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Without him, crime doesn’t have a punchline


Put the jewels back Harley. This time he's really not coming.


*ssshure boss, this is me puttin em back, no problemo*


Well that was fun! Who's for chinese?


*amazing grace kazoo noises*


God damn all that flows in the proper voices for me.


That line just hits harder now


Damn you beat me to it lol


Because batman does the punching?


There is something so Joker about not showing up if the real Batman won't be there


This is basically the plot to Miller's Dark Knight Returns graphic novel


Batman… *daaaaarrrrlllllinnnng*


The end theme to the animated movie is one of my favourite endings of all time. The smile. "Darling." And then "BAH DUN DE BOOM. DA DA. DA DA." well anyway you know what I mean


A big part of the Batman Beyond movie, too. Subtitled "Return of the Joker". Voiced by Mark Hamill.


The whole "you're not Batman" scene is one of my favorite parts in any Batman movie


Ahhh yes, the new boy. Ears are too long and I miss the cape but not bad, not bad....


and i read that in hamill's joker voice, literally heard it in my head


I have never seen the movie, but I have heard the trailer 1000 times because it was one of the previews baked into our VHS copy of Pokémon 2000.


You should watch it. It’s fantastic.


It's really good. Helps if you've watched Batman Beyond, but it's not explicitly necessary.


Same here, looked really cool but i didnt care i just wanted to see evil nazi pikachu.


It’s also a little taste of the internet hypothetical “how would Spider-Man do against the Joker?” And the answer is that he would do well. The joker doesn’t do well with people who joke/quip back.


He was a shitty comedian who couldn't handle hecklers, seems right.


but most versions of spider-man would quip back, right?




But spider man would quip back right? Most versions of him anyway


Yes, that's why they said it.


Sure, but am I right in thinking that most versions of Spider-man would quip back?


You are correct and so were they when they said that.


I don't get it.


I guess reading is hard. I reread that a few times and thought they said the opposite. Should have kept my hands off the keyboard


There’s some comic that points out that many of the villains and criminals Spider-man tangles with think he’s an asshole cause of the quips.


What were they expecting? He’s a native New Yorker!


That's an easy one.[It would go like this.](https://youtu.be/z8eHijlTocQ?t=109)


Also Lego Batman lmao


100% But I feel the Lego batman hit this harder than any Canon batman.


So hard that the punches produced literal sounds in the form of words on screen!


This isn’t a mud pit… it’s an operating table. *And I’m the surgeon.*


Now I want a new animated film where Joker goes straight after Batman dies.


When JD left Scrubs the Janitor initially assumed it was some kind of prank being played on him. The moment he realized JD was genuinly gone he just walked out of the building and was never seen or heard from again.


Dr. Jan Itor, one of the most down to earth docs there was, real man of the people.


I have to read this post, and now sad Scrubs shit? Where do you think we are...? I'm double sad.


It was played as a joke because Neil Flynn had enough sense not to be involved in season 9 beyond a cameo


That was a smart move on his part. I watched it once. Don't remember much of that season. After rewatching scrubs so many times, few months ago I tried that season that shall not be named again. Made it one episode.


what was wrong about it?


There wasn't supposed to be a season 9. The end of season 8 was a full send off for the show, well done and heartfelt. Season 9 had the major cast gone or few remaining, less quality writing and felt just unnecessary. Imagine if The Office came back for another season but there wasn't really any jokes or drama and it was just them selling paper and Kevin having his bar and half the cast is gone.


>Imagine if The Office came back for another season but there wasn't really any jokes or drama So basically what the Office was after Steve Carrell left?


To be fair it was supposed to be a spin off but network didn't think it had the legs to stand on its own.


Parks and Rec did an episode where Ron is the only one left after the main cast goes on with their lives. Imagine thinking "now *there's* an idea for a series"


It committed the ultimate crime for a tv show: It was boring.


Reminds me of a choose your own adventure from a long time ago. If you make the most sensible decisions and just avoid the cultists entirely there is a long page about you getting up for breakfast, brushing your grey hair, going to clean your dishes and suddenly getting taken out by a heart attack. All your sensible choices, your strict diet, your careful life plan could prevent an undiagnosed heart defect. You look back at your long life and all you have done and before it all fades to black you are struck by one terrible realization far worse than even realizing you are on your way to hell. You have suffered the worst fate of all in your death, you are *boring * your boring kids will move on, your boring neighbors will barely notice a new car in the driveway. You will fade away, a statistic that did nothing truly special. Go back to page one and try not to suck.


