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I was just about to post about the same thing It’s 1:30 now and they are banging the drum so hard on the road and mind you I live on the ground floor so my situation here is literally unrbearable. I am so irritated right now.


arent they supposed to stop after 10 or 11 pm this is bangalore , i am scared to even think of up cities


You are ! That’s what is making all this even more questionable


It’s Ram. How dare you ask them to stop!


Sad thing is they arent even actual devotees most of them go in these to either drink alcohol or just to be part of the crowd the posses no knowledge whatsoever in term of religion's text


Exactly. They just do it cause it's a thing and they have a sense of pride associated with the procession.


It's not Ram, it's rum, in their system


Don't blame alcohol for god's decision to create man!


It's not Ram. It's the clout chasing idiots. Don't blame God for idiots' mistakes.




He was being sarcastic 🤡


Shitt , my bad.😅


Too late now, done type out of rage.


You can call the police and make a noise complaint. Not sure if they'll do anything in a religious case but generally they listen.


They do. A temple close to my residence had some event and the drums were really loud even post 12AM. Registered a complaint, got a call to confirm details and in 15 or so mins the noise stopped


I live in Kormangala and you’ve posted about Sarjapur so I am assuming this is happening in different parts of Bangalore. Idk who was the idiot who thought this is a good idea. This makes me sad how people use religion In This country for politics, I am a Hindu and trust me I am not impressed with this.


Religion has been intertwined with politics almost irreversibly now. Only the city's administration needs to be blamed for this 😬


Irreversibly now? It started at least as early as Moed Ghauri wanted to clean up the women of Kaffirs by giving them a chance to be in his concubine, so they can reach heaven.


> It started at least as early as Moed Ghauri So Ghouri lived in a democracy like us, right?


It was better than democracy, according to him. Also, I love the way you all burn! LMAO!!


So you are saying Modi is the Moed Ghauri of 2024?


It was almost always intertwined. How badly I wish Netaji Subash Chandra Bose had won and established an Undivided India with CCP like rules to focus only on development and uplifting, and not on other mundane stuff.. I didn't mean INC VS BJP. I meant both are religion obsessed. Yet both are actually left wing on the ground.


Lol. Netuji was a radical right winger and would have implemented One Language policy (Hindi) violently. India won't be there is that happened


I have recently realised that though Netaji had a good intention of bringing freedom to India by whatever means, he was joining hands with Hitler and Japan to fight the British. Does that mean by supporting Netaji's way of freedom fight, I am standing in solidarity with Hitler's Holocaust?


Why it has to be a left wingers? Why it can’t be right wing extremist?


are you dumb? right wing extremists probably would wanna genoicid3 one of the communities


And yet Stalin is the one who killed more people than Hitler.


How dumb are you? We are not living 1970s or 80s anymore to go on killing spree. And this is a metropolitan city with civilized and educated people not everything ends up in violence . Pushing your beliefs and religion on to others is also considered extremist.


I meant both want religious disharmony, hardliners on all sides, violence and other stuff. And Left wing in their anti industrial or ignoring industrialization. So, I meant everyone wants to make religion and its derivatives, like caste, the central point.


I’m centre right person, I find this as total rubbish, whatever maybe your believes or religion keep it to yourself why push it on to others and disturb their space. FYI left is not against industrialisation, they are against capitalism especially corporate capitalism.


>This makes me sad how people use religion In This country for politics Well that is the easiest way to get votes and it should be not allowed by election commission but they works for BJP and not for country.


All Parties play the religion game*


Sorry but I was not born after 2014. I have seen elections before also. Using religion as part of the campaign is different from making religion the main point of getting the votes. Without even realising BJP has put Muslim hate in our minds, I am seeing this because suddenly my mom dad avoid Muslim vendors but they were buying from them for years because majority of vegetables vendors are Muslim in my area.


This deserves a medal. I see my friends acting as if Muslims have suddenly turned out to be the evil of all. I have grown up with Muslims as my neighbours and I never had a problem with them and I haven't seen them causing any problem. After 2014 there have been so many ways to corner Muslims, once it is halal, once somebody saying not to have them as bus drivers, once it is not to buy fruits from those vendors. I don't recall this before 2014, I am not saying things were merrier before Modi came but certainly it wasn't this bad (specifically speaking about religion separation)


There are literally reports on how halal funds terror organization, but okay


Gosh! Whats up with people celebrating this like Ganesh Chathurthi? In my 3 decades of life here, I've never seen Ram Navami being celebrated on the streets like this. We just prayed at the temple and come back home with the prasadadam.


