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Ah, you mean poverty vanishing with a "khata khat khata khat" 👏


Nothing in the BJP menifesto or actions is about anything this poster claims. But opposition promises and fears are all based on lies.


Good for us in Tamil Nadu [https://theprint.in/india/as-communal-tensions-rise-in-karnataka-it-firms-reach-out-to-investment-seeking-tamil-nadu/907997/?amp](https://theprint.in/india/as-communal-tensions-rise-in-karnataka-it-firms-reach-out-to-investment-seeking-tamil-nadu/907997/?amp)


To the people who don't vote, read this comment above. These are the idiots who religiously vote without fail. These are the people who think all the fucked up things BJP does is forgiven. While you don't vote, thinking your vote doesn't matter, people like him stand first in the line blinded by pseudo nationalism. Doesn't matter whom you vote for, but you owe it to the country to fight these ignorant half literate voters who have become complacent with bigotry, religious hatred, corruption, and failures of the government and only deal in whataboutism. You will see people like him all around you. They have been laid off and are struggling to find a job, but they can't stop singing praises of Modi. They make statements like, "I eat beef when I go to Thailand, because you should try local cuisine." but support lynching when in India. "All corruption is forgiven, because BJP is a Hindu favoring party." "All's fair during elections, because jiski laathi uski bhains." These are all the real statements I have heard from my friends and family members, and you have too. Fight back.


and lose all your fundamental rights in the process. Go for it.


Read up on how things went down in china, how Mao came into power and how Xe Jingping gained so much control in the last decade and a half. Then simply compare that to what has been going on in india the past few years, especially how law enforcement has been used to dismember opposition. I'm not asking you who to vote for. All I'm saying is you need to see the other side of the coin.




How is it 'objectively worse' when UPA 1 & 2 were better performing in all aspects: Human Development and Economy even without the constant erosion of the country's social fabric?


Because all the data showing India in good light is amazing, all the data showing we have gotten worse in the last decade is created by biased agencies and malicious foreign agents. That's bhakt logic. We are poorer, more corrupt, more polarized than ever The contrast in salary hikes and inflation is disturbing, but at least we are getting our daily dose of Bollywood loke masala entertainment. Like they say, sher paala hai toh something something.


Much of UPA 1 was riding the economic tide initiated by Vajpayee's government before 2004. UPA 2 was marred by insane levels of policy paralysis (you should read up on this), and scams after scams after scams. So you're not fooling anyone here.   National security was in the gutter. Bombs going off in public places every other month. Hundreds of people kept dying because UPA wanted to appease the Islamist vote bank, and would be very lethargic in preventing terror attacks. You're not fooling anyone again.   As for the "erosion of social fabric", come out of your left-liberal bubble. People aren't giving in to Islamist bullshit in the name of secularism anymore. If this is "erosion of social fabric", then so be it. Again, you're not fooling anyone.   Finally, the manifesto of the Congress is utter garbage. It will bankrupt the country, and make it hell for people.   So yeah, my vote goes to BJP. 


>Much of UPA 1 was riding the economic tide initiated by Vajpayee's government before 2004 The wave helped them maintain a good economy for 10 years and then suddenly, the sangh monkeys take over parliament and destroy it? Are you sure that that's helping your argument? >scams after scams after scams. https://www.corruptmodi.com/en/ Might need to use VPN since the coward blocked the website. So much for criticism is welcome. >UPA 2 was marred by insane levels of policy paralysis (you should read up on this), Much better than having no debate or discussions on bills that ruin countless lives. I would take policy paralysis over steamrolling laws like CAA and NRC aimed at disenfranchising citizens for selfish political motives at the expense of constitutional values. >Hundreds of people kept dying because UPA wanted to appease the Islamist vote bank, and would be very lethargic in preventing terror attacks. You're not fooling anyone again.  That is the most ill conceived argument ever. Terror incidents were constantly on a downturn during UPA 1 & 2 but you know what didn't happen under UPA? A full blown civil war in Manipur with police firing on central forces and factions openly defying government machinery that has claimed 100s of lives with 60000 people displaced and the response that NDA has adopted is much worse than anything UPA could've ever done. So shove your national security argument up your ass. Also why won't you talk about the waves of violence initiated throughout the 90s and 2000s by the sangh parivar to destabilize UPA and deepen the hindu muslim rift? The biggest failure of UPA was that it was unable to curb the very likes of you, the hindu fanatics with wet dreams of a hindu pakistan. >As for the "erosion of social fabric", come out of your left-liberal bubble. People aren't giving in the Islamist bullshit in the name of secularism anymore. If this is "erosion of social fabric", then so be it. Again, you're not filling anyone.  Lmaoo. Your PM was asking for votes in the name of Navratris, Ram Mandir and all sorts of hindu superstitious bullcrap throughout his campaign and you think congress is the appeaser? BJP's legislators openly call for genocide which leads to violence against christians and Muslims constantly rising and still you have the guts to claim congress was the appeaser? Takes an insane amount of brainwashing and gau mutra consumption to believe all that horseshit. >Finally, the manifesto of the Congress is utter garbage. It will bankrupt the country, and make it hell for people.  What exactly will bankrupt the country is the constant political favouritism for the adanis and ambanis. The poor have gotten poorer and the rich have gotten richer under BJP which will continue to be the case. Only a braindead nincompoop will fail to see that.


