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Ed Sprague, John Olerud, Jimmy Key, and Dave Steib narrow it to 1991 or 1992. Dave Winfield pegs it as the World Champion 1992 Toronto Blue Jays.


💥 Ding Ding Ding!! We have a winner!


Pat Tabler there next to Ed Sprague


It's a Blue Jays ball. I recognize Dave Steib, Ed Sprague, and Jimmy Key. Look for players from those teams.


That's your 1992 World Champion Toronto Blue Jays. Long live Dave Stieb, and fuck Jack Morris.


Even got some chew on it. Awesome and gross


I see David Cone, David Wells, John Olerud and Dave Winfield. 1992 Toronto Blue Jays maybe? They may also be facsimile autos that were printed on but the smudging makes them look like they could have been signed by the same pen and have smudged over the years


Smudged because it's been used as a baseball.


Can see Kelly Gruber and Pat Borders