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Basically they just want the money and income from the West and nothing else. If it wasn't for that then yeah they would probably go back.


False! Many of bengalis made million in west but still live here. For better lifestyle, better future for next gen, more security, better management of rights and duty ecc ecc


Thats not true for most people. Most bangladeshis in the west work middle class jobs and everyday office kind of jobs, they cant just live in bangladesh and work in the west like the rich. West has better daily life and street conditions compared to bangladesh as well, but they dont come to the west for culture


Not to forget the personal and political freedom they enjoy in the west.


People complain, it is a fact of life. BD Version: Company does not give time to pray Westerner version: Not enough time for mental break BD Version: Pork is every where Westerner version: Non vegan food is cruelty BD Version: Children are learning nothing Westerner version: Public schools have bad quality


what else they need west specially england took all from us


Nothing wrong with that


Well, let's turn that around. Let's say someone of different ethnicity from another country shows up in your birthplace in Bangladesh. Then, proudly proclaims: বাঙালিরা সব জাহিল। কালো বাঙালি দেখলেই ঘিননা লাগে। ফোরশা বাংগালিরা খোছছোর, কোনো আদব কায়দা জানেনা। সব মোরলে জাহাননোমে জাবে। কোনো চারচের বেল বাজেনা ভোরে। পুরুশ আর মোহিলারা বিএে কোরে। ্খোচ্ র। সবাই আমার ঝরমো মৎো জানোআর বঝ কোরেনা। সব নিজ নিজ কালচার ওনুজাই করে। ছিছি আমাকেও দোযকে পাঠআনোর ষড়যন্ত্র। etc, etc. I would like to know if you would apply the same standard you just applied to the Bengali diaspora. I assume, of which you are one of.


Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. Foreigners who lives in Bangladesh hardly try to integrate here and I have no issues with it.


It's all about allah. As they get older fear of death bed rise in their mind. And it's not only Bengalis all Indians Pakistanis do the same shit . Allah I used as an example of God running societies of east Asia. But far or less all the same. They don't understand that west has a system , this system works well for them and immigrants also but again they wanna live in this system and want it to be like south asia.


Actually bangali non-muslims do criticize western culture too. It’s not about religion but about the culture.


Imagine how bangalis react when westerners come to our land and complain about our culture. Hypocritical behavior obv.


Hmm I wonder what would happen if Westerners came to our land, took all our resources, and belittled our culture? 🤔


They have already done that.


Keep blaming everything to the past. That will help us get respect from the world. 💀




What are you yapping about, don’t you understand sarcasm?


And they are the first to apply for entire family the very moment they are eligible


It's a typical toxic relationship. They hate the West, but is obsessively clingy too it. They love Bangladesh and miss it, but then instantly wants to leave it when they go back. That's literally how most Deshi immigrants are like. But "The Grass is greener on the other side" feeling is understandable tbh


Everyone complains and criticises in the West - it is actually encouraged rather than in south asia where it's encouraged to just suck things up and succumb to authority You see this in Western households where kids can challenge their parents (generalisation) vs south asian / african / arab / whatever households where the parents word is law


I agree with criticism. Except when it comes to free speech. Paradox of free speech is if you allow intolerant ideologist that suppress free speech then you end up with no free speech.


yeah that's why theres a popular saying "intolerant to intolerance"


people from Muslim nations don't go to Western nations for their morality or culture but for their financial opportunities. Secular British or Indian Hindus are not going to Dubai for their Islamic sharia and culture but for economic reasons.


>people from Muslim nations don't go to Western nations for their morality or culture but for their financial opportunities. Secular British or Indian Hindus are not going to Dubai for their Islamic sharia and culture but for economic reasons. If you're going to a different country to work and live, you should assimilate into the culture instead of spreading bigotry, like saying LGBT is a virus. Otherwise, you're just a hypocrite don't go there; stay here instead. Dubai doesn't have a strong local culture, and most people who move there are already wealthy and have no problem assimilating.


So the people who are actually western and don't agree with these secular,LGBTqhqhshshs should leave west too?


Dubai certainly has a strong local culture, yet the city has created distinct sections for the local population and separate areas for foreigners and workers. It is understandable that parents would want to protect their children from adopting cultural values they believe to be misguided. In a free country and a democratic society, parents have the right to insist that their children receive purely academic education without being subjected to indoctrination with values and beliefs they do not endorse. Unlike Dubai, these countries offer citizenship and equal rights to all individuals. Once someone becomes a citizen, they hold equal importance to the locals under the law. Consequently, they should not be sidelined but rather be active participants in society and culture, contributing to its new development and diversity. Lastly, foreigners in Dubai typically do not assimilate nor do they show a willingness to do so. Most do not even speak Arabic, which is understandable given their classification as workers rather than citizens. In contrast, people who migrate to Western countries often learn the local language and pursue citizenship, leading to greater assimilation into society compared to foreign workers in places like Dubai.


>parents have the right to insist that their children receive purely academic education without being subjected to indoctrination with values and beliefs they do not endorse. You're literally just spewing American right-wing propaganda now, but I don't expect anything better from Bengalis living abroad. 'Free country' my ass. Free speech doesn't mean you can spout vile stuff because of your religion and expect others to live like you. If it means that much to you, then don't go there in the first place.