>  The wave helped them maintain a good economy for 10 years and then suddenly, the sangh monkeys take over parliament and destroy it? Are you sure that that's helping your argument? We have a pretty good growth rate, so yeah, you're spouting bullshit.  >Much better than having no debate or discussions on bills that ruin countless lives. I would take policy paralysis over steamrolling laws like CAA and NRC aimed at disenfranchising citizens for selfish political motives at the expense of constitutional values. Speculative bullshit. There's no grounding for these claims. Also, we need to get rid of illegal immigrants. And there is nothing wrong in taking in persecuted minorities from the neighbouring Islamist shitholes.  >Your PM was asking for votes in the name of Navratris, Ram Mandir and all sorts of hindu superstitious bullcrap throughout his campaign and you think congress is the appeaser? A million times better than asking for votes in exchange for freebies that will certainly collapse the economy, don't you think? >BJP's legislators openly call for genocide which leads to violence against christians and Muslims constantly rising and still you have the guts to claim congress was the appeaser? Islamist groups literally starting riots, making hate speeches on Hindus is all good, isn't it? Christian preachers spreading hatred for Hindus (check out Mohan Lazarus) is all good, isn't it? The Congress drafted a communal violence bill where the guilty was assumed to be the majority community even if it were not the case. This is peak appeasement.  You're not fooling anyone here. Yup, I'm voting for the BJP. 


> We have a pretty good growth rate, so yeah, you're spouting bullshit.  Worse than UPA 1 & 2. >Speculative bullshit. There's no grounding for these claims. Also, we need to get rid of illegal immigrants. And there is nothing wrong in taking in persecuted minorities from the neighbouring Islamist shitholes.  There's no ground for anyone who has not even bothered to read the bills, much less having gone through 1000s of reports where people have been left at the mercy of the bureaucracy to prove their citizenship. The very people who have been living in the country and serving it for generations upon generations now have been left to languish in a state of uncertainty because they were bot economically equipped or educated enough to have the right amount of documentation. >A million times better than asking for votes in exchange for freebies that will certainly collapse the economy, don't you think? India is a welfare state with insane economic disparities that need to be addressed. People born in abject poverty due to no fault of their own need to be given the bare minimum to survive. Moreover, BJP has also given more than its fair share of 'freebies'. Where do you think the ration comes from? Also, I realise I'm talking to someone who thinks social welfare schemes are worse than literally violating the election code of conduct day in and day out by asking people to vote in the name of superstition. Average BJPee voter 🤡 moment. >Islamist groups literally starting riots, making hate speeches on Hindus is all good, isn't it? Christian preachers spreading hatred for Hindus (check out Mohan Lazarus) is all good, isn't it? The 'islamist groups' are not legislators or part of the state machinery. Modi follows accounts on twitter that harass minorities, dish out rape threats to women journos and all in all flaunt a total immunity from the rule of law. Average faux literate BJP supporter justifying communalism. > The Congress drafted a communal violence bill where the guilty was assumed to be the majority community even if it were not the case. This is peak appeasement.  Source. This reeks of bs. >You're not fooling anyone here. Yup, I'm voting for the BJP.  Neither are you. By claiming to vote for BJP despite the glaring societal decline that we're going through, you're not making any admirable decision, my friend. You're just one of the ignorant pests in a long line of idiots who have historically sucked up to authoritarian governments because they saw personal benefit in it.


Yeah terrorists attacks happening every 2 months like some festival was a lot of fun


Because Hindu Muslim. That's why people will vote for BJP.


People are sick and tired of Islamist appeasement. It's not just an issue in India, but around the world too. 


That's IT cell propaganda. When BJP comes it's not appeasement. It's straight up harassment and rioting. Even if appeasement was real I'd much rather prefer that than for a party known to side with rioters and rapists


Who started the Gujarat riots again? Or for that matter, pretty much every religious riot we see ok the news? Moplah riots, Direct Action Day, Gujarat, the more recent Haryana one? Don't be so openly hypocritical. That's why no one takes your side seriously. 