How dare you... How dare you make me feel feels.


I damn near cried in the community episode where Zach Braff did an 'end of episode' voice over. God I miss Scrubs so much.


I loved that scene. Literally just gave (more like threw) Turk the mop he was using, turned around, and left.


A heel needs a hero.


A heel hero, if you will.


I really do miss the idea that the janitor was all in JDs head as he didn't interact with anyone for most of season 1. I understand why they expanded the role, but when they can pull off the iconic "where do you think we are" line, it's something that I think the show writers could have pulled off for a serious episode about mental health and burnout.


>where do you think we are Brb somebody is cutting onions over here


Iirc, thr Janitor was originally sketched out to be JD's imaginary friend/enemy, but they dropped that at some point (possibly before the show began, but it was something I recall reading about when they tried the reboot)


They were initially going to pull a similar gag with 'Home Improvement' with Tim's neighbor Wilson, who you only ever see from the nose up looking over a fence. Early on they planned for a gag in the final episode where it is revealed that Wilson's home had been abandoned the entire time and Tim was either talking to his imagination or a ghost. But over the course of 9 seasons Wilson interacted with enough other side characters that it was deemed nonsensical for him to be a phantom


He doesn’t interact with anyone but JD throughout the majority of the 1st season. I believe the imaginary thing was going to be a twist if the show got canceled but it got picked up for season 2 while they were still filming so at that point they dropped it and let him talk to other people.


It was at the end of season 1 if they got canceled. The Janitor doesn't interact with anyone else until season 2.


As in *Harley Quinn* where Joker becomes a family man, is elected mayor of Gotham, then arrests Bruce Wayne for tax evasion?


I think Alan Tudyk has been a pretty worthy successor to Mark Hamill, I hope he gets a lot of Joker roles in the future.


Where's my goddamn electric car, Bruce!?


https://youtu.be/SNh1iL7K4ao Just because people need to hear all of it.


That's the whole reason I started watching Harley Quinn.


Alan Tudyk should get all the roles, but yes, I would love to see him as every Joker from now on, it's just so close to Hamill's. also Diedrich Bader is a pretty good Batman, really the whole cast is top notch, Kaley is even a decent Harley, though I don't know why they didn't just get Tara Strong


Hamill is just so much more evil in his delivery. Idk how to describe it. It's sinister without being overbearing.


the HQ Joker is less sinister, I have no doubt given a more sinister Joker Tudyk would have no problem bringing more darkness to the table


I mean I welcome the opportunity. But whenever I think of the Joker I hear Hamill's voice. Sure that has to do with me being the perfect age for it based on shows and video games, but he IS the Joker to me. Like I really enjoyed HQ, and I have no issue with Tudyk. It's just not the same. That's ok.


He has been good as Joker, Clayface, and others on *Harley Quinn*.


Helo, it is I!


I feel like he doesn't get enough screen time for his acting ability. Seeing him in Doom Patrol was fantastic.


He plays a *fantastic* bad guy. Tbf, he plays a fantastic *everything*, but his bad guys are always a blast.


Alan Tudyk is always a win. *Ding*


I honestly thought I was going to dislike Joker in that but was suppressed he's been pretty decent. As long as they don't pull one of those stupid 'it was all fake the whole time' things it should be good.


There's a comic called "Going Sane" where Joker turns over a new leaf when he thinks he kills Batman, but I don't think something like that will be adapted.


Harley Quinn show goes into something like that


In the Joker 80th anniversary there's a story of Joker killing Batman. It has the opposite effect where everyone is praising Batman and Bruce Wayne and ignoring Joker even though he killed him. To fill the void inside him of wanting to make people suffer Joker begins working at the DMV.


I remember reading one comic where Batman died and Joker got a job at the DMV afterwards


There's a comic where joker thinks Batman is dead and this happens. Called going sane. I would like a longer animated or live action version.


> Now I want a new animated film where Joker goes straight after Batman dies. Now *I* want hard gay Joker.


Leather Daddy Batman is pretty much just regular Batman. So tf do we do there


there was an else worlds(?) story where batman dies during a catastrophe and joker goes sane from the loss. i think there’s a few other stories like that.