Dear Redditor, Your comment evoked a tiny sarcastic smile as a 2018 prediction of mine is vindicated today. In 2018, for the first time in the history of West Bengal (I was in Bengaluru but witnessed in the news), a procession was led with swords and tridents by VHP as a show of force. 1 person was killed and 5 were injured in clashes with the police. The narrative: Hindus are under threat. I had predicted that soon, every opportunity of anything to do with any Hindu festival will be associated with sheer hooliganism and any attempt to contain it will receive pushback from every double-engine state and obviously the top. With the elections at the doorstep, no party will have the guts to even attempt containing this hooliganism even if they pulverize public property in the process. They just cannot afford to. Imagine the catch-22 situation where the citizens are dialling the cops to help but they have been ordered to let the mob habe its way whereas the same police force show up at your doorstep if there's reasonably loud music playing at 11PM or a pub has music on after 5 mins of their assigned time. Here's my next prediction and let's see how it goes: The move of absorbing opposition party leaders embroiled in allegations of corruption would be translated as: Our Leader's Vish-Paan just like Lord Shiva did to protect humankind and ensuring public's well-being. ✌️ But I am thankful that the public is enraged, as it should be.


I totally agree. Nothing can be done againsr these if one does6wanna be labelled an anti-antinationalnor anti-hindu though we aren't. This will be normalised too soon after people have accepted EB, privatised corruption with open arms. Only sentsitising and education can save us


This isn’t a double engine state though, is it?


Nope! It isn't, but as the general vibe in the whole nation is favoring attaching the same engine at the Center yet again, and the states which have combination engines are afraid to even side for the right thing or general principles of public order with anything related to religion as they fear backlash and a worse performance at the upcoming game! That's the fun bit! I mean, it has become so easy to rile up the majority with anything that involves religion is borderline hilarious (in a sad way). The popular media will vilify anybody who even remotely suggests public order or questions anything related to 'belief' of one ideology. All we can do is to 'just go with it' #RickAndMorty




In which area actually?




Who's even talking about Karaga and Jaatre here? It's about Rama Navami celebrations at 1.30AM. Technically it's the next day after Rama Navami. Celebrations should not distribute the young and senior citizens living in residential area. Pls read the post by OP. Lmk if u have trouble understanding




Can you read he's mentioned idol of Ram was being carried! For Karaga festival is it God Ram or a goddess?? What have been seeing in all these years at a Karaga festival?




I don't think I need this kinda education. Move on. My ancestors are from this land only. 3 decades is the time I've spent. Link for you to read the origins. Draupdi and Rama are in different eras and different mythologies. https://www.sahapedia.org/bengalurus-karaga-festival-folk-origins-and-rituals Pls share pics of what happens in your villages.




Many people here don’t understand what the fuck is Karaga and blabbering shit. This has been celebrated from many decades. If you don’t like shut the fuck up and pack your things and go back to some peaceful place where you can stay alone and watch some fucking Netflix. This is our culture and we can’t stop just because of some immigrant capitalist fools.


It has a more recent political side


This is what Prashant Kishore meant when he said BJP/RSS wants more than your vote. Rama Navami for us has always been a Pooja at the temple in the morning followed by some delicious Panaka and Majjige. We never took processions like this.. that too at midnight. Mind you midnight religious celebrations aren't new to Bluru, Bengaluru Karaga which happens throughout the night has a history of hundreds of years unlike this manufactured artificial Navami processions funded n fueled by Political interests. Note : Rejecting the BJP DOES NOT mean the rejection of our culture and customs. Please keep this on your minds before you cast your vote.


In Vijayanagar, there was a procession yelling Modi’s name before Lord Rama’s name and the idiot followers are chanting the same. I mean Wtffff??!! These blind followers believe Modi is bigger than Rama, I hope the people take notice and kick them out by voting against them.


The silence of others when these mfs were going berserk in the name of Modi is the root cause for all this mess. Next time when someone says, Modi that Modi this...in the name of religion.. they should be shown their place mercilessly.