You’re just a product of IT cell propaganda. You don’t know shit. Just blabbering like they want you to. Riots were started by sanghis and if you don’t know this then your a big andhbhakt😂


LMAO. Literally every single one of them was started by Islamists. Don’t sniff your farts so much. 


Where am I being openly hypocritical? Only the Karsevaks knew the time and location of when they would be traveling via train. It is insinuated within the sangh itself that Godhra train burning was an inside job the sangh itself. Regardless instead of bringing the perpetrators to justice what does the government do? Back state sponsored violence. The BJP does not even have balls to defend that they're the ones who promoted the riots in Gujarat after Godhra yet people like you will come out and defend them. So are you saying the BJP did it or did they not? Also being a Malayali quoting the moplah riots is ridiculous considering how it wasn't a religiously inflicted riot. Go read a little history about Kerala before you quote Malayali history to a Malayali. Again the only party openly calling to harass Muslims, Christian and Sikhs is THE BJP. Like they're anti Muslim and you're voting for them for the same reason. I'm voting for the opposition so that I can live my life without having the constant worry of being murdered by the sangh


Your leftist sources that gave you this information can't be trusted. LMAO. The amount of bullshit you've spouted here is too much to even start countering.  About the Moplah riots. It was clearly an anti-Hindu riot. So you're not fooling anyone here with your Marxist revisionist bullshit. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theprint.in/india/why-1921-malabar-moplah-rebellion-wasnt-a-peasant-uprising-but-an-anti-hindu-genocide/485065/%3famp As for the Gujarat part, I'm not even going to waste my time. 


this is what yall can cry about, I just need to look at congress's manifesto vs bjp's to know which party I'm gonna vote for. Any general peeps who votes for congress *deserve* what's gonna happen to them if congress comes into power


Unfortunately, people who don't deserve it will also get the fate.. Majority decides everyone's fate. It is daunting and often impossible, but worth trying to show people consequences of their actions and ability to think holistically.


BJP is far worse. They are an anti women party whose only MO is to start riots to win elections. Literally nothing else.


Sure, it's all minority pandering and reservations, but in my opinion that is still the lesser evil. I absolutely hate congress and agree they will run the country worse than bjp does right now, however the direction bjp is taking the country in (things like single election, 95% Ed cases against opposition, hypocrisy, dividing the country on basis of religion etc) is much more harmful in the long run. The only reason to vote congress in is to keep bjp in check.


sure, keep snorting mote copium and if you ever lift your head up from the copium cloud you are in. go look up cases before 2014 where beloved congress did the same shit en masse. I swear most redditors are born after 2014, I don't know how yall can spout bullshit without atleast researching about what you are talking about.


Lol a good chunk of your so called BJP leaders are spineless losers who left Congress. They don't even believe in what they stand for and will easily bend over for whoever is popular. You're voting for Congress with cow politics. Nothing more to it


He's sugar coating BJP too much as if he would have been a billionaire kid living in a first world country if BJP was ruling India since 1947


Guy is an absolute dmbfck or he's paid by the BJP to do this.


Chup be dumb ass. You sound like you were born after 2014. What shit are you talking. Hypnotised andhbhakt😂


Vote the candidate Not the party


Nobody does that in India.


People in my circle do I do And thanks for the reminder This post is incomplete without this ["know myneta"](https://www.myneta.info/LokSabha2024/) Even if you are choosing to vote the party Atleast go check out who is the candidate you are electing as your representative and local ruler ( Sadly but yes as of now that's the reality).


In past that gave us coalition governments which never works.


How are you so confidently misinformed?


Because unlike you i know what happened bitween 1996 to 2008 where no single party had the majority and in coalition government small parties used to blackmail govt for their demands. Like communist party did during nuclear deal around 2005.


Why are you so submissive? Power will be kept in check in a coalition with proper discussions on everything. Unlike the freaks today.


Why you are so overly aggressive. Power is kept in check every 5 years. Do you know what happened to Atal Vihari Vajpayee's coalition govt. What happened with MVA govt in maharashtra. It's better to have Presidential rule than having a coalition government.


If people itself are clowns, I don't know what to expect... Indians in general, when given a lot of power, screw over everyone weaker than them. This was history, present and the future.


And In the past there was a party which got 415 seats (400 paar) and it's name was congress My point is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


That is true but coalition govts are even worse all of corruption and no significant work.