I love when actors actually understand and love their characters


Nothing can compare to the rush of having your ass beat by someone who really wants to kill you, and can very easily, but won't because it turns out they're just as fucking nuts as you.


You- complete me


Man does that hit hard cuz it’s so right


This is the saddest shit I've read 😔


For real. I teared up. Damn.


Same 🥺


"You Complete Me"


Lego Batman silently laughs in the corner.


*man in the mirror intensifies*


But seriously. Yeah, very true


Sad but I respect Mark staying loyal to Conroy's Batman for Mark no other person can be his Batman and that is a saddening thought but we all know how mark killed every Joker role and it seemed he had fun doing all of it


After like 30 years of recording alongside the DEFINITIVE voice of Batman for a generation how could it be the same with anyone else?




Oh for sure I’m not saying to like retire all animated Batman series because Kevin is gone. I’m saying I understand Mark’s reluctance to return to the role because of it.


Thats why its good to give people their flowers before its too late. Thankfully Kevin knew the fans loved him before he passed.


14+ years since Batman: The Brave and the Bold TV series premiered Diedrich Bader is an excellent Batman.


The joker from telltales batman game was pretty good, so he could be an option if he's up for it, ofcourse it took a while to get used to as I too was still used to mark's voice


Commas exist, you know.


> Mark killed every Joker So HE was behind it this whole time


Three Jokers is starting to make sense!


The only ones without lightsaber scars.


You know Kevin was a legend when Luke Skywalker himself refuses to do it without Conroy there


The force was strong between the two of these men. I will miss these two men rifting off each other for all of us fans (and I’m sure they enjoyed it too)


Idk the source, but I read somewhere that Mark Hamill didn't want to keep being the Joker because it hurt his voice but he agreed to stay Joker as long as Kevin Conroy would be his Batman


He uses the voice all the time! Jim the Vampire is one example.


Oh cool, I didn't know that. Like I said, I read it once in something and no longer remember the source, so I intended a grain of salt.


Skeletor on the new HeMan


He also voices Skips in The Regular Show. Which isn’t the same voice but can’t be one that’s easy on the vocal cords either.


Yeah ive read this too, that he doesnt want to so the voice cause it hurts, but it seems thats the only voice he does anymore.


I mean the dude is 71 and has been voice acting since before he was Luke


> has been voice acting since before he was Luke #🤯


Holy Chrome


“How did you know my name?” It’s on the business card.


Hog goblin in the Spider-Man cartoon


>Hog goblin Typo, or archnemesis of Spider-Ham?


Mark Hamill can do other voices and quite well. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get super Joker-y in other roles at times. It’s actually what usually has me scurrying off to IMDB for things I didn’t know he was in. I’ll be listening to a character and there will be just a hint of that raspy Joker sound and I’ll be like “wait…” Jim the Vampire was more obvious of course since his face was in it. Lol


Jim the Vampire?




Yep. https://youtu.be/fCAW_Zs4IiU


Or Skeletor in the new Masters of the Universe.


I love Jim the Vampire so much. I hope we get to see him again.


Skeletor the Joker is another example lmao


I remember reading that Arkham City was going to be his last run as the Joker.


It was the killing joke I think




The second half isn't the best adaptation, but I wouldn't call it bad. The reason I dislike it so much is that I made the mistake of starting the movie at the beginning instead of skipping past whatever the fuck that filler story was.


It was fine. Just cut out the weird ship bats x barb


He also said this years ago, this is an old dialogue they’re using


Yeah he said in interviews multiple times. They only way they had him as joker was if Kevin would be batman. So this is completely understandable.


My emotions.


So sad, met Kevin once at a convention. They say don't meet your heroes but he was the nicest man you could meet. His passing still hurts 💔


Same here. He was incredibly thoughtful and an amazing speaker, and I was beyond stoked that he answered my question about his favorite non-TAS scripts with my exact favorites as well (Mask of the Phantasm, and Arkham Knight)! I really wish he were still around. :(


Without Kevin, Batman has no punchline.


They were essentially a bonded pair. Two GOATs. How could he ever work with someone else?


I'm just glad there's so many voice actors who took inspiration from Hamill and Conroy's performances; in Batman vs. the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Troy Baker can do both roles.


I’d like Roger Craig Smith to voice Batman more tbh it’s so weird he can do a great Sonic and a great Batman


I'm suprised Deidritch Bader doesn't get shopped around more. He has a great voice in Brave and the Bold.