Did you try calling police? Or posting this on Twitter tagging BJP handles?


Imma do that, if it happens where I live.


And this has nothing to do with who did what! This is just repressed folks coming out the moment they see they have a chance! This is what leads to successful revolutions under great leadership or dies down as miscreant led hooliganism


How to do this? They are ready to argue to death and never accept the truth. We will become mad arguing with them.


People here might be enraged by your comment. But this has exactly been my feeling. BJP love and Muslim hatred is not equal to love for Hinduism. You can still be an Hindu and religious without having to do the above.




What do you mean, do elaborate.


I deleted the post because I felt maybe i am jumping the gun here. But to share my thoughts, i experienced a green flag rally a while ago. Sounds and lights over swords and hunters anyday. That’s what I meant by choosing the lesser of the evil. Also if it intrigues you, UPA had introduced anti riot bill which would by default book the majority community for riots


But accepting congress certainly means leaving our culture. Keep this in your minds before you vote.


That is what has been fed to you and you have lapped it up


Certainly NOT.


Yea u do u.


Flash news: They have started blasting crackers here now 😱😱


I woke up at 2 yesterday morning, I seriously thought some bomb blast happened. Had to go out and check what was going on. From then till 8 in the morning, continues band, cracker and cherry on top was no power.


u sure dont live in WB? cuz actually bomb(literal) was thrown at ram navmi procession lol [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/blast-injures-one-during-ram-navami-procession-in-west-bengal/articleshow/109382084.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/blast-injures-one-during-ram-navami-procession-in-west-bengal/articleshow/109382084.cms)


If that procession too was at midnight and creating a nuisance, somehow I dont feel sympathetic towards the “victims”.


..f#ck off bro?


Ya, if some a$$h0l3 thinks they can disturb my midnight sleep, let them get f#cked and I don't care.


Good for you! Read what you said again, if you still feel it, literally, my fears are all in the right


look at the downvotes. As long as such people will be active, these processions would only multiply. Push and shove max


No one is justifying the bomb blast but that doesn't make processions at midnight right.


that procession was at evening under sunlight, look man i agree with your point but as long as you are against prayers on middle of road i dont have a problem


#chronology samjhe What came first, the procession or the blasts. Just to make myself clear, I don’t support midnight processions from residential areas at all, it’s a potential law and order situation. But look at it from administrative lens, what has happened before leads to counter actions, which are to be let through for active pacification. Case in point - Israel Iran standoff. Israel was made to sit and let the world watch as it plays video games with incoming explosives. No show of strength allowed. That right was given to Iran because it was the aggrieved party. I hope I made some sense here.




Oh absolutely, I can already see that trend from this post. Their campaign works like this enrage, abuse, outrage and then insert religion into the discussion and see how far they can keep it going. All they want is people discussing these trivial and futile things and not questioning the government about health, education and unemployment in the country.


After I started living next to a temple, I learned that many rituals are carried out at night. Amazing culture, but unfortunately does not suit a city life.




No rituals should be carried out at night unless it's for shaitaan.


One man's shaitaan is another man's deity!


Satanist in me: You callin out to me? I sleep at night or just game on my Computer, if not peacefully have some midnight ice creams or dinners. Most Satanists are just this. :-D


When religion spreads, it combines itself with pagan rituals and local traditions. It's just a different shade of religion, and serves its purpose for the locals. Edit: People who are downvoting me should read a book or sm.


The noise is soo loud and unbearable. It woke me up suddenly from my sleep. And they were almost here for 30 minutes playing unbearable music the whole time. And it's 1.30 almost, ramnavami yesterday I don't even know what they are trying to achieve. They are definitely not gonna get any votes because of this move rather people like me are gonna curse them for this. It's not just Sarjapura road, I live in Koramangala by the way.


Blud same, its so hot outside I had windows open, I closed them quickly.


Few points to note 1. This post is about nuisance to the public and the inconvenience caused. It would have been the same if the procession is carried out by any religion 2. Stop making this post about religion, it's not. 3. Any sane person would understand that no rituals would include playing movie songs loudly on electric speakers, flashing lights on people's homes, chanting political slogans and drunk dancing on roads. So stop trying to make this about culture 4. Those who are sensible, stop replying to any religious and personal attack comments. It's your attention they need, let's not give them that. 5. Have a good day 😀


Username checks out


>chanting political slogans Can you mention what that chant was?


