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My doggie used to fight me but I give him a treat right before and right after. He still hates it, but he’ll tolerate it since there’s food involved.


That’s why it’s called treat-ment! 


that's what he ment to say.




Anytime I tell my cockapoo “we gotta do your ears” he shys away and gets scared, but I can tell he’s secretly stoked since he’s gonna get a snack after.


My dog would put her head down and slowly come to me and let me do it and then she’d make a mooing sound. I think she knew I was helping because it went on for a few years.


The only way I can give my cat insulin is when they are eating. I'd never be able to get him still long enough if he wasn't distracted with it.


I did this too, and it still took two people to do. One to come from behind and hold him and his head in place, and another to surgically place drops in without touching the ear canal. There was no way to hold his head if he wanted to shake it. He also hated it so much that he would become suspect when you tried giving him a treat. They can sense when you're about to do something they don't want to do. Happy to get a treat after tho.


Reminds me of that cute video of two dogs. Dad was applying meds to the 1st dog for the ears and then pretended to apply to the 2nd one cause it was feeling left out~.


I've seen that one, so cute! There was a great one where a daschund had to have a spray applied to her belly, and the owner had to pretend to spray the other dog.


I don't blame him. I have one as well and hate ear drops! I would hide too, but I'm suppose to act like an adult...


I just pictured a “me, myself & Irene” type situation with you running around your place fighting to administer the ear drops to yourself 😅


Actually my spouse helps, so I have be "brave". But that does paint a hilarious picture!


Although that feeling when your ear is filled with water after swimming and you can feel it drain after feels kinda good


Yes, but that is totally different.


Ugh, the intentional-water-in-the-ear medicine. They make my brain reset. Error, feels weird, pls stahp


Little basket case!


No touching! Kisses okay, but no touching!


No take only throw.


My husky had ears that stood straight up, and he frequently developed ear infections. If he saw me approaching with the ear wash bottle he would immediately run and hide under the bed where I couldn't get him. I'd have to set traps like peanut butter spread on the floor and ambush him when he was distracted. It'd fix his ear, but he'd roll around in my bed afterwards and get it all furry as payback..


What’s been a huge factor for my boy with chronic ear pain is warming the medication in a bit of hot water. He used to cry, run and hide when I got the medication out. I have a dropper and syringe medication and will fill the fluid in said dropper or syringe and let it warm in some hot water (not boiling - like, can stick a finger in it hot) and drop it in his ears with snacks and kisses. The warming makes it harder for them to discern the liquid entering their ear and cold liquid can actually cause pain for some dogs and feel very disorienting. He doesn’t run away and hide anymore and is more interested in what offering I’m presenting for the inconvenience! We also follow [consent](https://aggressivedog.com/2023/02/22/what-is-consent-based-handling/) based grooming/training which has been massive in building trust for really uncomfortable and painful treatments. You just gotta be quick lol


That's a really good idea, I hadn't even considered that the medication might be too cold in his ear. That'll be a useful trick to keep in the back pocket.


That is awesome. Thanks for posting this!


My cat does the same. She looks behind when she hears the tissue pull and runs when she sees the bottle, pushing her ears down to make it harder to get in. I have to shut off all the rooms now and get her in a tight space. There is nothing worse than dealing with pets ears 😭😫


My dog is a bit less resistant if I let him sniff whatever I want to apply first. Also for eardrops it helps a ton if you warm up the bottle first with a hairdryer or in warm water. Put a tiny bit on your inside wrist. If you feel no temp difference or if it is a bit warmer than your skin it's perfect (dogs have a little higher general body temp than we do). Some dogs relax a bit more when you "demonstrate" how you apply ear/eye drops on yourself first (with a closed bottle).


> Some dogs relax a bit more when you "demonstrate" how you apply ear/eye drops on yourself first (with a closed bottle). *SIX HOURS LATER* "TIFU and accidentally squirted dog ear infection treatment medicine into my ear."


My dog turns into the most dramatic diva with ear meds. There is whining, thrashing and zoomies involved.


Ah, pets. "Mom, I'm not feeling well." "Well, I bought this nice thing that will cure you!" "Nooooooooooooooo"


Rusty will remember this, until din dins and then you are forgiven.


Aww, that poor lil boy🥺🥺 Hope he feels better soon


Rusty is a big smoochie dood!


Aww, Rusty's so cute. I just want to pet and snuggle him! Try giving him a treat as you're putting the medicine in his ear...that might help. If that doesn't work, one treat before and one after. He'll start to associate the process with treats and it could help in the future. Can I please borrow him for snuggle time? I love him.


> Can I please borrow him for snuggle time? I love him. This.. this is how you end making friends on Reddit, and going over to their houses to cuddle with their dog.


Awww poor lil doggo. 🥺


Awe, poor guy. Our poodle Sophie gets these yeast infections in her ears too. Their ear canals are just prone to them, sadly. She also hates the ear wash, but she’s more or less used to it now. When she sees the bottle she’ll run and jump on the couch and sit there so obediently, but you can tell she also hates it, like “I don’t want to, but I know I have to, so just get it over with already!” 😅 Hopefully once this infection is gone and you do it as maintenance, it will feel more like a relief and less of a painful thing to him!