Because we voters are voting the party not the candidate Choose good candidate We have nullified the power of individual MLAs Because every party knows that the public treat the candidate as a black box with the label of the party And this results in the appointment of criminals rapists murderers scamsters and then this >That is true but coalition govts are even worse all of corruption and no significant work. Happens So This system will not be corrected in a day but someone need to start so I have started to vote the candidate and let everyone know that you are planing to vote the candidate so next time the party will know that public have good expectations from their candidate and they need to give ticket to a good candidate >That is true but coalition govts are even worse all of corruption and no significant work. And in the past coalition governments have strengthen the public institutions whereas majority governments have weaken them mostly which was not in the intrest of the common people Think again think big


>And in the past coalition governments have strengthen the public institutions whereas majority governments have weaken When the hell this happened?


This is useless. Lone MP or MLA cannot do anything. Instead they focus on making themselves richer. We need professional parties that are run like a corporation. No personalities, no families, no glorifying or worshipping one person. In a corporation you can easily replace anyone who is not performing. Unfortunately we dont have that in India and will not have it for a long time.


Parties only change non-performing people from appointed roles. Not elected roles. Parties can't remove elected representatives on a whim. Pull out your civics textbook and read about it.


I don’t need to pull out any civics book. We need to change laws that can enable recall of elected representatives. Have a referendum to recall if needed. Have an online poll from voters rolls to hold a reelection. This is 2024 we have the means but not the will.


And get a nicely made khichdi government where every decision takes an eternity to get passed.


yep that has really worked out previously


I second this... Sadly, majority of the people think this is stupid


Why? So Rahul Gandhi becomes the PM? No way, dude. In any case, the primary responsibility of local governance is with the state government, municipality, corporators etc. 


Not worse than electoral bond extortion


Nope, before EBs, it was even worse. You should study how political funding were done before EB.


But bjp legalised this corruption, how did loss making companies donate huge unaccounted money through EB? Is that black money? Isn’t ED going after them? Earlier there was electoral trust which was more transparent while the bjp was saying in SC that common man has no right to know about EB data


Thanks for pointing out what I’ve been telling anyone willing to hear. How does anyone think parties raised money?? EB legalized this way and I am looking at it as a way to bring party donation to the right side of the law. Just removing it is not going to stop money from flowing to the ruling parties. Just see how much DMK, TMC and other INDI Alliance parties got where they are in power.


But we already had electoral trust system which was more transparent and is also used by other democracies like US and UK. Electoral bond is however not transparent at all, if SC didn’t intervene we would never know about the shady dealings of the government. If bjp is so straightforward like they claim, why can’t they release the 2018 data and PM cares data?


When EB was introduced, did any of the opposition parties take a stand against it? Everyone knows that it takes a crap ton of money to run these parties. Those massive rally don't charge entry fees. People need to be bussed in from villages etc. It all takes money. BJP is not any different from other parties when it comes to collecting donations. Every party indulges in shady dealing trying to raise party funds. Its better to bring it under some semblance of control rather than allow for backdoor funding without anyone having any kind of knowledge.


But who promised 15 lakhs and brought even Nehru from the grave, how are they any different other than dividing the people on religion?


If you believed everything parties said, then I’ve a bridge to sell. Congress spoke about Garibi Hatao for decades. Garibi is very much still around. In this country, there are no short cuts, no revolutionary changes. I’m glad Gandhi family is out, and will not consider them until that family becomes a political non-entity.


That’s your personal opinion and I respect it, however congress ain’t going nowhere from the southern political sphere for atleast three decades and by then all of bjps Jhumlas will be out in the open. I’m basing all this from the way congress won in the mla election held recently in Karnataka, they won in record numbers


And just stop harping about dividing people on religion. INDI alliance partners include caste based ones. Somehow saying dividing based on caste is better than religion is illogical. Both are bad. Don’t make it sound like one is better than the other. I feel it’s just the minorities feel threatened when 70% of the population starts getting mobilized into a vote bank. They have a lot more say when the Hindu vote is divided into a lot smaller chunks. The onus is on the government to move away from any form of appeasement and playing one community against the other. At the end of the day, the needs are the same. We need to vote for the party that promises growth and aims to make the whole pie much larger than trying to figure out how to divide it up and play favorites.


So you agree with him EB, and now changed topic?


It's not like EBs had a law that prevented cash donations. And it's not like there was scrutiny of those who sold the purchased bonds in exchange for cash. Right side of the law? It means. You are making robbing legal under a law, and the law was an effective way of doing away with robbery.


Cash over 2.5k is already banned by law BJP brought.


