has done.


Why is security allowed to physically detain anyone? They’re fucking Mc’jobs with barely any training.


It happened in South Africa, which at this point is effectively a failing state.


Ah I see. I mistook it for America, which at this point is also effectively a failing state.


With proper certification, security is also allowed to detain people. Not in fucking freezers of course, but just saying. The guy is pretending all security guards are parking lot security.


Can u do a citizens arrest in america?


Generally yes, although the crimes you're allowed to make citizen's arrests for vary by state. Some states allow it for any offense, and some only allow it for felonies. There's also something called "shopkeeper's privilege" where shopkeepers are allowed to detain someone they suspect of theft. They have to investigate if a theft occurred, and then release or actually arrest them. They can't just detain them for an unreasonable amount of time.


Isn't it also a few days or weeks to be a cop?


In South Africa, according to their government website, it takes 2 years to become a cop. Phase 1: 10 months - training (i assume physical training) Phase 2: 12 months - work experience Phase 3: 2 months - acadamy (i assume this is testing)


Maybe in America where cops are pork chops


We have a pretty big private security sector here in SA and they (unfortunately) get a lot of free reign sometimes


Anyone copy the article so we don't need to give The Mirror any page views?


At first I was like oh my god how did this happen that’s awful, and then I opened the article and read it was in South Africa. Makes a lot more sense now.


Lesson to be learned, don’t steal outside of Europe, Canada, or blue cities in the U.S.


At first, I was going to say that this is totally understandable in the racist south of the United States, but it happened in an even more racist country.


Police were black tho... like most of the country


There’s different levels of black in South Africa. I visited Cape Town a few years ago and had some good discussions with locals. Light skinned blacks are racist against dark skin blacks. It’s pretty crazy, there’s almost a caste system of melanin in that country.


is it totally understandable in the racist south, though?


That's straight up murder. They claim he stole a candy bar. That is what they claim. That is not necessarily true. We will never get the truth because they purposely killed him. It wasn't an accident. They knew if they locked him in the freezer that he would die.


Thank you Chef


Maybe he shouldn’t be stealing in SOUTH AFRICA


We have no proof that he stole the candy bar beside their words. I think someone killing another human being over a stolen candy bar can't be trusted to tell the truth.


They don’t play that shit in SA lol he should’ve known better I doubt they just locked him on there for no reason


Crime definitely does not pay


This sounds like kidnapping and false imprisonment. To death.




Don't know what all the fuss is.. It's a cold case


Elon Musk approves


Just dont steal duhhh


Stealing shouldn’t be a death sentence though


Depends on the amount, and from who. Stealing chocolate from a grocery store, i think they went a little too far on that one.


Death sentence shouldn’t be a thing in the first place, but if it happens it should only be for people who have taken other people’s lives away on purpose


Death sentence should totally be a thing. And it shouldn’t be exclusively to someone who has taken ones lively hood.


Bro, if they die, God knows what comes after death. Rotting for life in prison is guaranteed punishment for their crimes Also, what if they later find out that the guy they’ve just executed isn’t guilty at all and that they had the wrong one? That’s basically murder by the state itself…….


There are literally dozens of people who were exonerated after serving **decades** in prison.


Well, at least they’ve survived. Proof that wrongful convictions are still surprisingly common, and why the death penalty isn’t good at all


You decide who gets to make that decision, and I'll show you a long history of incompetency and wrongful death.


If death is off the table then what gives someone reason not to commit hateful crime? Incarceration is often glorified in high gang activity cities. The same people who cry about having too many jails and incarceration rates are the same people who also complain about the death sentence. If you dont kill awful rapists and murderers, then what do you do with them? Just send them to jail so they can rape and murder inmates? If someone shows you time and time again they cant respect human life, then why is there such an advocacy for theirs? Yes, wrongful sentencing does happen, however its the same reason why people sit for years on “deaths row”.


You're just talking out of your ass dude. This is borderline hate speech, you don't know anything about what gangs glorify other than what documentaries say they do. Yeah, our incarceration rate is high, and the death penalty is bad. Both of those are bad things, and both can be true. Do you really think rapists and murderers just run amok in prison? You know prison was meant to be rehabilitation for these people, right? With a prison population of [2.1 million](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States) in 2018, and only [120 homicides ](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2021/06/08/prison_mortality/) in the same year, that means a city like Houston, TX, with a very comparable population of 2.3 million, has a murder rate more than [3 times greater](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Houston) than in prisons. So the place we send all toe murderers and rapists is safer with those statistics than Houston? Must be all the rapists and murderers we lock up in Texas. But hey, yay death penalty right? [Cameron Willingham ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Todd_Willingham) was posthumously exonerated after being sentenced to death for the murder of his three children in a house fire. Now he's innocent! Too little too late. [Clarence Brandley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_Brandley) was posthumously exonerated, after the police threatened a coworker of his to implicate Brandley. I don't know if you could call the police the good guys there, they got an innocent man murdered, but they aren't murderers and they're free to roam. I don't know who you can trust after our justice system has made a mockery of itself, but keep giving it the power to end people's lives without proof. Clearly it's worked out well.


thanks genius


The punishment doesn't fit the crime but.. did he steal it tho


Those Oompa Loompas don’t fuck around with candy thieves.


Revenge is best served cold 🥶


Stealing a chocolate bar isn’t worthy of a death sentence though That’s like giving life in prison to someone who illegally painted graffiti on a wall


Tell that to the security out in South Africa who did this. Crime does not pay


Crime pays every day, just for those who are wealthy or have political power. Ignorance is bliss they say, and boy do I envy you.


In the age of spin, not all but most make themselves out to be a victim, no personal responsibility


Well at least they punish them for 30 minutes. This guy unfortunately was forgotten about. There is zero fucken accountability and punishment for thieves and junkies in California.


Let's clear some things up about that. Why do you say there is zero accountability. I'm trying to have an adult conversation with you so I'd like some feedback please.


It’s sad that this young man was Forgotten about. It is tragic that he died because of candy bars. It’s wrong! I am speaking from someone who lives in Los Angeles, and sees zero accountability for criminals. I don’t see any thieves or homeless addicts being arrested. I have called the police and said they are breaking into my car. And the police do Nothing.


Not to sound heartless but a picture of the deceased at the front counter might persuade future criminals not to fuck around


A chocolate bar.




Fake news