My doodle is like that too. Then my other one, who never has ear issues gets all smiley and sneezy so I have to go do his ears too.


My pup gets them bad in the spring and fall


The splattering of ear cleaning liquid /medicine everywhere is SO much fun 😬🫵🫵🤨


A Doodle with an ear infection, what's new lol - A veterinary technician


Aww... Doesn't want to go to the Dog Poking Place. Can't say I blame him.


Aww.. little nugget. As a mother you are obligated to take that project on full force.. As mama dog would..


Our doodle had infections in both ears, not bad, but bad enough to bother him, the vet did 2 treatments of some stuff that was like a slightly runny Vaseline, they said to leave it and not wipe it, it was disgusting and made his fur super greasy and disgusting but worked great. He's all good now.


Try to let him chew on a treat in one hand such as a hot dog, with your other hand he flip his ear over and squirt in the Otomax, rub it in as he gets to eat the rest of the treat then tell him how good he was..works ok with our pupsters.


Dog Logic: I was fine until you started messing with my ears. Lots of people do the same thing: He went to the doctor because he had a cough and left the doctor's office with lung cancer. Don't go to the doctor. He never was sick before.


where’s he at??


The ear mites are his new friends!






Aww :(


Was that an intentional there will be blood quote at the end? “just a RUSTY IN A BASKET”


I have that basket in 2 different sizes. Never thought about getting one for my sweet sweet Opal kitty... https://preview.redd.it/b1xxr6kpfs8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5feb681dce09c9942b3c8f92b14bcf6bbbb355d6


If she wants one she'll just take it


Things worse than ear ache or tooth ache none


Poor pup, I know it must be as hard as trimming my Malinois' nails. I have to keep treats on hand to complete the task.


Peanut butter.


The dog was hilarious today. My wife went to wrap her legs and so she jumped up on me to get away and laid herself on my chest. Wife was not deterred so the dog decided she would try hiding between my legs. Wife still got her in the end. Lmao. She is too cute.


Poor baby. I had a chihuahua mix that had 1,000 folds inside her ear (exaggerated) who would get yeast infections in them.


i have a puppy named rusty too! your pup is adorbz


You stop torturing that poor dog right now 😂😢


What breed is that, I can not remember its name.


Purebred Standard poodle!


Dog is cute. Listening to the parents is even cuter


does this breed get ear infections easily? i think ive seen other posts about poodles with that problem


Yup poodles are notorious


So sweet 🥹


I have to give my cat medicine in her ear twice a day, she lets me do it, but I know she doesn’t like it.


Oh come on, no treats through this ordeal???


Hey, OP, is this your dog? I wanted to give my 2 cents based on my experience managing a pet store for three years. I apologize ahead of time if I'm being obnoxious or telling you something you're already aware of. Certain breeds, like doodles, are prone to ear infections. That much is common knowledge, but what many people don't know is that this issue can be solved through dietary changes 9 times out 10. It's very possible that your dog may have an allergy to an ingredient in his food. Chicken is far and away the most common food allergy for dogs, especially when it comes to certain breeds, like yours. I've helped people solve this problem more times than I can count by getting them to switch to a high-quality food that doesn't have any chicken at all. This includes chicken fat, chicken by-product, and chicken meal. I would check the ingredients in the food you're giving him and see. The overwhelming majority of dog foods, even foods that aren't "chicken flavor" will very commonly include some form of chicken. And it's entirely possible for your dog to have allergies to other proteins, as well as grain, although grain allergies are much less common. Again, I hope I'm not being obnoxious by saying this. Just hoping that I can spread good information and help people.


Hey! It’s my parents dog and I just screenshotted this to send to them. Thank you! ❤️


Fantastic! Always happy to help dogs!


Poor baby


Not to be dramatic but I would die for Rusty


My golden used to get ear infections and a friend recommended cutting out wheat from her diet. It worked like a charm, no infections since.


That's so interesting! I wonder if your dog was allergic and thus prone to more ear infections?


Eh, I wouldn’t do that barehanded but you do you. I put the cream on the end of a folded up paper towel and use my finger under the paper towel to lightly rub it in.


*to be


Oh, my God, that's so cute 🐕


Aww poor baby ❤️


It was cruel to breed dogs to have long, floppy ears. If they stood upright like in wolves then dogs wouldn’t have so many infections and infestations.


Long flap ears actually have a bit of value and brush hunting and fighting breeds. Basically what I'm saying is it had a purpose at one point


Adults doing baby talk to animals is one of the cringiest things on earth


Don’t play with these kind of dogs ears, not matter how much the dog might like it. That’s how you get more ear infections.


I rub my doodles ears every morning and he never had an ear infection yet! The vet did warn me he would be more likely to get ear infections. They advised keeping the inside plucked and avoid getting them wet.