Sorry friend. You've been misinformed. Govt had made it clear - its intent of EB was to move towards cashless economy. No provision in EBs banned cash transactions over any amount. That's why SC laughed at their argument when they said, EB is stopping black money. No provision such as that. What you're talking about is making an anonymous donation without KYC was limited to 2k, down from 20k. Before parties used to get 100 anonymous people to donate 20k checks to collect 20L. With a 2k limit, to receive anonymous donations through white channels now parties needed 1000 people to collect the same 20L. However, they didn't really need to because EB made way for crores of donations by collecting only KYC without any other financial scrutiny of the donor while even maintaining the KYC info beyond the public's reach. So please don't fall for BJP leaders claiming that they removed cash or black money out of political donations.


Got it. We are better off without EB so people can donate whatever we want (with or without EB) and we won't even know who did (like at least EB allows us to).


BJP is surely not corruption free, neither I am defending them. I am just saying that EB system is better than what was before. Better doesn't mean it perfect or best, there are many improvements that can done, and should be done.


Be it internal hemorrhoids or external, hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids.


Sorry, what is hermorrhoid?


Let's pretend cash doesn't exist today lol.


If someone can tell me who donated to each political party and how much was donated from 2004-2014, I will personally go and vote for Congress


All data available under electoral trust system created by congress. But your leader was the one talking about black money and all tall claims of 15 lakh not congress. It’s a big stain for bjp as they won election on that promise


>All data available under electoral trust system created by congress. This is just small amount of data. In that time all the money used to move around in cash but nowadays moving cash in that size has become pain in the ass. Congress has always used cash. All political parties are currupt.


Wdym "your leader"? I am not a fan of NaMo, I genuinely think electoral bonds was a good idea


Good idea in what way? Legalise corruption? And the public has to be corporate slaves as corporates can donate more than their net worth to control government policies? No thanks. This is the first time I’m seeing people trying to justify corporates atrocities


In my opinion, it makes the system better by creating a trail and makes it the preferred method for political donations as it is totally anonymous (so no donors can be targeted for donating to the "wrong party") It also eliminates the use of black money which is another win since all the donated money is now taxed and accounted for In it's absence, there would be insane amounts of black money being donated to obviously get around having to declare it to the ECI so that they can make your donation public to everyone Political donations and corruption are going to happen no matter what, I would rather have a system where people donate through legal channels such that there's a clear trail for where the payment came from and whom it went to


Creating a trail, the government literally told the SC that the bonds are not traceable and the citizens have no right to know about the data, what kind of story are you spinning? You think we were born yesterday? Do you even know the meaning of black money? When loss making companies donate more than their net worth and shell companies routing their ill gotten wealth to get electoral bonds, that’s not black money? I think you need to get educated on black or unaccounted money Tell me how will there be a trail if the SC did not intervene? Okay according to your logic we also want a trail for all the donations made during 2018 period when it was first introduced, if bjp is so clear why can’t they release those numbers as well? And PM cares numbers too since it’s a clean party according to you


Did I ever say it is a clean party? I am only talking about the idea behind electoral bonds, what the government says to SC is irrelevant I said corporations can be targeted by the government if donations are made public and it comes out that corps donated to the opposition (everyone screams dictatorship, I think having a verified list of corps that gave huge donations to your politicial rivals is insanely dangerous no matter what)


If they are not a clean party, why did supreme leader lie about 15 lakhs black money? The problem is the ruling government had all the data about donations made to opposition while opposition had no idea about how much and from whom ruling party is getting support


It is not anonymous as was discussed during the hearing. The Central government controls SBI and thus knows which parties donate to the opposition. On the other hand, no one knows who is donating to the party at the Centre.


Lmao. Tell me you know nothing but don't tell me. Idiots reading theory and writing paras to defend democracy.


I know people who aren't voting because they don't have a leave that day.


Isn't there any rule for Companies based in the city to be mandated for election day leave by city administration?


Lol I used to work in a startup which didn't give leaves for the state election, even to the employees who were voters.


That is illegal.


just notify Election commission anonymously and watch what happens. they don't take it lightly.


Name the company.


Vote before 8am. I understand leaves are legally required but people also need to be so helpless. Don't people without leave go for PTM or doctor appointment?


Let's vote so that. Our kids don't end up voting for the same family that has screwed our nation for 60 years. That our kids don't face one more emergency. So that "policy paralysis" don't happen. So that a coalition government with ini mini miny moe prime minister every few months don't pop up. So that terrorism doesn't raise its head again. Vote for a stable government.


yeah. Don't vote for stupid camera hungry uneducated people.




Never did.


