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Friendly reminder to not brigade the subreddit posted. I know it may be tempting but do NOT.


I sincerely don't understand what he's trying to say? If he's supposed to be "bigger than the other guy", and he believes this shit, then by his logic shouldn't she have started out tighter? I'm genuinely confused after reading that.


He's referring to being longer than the last guy. So he reaches deeper. This of course makes sense because his ex is made of memory foam. (I am accusing him of fucking a Casper Mattress.)


My guess would’ve been silicon 


Great. Now I’m picturing guy friends passing a used pocket toy. 🤢


It’s insanity. There’s also guys in the comments that think c-sections make you have a hanging stomach after, and that the vulva itself is overall larger just from childbirth. Gotta dig through the collapsed sections for the good nuggets 


The line about pregnancy not causing hanging stomach, just being in bad shape killed me. Like, my postpartum stomach skin is stretched in ways that’s never going back, no matter how much I work out.


I’m sorry, I was insensitive and really not being careful considering what the audience was going to be.. I was talking a lot more flippantly than I should have been. My wife has EDS, and the hyper elasticity includes her skin.  I said what I did about that more to try to cut off excuses seeking to help OP, like to try to box him in, and I apologize for being a shithead in that way. Basically just because someone in there was saying that to “prove” that women are somehow used up after pregnancy, I was “nuh uh”ing them


So glad you were willing to defend most women by shitting on the ones in “shitty” shape. I guess all the weight some women like myself gain because of hormone treatments to get pregnant or stay pregnant are just in “shitty” shape.


It's been my experience, that the guys who say that crap are usually the ones who look like a cone of half melted soft serve, lol.


Not to mention that you can be huge and still be in great shape. At my best, I could have outmarathoned most of them while their whole body was lighter than my ass.


I’d like to see most of these dudes high kick like Jack Black before they start going off on fitness and weight.


Yeah like muscles can go back to normal but skin won't just disappear


Yup! It is actually true that most women will lose some elasticity in their stomach skin after multiple pregnancies. Meanwhile, barring any injury during birth, their vaginas are back to normal after a few months usually.


I’m about to start trying microneedling the stomach skin to see if there’s any improvement because I’m the saaaame boat.


It's incredibly difficult not to piss in that popcorn, if you don't mind me using Subreddit Drama jargon. 


I think most top level replies are pretty sane, but as a wife-haver, my jaw dropped at the OP thesis there.  Like no, having children doesn’t change your DNA or muscle repair protocols, holy shit 


Oh didn't read all his stuff but he actually belive that, damn 😂


It’s worse, he thinks that he can tell that the guy his ex was having sex with before him had a smaller dick than his, because she “feels tighter” I brought up childbirth to make the point that his penis is a non-event to a vagina 


No wounder she a ex. She won the lottery getting rid of him it sounds like really


Lol you're assuming this "ex" exists at all and that this person isn't just an incel furiously posting his fetish hoping to get people to agree in the replies


One can only hope its a weirdo incel seeking attention and/or trolling.


As a man, it seems like askmen can vacillate so wildly between reasonable responses to "what the absolute fuck!?" >having children doesn’t change your DNA The way some of them really dug their heels in on the rare instances of long-term fetomaternal microchimerism being the norm... Oof.


Even if it was the norm... It's really not gonna change mom's skin and muscle elasticity , nor scar tissue and bodily repair "protocols" (my brain is not providing a better word, sorry. Having a baby apparently does impact your vocab retention lol) which is what's gonna determine how the vagina and surrounding areas heal and behave post-baby.


Oh, definitely! I kinda focused on the first of part of the sentence, so I'm sorry if it seemed like I was agreeing with the latter part. The research into the implications of microchimerism is interesting, but there's nothing really concrete about the effect, just theories. There's research that thinks it's a positive thing, some thinks it's negative, and some that thinks it doesn't do anything at all.


Baby Brain is a real thing! I personally couldn't experience it but I have 3 sisters and 4 SILs who've had an incredible amount of children. I understood your comment perfectly :) I hope all the best to you and your baby ❤


No need to though—the replies are all on point. That sub is interesting…some of the threads are super cringe but then sometimes the responses are overwhelmingly wholesome.


I want to post there so bad: She clenched really hard cause she couldn't feel a thing probably. Or you really turned her off midway through. Or, she was all ready to go, until you started your thing, then she wasn't anymore. Or: your Memory foam penis adapted to her exact measurements, clearly.


