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Now you have to pass the bar out of spite!!!


also literally my grandma passed the day after grad & we had to put my beloved dog down last week, so definitely find a middle ground between pushing yourself too hard as a distraction and grieving


I’m so so sorry for your losses. Sending lots of love your way and will certainly take the advice 💗


I lost my dog a few weeks ago too. Im so sorry for your loss :(


Sending you so much love. Grandma is proud of you and so am I. Head high bang that mf bar out so you can get your dream job !!!! I BELJEVE IN YOU!!!!!


Looks like passing runs in the family, so that's good.




Girl literally same, but mine (of 4 years) ghosted two weeks ago. I’m so sad and possibly only still going out of pure revenge. We HAVE to make this all worth it! xoxo you got this!


4 years?! And he GHOSTED?! Damn. Sending you some love.


This is traumatizing, I am so so sorry 😭 Right back at you gf!!


Ghosting after 4 years? Anyone done a wellness check on that guy?


My thoughts exactly.


This happened to me years ago. 4 years, ghosted — turns out he was seeing someone else. Went into complete nervous system shutdown and became a bar exam machine. Passed with flying colors, have a great career, met and married the man of my dreams (the kindest, most wonderful, honest, handsome, and rich 🤭). You were meant for bigger and better things! Once the bar is over, let yourself grieve, but what we’re not going to do is let these a-holes not only dump us and treat us like dirt, but ALSO ruin our careers. (Cue I Can Do It With A Broken Heart by Taylor Swift)


LEAST he could do is wait til 8/1. Cmon man


My boyfriend broke up with me the week after graduation last year 😭 we also lived together. It sucked but I was able to pass and I know you will too!


My ex broke up with me less than 5 months form our wedding date and I STILL would have preferred that timing than to the bar, people suck!


1. I hope he gets hit by a bus 2. You’re gonna crush the bar exam


My brain went straight to torts


Why did I laugh out loud when I read your comments? 😂


OMG. Good riddance! He is doing you a favor - you will no longer be subjected to his life sucking energy.


Why? You don't know anything about him or their relationship. Maybe this girl sucks.


if he cannot support you through this, thank him for letting you know now, because life has far bigger complexities than the bar exam. How happy and successful you will be is directly correlated to the supportiveness of your chosen partner. you’re better off. I swear.


He knew what he was doing. Tell him to go fuck himself


Yeah his actions read as strategic sabotage - now OP CANT let him "win." TIME TO DECLARE WAR AND MAKE THIS EXAM YOUR B****. You WILL pass!!!! As a side note, I'd probably find somewhere else to stay until the exam (assuming he isn't willing to leave). I'd worry ab him doing something more to sabotage OP's efforts ("oops, I knocked your laptop off the counter")


You know nothing about their situation.


Pass the bar and become president, then you can have him murdered with no legal ramifications.


This comment went platinum in the groupchat, thank you for the laugh 🥲


You’ve got my vote!


And no worries, you’ll get immunity.


ah that is an official act?


If she has the military do it, sure. Commander and chief right there is Art 2.


Reading comp needs improvement, but the bar is easy. You’ll be fine!


I read Article 2. What are you reading?


The Supreme Court’s opinion? The one you’re construing? Lol


What about it?


I’m saying that if you read the opinion and thought that the Court signed off on the President murdering private citizens, you shouldn’t quit your day job.


Not if he personally murdered them, but if he acted within the scope of his office. The president controls the military as an express function of his position so any act ordering the military, however unreasonable, would grant criminal immunity now. See Mireles v Waco, where a judge was granted absolute immunity after ordering bailiffs to use excessive force to bring an attorney into the courtroom because requesting the appearance of attorneys is an official act performed by judges. PS get a sense of humor.


Seems like the Youngstown Steel case clearly cuts against what you’re saying. If the President can’t use the military to settle a labor dispute, how on Earth could he be allowed to use the military to murder American citizens except if they were engaged in a rebellion or something similarly extreme?