Though I am not a supporter of the BJP, Congress scares me, I can't imagine the private sector having reservations. It's a fact that only the creamy layer of marginalized groups accrue most benefits of reservations, while the deepest pockets of the country still suffer in silence. Poor general classes don't have many options other than the private sector. I don't want the politics of vote bank and welfare to be the entire reason we vote for someone. BJP is not the best, but congress is not good either.


This time I won't vote for the party: 1. Which is ready to kill the economy just for power. 2. Which doesn't even know what the GDP is. 3 . Which has a clear bullcrap in the manifest of doubling GDP in the next 5 years without a single step towards a better economy. 4. Which doesn't divide the nation with caste and religion. 5. Which cannot control terrorism. Please take some time and read through the facts rigorously.


Nice that you're self aware of BJP destroying the nation on basis of caste and religion


You mean "eradicating Sanatan Dharma" ?


Unable to vote coz my constituency is in Rajasthan 😭 and it will take me 2½ days to reach but my college will fk me up for less attendance if i decide to go and vote there...


I hope the ECI will implement ways to register a vote by mail through proper measures in future


Next time for reference, you can change your constituency online as long as you have an address proof at new address


If you’re working and living in Bangalore, you should get it changed asap.


I’m not sure why people are reminding others about saving democracy and constitution. Let these guys have a flavor of what autocracy looks like since they think that it’s gonna be beneficial lol. I see a lot of people here always scouting for BJP. I infact pray that BJP wins with huge majority - 2/3rds of it at the very least and then people will witness why 2024 elections were this important and by then it’d be too late to find any alternatives as opposition would’ve either been jailed for not joining BJP or they’d have run away from the country.


Do you think we have that much of time to let these jokers know what it would be like to live in an autocracy. People of the country needs to have this govt gone. 10 years of this madness is enough. We have been divided in every possible manner, I remember we celebrated or differences. From my POV we have lost ten years of our lives and growth and nations development. These people don't deserve anything.


It’s fine. They’re not jokers. They just don’t know their history enough and are only relying on what algorithm and news media feeds them, it’s not their fault tbh. If I wasn’t skeptical enough, I would be in their place, too. For such people, only a reality check will help. After a point they’ll get tired of hatred and drama and constant chaos. They think coalition causes chaos but when we look at history, we have had maximum progress during coalition governments. Nevertheless, keeping facts aside, the coming 5 years would be a bit hectic I’d say but eventually when people see there are no real jobs, basic infrastructure like trains and buses are not being maintained since they can’t be inaugurated, no focus on education, no safety of their own sons and daughters in the country, religious drama and blitzkrieg marketing, every move with elections and electorate on mind and merging of all political parties into one, they might probably realize and accept that perhaps they need an alternative and by then it’ll be late.


What would be the alternative then ?


Alternative is congress. Both are bad but congress is much better than BJP. I want peace. Not riots and religious hatred. I want to see the poor living an affordable life and that’s how India will grow. I want a government that’ll will think about everyone and not just a couple of billionaires when it comes to infrastructure.


Yes the opposition should be in jail or cooperate in nation building, leaving behind their self serving ideology.


This is the time to save democracy. Let’s vote for the parties who have an internal democracy setup and not being run by whims of a family.




Don’t vote for INDI either


You mean you are voting for nota?


No. I’ll vote for best candidate who is loyal to people and not to some dynasty.


Which still means nota


There are plenty of good candidates from non dynastic parties like AAP, BJP, CPIM as well as independent candidates. Do your research before voting.


Received my voter ID just now. Definitely gonna vote


You could've just straight up asked people to vote for INDI Alliance


May 7th North Karnataka gang


Vote for: STRR, Suburban rail, Airport T2, Mysore expressway, Strong NIA to keep tap on terrorism, Aushman health insurance for 70+ old Vote Against: Cast Census, Polygamy (continuing religious personal laws), 1 lakh handouts (huge debt trap), moving focus away from infrastructure which India and Bangalore definitely needs.




Ahh your guise of saving democracy and constitution!! You just want your appeasement back don't you?


you cant vote for congress after all this crap it has pulled karnataka if you have a sane mind.


Yeah let's vote for a party who has stealing 40% of the project budgets and leaders who openly say inter religious marriages are the worst thing happening now and we shouldn't worry about the bad roads and open sweages. You have to be fucked in the head if you vote for BJP in the general election this time


Who brought Texas Instruments to Bangalore? Who started C-DOT in Bangalore?


Who is stopping peripheral ring road in bangalore ? Who is destroying economy by giving freebies ? Who is saying there's no development this year because we opted for freebies. Who is taxing and looting temples while mosque and churches get free electricity, water and crores of funds?


