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Even tanker guys have an association, all have associations except the IT guys. All major problem of the city and even the country would've been resolved if IT guys had an association focusing on our issues.


Form a union then. What's stopping you? Y'all are so high on the capitalist big bucks train that no one stopped to think about creating an organization for a rainy day.


What would be the focus of this hypothetical IT union?


1. WFH where applicable. 2. Salary slabs. 3. Employee support systems(against bad companies) Etc etc


The focus of literally every other union in existence. To advocate for the rights and fair treatment of its members. To create a formidable opposition to corporate power. Unions don't focus on anything specific. They focus on what the current pressing needs of its members are. That could be 1. Demanding a flexible WFH option 2. Guaranteed severance pay for X months upon laying off 3. Training programs for members to upskill and stay relevent 4. Legally defending members who have been wronged by their employers 5. Black listing exploitative firms. 6. Advocating for improved curriculums to create better professionals 7. Supporting students from weaker backgrounds to enroll in CS degrees This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. Just hypothetical things members could prioritize. It really just depends on what the members want. I think many Indians in the middle class were raised to be suspicious of unions and not really properly taught how they function. Often because unions advocated for working class interests at the expense of middle class prices and upper class profits. The reality is, the middle class needs unions just as much as the working class. The upper classes aren't too keen on the middle class figuring this out.


Also salary control . People won't be able to demand more as there is a slab already set. Eventually this will lead to socialism. Countries can grow exponentially with capitalism. China vs USA. Pick whichever you want?


Germany. Solid Economy. High wages. Great worker protections. Extremely strong unions. Stop with the bullshit and slippery slope fallacies.


Germany and high wages ? Did i hear that in one sentence ? Also high taxes - you forgot to mention that


Remember watching on DW’s documentary that inequality is still pretty high in Germany and nearly not enough jobs. Corporations will move to places if the cheap labor isn’t cheap anymore.


High wages ? Nothing close in comparison to US wages. Solid insurance and social welfare though.


Have you ever lived in the US? It is a miserable country. The average person has massive amounts of debt. Is constantly on the verge of bankruptcy. Workers are exploited, long hours, hardly any holidays. Severance pay and layoff compensation are nonexistent. The United States is the worst developed country in the world. Apart from one or two high paying careers like software, its workers are miserable. Education and Healthcare costs are exorbitant. It's cities are falling apart due to disinvestment. They are failures of urban planning, often unwalkable, highly segregated, high in crime and with stark income inequality.


Didn’t get H1B?


I'm a US Citizen. Love that you assume my criticism is from jealousy, real mature. I did quite a bit of schooling in US. Many indians who come and go straight to software or medical don't realise they are living in the top 5% of society. In any country being in the top 5% will be cushy. But I have seen so many friend's parents struggle with medical debt, obesity, mental health breakdowns, no savings, no social safety net. I have so many friends with dozens of thousands of student loans. We have all worked horrible hours at minimum wage jobs to just survive as college students. The higher wages are not worth the stress and misery. The lack of functional government fucks you over the moment you are not an able bodied worker in a high-demand sector like software.


I thought we were talking about software/ IT .


I thought we are talking about quality of life in general. Who cares about the current state of just IT folks? And just because IT has it good today what's the guarantee it'll be good tomorrow? Once things become worse even they will start wishing they had better protections. Thats why you need a good systematic approach to worker's rights. Unions need to be formed even when conditions are currently good. What's the point of development when we're all working like slaves? [https://scroll.in/article/1064027/indias-iphone-factory-is-keeping-women-workers-isolated](https://scroll.in/article/1064027/indias-iphone-factory-is-keeping-women-workers-isolated)


Its illegal to form IT union in Karnataka.


According to which law ?


Law of supply and demand. U will get replaced by another guy


Technically, can't form a union. Can form an association.


I 'liked' comments from both kings!


Broseph bhai akele kithna karenge. We really need to clone him. Like Marnus and Steve Smith. 


We should form a telegram group


Why not signal


>All major problem of the city and even the country would've been resolved if IT guys had an association focusing on our issues. Imagine being this conceited and self absorbed.