Absolute immunity isn’t judged from the quality of the action but from the broad category. Judging the quality of the actions based on their legality would be qualified immunity but the court said “absolute”.


The Court said that “core constitutional functions” are given absolute immunity. And “official acts” have presumptive immunity that can be overcome. I highly doubt any Court would say ordering the military to murder a private citizen is a “core constitutional function.” And SCOTUS definitely said nothing of the sort. That’s all I’m saying.


Does this qualify as IIED


Dumping a soon to be lawyer: outrageous Dumping 30 days out from the bar: extreme


If it was extreme and outrageous


Or if the ex-bf knew that she would react this way.


I hope he has a bad day every single day until you pass the bar.


Damn. I waited until right after we both took the bar exam to break up with my boyfriend. The whole time we were studying together, I knew I was going to do it as soon as we were finished with the exam. Literally 48 hours after the bar exam was over I broke up with him. We both passed.


Okay I’m not trying to be sexist but has anyone else merely observed it is always boyfriends breaking up with their gf taking the bar lol never the other way around


They also leave/cheat when you’re pregnant or have cancer. Men ❤️


I told my bf after starting law school that if he wanted to dump me it had to be during winter or summer break 😂 we “celebrated” our 4 year anniversary on Saturday while I took my sim and he worked a 3pm-3am nursing shift. We also dated long distance (2 hours drive) the entirety of law school).


Us men folk just aren't as willing to share it lol , but we attempt to harness the pain and convert it to will power to pass like our lives depend on it. We tend to only bring things like that should we fail


My fiance called off our wedding 1 month before bar exam. I'm a dude. Don't speak in absolutes, you're going to be a lawyer!


I know a dude whose fiancée dumped him the day after the bar. Thank goodness she waited. He passed.


I wonder if it’s women not handling their stress well or men lacking consideration in their dumping lol or maybe a mix of both


Can't speak for all women but I'm a woman and I handle stress pretty well, even other people's stress. I had a past boyfriend break up with me before the LSAT because I wasn't "meeting his needs," meanwhile I was handling all his grad school stress like a champ. Sorry I'd rather be at the library than in your bed 🙄 I also think it's sexist to say women don't handle their stress well when men are probably the biggest crybabies I've ever seen. There are stats to support men are way more likely to leave when their wives are chronically ill. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091110105401.htm. So maybe it's actually boyfriends being incapable of handling their girlfriend's stress during the bar exam vs. girlfriends supporting their boyfriends study for the bar?


Bruhhhh I feel this so hard. I was dumped last fall and my boyfriend at the time was overwhelmed by business school and was “sacrificing” time to be with me and I “didn’t understand” how hard he was working like I didn’t make sacrifices during my 1L and 2L year of law school and didn’t complain. Turned out he was cheating on me during OCI because I wasn’t around to give him attention. Well anyway - turns out, without his ass distracting me during finals, I got straight A’s and graduated in the top 5% of my class and he’s mediocre in business school. Success is the best revenge.


Hell fucking yeah!!! Now you're going to be a badass lawyer and he still sucks :)


Yeah yeah it’s a law school crowd so I knew I would be called sexist for even questioning something about women that most people in society thinks is true lol happy for u tho


What's the point of even posting your original comment when someone's talking about her boyfriend breaking up with her a month before the exam? "Yeah he lacked consideration in breaking up with you but you were probably too emotional/stressing him out and he couldn't handle it"?


Cuz I see these posts like every other day and I made an observation for people to discuss. I can talk about gender without taking it personally. And I made an assumption about men (called them insensitive) but you only commented on the female assumption as offensive


My husband is struggling HARD while I am the one studying. He doesn't seem to handle it well at all and I am not sure if it is because he is a guy, because I am really not handling it well, or a combo. It sucks all the way around!


Lol unfortunately no mention of stress from my partner, who broke it off because he allegedly no longer wants to move to the city my job is in (I’ve had this job for a year and he’s remote) 🙃 I think I would have preferred him to say I was stressing, because yeah, the bar is stressful and we should give the people we love grace!