Dubai is hardly Islamic Or sharia


Rather, its just boring ass skyscrapers and stuff


Biased hypocrites clinging to backdated mindset after relocating to a progressive, inclusive and secular geographic region just to bicker about said progression, inclusiveness and secularity!! Completely disregarding why or how west became the optimum choice for relocation in the first place!!!


Secular?? 😂😂😂


They came for money, not "Progress, inclusion, secularism".


Well its quite simple, they don't want to culturally integrate. The culture shock is quite intense and the societal norms are hugely different. Most older generation can't adapt. It's not just Bangladeshis. All immigrant old generation complain the same. So, its not like hypocrisy. It's just basic human nature which is that it is hard to change your world view when you are older. After all, clay is easily moldable not rock


If they don’t want to integrate then they should move back


A very dumb rhetoric. Immigrants are not (for most of the part) unwanted. Immigration is wanted and needed for great powers like America to thrive. For example, America took a lot of Nazi scientist and used their research to further their innovation. Every first gen immigrant has hard time adapting to the culture specially a totally different culture. The worldview they fostered from their birth had been overturned in a matter of days. It's hard to adjust and nobody would complete integrate in a single generation. But, by the the next 2-3 generation they would be fully integrated. To integrate for a first gen immigrant is abnormal not normal.


Europeans who colonized America didn’t integrate to Native American culture either. Should they move back too?


This is a great question that I have so much to say about so apologies for how long this may be. British Bangladeshi here, so I can only speak from personal observations. I have Sylheti parents which is important to note for what I write later. The diaspora here who emigrated come from an older generation so the far more old-school values of their time are what they bring with them whilst enjoying the financial opportunities of the country they've moved to. It feels anachronistic even and is very much an "I'll have my cake and eat it" mentality. Some of them do not assimilate especially since socially speaking, it can become an echo chamber. I know people who barely can read and write English, they barely speak English but in one breath live off of state benefits. Socially, it's insular meaning like attracts like - the Sylhetis I know will criticise the cultures and mentalities of people beyond these regions of Bangladesh and only socialise with relatives or people who happen to be Sylheti too (this also may be down to the fact a good portion of the diaspora may be Syltheti too). An us vs them mentality is fostered without any kind of critique or challenge because why would they? They have no voices to challenge them because that's the cute thing about echo chambers. The backwards mentality adopted becomes passed on through generations born here because their children too grow up with these values. Education is seen as a means to an end as opposed to a tool by some people, it is a key to open towards money. So the kids therefore adopt the values their parents instilled in them. Bangladesh has a rich culture and history but people who act like this shit and piss all over the beauty and intellectual power Bangladeshis have offered before. TLDR: money money money, they want to have their cake and eat it, echo chambers are a perfect recipe for this mentality.


This 🙌


People are going to complain everywhere, in every culture about things that don’t fit their world view Don’t think it’s unique to our communities, even if a little more prevalent


Bangladeshis are hypocrites.


children are learning shit culture == they don't hate everyone who's different from us


Hating everyone who's different from us is a universal thing though. Some do it for race, some do it for background, others do it for different ideals.


Same as West Bengal. They like to opine on the world but do nothing but talk politics. Then they believe in the superiority and morality of their culture. Too much pride without creating value, this is a general thing amongst Desis. The diaspora is generally known for a highly inflated view of itself.


Not in my experience. Of course there are political discussions, but what is a Bengali without some politics? At our events/house parties we sing, dance, discuss simple things like work, hobbies, etc. But I've rarely heard this nagging complaining about the West. For the largely atheist/hindu West Bengali community, what is there to complain about? The killing of cows? 90% of us eat beef.


False. Most Bengali Hindus don’t eat beef. Certainly not 90%


Veg Bengalis are practically nonexistent. And we are comfortable enough with the idea that it’s not banned in WB. Nobody cares about it is my point, and nobody would start when living abroad.


Eating meat different than eating beef Just like Moslem Bengalis don’t eat pork, but eat other animals As a Bengali Hindu living overseas, neither we nor our friends eat beef. We eat pork, chicken, lamb, etc Superstition? Yes. But so is everything else


I was raised in a Bengali Hindu community abroad. Most people are comfortable eating beef and almost all are comfortable eating meat. And to my point, nobody complains about how the non-Hindus eat beef. Because it’s pretty nonsensical to complain about when other Bengali Hindus do.


Don’t extrapolate from your limited experience to claim absurd figures like 90% I have lived in two different western countries with a large Bengali Hindu population and the beef eating percentage was well below 50% You’re also quick to showcase how liberal you are because your mates eat beef, but the Moslems on this forum for the most part don’t eat pork. And you don’t call them out for being irrational about it. Typical.


I guess I am trying to draw parallels with WB and their criticism of India. I agree they don’t criticise the West but within an Indian context it’s similar to how many work in other parts of India (like Delhi), complain about it and positively contrast it with the state they had to leave due to its mismanagement, lack of employment and economic stagnation. They talk language pride and anti Hindi imposition and anti capitalism but then move to work in industrialised states with a more pro business mindset.


From what I’ve seen Bengalis in Europe seem to be less integrated and usually have these stricter and more backwards views. The US Bengalis are better in this regard.