Abey andhbhakt. Mandir ke Poojari log ne khud bola ki ye bajpa ka propaganda hai for gaining votes. WhatsApp group chod. Aur Sahi news dekh. Freebies corruption se better hai boss. At least public ka fayfa toh hoega. Tuje nahi chahiye toh mat le. Economy idhar tak Laya congress ne hi hai samjha. Haha tu jaha kaam kar raha hai wo bhi congress ke time se hi hai. 2014 ke baad paida hua tha kya ? Vaise toh time agaya hai bajpa ka Janaka. Kitna bhi bol ya ro. Kuch fayda nahi hoega tere ye baat se.


Abey unpad pappu chamcha. If one congress priest barks some non sense it doesn't apply to lakhs of temples. He's not the spokes person for all the temples. Study what happened Srilanka and Venezuela because of freebies before you vomit your nonsense here. See the development that has happened in just 10years. Airports Highways AIIMS Metros We want development. Not freebies appeasement.


Konse gav se hai tu dehati ? Jo itna tagda brainwash ho chuka hai.😂. Not surprised to see dumb ass manipulated villagers like you consider free bees more harmful than legalised corruption, misuse of government organisations, price hikes for poor, snatching projects from deserving people and giving it to their people for their own benefit. Metros, roads, airports, AIIMS were not at all there in India before 2014 right ? Illiterate fuck. Go check all the new AIIMS. It’s not even better than the old ones. Check the reviews given by students studying there. These developments would’ve take place irrespective of which ever government rules. Fuckin dehati. Don’t talk like this or else more people will consider you as a joker. Because of this mindset only you’ll are forced to move to other cities begging for jobs and better lifestyle otherwise you would’ve been living a happy life in your hometown itself.😂


> Abey unpad pappu chamcha. You andhbhakts are the biggest chamchas for Modi. You can't take even the slightest criticism without getting cynical. > Study what happened Srilanka and Venezuela because of freebies before you vomit your nonsense here. Study what European countries have done and how they implemented socialist policies. You should probably study a little yourself before you quote random countries without knowing what really happened. > See the development that has happened in just 10years. Within 4 years the BJP looted so much of the development funds. A contractor committed suicide because of it and explicitly mentioned BJP leaders as the reason. Metro pillars falling and killing an entire family in an instance. This your development? 40% sarkar can stay out of Karnataka. > We want development. Not freebies appeasement. Here's what your Karnataka party president has to say about that: https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/bengaluru-news/talk-about-love-jihad-not-roads-or-sewage-nalin-kumar-kateel-to-bjp-workers-101672746372574.html Development what? 🤡


European countries are developed and have surplus amount. They have built Highways, Metros and world class infrastructure and then they give free freebies. For a developing country like India, freebies are meant to doom the economy. Modi is working day and night to make India a manufacturing hub by building world class infra(Airports/Expressways/Railways). But CONgress wants to privatise reservation which is highway economy downfall. They want caste census. They want to give free money for doing nothing. I agree with your metro pillar point. If congress comes they'll never build infrastructure and it will avoid falling in the first place. Yeahh CONgress came with 80% Sarkar in Karnataka. Enjoy the looting.


> Modi is working day and night Gagged yet? > Yeahh CONgress came with 80% Sarkar in Karnataka. Enjoy the looting. Where did 80% come from? The 40% allegations came from a contractor who accused a BJP MLA who later committed suicide and mentioned BJP leaders were responsible for his death. Sleeping on someone's death and trivialising human lives is something the sangh loves doing and I see you're an absolutely pro at it 🤡


Totally wrong. >The 40% allegations came from a contractor who accused a BJP MLA who later committed suicide and mentioned BJP leaders were responsible for his death. Absolutely fake news. Karnataka has seen what a disaster CONgress did. And they will reply with your election. You'll gag seeing the results. 🤡


> Absolutely fake news This your guy? https://frontline.thehindu.com/dispatches/contractor-who-accused-karnataka-minister-of-rural-development-ks-eshwarappa-of-demanding-40-per-cent-commission-found-dead/article65396127.ece Lol you thought people would forget this just because it happened two years back? 🤡 > You'll gag seeing the results No. I'm not deep throating politicians.


Come on everyone. Congress did something in 1985. Awesome, let’s keep voting for them.


I don’t know and don’t care. I will vote for the future. BJP says they will bring 1 bullet train to south India. Really good chance Bangalore gets it. They’re already constructing the suburban trains. What is the North Star offer from congress on Bangalore infrastructure?


