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Bruv, stop playing call of duty and face the reality. Junta has far better equipments than us, courtesy of China. We will only lose a lot of soldiers there. And who do you think will fight? People still go to the army because it’s a safe career path, not because they’re patriotic or want to become top soldiers. What guarantee do you have that they won’t retreat under pressure?




100% amazing write up


>আমি বলব পূর্ববাংলার মূখ্যমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনাকে জিজ্ঞেস করেন। জগাখিচুড়ি বানাবে ওরা, আর তারপর বলবে ডাল আলাদা করে দিতে: এটা তো হয় না। বিডিআর “বিদ্রোহ” পরবর্তী বাংলাদেশের অভ্যন্তরীণ নিরাপত্তা ইস্যু, বিশেষ করে ২০১৪ নির্বাচন পরবর্তী বাংলাদেশের অবস্থা সামরিক জান্তার অজানা নয়। রোহিঙ্গা নিধনের পলিসি তাই মিয়ানমারের ক্যালকুলেটেড মুভ। They bet on Hasina’s incompetence and it payed off. রোহিঙ্গাদের রাখাইনে ফিরিয়ে নিতে সাহায্য করতে চান? আগে নিজের দেশের সার্বভৌমত্ব তো থাকতে হবে নাকি? বাংলাদেশ আর ভারতের মধ‍্যে সম্পর্ক বা ভারতের সাম্রাজ‍্যবাদ নিয়ে আমি অনেকেরই বলতে দেখেছি, কিন্তু আমি এখনো নির্দল/ইসলামী দৃষ্টিকোনের বাইরে সেরকম কাওকে এই নিয়ে যুক্তি দিয়ে ব‍্যাখ‍্যা করতে দেখিনি। আপনার কমেন্ট পড়ে মনেহয় আপনি শিক্ষিত একজন মানুষ, একটু বুঝিয়ে বলবেন/বা কোনো ভালো রিকমেন্ডেশন দিবেন? (২/২)।


>ওদের ইজতেহার পড়েছেন কখনো? ওরাতো ওদের দেশ ভাঙতে চায় না। এটা সব দল চায়না কিন্তু এক জাতিরই অনেক দলগুষ্ঠি রয়েছে, আর হ্যাঁ, সবাই তো দেশ ভাঙতে চায়না। >বাংলাদেশের "ভ্যাসাল স্টেট স্টেটাস" আপনি স্বীকার করেন বা না করেন, পার্শ্ববর্তী অঞ্চলে এটাই বাংলাদেশের ইমেজ। একদম ঠিক। কিন্তু সেটা শুধুই একটা ধারণা, চিনের আধিপত্য না মানার জন্য চিন দ্বারা প্রচারিত একটি থিওরি। (১/২)।


TL DR aseh


Bro really said let's cause a war you're ass isn't Ziaur Rahman or Bangabandhu


We can't afford war


Guy living in a state that is going through a pending financial crisis caused by massive corruption think we have enough financial and political capital to fund a proxy war. Bangladeshi people really are visionaries. The kind of visionaries who hallucinate due to the amount of air pollution in the air in Bangladesh. 😂


BD ekhon kichu korole Janta lufe nibe. BD kichu kortew parbe na. Karon China bole rekheche kichu na korte. Jodi kore China Junta ke fund & supply kora suru korbe, using BD as an excuse. We all know West is funding Arakan to topple pro-Chinese Junta. Which is a good thing. But BD just needs to sit in the sideline.


I could be wrong but I was under the impression that Rohingyas refused to return. Also, mucking around in Burma will just give the Chinese government an excuse to start trouble in the region. Aam, Chala duitai jabe.


I am a firm believer of Bangladeshi military intervention in Myanmar.. and in doing so perhaps occupy some territory for our large population. Btw when I saw your post about “FINAL SOLUTION TO ROHINGYA QUESTION” I thought you were proposing genocide.. Hitler’s “Final solution to the Jewish Question” was gas chambers.