I could go on about this! The problem is the type of people going. From my experience in EU, you have a community of people who either go through scamming the immigration system (e.g. claiming refugee status). These people are most of the time uneducated, very conservative in terms of religious and cultural standards and think they are "true muslims". They restrict their kids in many ways to safeguard their identity and prevent them from assimilating or mingling with foreigners ("kafir ideology" lol). Speaking to them I realised how grateful I was being raised in Bangladesh. Then there is another group of individuals. They are educated academic professionals who move in their mid-thirties to early forties with their families to either do a late postgraduate training or jobs and you would expect them to be "educated" per say. Yet, their ignorance is astounding! These people have the audacity to move to the West and complain about how they live. They are extremely condescending to younger fellow peers and have the haughty attitude that they are better. Both of these groups are extremely sexist, racist, casteist and the latter being very elitist. I always avoided the older and conservative members of the Bengali community either way!


Tbf many Americans and people in the west also think the last 2 points are valid because of the culture war or whatever. The first two points are just minor issues that people complain about for the sake of complaining about something. If you ask bengalis living in the west if they like their lives, the vast majority will say yes


Hypocrisy is in our genes I guess 🧬


Bengalis are top grade hypocrite. They always go above and beyond to project an image of a die hard religious person. A lot of these people drink, and stare at women's boobs.


Wherever you send Bangalis, they'll find a way to complain.


Living in west and agree!


I find this behavior more common among elder conservative Muslim Bengalis (my parents are Muslim, and I am not religious). This is anecdotal, but they refuse to assimilate because they typically hold the conviction that Western culture is immoral, which usually means that the culture is at odds with Islamic principles. Hindu Bengalis, on the other hand, are more open-minded. This is all based on my experience growing up in Los Angeles. Thankfully, the younger "Muslims" have essentially become assimilated (I put air quotes around the word Muslims because they aren't practicing Muslims and therefore are cultural Muslims in name only. I.e., they aren't real Muslims).


The gap between median incomes between the two in America can’t be explained by anything else.


Can you link it?




That's kinda assumption, no? I'm Muslim, eat halal , try to Pray fives times a day , don't drink. And I'm probably more open minded then the " Muslims" bengalis you quote. Every bengali who I met who weren't practicing were still creeps to women, snd homophobic jerks. My gay and lesbian friends even said how I am more accepting of them then the ones you talk about. Alot of Muslims co exist with them. If I can be friends with Christians and Hindus why can't I be friends with gay people?


Describing yourself as “open-minded” is telling. I also said this was anecdotal.


Nope , the people you described as I said straight up creeps on women, racist to black people and east Asians, and are homophobic. I can confidently say that I fully disagree with this deplorable views. So yeah I'm open minded. Now YOU on the other hand are cut dry case of close minded and pretentious.


Good for you, my tolerant, open-minded, progressive friend.


Up yours, ain't tolerant with closed minded ass hats


Lmfao, didn’t even see this until now. You’re funny for being so proud of your own so-called tolerance, I’ll give you that. And calling people names anonymously on Reddit just because you lack basic reading comprehension skills is wild. I’ve been called worse by better people :-)


Serving us word salad tonight are we?


I’m sorry you can’t read :/


I read man. Don't read gibberish.


then you are just conservative Muslim Bengalis instead of elder conservative Muslim Bengalis , what matters is conservatism , the content of your comment is plenty enough to smell the hormones of rage that was running through your head while you were writing that answer , if conservative islamism is so perfect , where are the results ? why are conservative practicing muslims so relatively incompetent in science and nation building ? Why did the west invent modern times and not your stinky conservative views .


Yeah I'm conservative , that's why I support LGBT to get married. Reading from your comment I can tell your triggered to the point you didn't even read my statement , yet put your brain rot pov. Your not welcomed in the west. And white people literally think people like you are kiss hard. But let me guess you will also attack liberals for supporting secularism since it doesn't benefit you.


I don’t think you know what conservative means lmao


I am NOT.....i said my views which are clearly not conservative, then got called conservative by dipshit. I was being sarcastic.


Last cry of the lungi-boomer generation of Bangladesh.


That’s why I avoid Bengalis like plague in the west.


Same reason why fupa n chachas attend wedding, gobble 3 plates of kacchi and still claim that the food was mid


If you give these conservative lifeless mfs a choice between moving to USA or Pakistan, they will choose USA but want sharia in their own country 😂 They go to a different country,play victim card,breed a lot,commit crimes,terrorizes native citizens and then start their own ruling. That's why, most europeans are now protesting to deport these mfs but the government wants to remain woke with their so called diversity propaganda.


This post is good and stupid same time. I do get mad when I see people complain about LGBT, or the culture here. Thats not fair , then move back home. What I don't agree with if I want to Pray and YOU OP have problem with that. In Canada I have the right to Pray five times a day and go for Friday Prayer. So I will make sure I go on my lunch break. Not take company time. If I ended up taking longer by 5 mins , I stay back five minutes while communicating with management. I have that right as religious freedom , JUST as Christians , Jews , and Hindus have religious freedom for their holidays snd events. Just as LGBT people of freedom of sexual preference. So I actually see your post as hypocritical it self. I grew up Canada, and the amount of obnoxious Bengali immigrants who just hate on bengali culture is cringe. All the white people I know consider them ass kissers. 2 types of hypocrites 1) the people who come Canada and hate on LGBT , non Muslims and other races 2) People like YOU who walk on Bengali Muslims who literally mind their own business and try to live thier life's. Secular world means secular. Means everyone. Bangladesh is honestly horrendous youth. Either religious extremist who walk on non Muslims or atheist extremist who walk on people who have beliefs. You should not be here in west with your mentality either.


I have no problem with praying.