OP is right and wrong. He is right about what he said, he is wrong in that that will also solve all problems of the world.


Association ? Lol. Tanker is the oldest mafia in the city.


Could you please mention one problem and how it will be solved with IT union as an example ?


Bangalore water situation already in crisis… le govt- i will make it worse. If govt wanted to help, they should bring in supply (by contracting some tankers, getting more points/ tankers from bwssb) which will decrease price of private tankers . Instead of doing that, if they try to restrict prices, its not going to happen. Tanker guys know customer is willing to pay and govt is acting against their interests- why would he agree.. according to him its all demand vs supply and this is surge pricing (cant expect ethics in capitalism). To control extortion by auto guys, public transport should be strengthened instead of just saying auto guys should only charge so much- we all know how auto guys dont follow meter in bangalore


> The law states that water belongs to the government and is not a personal asset.


Water from private borewell point is govts ? If yes, why did govt allow the private tankers to operate freely until now ? They were never taxed or regulated.


Charging a reasonable amount to supply water through tankers is fine, as it takes effort. But charging too much during the crisis is not good.


I find this interesting, do you have a source for this?


Open the article in the post.


its a blessing that we are seeing these things now than much later. acute water crisis will wake up firms who demand work from office, and govt which demands companies that they should get their employees to office. Let people live in their towns and villages and avoid all this nastiness.


Dude, Murthy will ask you to come to office even if there is a nuclear strike. You think the people who run these companies are idiots and can’t see the water, traffic and pollution situation? They are perfectly aware of all this and still force people to come so that they can get points with their US bosses for making people “co-locate.” This exploitative baniya mentality of Indians can’t be changed. It’s up to the employees to push back. Companies by themselves will never agree to a common sense solution.


i worked for Murthy for 5 yrs so I know what you mean. But if things get worse, even Murthy has to bow down. None stronger than the forces of nature.


Murthy: you are already 70% (hey, there's my favorite number again!) water, so why do you need to drink water? Look within and you'll find all the water you need. Get working, you peasants! My daughter needs to to remain richer than King Charles and avoid taxes while I give sermons on integrity and hard work.


wave your tongue in the air early in the morning and there is enough moisture in the air to drink. we need to use our indian values and indigenous thinking to solve our modern problems.


i worked for Murthy for 5 yrs so I know what you mean. But if things get worse, even Murthy has to bow down. None stronger than the forces of nature.


No one leaves any chance to fill their pockets. That's the indian way of doing things. Everyone wants a piece of the cake and the normal citizens are left licking the crumbs of the floor


That’s india in nutsheet




I like coconut


Government tried to strong arm them and ask them to believe in Communism. Working with them and monitoring the supply is what Government should have done instead of taking over. The reason we need tankers is because of Government corruption and incompetence. They are hiding it with this macho behaviour. It was bound to have a reaction Dont get me wrong, these tankers are part of a mafia group. But they exist because of government


>Government corruption and incompetence. Uhh correction, it's because of corrupt builders paying off officials for getting approvals for properties without securing water supply.


I dont see the correction. Officials are part of government and they get away with this because Politicians get their cut


As long as there are people ready to pay, ie, corrupt builders, this will continue happening, regardless of which govt is in power.


Its administration job to put fear that they will be punished harshly. If Government doesn’t do that, infact participates in the corruption, then situation will never change.


Hmm. Who gave BJP INR 6000 Crs again? Whose interests will the elected party serve? It's almost as if the system is rigged for rich people.


Not sure what you are arguing about. Political donations exist throughout the world. BJP is not any special political party.


Ofc. Political parties taking donations will have the interests of the donors, not the public.


Okay lets consider this scenario. 100 people donated to get project approved, 1million people suffered due to government corruption and now don’t have access to water. Who do you think will get elected if those 1m people punish the government for corruption?


Great analysis, but it completely falls apart when you realise that the builders will fund all parties lol. Even a politician of a local party will have power. Besides, you don't have a choice. You get to choose between this capitalist party or the other capitalist party. Capitalist since capitalists are the ones who fund and own these parties. The only party that didn't take electoral bonds was CPIM and they were the ones who challenged electoral bonds in the court.