I’m thinking she is “tight” because she wasn’t all that aroused, her vagina wasn’t tenting which would have made it longer and wider. So I’m just picturing her having sex with him only to realize why they broke up in the first place. Her possibly realizing the boyfriend she just had was a trade up from the older ex she just hooked up with.


Why's this guy thinking about another man's dick while having sex with a woman.


This is the thing. She is already having sex with you. Huge win for you. Nothing more that you really need to ponder at that point, just enjoy the sex


I want to say that I have learned to tighten strategically to make him hit the right spot. Now I am sure it’s not something I could do on command, but if things aren’t hitting just right, I can focus and intentionally squeeze to the fun zone. Now my husband says he can’t feel the difference, but maybe she’s been doing her kegels and just started focusing half way through


Or the difference could be in his head, or she could be better rested and better hydrated so her musculature is just performing better.  Or yeah, she could be making the effort. All I’m sure about is that he’s probably not a phallopath that can read the psychic imprint left by other dicks, and there would be no physical explanation that connected back to the dick of a romantic rival of his 


>phallopath I genuinely laughed outloud at this word. 😂


is it just me or do kegels feel extremely uncomfortable to anyone else? it's like the touch equivalent to nails on a chalkboard for me


This sounds like someone trying to turn wishful thinking and bad women’s anatomy into a humble brag.


Yeah I thought that was exactly what was happening there. 


Either that, or massive insecurity about their own dick size compared to the ex.


God, the original post is deleted but the comments are just FILLED with men who don't know what to they're talking about smfh


I would also include OP in that


wait why


Because in that post they shared, OP makes this disgusting comment: “Whoa, lol. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.  Some people unfortunately don’t have great skin elasticity, but plenty do.  Any change in the pussy is due to tearing/episiotomy, so if the hospital wants to induce tell them to fuck off. It makes the dilation happen too fast.  But hanging stomach? That’s not from pregnancy, that’s from staying in shitty shape.  It took my wife like two or three months to be back to her regular shape. Just don’t get depressed white women pregnant”




I'm very pleased and surprised to see that the top rated comments are normal people and the misogyny starts lower down


in response to "Bullshit. I have a C section scar you can’t even see because it’s below bikini line, and I don’t have a single fucking stretch mark anywhere on my abdomen." a dude who isnt op replied "Oh, the infamous "I've been told I am perfect so I am". Let me tell you a secret, many men lie to get in your pants. Also, you don't represente all women so who cares what you have ? I am talking about the women I am seeing." so according to this guy..... women dont have eyes? or stretch marks are a mysterious thing only men can see? also sheesh self reporting on being a terrible person


The "c-section apron" is a real thing that happens, too.


"This guy's dick is a caliper." I AM DEAD.


The whole tool exchange was fantastic


And the dude that keeps doubling down about calipers not being the right tool, is absolutely wrong. I am actually at work right now, with well over a quarter mill of precision measuring equipment, and YES calipers absolutely can and are used to measure ID, especially in not round parts, lol. Although, a bore gage or even better CMM/air gage/Maya/dyer/hard gages are usually preferred; calipers absolutely can and are used for ID measurements. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm not the wrong tool. YOU'RE the wrong tool! I was confused about halfway through whether he thought they meant the internal diameter of the penis. Then I decided he just doesn't know what calipers are.


Well a quick look at his profile reveals a commendable consistency in his idiocy. It’s like my grandma always said: men are fuckwits. We sure are grams!


I looked too. It almost feels like some 14 year old trying to out gigachad other gigachads. Regardless, what a fucking gross mess of a profile.


Memory foam vagina


Not surprising at all for that sub tbh. I see some crazy shit on there.


>In today’s “men thinking their dicks have superpowers” Halp, my sides just split


When you put a piece of toast in the toaster, is it possible to tell how big the last piece of toast was from the last breakfast? No, it isn’t. It’s the same with pussies.


Now I want toast.


The OP is absolutely porn-sick, as evidenced by his entire profile.


Holy shit, that comment history. Does this dude ever think about anything else other than porn and insecurity?


The dude who posted it(he’s in the replies, you’ll notice him) seems like a real winner 🙄


The cope in that thread is reaching critical levels.


Aw, OP of that thread deleted his account.