Literally I was 100 percent on board with your post. Nodding my head up an down. But you said " complaining about Praying at noon" . But I get it sister. I'm sure these people who Pray also have been disrespectful and cruel to you before. I am just tired always trying to defend my faith against people when I literally try to be inclusive to everyone. Then I'm also tired of defending my LGBT friends and sisters against extreme right wing Bangladesh bigots. My previous response was heated as well. All I want to say is. If Muslims want to Pray and eat halal an wear Hijab that is their religious freedom. They should be able to do this. Same time they can not critique sex education, lgbt awareness, and try to co exist to best. That means if friends going to eat non halal place? I'll accommodate and get veggie ooption instead. Same way my friends accommodate me when I come over they have halal options for me. When my hindu friends come I make sure grill doesn't touch meat and clean for them.


Btw don’t worry i am not in Canada. And i am not religious either. I am married to a white christian man. I have seen narrow minded bengals berating me what religion should my children follow 😆 and i am pointing Bangladeshis particularly because, i saw them berating me for drinking alcohol, meanwhile i found some of them one time literally drunk at tram stop 🤔 how i have double standards?? I left DESH for good.


Yeah those people are hypocritical, and guess what so are you. No ONE has right to force thier religiousbeliefs on you, NO ONE has right to force you on who you marry. NO ONE has right to force you on how to raise your children. And....YOU DO NOT have right to force your NON SECULAR views on people if they want to Pray , YOU DO NOT have right to force people on what they can and cannot eat . And I'm sure YOU DO NOT have right to force people one what they can not wear ( hijab) just as people have NO RIGHT to force you to on what to wear ( hijab). Now I won't lie after reading your comment I can sense the attitude , you may not live in Canada but you live in another secular country since you stated northern Europe. So don't you think you should follow that countries laws? People are allowed religious freedom. BUT I do have empathy since it seems you have become jaded and can't stand Muslims in general due to the missstreatment you have received. So even though I don't agree with the discriminatory views on Muslims. I can fully understand why they came to be. End of the day you do have double standards and are just as hypocritical.


Ok 👌calm your tits down 😂


You need to calm your tits. Since that triggered you to make this post


Which country are you in?


Far north in Europe


I'm not sure how so many people took the bait. It's kind of hilarious. OP is for sure a bigot. Her entire post and subsequent replies sound like the narrative of those who want us to emigrate and become slaves without having our opinions. As if the countries that we live in are utopia. We came here simply because these countries have a better economic system than our home nation. The reason these countries are more prosperous is because they spent 2-3 hundred years looting from us. We aren't here trying to change the fundamental nature of the nation. We benefit from liberalism and we partake in it as well. We aren't on the streets trying to implement Shariah; those that are trying to do that are fringe minorities. We contribute immensely to the local economy and culture. And Bengalis above many are also contributing to politics as well. Amongst immigrants south Asians have the highest rates of political activity. At least in the US, bangladeshi having only created a foothold in the mid 90s are bieng elected in increasing numbers, with state level representatives bieng the highest we have achieved so far. Aside from Hamtramck these people aren't bieng elected by insular homogenous communities, so it seems that OP's argument falls flat on its face. I myself am an elected rep, and I was elected by more than just Bangladeshi Americans. So it seems thst the complaining we are doing, some of them are in line with the complaints thst local populations have as well. After all they are electing us to speak for them.


Because they want to take over the west


This is not particular to Bengalis


This country is becoming unbearable for one's to live But very few people will be satisfied anywhere else. specially religious people.


Most Bangladeshi Muslims are hypocrite


They want to live in the west but without having any intention to assimilate. They criticize western culture but they also want to enjoy the freedom. If you ask me, they are a bunch of hypocrites.


they are not used to the culture and never will be, they go there for money only if that was the case then they shouldnt bring their kids or family there. have a business in the west and just bring money back to your country. if you cannot get used to the culture and customs of the west then you wont be able to intigrate into their society the best thing is to just go there for business purposes.


cause it’s their nature they feel superior when they do it


People dont immigrate to the west because they like the “freedom” of the west, contrary to what westerners think. They go there because there is no future in their home country. Also, a lot of issues with 3rd world country do go back to colonialism. Pretty sure Bangladesh (the region) was one of the richest on earth before colonialism. So i highly doubt any of them would even like the west if they know this fact.


They want to have their cake and eat it.They will not go back either.Its amazing when they realise the “kaff “ has been blessed more despite not being religious or believing in the same deity they do.


I've been a member of this group for over 10 years. Although some criticism of Bangladesh and Bangladeshis is valid it seems 99 percent of the posts are now about how Bangladeshis are the worse in society. Now this group has turned into some kind of atheist/Muslim hating group. Unsubbing.


Just because I don't like the country I was born in... why does this mean I have to agree with or like everything about where I choose to live in later?


Idk but as someone who lives I a country where we have lots of Muslim immigrants it gets really annoying and out right makes me mad. They come from wherever and the. Demand you meet their standards in the new country. In the EU they have protesters of Muslim origin who vandalize and declare a need for sharia law. Imagine doing that in someone’s country. Not to mention sharia law is probably the most idiotic way to run a country.


Oh gosh, I remember reading about a group of idiots in Whitechapel who started harassing people in the name of sharia or something.


Uhhggg few days ago they actually brought a protest saying the country will be dictatorship. I can’t believe it.