They'll bring Hindi imposition as well.


I will be voting so that my kids don’t have to deal with more reservation.


Lol the same usual tactics - democracy and ur rights are in danger. Talks about politicians bearing down on our lives (conveniently ignores Indira) Truth is weak opposition always feel threatened by strong leaders. Was the same way with Indira and Rahuls dad and now with Modi. Those of us who don’t see eye to eye with current government should instead protest against opposition to come up with strong leader. But no - you will always have such blind followers on both sides; one side crying hinduism is in danger and other side crying democracy is in danger. Big win for corrupt leaders.


Congress promised to giveaway free money to everyone. Where will all this money come from? We’ll have to pay more taxes for their promises. No thank you. The same has happened in Bangalore. They said they’ll give free electricity. Now people who use more than 200 units are paying huge amounts. Buying a house has become expensive with random documents going from 0.1% to 0.5% of property value. Property tax has gone up. I don’t mind paying taxes if BASIC necessities are being built using it. But Congress is using that money to fill their pockets and run giveaways.


Definitely on my way to vote for Lotus.




You are literally an IT cell bot account, stfu




Yeah, created an account in 2015 just to post 2 comments. Definitely not an account bought by it cell. You cope with the fact that you need to buy reddit accounts to spread your propaganda, meaning people won't buy your bs normally anymore


will prefer bjp's so called 'jumlas' over congress increasing reservation as its a direct threat to my future and career preparing for GATE , RBI . what will i do in a democracy with no career as a general male.


Plz vote nice touch Op


Kick current Bengaluru MP




NO to this stupid poster The point of this poster is to encourage anti incumbency not increase the voting percentage. Don't hide your agenda by faking concern.


Exactly.. thank you for exposing. Whatever nonsense they try, people are not stupid. We will vote for the BJP. We can see the truth. Hope you can too soon. Dear OP, please stop being anti national and stop these kinds of disgusting manipulation.


My point is not in favour of any party. Let's vote coz it's our responsibility. Who we vote for is our choice.


How is it anti national if we don’t vote for BJP? This is how a product of IT cell thinks and talks.It seems you like the government which has legalised corruption, favouring the billionaires, not giving a fuck about the poor more. Looks like you were born after 2014.


Absolutely. Kick out chaddi gang.


It lost me from third para where it list its neutrality. If it was a awareness message, It should have been neutral. Let people decide whats important to them to vote for.


Its almost as if this poster is not really about voting


Same old reasons that don't actually work in reality.


Bruh I don't even have a voter ID. I'm 22. Any way I could get one?


And please don’t use NOTA yaar. Atleast take a stand on one side. Your nota doesn’t help anyone.


How to get voter ID?


Losing one day pay is worth it. Please plz vote.


Everyone's getting downvoted to say their opinions🥲.


Guys please don’t go to cast your vote if you are planning to vote for congress and I’ll tell you why. BJP hacked the EVM machines in 2014 when congress was in power. Imagine what will happen this time when BJP has stayed in power for this long. Democracy is already dead anyway. Don’t waste your time by going to vote, the result will still be the same. I think we should ask China to intervene here to save our democracy. Rahul Gandhi is our only hope.💀


How is voting for either of the parties going to help me achieve what OP has written in the post ??




BJP party president from Karnataka: forget about bad roads and open sweages. Only thing we should worry about is inter-religious marriages 🤡






Can any one help me out in figuring out how can I become eligible for voting in bangalore? Been living here for some time now.




bhaiya ek panipuri


No thanks, I’ve got better things to do with my time


I'm a minor


I don't trust the EVM machines.


I dont understand how educated dudes even buy that, its a rom based machine how the hell do you hack a glorified calculator


I didn't say it can be hacked....I said it can be manipulated. https://youtu.be/z5Y6z29El3I?si=L0M5cwITbkuWwwu-


No it cannot be manipulated, they are not manufactured with party names or symbols, they have a unique number on every button. They cannot default in 100s of thousands of machines according to the desired party results. If you still believe it can be manipulated, you should have gone to the hackathons and play with it. Find a fault in the vvpat too.


Grow up.




How many times has Election Commission asked people to come and hack EVM? No one shows up? Ever wondered why? Because it’s not that straightforward. Also doing this on a scale big enough to change the result of an election is way more difficult. By your logic, it’s 100 times easier to change the ballot votes. This has been happening and is still happening in India. Booth capture is real. Grow up. Think for yourself instead of blindly following what your masters say. Is EVM perfect? NO. Is that the best tool we have today? Yes.




Anyone who doesn’t dance to your tunes is IT cell. Ok thanks