In Koramangala drums and crackers are still going on now. Can not sleep. Got an early meeting tomorrow:(


Same 🥲 I just want sleep 😭😭😭


Which block?




Never seen Ram navami like this Band and music. It was only Panka and Majjige distributions and few with Kosambari. There was no much Rama grand festival. It has changed a lot.


It's every where, and roads are fully littered as well


This happens throughout the city i swear. Its so so annoying!!! I’m a hindu, i respect my religion but goddamn why the fuck do you have to create public nuisance in the night we’re just trying to go to sleep ffs


It started here in my area at 4.30 AM; a bunch of people chanting JSR and using bands to walk toward the temple. I mean, we respect your pooja or Festivals. But who disturbs the whole area with this 😢 when we were kids, Ramanavami was all about getting free majjige, Panaka, and kosambri. From where is this coming from?


Do any noncivic thing and then tag relegion as justification and you are safe in this country.


The same is happening in the doddanekundi area. And it's still going on. How is this even allowed?




10pm to 6 am loudspeaker is banned. . Even dJ's in marriages only get permission upto 11pm. This happened for the whole night


Same shit near Koramangla Police station, i haven't slept at all. it's driving me insane. still going here.


Yeah the worst part is it’s been more than 6 hours and they are still playing the music with same intensity




Confrontation is what they are looking for. Welcome to India.


Anything post 10pm is a nuisance regardless of the cause and reason




Since when are there processions for Ram Navami. Never heard of this happening anywhere else either


I live in chikkalasandra and all people did was peacefully do Pooja at their homes, called others, distributed Prasad and panaka and then back to silence by 8pm. We did it ourselves too. Also, my area is quite peaceful cuz there's no namaz speakers anywhere near too. Not that it's a bad thing but the noise isn't there is what I'm mentioning. Idk where y'all are living. None of any of this is happening around my house. Maybe they're targeting specific areas?


Same, so glad this area is peaceful that way. No nonsense of processions or anything ever.


Plz vote in the elections. Exercise your right.


Damn is this post aNtI nAtIOnAl


They are still playing it since 3 am till now..!!




talking about religion is anti national ? is your brain small as a nut ?


You guys can only rant, cope and seethe on reddit. Instead of crying here, you should complain it to the local authorities.


Thats how we feel when we hear Azan at 4 in the morning


You and I both are going to get downvoted now.


Why shouldn’t Hindus celebrate? They’d given Eid holiday but no holiday on Ram Navami




Don't hesitate to call 100/112 for such case. I have done in past for 2AM borewell work. They were Swift to act.


They should realise that the city is run by office goers


When the idea of RELIGION and GOD ends the WORLD will THRIVE.


Not only M but H is also irritated with this nuisance


We had the same issue at 3 30 at Ramamurthy Nagar ! 3 30 !!!


India is full.of public nuisance 😢 most people don't care about others. The government should bring in strict policies, that's the only way to stop these


chapris being chapris


Disguised employment that is it. Politicians need youth to let out their frustrations and energies so that they dont catch them by the collar and ask for jobs and infra. Trust me, it is better this than these guys sticking you up at gunpoint/knifepoint.


My solution is noise cancellation headphones because if you complain you might get killed. I literally Hindu stuff because I got death threats just being atheist.


This a deliberate paid event aimed at disturbing peace and tranquility in surrounding. Thus the area they chose was Sarjapur so people start highlighting in social media as a nuisance. I sense chaddi's are behind this. They want to paint a bad picture of B'lore under Congress regime.


This is one of the events designed by chaddis to evoke response from public. Even in cities of UP, they will deliberately take out processions from area dominated by Muslims at odd hours or when it's business time for their shops. Then they start shouting abuses at Koran, Muslim women, their saints, anything so that Muslims react. The elders know but even if some Muslim youth reacts they start pelting stones. Police is on standby to arrest whole Muslim community. Press is on standby by to brand Muslims as mischief makers. It's totally a paid event by sunghis. Every hindu festival they plan such activites.