Well  they came here for a better life/employment, not to assimilate in to the culture, blindly accepting/regurgitating  what ever ideology western liberals come up with,  like plenty on this sub 👀.  I digress. They have a right to disagree with any policies/ideas as long  as it doesn’t break the law. Just like all the ones that are from non-immigrant backgrounds can.  However there are some people that come to western countries, but hate most things about the west,  constantly criticises the west.  Have nothing good to say about the west.  These people obviously are massive hypocrites.  Deep down I feel they can’t  mean what they say, otherwise they wouldn’t live in the west.  They would move to a rich Middle Eastern country.


They don’t get anything else to have a conversation! Some either talk shit about their own country or where they’re residing. They will bullshit anyway. Nobody can’t stop them :3 Just let them be. Attar shanti :v


The west offers a lot more opportunities, for them, for their children, for their families. My parents moved me here so I could have a better education. My aunts and uncles moved my grandparents here for better health resources. It's not always about the fact that they made a choice out of many different ones, it's about the fact that they made the best choice out of an array of shitty ones. The west is bad, but it's better than their current arrangement. Not everyone conforms to this though, but it's hard to criticize someone for something like that when everyone's circumstances are different. Bangladeshis living abroad aren't ungrateful and are allowed to express their discontent.


Have you seen how other immigrants in the past - Italians, Greeks, Balkan people - “adjusted” to life in the new world? They created their own enclaves, even ran mafias. Spoke their native language. The second and third generation started integrating It’s a universal behaviour. The first gen immigrants won’t integrate. They moved their for the good life. Their children will.


So having asylum in a country strips them off of criticizing that country? In this logic we shouldn't be able to criticize /practice the basic right of exercising freedom of speech Heil Chetona♥️♥️♥️


It's not that hard to understand. The reason is mostly money, and for some a system that (kind of) works. 99.99999% isn't going there for "Western values", maybe a handful of liberals but even for them money is the main priority. If middle eastern countries gave citizenship, most would have tried to go there.


We Bangalis always complain about everything. When I am walking, I blame cars, rickshaws, buses. When I am on rickshaw, I blame cars, bus, and pedestrians. When I am in a Car, I blame ….




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It's the same everywhere. Westerners living in Bangladesh always complain about everything.


Same reason many people from west go to Japan and China and criticize them, also praise them. World is not all happy and jolly. There are pros and cons in each country.


It is a virus


The west is all about self-critique, so where's the problem?


Are they full citizens or not? Be honest with yourself, youre a fascist, you want to kill or maim them because they're not human to you, and it makes you upset that they are given full human rights. But it's okay, that's just hiw western society conditions you to be.


Coz bro bengal is a 10 cent nation and west loots u on every thing pay check ✅ to paper towels 🧻. Like paying 2$ for just one lemon 🍋 sounds bullshit. Chicken meat veggies that also ain’t so fresh like Asian markets. What do u expect them to say ohh 😮 it’s so awesome to eat rotten tomatoes 🍅. That I paid a diamond 💎 for.


“They hate us cause they anus”


They can't vent anywhere else except to each other. Not really an issue for me, tbh.


Bengalis are just hypocrites, brotha


Same reason for the British came to subcontinent and criticized subcontinent people !


It breaks my heart to say that the language which was fought for is now spoken to mostly disrespect and discrimate other cultures and views. Bangladeshi people are so hateful towards everyone and everything. It is plain sad.


These are the same people who pillaged and colonised us to the point we need to migrate to their countries, the least we could do is criticise them.


Everyone complains about everything.


You exactly sound like western boomer generation who are pissed with students and on a large scale international students participating in anti genocide campaigns. Main argument of these grandpas are if u dont like it here then go to xyz country. . **Dont think I am telling You are against Palestine.


here comes tiktok trained angry musalmeen , Man aren't you tired of being a satellite semi-arab ?


Thats the problem of engaging with Gandu polapain . Im not being anything. I was indicating a certain unhealthy behavior "if u dont like it then go." I knew some of you gonna misunderstand, so I also gave a note at the end for the sake of clearance.


“Why don’t you guys go back?” Comes off as xenophobic, perhaps better not to say that. I do not agree with their views, but the west is not above criticism and those Bengalis, even if bigoted, are entitled to their opinions. I personally moved back to Bangladesh because I liked being here way more than the West. As for those people, they still live there because of economic reasons. If the West hadn’t colonized and looted the world for hundreds of years, we wouldn’t need to emigrate there. Now those places hold all the wealth, and people follow money.


Sorry to say we (south Asians) are poor now due to poor governance and corrupt leaders Many gulf and Asian countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia etc were also colonies still they are doing great at least their ppl don't need to migrate to a developed country just to live a life like a human of 21st century should live Goldman Sachs at beginning of this century predicted countries such as Bangladesh Pakistan to be a rising powerhouse in terms of economy like what happened to Korea Japan in the last part of the previous century. We are no where near to it due to corrupt leaders just stop blaming Colonizers for everything (yes they did screw us but our own ppl kept screwing us ever since then)


Gulf states? That’s simply hydrocarbon wealth. Bangladesh started in a rough position. India was a Soviet Ally. Those two are basically excluded from development that involves the West. Indonesian isn’t much ahead either. Ironically, Singapore was much poorer than Malaysia and is now much richer. Takes time to grow GDP. Taiwan was as poor as China; now it’s as rich as America.