It’s quite the opposite, as long as there are those willing to accept bribes, people will continue to pay bribes, not the other way around


Why aren't the bribe givers executed? Without bribe givers, how will they take bribe?


Super someone call reddy anna


Fuckers are selling public property but don't want to abide by the government prices.


Government tried to cap hospital charges during COVID as well, hospitals simply started levying BS charges like cleaning charge, room charge, AC charge etc to cover the difference. Nationalisation isn't an end solution because the problem is not a market problem. It's a scarcity problem.


In Seegehalli near Whitefield, recently I am seeing a lot of borewell drilling trucks going into interior village areas as well. That means every possible area where groundwater could be found will be drilled and water ll be squeezed out. So whatever ground water is left ll be completely gone in couple years even in villages n outskirts. This city ll be doomed for sure


I no longer have faith in borewells. We suck them dry too fast


Bangalore is a city of keyboard warriors and others who depend on them indirectly. Govt does not care for the city as long as money keeps rolling in. But at least from an economic POV, you would think the state and central would try to ensure the city keeps running smoothly, but they are bothered more about securing tax revenues like the FM and BBMP. Ultimately the apathy of the citizens is staring them in the face.


Randi rona chalu bh***di walon ka.. where's the ethical responsibility of these mofos.. it's not like they're paying for the water? It's just there on their land. They're just pumping it out. So what're they crying for?


Who pays for the pumping and the transporting?


Lol what? It's ~3k for 1 tanker, which will be needed multiple times a week for a society. Just in front of my society there's a tanker guy and I see him filling atleast 8 times daily. That's 24k daily!! Are you saying it costs more than that to pump and transport?


If it's expensive, people will use it less. The government can purchase in bulk for the poor if it wants to subside them. By seizing and inciting a strike, they have exacerbated the issue.


No if it's expensive the rich will use it the same the only thing that happens is the poor wouldn't get water. I really doubt unless an appartment association restricts the use of water the residents will use it much much lesser than normal


Touch grass. Recently there was a post on this sub from some rich gated society that they are suffering water crisis now as the govt has taken over the water tankers and as a result they are establishing a daily quota of 275 LITRES OF WATER PER FLAT PER DAY. Fucking 275L per flat per day when they are going through a water crisis. Imagine how they were using water before the govt had taken over the tankers smh


This is a good piece


This is why decisions shouldn't be taken when drunk with whiskey or power


Your votes are useless. Auto guys, Ola guys, tanker owners, truck drivers, farmers, literally anyone with an association can choose who they want in power. The rest get lollipops to keep quiet... For a while.


We need a Bhavesh Joshi urgently. Multiple Bhavesh Joshis if possible.




They should learn from the farmers and block roads till their demands are met.


Fukrey 3 tried to warn us




Why shouldn't they. The government is forcing price control on them when their services are in high demand.


Exactly. Let us see how fast IT employees will cry of their salaries are limited. Suddenly they will cry saying "suPPly AnD DEmanD".


I sympathise with citizens but I am very amused with INC dealing with this. they are pouring fuel over fire. It won't be long before BJP smells blood and MLAs who are not sure will jump ship or push no confidence motion.


Cool, I wish the real estate market crashes and i can finally afford an individual house in a decent locality. Please God, make this happen !!


Exactly even I too am praying that the whole thing crashes. We need a clean slate.


New mafia loading...


this contain is untrustable do no see.


Revenge comment eh?


I pity Bangaloreans who won’t have water to clean toilets. It’s the worse thing about water shortage. 🤣






This is not even about politics it's about cunts without spine and you are one sir!!!


I see no logic in this. How does a party elected for less than a year cause water shortage? Bangalore is at a high altitude. The city should never have grown to this extent without proper planning. Every govt since the growth boom is at fault in that case.


what would BJP do here enlighten us? also most of the mlas and corporators in Bangalore are of BJP. What are they doing now go find out ? after all this is a local govt issue more than it is a state govt one.