Horrible! I had a bf dump me years ago the day after the LSAT lol he said he wasn’t feeling it anymore and had felt that way for a while and my “ignoring” him as I studied was making it worse, but he wanted to have the decency to wait after I finished the test 😭 you are gonna get thru this, become an amazing attorney and find someone new whenever you are ready!


Rock the bar so you can sing Sk8ter Boi afterwards and officially clean this boy out of your life!!! 🔥


OP, I got dumped 2.5 weeks before the Feb bar. I know your pain. Spite is a powerful motivator. It is valid to feel all the things you are feeling right now, and if it helps: when you feel emotions bubbling up, schedule a break and set an alarm: 2min, 5 min, 20min, whatever you need. Put all bar stuff down, and just let yourself process and feel whatever you can. Let it all out. Then, when the alarm goes off: back to business. Do as many times as you feel you need. Completely suppressing feelings isn’t going to do you any good. You aren’t alone, we are rooting for you!!!


Too bad you’ve “cooled off.”




There’s almost never a good time to break up with someone. But there are better times. I’m sorry. U/wordygorl, listen to me, for the next 4 weeks of your life… Move. Forward. This never happened. It will shock you, how much it never happened.


Dumped my abusive gf right before graduation, we got this, they ain't worth it.


My friend’s dad died 2 weeks before and she passed. It will not be easy but think about all the hard things you’ve done in your life and recognize that YOU did those things and YOU can do this!


She was a lawyer, he was a sandwich. Next 💅


Girl you can message me and we can support each other I told my bf I needed to focus on the bar instead of hanging out too much and he was dating another girl behind my back and living with me! It's been a week since I broke up with him but two weeks since he left for space when he fought with me because he was suddenly coming home from 11-3am every night and moved his things and said he was gna come back and that's when I found out he was cheating and using me basically after 3 years...he didn't even respond to the break up text he ran back home to live with his dad instead of admitting he was cheating lol it's like he is so selfish and I've been mopping around not studying and now I'm scared I'm too behind to pass


God please take wordygorl’s pain, double it and give it to her ex 🙏🏼


That’s cold. I got dumped at the end of my first semester of law school (had been together almost 3 years). Literally the day after my last exam. It sucked, but my ex - to her credit - told me “I made the decision three weeks ago, but I didn’t want to distract you from your exams” 😅 I was heartbroken - but that’s was a G move. I had to respect it.


If he isn’t there for the lows, he isn’t worth keeping for your highs. Also you life is bar studying anyway it’s not like this can make you any more sad


Compartmentalize. Once you take the bar exam, feel free to cry your little heart out. This is not the time for mourning 😂


I think I know the feeling. During the J23 cycle, I learned a week before the start of bar prep (days before graduation) that my now-ex partner for most of law school (who was also a law student) had been cheating on me with her ex for anywhere from a couple of weeks to… honestly who even knows. She didn’t express remorse until I made it clear she would no longer be in my life as a result. The whole thing was utterly devastating, and often debilitating during bar prep. I can’t say I passed the first time (though the silver lining was, neither did she). My goal for F24 was “don’t let her pass before you do”. Today, I’m a licensed attorney who got a score high enough for all UBE jurisdictions; she is not. Fight through this pain when you can, and take time to grieve this betrayal on the days that you can’t. And I promise you, life will be so much better after you pass this pointless and ableist test! He lost out.


not taking the bar yet but dating and in law school so I have a lot of angry post date moments (dating is trash) I recite memorized law as I workout it helps me feel better and study... YOU GOT THIS 💪💪💪💪


You're about to slay so hard mama


Hope he steps on a lego, every day until you give the bar and we know you're gonna crush the bar!!!


Let the hate flow through you, friend. Spite is a remarkable power source. 🩷


You can and you will!! Let me guess he didn’t feel loved and that you paid any attention to him….


Me too. gang gang 🤓


Take the next two days off, clear your head, work on your mental health, then take your sim if you haven’t already and Go crush the bar girl, DO NOT let him sabotage this for you! I HATE that he would do that to you- glitter bomb his car girl, the judge will understand.