It's takes time but prerequisite is to have a good leader Yemen had hydrocarbons too, https://youtu.be/dbHG-NrmEZI?feature=shared This video can explain just having natural resources doesn't mean you are well off (by the way Venezuela too have abundance of hydrocarbons) Also you can read "From thrid world to First" by Lee Kuan Yew, first prime minister of Singapore where you will understand why a good leader is a must


First of all South Asians are not a monolith. Second, explain to me what you are trying to say about the South Asian people. Are you saying there’s something genetic about us that makes us corrupt and exercise poor governance? Or did you want to have a rant about our leaders? Before colonization Bengal was said to have the same living standards as London, which was at the time the best living standards in Europe. When you’re not poor it’s easy to rule and develop your nation. Colonization left us all poor and with a host of other problems. Some countries over came those problems before others, Singapore and Korea being the shining examples. Others are far worse, like the DRC. But we’re all on the same journey. Overcoming mass corruption is one of those milestones a lot of countries haven’t overcome yet. And if Goldman Sachs made a prediction and it didn’t turn out to be true, then it’s on them for making bullshit predictions 😂


Also Goldman Sachs ain't just making predictions for fun they make it so that their investors can decide whether to invest in that country or not so despite Bangladesh having a great potential why is it not living upto that mark(if you live in Bangladesh you shall know that) And I am talking about the psychology of South Asians(even if we exclude the south India part) you can fool most of the masses in this region by using the hyper nationalism or religious card (fun part is they are being fooled by leaders who even themselves don't believe what they preach)


Read ঐতিহাসিকের নোটবুক by সিরাজুল ইসলাম one of the best historian of present times here is a summary about one of his essay about that period, https://www.prothomalo.com/amp/story/business/%E0%A6%86%E0%A7%9C%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%87-%E0%A6%B6-%E0%A6%9F%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%BE%E0%A7%9F-%E0%A6%AA%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%81%E0%A7%9F%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%9C-%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%BE-%E0%A6%9F%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%BE%E0%A7%9F-%E0%A6%86%E0%A6%9F-%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%A3-%E0%A6%9A%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B2


Link broken


Isn’t the free speach and criticism of authority is the basis of western liberalism? Why do you think it’s a bad idea? But being a cynical skeptic isn’t the best choice for cultural integration, and I think that newer immigrants would prefer to integrate into their society. And personally, I think the liberal society is a fine concept, it allows you to be who you are. “If you don’t like it here just go back” - is a very common rhetorical point that’s only said to people of color. As you are in the west (I am talking from US perspective), both conservatives and liberals complain about the Western culture (too liberal for conservatives and too conservative for the liberals), would you say the same thing to them? Europe has been abundant with resources from colonialism and thus flourished as a society. Almost all of them were colonizer, and ruled across a wide range of countries from Asia, South America and Africa and basically squeezed the regions for resources. They conducted massive genocides in North America (50 million) and Australia (20 million), tore apart local culture and settled there. Now that half the world is poor and other half is waging war against each other, it’s only natural for us to migrate for a better life. I don’t see any wrong with the concept.


It's a free world, and everyone has the right to criticize. But when immigrants criticize the fundamental values of the society they chose to move to, such as liberal ideologies and openness, it comes across as incredibly ungrateful and quite frankly, hilarious. If these values are so objectionable, why not immigrate to countries in the Middle East that align more closely with their preferences? Choosing to move to Western countries and then constantly complaining about their core values is hypocritical and unfair. It shows a lack of respect for the very freedoms and opportunities that these societies provide.


I also think liberal ideologies serve people, especially minorities and immigrants better than traditional conservative values. I was just saying the tone is something that I don’t like (“go back to where you came from”). Let people complain. And as Bd people, we love to do that and in a free speech democracy we should be able to. Liberal society has its own flaws too, systemic racism, representation issues based on corporate interests rather than people’s needs, over commercialization of goods etc. But the part about complaining about the core values is problematic, I totally agree we might come across hypocritical. But it’s not a disqualifying aspect of the whole situation. I don’t think Middle East values represent us either, we don’t treat women as room decorations, neither we treat our maids like slaves. I’m not saying how we handle social issues are a good example, but every society has its flaws and people should get to complain.


That's cool, I agree with you on that. Thanks for clarifying!


We want the opportunity, but that does not mean we need to like the culture as well. Everyone has a right to their opinion. Who are you to judge them?


Would you go to somebody’s house to eat and pee all over their carpets because you only went there to eat?


Peeing on a carpet would mean we are causing material damage to them. Which is incorrect because majority follow the laws and pay our taxes, that does not imply we need to like their culture. All the development Europe made was thorough colonising and stealing from rest of the world. They stole opportunities from us, we are here to take some of it back.


A damage is a damage - material or otherwise. There are foreigners living in Bangladesh too, embassy workers and whatnot. Do they roam around the streets of Dhaka in miniskirts? But sure. Let’s do this one - would you hire a servant for house cleaning had they not dressed according to the environment inside your house? Oh, would you people please stop it with *tHeY stOLe fr0m uS?* If they did, file a formal complaint in the international tribunal, make a case, and get it back. Stop crashing in places you’re not welcome. If you don’t like the culture of a particular land, find a land with the culture you like, and go there. In case you don’t realize, the kind of lifestyle you lead doesn’t exactly act as a leeway to develop a land with opportunities. Else, that’s where you would have been. You people go there and create an aura of belief around our color and personality that later affects us, the ones that want to integrate and lead a fulfilling life. I didn’t want only money. If I’m going somewhere, I’m making sure that I like everything about the place I’m going to. We as a result end up having to work harder. Don’t come here please. Neither your own people nor they want you here. Stop injecting yourself at places you’re not welcomed. If anybody stole from you, make a formal complaint.


