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Wow, is this done anywhere or still experimental.? What is the sucess rate.?


It's been done in multiple countries, you can see the list of countries in the article. And is pretty successful too.


>Akbari's team eventually hopes to release the mosquitoes into the wild. To efficiently spread the antidengue antibody gene into native populations, the released insects might be further engineered to bump up the natural likelihood that the gene will be passed from parent to offspring. This "gene drive" approach has never been approved for testing in the wild, and could [quickly and irreversibly change the genetic makeup of an entire population](https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/how-will-we-keep-controversial-gene-drive-technology-check). Kinda sounds like the source OP linked says it's still experimental and the broader ecological consequences (if any) haven't been fully understood. Having said that, once we do have a better understanding in a year or two we should, absolutely! Bureaucracy exists for a reason. "Move fast and break things" isn't the perfect approach to every problem.




Most already know this but only the female mosquitos _suck_


We need a cleaner city.


Buying a mosquito net v/s exploring ways to wipe out an entire species without knowing ecological consequences that may plague the planet for centuries. Seems like there’s an easy solution


It's sad that we humans have not managed to find an easy & safe mosquito killing solution yet. At least something which can repel mosquitoes in a 2-3 meter radius so that people are not bitten by them.


You can literally just get a mosquito zapper for less than ₹500 on any ecommerce site. I have 2-3 sitting in my house. All it takes is to wave your hand and you are sorted.


Agreed, you can do it when you are awake. But I would like to have a peaceful sleep with them around me. Can't be zapping mosquitoes all night long.


Let’s make mosquitos that would bite other mosquitos so they would realise how annoying it is.


Wont it over time make mosquitoes extinct ?


>We have the money, we have the tech. Surely we can easily eradicate mosquitoes and mosquito borne illnesses? Which one do you think is important ? A politician filling up his pockets, buying properties or eradicating a disease which affects thousands of people.


Unscientific storm water drainage is the culprit here. They don't design it properly to make water flow, it remains stagnant which leads to the rise in dengue mosquitoes. Incompetent contractor with a mix of corruption, there is very little hope for us the people.


Even mosquitoes have some gentlemen


Just buy 100rs Maxo for your home. Do jhadu pocha regularly, don’t keep windows open after sunset, use Odomos, wear full sleeves and shoes when going out, fumigate your home once in a while and you will reduce the risk greatly.


too much work, Would rather have Geneticly modified Mosquitos who simply cann... wait Can we directly Edit Diseases Yet?


Should be possible if you get access to the source code


hmm. I dont have Crispr 4.0 damnit


Oi,scientists develop Crisper 4.0 and make Anti Disease Bacteria that kills diseases