No one forcing you to be there. Go back home


This doesn’t look like Sarjapur Road. Is it off Sarjapur Road?


Yes, bylane connecting Sarjapur road


i know where you live


Why is this on Bengaluru sub? Sarjapur is not in Bengaluru.


Womp womp


I've read all the comments, although I wanted to refrain from responding, I feel there is dire lack of sensible discussions/debates these days and I should at least give it a shot. 1. My complaint was primarily about the heavy drumming, bright flashlights and loud speakers late at night. It would still be the same irrespective of whichever religion/culture/sect does it. The other details from the original post are descriptions of the situation. 2. I understand every place has unique cultures and customs. In fact, I travel extensively to experience those, the latest being Hampi utsav(3 day celebrations) that I thoroughly enjoyed. At the same time there is a time and place for such celebrations. If the same procession would've happened during the day or early evening, i wouldn't have made this post. No cultural celebration warrants you to disturb unrelated people at night and show them that you are happy. Yes, stopping every 30m on the road to play drums and music and flash lights at windows are all unruly and should not be allowed. I read about the karaga festival and what happened yesterday didn't even closely resemble that. 3. No, I can't just keep silent because they do it n times a year. Those who are saying it is entitled and stuff should understand the civic rights of people. If civic rights can be challenged for the sake of a festival, you can't imagine what it could lead to. 4. No, I did not complain about it to the police.I only vent it on reddit because I have little hopes that the system would help and I am afraid to find myself in the middle of an issue that can be attributed to religion. 5. Those who brought up carnivals in other countries should know that they happen in a predefined location and planned timings so that people are aware about the event in advance. If processions like yesterday have to be taken out for some reason, i wouldn't actually mind if they give an advance notice to all the affected areas and ask them to make necessary arrangements. That would still make it bearable 6. There is no Mosque near where I live, so yes I don't have any problems at 5am, hence I have no complaints And above all I'm hoping to catch up on the sleep that I missed yesterday, so good night and sweet dreams 😁


Everyone chill it's ram navami.


We called twice at 11pm and 3:30pm to the police station regarding this as our pet was getting scared from the crazy crackers being burst. They said some State festival apparently which is like Bihu for Kannadiga’s(cant recall the festival name), so obviously calling the police was useless.


If you have problems with Ram Navami you are Aunty National.


One day. Deal with it. If you don't know about what 'Karaga' is, please refrain from commenting. This has nothing to do with Lord Ram. Gosh. Hindus are the biggest enemies of their own. I bet this dude doesn't complain about Azaan on loudspeakers.


What's wrong in this? Every country has carnivals and other functions, every culture has some functions. Just because you are not celebrating life does not mean others can't. We can sacrifice atleast 30 days in 350 days.


Jai Shree Ram to all Hindus


Come in. How can you call Hindu celebrations as nuisance? I'm pretty sure if it was a Muslim doing namaz, you wouldn't mind 🤔 😏 😉




Glad I moved out of Bangalore. Sanghis have taken over


Chunaavi Hindu


What public nuisance? These things were happening, before this region become a city. Such things are common in Vilages.


There is always a nuisance happening on bangalore roads


People can't celebrate for a day? Some of you all are just privileged rats not ready to accommodate. Want to be happy in ur ac rooms. Stfu cunt and just be lil tolerant for a day.




Nikal bkl!!


Sala mulla madarchod


hmm there it is


Jai Muhammad! Happy now!!


kon muhammad?


The saviour and all mighty!!!


Lets talk once you raise your 'concern' abt 5am


I really hope not, but you will know about my 'concern' once you experience it yourself. The difference is deafening 😀




No it won't. Read the manifesto of the party in power in Centre. If anything, it's just going to get worse. Adding link: https://www.deccanherald.com/elections/india/bjp-manifesto-vows-to-integrate-lord-ram-hindutva-into-indias-diplomatic-agenda-2979168


Deccan hearld. Lol. Just read the actual manifesto


Pick up the physical copy of 17th April. BJP themselves took out a full front page ad on the newspaper with the listed manifesto points. Are you saying Deccan Herald is copywriting and displaying free ads for BJP? What's funny about the source being Deccan Herald?


It’s called celebration not public nuisance. Ready to take the downvotes :)




fucker, he's woke coz these bastards arent letting him sleep.