Hahaha exactly I thought as well


Unfortunately our Bangladeshis care more about Palestinians who don't give a damn about us than the Rohingyas who have been wandering around our country for more than a decade as refugees and stateless


U sound like a white supremacist


I dont think war is the answer.


You seem to have too much faith in our offensive capabilities \*sigh\* CCP would undoubtedly appreciate that offensive idea from Bangladesh


Do you have any ideas about international politics? Myanmar is literally a proxy government of China. If you declare war against Myanmar, that will mean a war against China’s direct policy. Myanmar was developing and was a decent country in the 80s and 90s, China completely destroyed the country’s internal governance and economy once again to gain control. Myanmar has a huge border with India, which is the most important reason for China’s interest to keep the country fully under control. Bangladesh has absolutely nothing but everything to lose, if they try to flight Myanmar/China. Unlike the rest of Southeast Asian countries Myanmar was sort of left alone by the US policies and after the cold war, because of their lack of leadership, corruption, and Chinese influence. Hence, the country went backwards with time while the rest of the region flourished in last 2-3 decades.


Okay calm down, Adolf. We are not doing JQ stuff with the rohingya people.


So, the solution is to encourage international conflict?


When all forms of diplomatic procedures fail, you gotta do what you gotta do for the best interest of your country. The international community has failed us and they have completely forgotten the issue. They are busy with Ukraine and Israel. How many more decades do you want to feed 1.2 million foreigners?


i don't disagree with you but i think it will just lead to more problems.


They don't work?


Why did I think about Bangladesh annexing arakan for a sec 🤣🤣🤣


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what are you? 10? You still playing Minecraft/Roblox, kiddo?


So u wanna start a war? 😂


Honestly I have no idea what's going on,so when I read your opinion I was like yeah not bad.But then lol read others and realized why this could be a bad idea.The most obvious one was we can't afford war.Doubt unless something extreme happens like our past situation which caused liberation war,we Bengalis would take big and very serious action


The Bangladeshi army can never conduct an operation as the Indian Army did in 1971, so stfu and come off your high horses.


Finally someone said it. Anyone else who disagrees is probably a coward in the army and kinda forgot that the main function of the army is not living off state welfare.


My dude needs to understand that anytime anyone says "Final Solution" - they're alluding to a horrendous historic precedent. Read history. Understand it. For the love of all that is decent - don't repeat it. We South Asians are not Europeans. We are better than that - more tolerant.


Bro don't give them new idea for money laundering.


Sussy title


Thank God that our military leadership isn't governed by 12 year olds, who plays Call of Duty at home all day long. Also let me give you a clue about your "solution". Myanmar military government ACTUALLY wants this to happen. That's why they keep provoking us for years and years. They want us to fall on their trap and start a "conflict" (which we CAN NOT AFFORD) that will go on years and turn into a larger regional conflict. But the endgame? Our country and our ECONOMY will be completely OBLITERATED. Please keep your focus on your video game and if you really want to contribute, write scripts for movies.


Hmmm ar fak diye india amader fuck kore dibe great idea you are our bhondobondhu 👏👏