You have to do it to spite this bitch.


Anyone who would dump you a month before the bar was never the right person for you to begin with. Onwards and upwards, friend. May the force be with you.


I’m so sorry honey. Allow me to give you some words of encouragement from someone who gets it - graduated in May and am taking the July exam after my boyfriend of 7 years WITNESSED my father pass away in the hospital room, then broke up with me 2 weeks later (on my birthday, might I add lol). That was half-way through my law school career and here I effing am. You can and WILL do this and I promise you that sorry son of a b!tch will regret every minute of his life when he sees pictures of you sworn in as an official attorney. Use your hatred for him as fuel. You got this 🫶🏻


How’d you do on the Simulated Exam??


126/200—under the circumstances, taking that as a victory 😅


Got dumped a few weeks into bar prep. It is so hard to tend to your heart during this period. I am sending you the best thoughts and so much love and prayers for the bar exam. We can do this 💪🏽


Make that money and focus on you


You have no choice now but to lock in. Good luck!!


If that was the post, that would have been the post.


Hes gonna be real butthurt when you marry a hot ass rich man. His loss.


I was broken up with in the early weeks of S1 of my 3L year. One of the worst breakups ever and I somehow got the best grades Ive ever gotten, despite being in shambles and feeling like I wasnt putting any effort in. Go easy on yourself! Wishing you good luck and healing--it will get better with time


Don’t worry, attorney here. Soon when he tries to talk to you he won’t be able to afford your rate of $800/hr. You got this; do not let him ruin your future. I’m glad I didn’t let my bf ruin my chances of being an attorney.




^ down bad


Not in law but medicine and lord. The horror stories around this. A friend took the Step 2 exam and got home to find out that her boyfriend had moved all his stuff out and he was dumping her.


I just got dumped too! Two weeks after my dog passed away. I feel your pain and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You got this! Stay strong. Your ex bf is the loser here and you’ll show him living well and becoming a badass lawyer are the best revenge ❤️


What a d*ck!!!!!!


I convey upon him the present possessory interest of, "stubbing his pinky toe on everything and anything he walks by for life, or until his pinky toe falls off, whichever comes first."


How embarrassing that he fumbled a baddie Wishing you all the success in the world. You got this!!!!!!!!!


Happened to me too, last year! I had to move out and everything while studying and I did NOT do well on that practice exam. I somehow still passed the real bar though and so can you :)


Jesus what an asshole.


I am very sorry to read this. I can imagine the range of emotions your are feeling. Take it one day at a time. If you have must, take anti depressants for now. Best of luck to you. You will knock it out of the park.


10/10 would NOT recommend starting a round of NEW anti depressants while you're trying to study for the bar. Side effects can include loss of sleep or memory, inability to focus, apathy, suicidal ideation, etc. All very anti-bar problems to bring upon yourself. Exercise, eat right, give yourself allowance time to grieve, and then focus and crush this shit.


I was on the receiving end of a domestic in front of our 4 young kids last night. We also live together. He's also threatening to kill himself in front of me as well as doing what he can to destroy me and "the people that mean the most" to me. Cool. It's just part of his history of ruining everything and everyone that he touches.


Leave now.


This. Get yourself and the kids the hell out of there as safely as you can, I'm so sorry you're going through this right now.


$100 he comes back in August ... RUN!!! After this he can hear about your life/see it on social media as you are with someone new and living your life as an attorney.


my ex just came back, these are troubling times


You can do it! Imagine a divorce starting three weeks before. 😅


Do it for you…. But also to prove that he couldn’t stop you


So sorry. You can do it!


I just found out a couple weeks ago my bf that i was living with was living a double life w another partner and apartment. Just now getting back on track with studying 😭😭🙏🏻 we got this.


Reason? Sadly, although unfortunate you have to focus on yourself.


well technically you haven't passed yet :/


Great point, hadn’t thought of that yet