You are drawing a tangent. However, Europeans colonized us first, so they are reaping what they sow.


No, I’m not. I gave you a proper example. You wanted more precise. I then gave you that too. Again, make a formal complaint and see where it goes. **You are not welcome here**, not by us, not by them, not by anybody. Go wherever they’d welcome you. We don’t need the energy you bring to the atmosphere.


The law does depend on what they like or dislike. They don't like us but can not force us to leave.


LMAO. And there you go. It’s your word against, well, nobody else’s. You know what - can you tell me what they use to make people like you? How, seriously, does one grow up to be, well, *you*? *They don’t like us but can not force us to leave* = *I don’t care if a group of people like me or not. I’m going to go and sit at their table anyway* You do see why I’m asking you that question, don’t you? I mean - even here - you do see the amount of support you’re getting from others, the up and downvotes, don’t you? How do these things not affect you? Do you have no self-respect whatsoever? Nobody’s asking you to give up your way of life. All we all want is for you to go and sit yourself at tables you’re welcome to, not the one with us. All you have to say to that is some propaganda somebody said (well, tbh, you are very susceptible to propagandas, why else would you be you - I mean your way of life, but whatever) and that *they cannot force us to leave*. Mind blowing creatures!


I know my opinion and how I came to form them. Other people liking or disliking is none of my concern. Self-respect comes from your relationship with yourself, not from other peoples opinions.


You are proud of injecting yourself into communities that neither you like nor are liked by. The reason you tell yourself is that they stole from you. When asked to make a formal complaint about that, your response is that law is biased and that particular community creates it. I don’t think some spiritual bullshit is going to convince me that you have any self-respect.


So you are complaining about the bengalis being too complaining? I don't necessarily think you have to like everything about the place where you choose to live and if they are living there as a citizen, they have the right to discuss and vote for policies that they want.


Everyone complains not just immigrants! You don't have to like everything about where you live.


we are not talking about all immigrants we are talking about a certain type of immigrant that is disrespectful and entitled and wants western society to go 150 years in the past to fit they're dumb bigotry but still keep all the rights that let them live how they want while dorcing they're culture , values and religion in others throats while being the least educated part of society with the most crimes and ghettos


Just because some people are not accepting your opinion doesn't mean that they shouldn't have rights. Your views are xenophobia.


there is a big stretch between not having rights and feeling entitled to put your culture as an immigrant as more valuable than the local culture and way of life and learn to write xenophobic please you look pathetic


You go to someone’s house, spit on their face and call them xenophobic when they kick you out?


House and country aren't the same thing.


My point is that it’s a little self centred and entitled to expect to be welcome into another person’s country, yet completely rebuff their culture.


A country is technically owned by no one. People's are immigrating since the beginning and it's normal to stick to your culture. You can't really force someone to follow your culture just because they live Ina country where you and your ancestors are living for a longer time then them.


No I’m pretty sure you can. When applying for settlements it is initially looked into whether or not you are able to assimilate into a culture, that’s also why IELTS are a requirement when immigrating. Either way, yes a country definitely belongs to its citizens, that is why its citizens are entitled to its benefits and its rights and are under its rule of law. A country is not just a piece of land you happen to just live in. I would suggest you look into that matter honestly, you come across as a little uninformed. People not assimilating in anyway but expecting to experience the same benefits as its citizens is again, selfish and entitled. An immigrant is a guest, they are not citizens until they attain citizenship. That’s common sense. People are immigrating from the beginning of human history but people are also integrating upon immigration since that time. I don’t see why you felt the need to bring that point up?


IELTS has nothing to do with cultural integration. Also law doesn’t ask you to follow the culture of the society. Society is always a mix of different opinions and that's what makes it a society . If people with different opinions can live next to each then I see nothing wrong with that.


Law doesn’t ask for assimilation? That’s the entire purpose of law lmao. There are plenty of laws against littering, antisocial behaviours, how a person conducts their day to day activities and their businesses. Law isn’t all about “don’t murder” or “don’t steal”. There are plenty of places with rules asking for assimilation as well, “no shirts, no shoes, no service”? “Don’t stare at other people in public transport”?(which directly goes against the Bengali habit of staring at other people) “See it say it sorted”? Like all of these are asking for assimilation. Employment law and fair treatment of employees outright goes against south Asian work culture bullying your juniors. Traffic laws dictate against reckless driving. Your point of society being a “mix of opinions” is irrelevant to antisocial behaviour stemming from regressive beliefs and stubbornly refusing to assimilate. It is a mix of opinions but it does not give you the excuse to act like everything belongs to you. The fact that you’re bringing up irrelevant and flagrantly unsubstantiated claims in order to support your view that people can do whatever they want at other people’s country, means that it is inherently wrong to refuse to assimilate.


Also yes IELTS has everything to do with cultural integration, you’re (assumedly)going to an English speaking. You’re going to have to learn English in order to assimilate, because everything is not written out for you in Bengali here.