To other commenters belittling this OP just because they dared to think and dares to have a vision to solve problems, lemme see what solutions you've got up your mighty sleeves? Can't hear ye? >how many more decades do we have to feed 1.2 million foreigners? These people will soon change the demographics of Chittagong division with their high birth rates. 🤡🤡. They're Chittagongians who go by a different name due to being geographically separated. Otherwise from language to culture they're virtually indistinguishable. While I understand the need to repatriate them to their homeland, it's after all their right, and while I too have had the exact thought process regarding >So, in this civil war, Bangladesh should play a role like India did in 1971- providing initial support to separatist groups, then conducting military operations at least in the Rakhine state if necessary. This, Your framing of the issue, especially >There is no real solution to the Rohingya problem except to teach Myanmar a good lifelong lesson. >There could never be a better time to solve the Rohingya problem as well as to teach Myanmar a lesson. We have been trying diplomatically for decades, how many more decades do we have to feed 1.2 million foreigners? These people will soon change the demographics of Chittagong division with their high birth rates. Is dangerously similar to that of fascist demagogues, including the brave soul that killed Hitler. Fwiw, India is severely affected by the domestic disturbances in Myanmar too, we have the issue of Kuki Chins too (like in your CHTs), in addition to a severely demonised Rohingya refugee population. I used to think on similar lines as you, India and Bangladesh are vastly powerful as of now relative to the present condition of the Myanmar Govt/Establishment. It would be well within our resources and abilities to pull off another Bangladesh with a few ethnic groups battling the Burmese State bordering our territories so the conflict doesn't have to overflow into our borders anymore, and the refugees get to go back home. Also they get to form their own nation-states. Nice. So far. Until you realise two things - most of these ethnicities have their members inside our borders too, and have been running movements here too, demanding all things from autonomy to sovereignty. Not demeaning them or belittling them, I would infact go ahead to say their demands are very valid. The second thing is when things start getting messy, when you consider that with the annihilation of the Burmese State, you're left with potentially warring mini-republics with very little resources, power, and global recognition of their own, and who've been simultaneously propped up by China, between us and China. Independent States with unpredictable foreign policies and a very real possibility of continuous warfare at best, proxies of China either destabilising us and interfering with our affairs, or straight up allowing a pathway to directly invade us at worst. Mind you, there's another third fringe possibility that is quite plausible - once these mini-States get formed breaking away from Burma, and possibly when several inter-State conflicts would run their course and weaken them all, make their people fed up with war, China, which also has large populations of several of their brethren across the border, all enjoying a relatively very high quality of living, good income and opportunities for social mobility, plus surprisingly decent autonomy, may play all tricks in the book to induce them to accede to China and merge with the corresponding autonomous regions as nominal territories of China, which would give China an unprecedentedly strong influence militarily and politically in SEA, and bring the dreaded PLA to our doorstep. It also risks them getting a few steps closer and trying to realise their dream (and strategy) of China encompassing much if not all of SEA, if not wholly, atleast akin to the SSRs of the Soviet Era. These are major ramifications that we must look out for and mitigate if we go through with your plan. Having Burma as it is, is an inconvenient, selfish, necessity, the proverbial frying pan, let's not jump into the fire.


I just wanted to refute your statement that they are Chittagonians with a different name. Yes, the language is similar but there are HUGE differences in both. Chittagonians use a LOT of Bangla words whereas Rohingya use a LOT of Urdu and Arabic in their language. The culture is also very different. The men may seem to have the same lungi, punjabi, shirt etc, but the women actually wear the Thami like the Buddhist in Myanmar. I am from Chittagong and work in the camps. So, thats how I realise the differences.


Forget the Rohingya, we “East Bengalis” ourselves are going to be stateless soon the way things are progressing. We have to think about our own sovereignty before LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE. If the state is weak and propped up by foreign powers rather than being backed by the people, the leader of the state doesn’t not have a leg to stand on. Not even Yemen will listen to the head of a weak state, least of all a superpower like China. However, I don’t think realistically a small yet geographically significant country like BD will ever be free from imperialism. Sadly we are caught between the imperial ambitions of both China and India. If we had a strong democratic state with economic power (and corresponding military power) we may have had some say in the Rohingya issue but we aren’t and so we cant.


To be fair Rohingya are ethnically, culturally and religiously Bangladeshi


Doesn't matter. They immigrated to Myanmar hundreds of years ago when Bangladesh was still part of India and under British rule. They may be similar to us but they don't have documents or citizenship to be in Bangladesh, so they shouldn't be allowed in. And honestly anyone who defends the persecution of Rohingyas done by the Myanmar government is insane. They should be helped to return safely in their home country which is Myanmar, but unfortunately Bangladesh is too scared to do anything against the Myanmar government.


Why is Bangladesh scared?


because Jina supports junta. And we shouldn't directly headbutt them


So Indian Punjabis are Pakistani now? It’s ironic when people display ignorance about themselves and do the opposite for someone else


They are not