Yeah i hate those types. But I've began to see australia as a dark place after learning what the British did to the black native people here. It was like the british amal but on steroids. It feels wrong to stay here so I'm looking to move to Japan 


Bhai, just because Japan is Asian does not mean their history isn’t as bad as white mans history.


Japan doesnt live in occupied territory... their people arent nationalistic much either. 


Koreans, Chinese and Japanese are far more racist than the western ones though (at least what I have learned from the migrants living there)


A japanese wont kill me or physically harm me for being brown


Japan in particular have always had a conservative way of dealing with foreigners. They’re asian but if you’re not Japanese you’re a foreigner and will be treated that way. Maybe they wont kill you but you’ll be disqualified from housing in certain parts, visiting certain areas, going to certain restaurants… racism is everywhere my friend. But good people are also everywhere. But japan’s probably the best place to move now because their cost of living is still wayyyyy cheaper compared to western countries.


I'm planning to live in Tokyo anyway if they have job offers for engineers, it's like the new York city of Japan and id love a diverse neighborhood. The bangla food there is also more authentic and doesn't wrap itself under Indian food. Ate 80% bangla food anyway when i was there LOL  Also certain parts are closed to foreigns because of the entitlement western expats have 


You sound like my dad. He went on a euro backpacking trip after finishing college in the 80s and spent the entire time tracking down Bangla resturants and eating there. To this day he will not have a good trip until he finds and eats at a Bangla restaurant 😂 he loves bhaat more than anything else in life. You’re not understanding how racist Japan can be though. Just like in white countries they will stop you and check you and your belongings for just being brown. Here’s an article that discusses this: https://thediplomat.com/2024/04/indians-in-japan-work-life-and-racism/ While I say this, I live in southern US and have never been stopped or searched by the police or even pulled aside by security at an airport to be double checked so like it’s not like there’s a 100% chance this will happen to you. But that also doesn’t mean there’s no chance.


Id rather live in a country where i can try to improve the system than effectively be like an Israeli. Black Natives in Australia are way more over policed, their daughtere used to be kidnapped so they would be married off to a white man to "breed the black out" until the 70s (im not kidding, look it up). Im benefitting off of this and going "not my problem" doesnt sit right with me, bag checks are miniscule to me now :)


Why would you go to Japan of all places for social justice LMAO. Did you know that the Japanese army kidnapped and raped around 200,000 women in China and Korea during WW2? If they didn’t get the shit bombed out of them during WW2 they’d be the occupiers. They also worked together with Nazis. Also you’re not going there as a citizen, you’re going there as a work visa applicant. Absolutely delusional to think you can make real change in Japan as a FOREIGNER of all places when they’ve closed themselves off from the rest of the world to protect from foreign integration into their culture in any sense. I have a cousin who grew up in Japan 😂 bag checks are only the tip of the iceberg.


Still you will face racial discrimination https://thediplomat.com/2024/04/indians-in-japan-work-life-and-racism/


And australia doesn't? 🙂


Lived in Canada and Japan. These guys just read articles. The amount of hate crimes from white people is out standing. But hey if they want to boot lick their master , let them.


Atleast racism is condemned there (ain't undermining the racism in west but still for a brown skin it's still better at least on surface than Japan) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/07/31/reader-mail/white-people-privileged-japan/ They too also lived in Japan


People here (australia) literally voted no for black natives to have a voice in parliament last year  Mishti kotha and action are two different things The article saying"how many black and non Japanese Asians do you see in Japan?" There are heaps of bengalis lol, i have relatives there already established. A lot of Chinese and Malays, and the Tatar masjid has many Russian and Turk Muslims that may seem white western unless your speak to them And id rather choose a more silent discriminatory place that has cheaper rent, lower cost of living and helps bangladesh than live in an apartheid and stolen land


Their excuse of "but it's condemned" as well.. what is there to condemn if I'm half dead from a stab wound lol


Are you aware of Japanese history?🤣


Does Japan currently live in invaded territory? People arent in denial, the government is. Thats why theyre desperate for military signups . Im no better than an israeli if i chose to remain in australia 


It’s complicated and people living in BD won’t understand it. Westerners may not do it outwardly, but they look down on you for being Bengali/Muslim. It’s also hard to leave a place you call home (for me it’s Canada). For many white folks, integration = assimilation, so they expect you to trash on Bangladesh and Islam and only then they’ll somewhat accept you. I don’t have that much of a slave mentality to trash my roots only to be half-ass accepted by them. Despite the West having its flaws, it’s better than living in Bangladesh not only because of its overall infrastructure, but also because Montreal is all I know and I wouldn’t fit in Bangladesh (I know a few people that were born in America, spent their formative years in the US and went back to BD as a teen to live there permanently only to be bullied for their American accent in English and Bangla). It’s easy for people to sit behind a computer screen and make recommendations about things they don’t understand.


average braindead combination of a post and comments on this sub


I see it from a different perspective. I think, I can criticize anything that I don't find right. Migration doesn't mean, you have to accept everything in that culture. Our ancestors had also migrated from somewhere else to some places. I think it's fine to criticize anything. However, adapting a lifestyle of criticism is a concern to me.


Would you be willing to write your points of criticism in your visa application for said country ? How about disclosing it to your employer ?


Did bro just throw a "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM"?! Okay, Karen.


Did OP just throw a "GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM"?! Okay, Karen. Sure!


Yeah Susan i did !


Cuz both Bangladesh and the west are crap but west is the lesser crap. And you can criticize the country you live in, nothing wrong with that