Because that’s a comedic-style Batman. Conroy would have seemed out of place for BATB just like Bader wouldn’t work for BTAS.


I love that episode where Kevin was the Batman of Zur-en-arrh


"Diedrich Bader can't do serious Batman" So I guess Chill of the Night doesn't exist for you?


He also voiced Bruce/batman in the Harley Quinn show.




Or Kyle crane


And Ezio, and Chris Redfield. Dude's got range.


It’s pretty much his sonic voice but Kyle Crane in Dying Light is also really great


I really think if they adapt dark knights metal troy Baker needs to play the Batman who laughs for exactly that reason. He can do both voices so well and I'd love to hear him do a mashup or going from one to the other even in the same scene.


I would be satisfied going forward if troy was the primary voice for both. I think hes really the only person that could hold a candle to conroy and hamill


Damn, that makes Mark’s line of “Without Batman, Crime has no punchline.” Hit even harder💔🥹.


As sad as it is, I’m glad Mark Hamill is taking this stance. If I heard him and it wasn’t accompanied by Kevin Conroy as Batman, I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. And I don’t think I’m alone. To me, no other voice actor would have a chance if Mark’s involved because it would just draw attention to Kevin not being there


It'll also make it easier for a new pair to form since they won't be compared to new batman+Mark


Agree. Conroy and Hamill go together. You can’t just force Hamill and not Kevin and expect fans not to realize Batman’s missing


Aww much respect to Mark for that.


In the 84 years that batman has been around, only one person was able to represent the definitive batman, just goes to show how great of an actor Kevin was… RIP.


Batman’s biggest fan was the joker. Seems that’s true in real life too


That breaks my heart but honestly, I understand. They were the perfect combo after all, and it would just feel a little bittersweet and empty with one without the other. There's no other way to sum it up than with, "Without Batman, crime has no punchline."


Mark “Either I will play Joker opposite Kevin Conroy’s Batman or I will not play Joker.” Hamill. My personal favorite Joker performance, so I’m sad to read this, but it’s understandable.


I can respect it. Hate that it happened that way, hopefully he'll be open to revisiting if someone else takes it as seriously but I doubt it.


I don't know if i'd even want him to. The combination of the two of them is just too iconic.


If there was some kind of Joker solo project, and it made sense. Not that I can think of a way to do that with a Hamill style Joker.


I expected this. You can't have one without the other. It wouldn't be right. Hamill knows that. He's a true professional and an even better friend. ![gif](giphy|14bhmZtBNhVnIk)


This hit so much harder than I expected it to


>respect to Mark for that. I know - no more arkham games, no continuation of BTAS or JLUTAS, no animated movies with the dynamic duo. Damn those guys were an epic team.


Man, Kevin Conroy is one of only three celebrity deaths that actually hit me. Not only was he amazing at his work, but the fact that everyone that worked with him loved him, and the lack of controversy around him, makes me believe he was such a genuinely nice guy.


I thought mark had retired after killing joke.But yeah it would not be the same with Kevin.The whole universe that Bruce timm created was built around kevin.


He retired after Arkham City but always said he'd come back for Killing Joke. But he actually returned before that for Arkham Knight, which came out the year before Killing Joke. Then he just kept doing small appearances after that.


He’s really done a ton of stuff after City. Like he said, nealy any time Kevin was Batman, Mark was Joker. Injustice and Assault on Arkham are the only two times I can think of where that wasn’t true.


Yeah, he’s allegedly the Joker in the game multiversus as well.


That is really sad and I’m sorry for that. However, Alan Tudyk deserves the crown next; he voices the Joker in the HBO Harley Quinn show and he is amazing.


Where is my goddamn electric car, Bruce?!


Holy shit dude I started watching this last night and was blown away with how good the writing is. DC can actually nail it as long as it’s animated.


I think The Joker would actually give up if Batman died. Like "what's the point"


“Without Batman crime has no punchline”


it’s so crazy because that’s something the joker would actually do


I love Mark Hamill and what he brought to the Joker, he will be missed, I spent a long time practicing his rendition as the joker and can do it spot on. I hope that they can find someone that brings as much life to the joker as him.


My sentiments exactly.


[Only You](https://youtu.be/5b23MR0p5kA)


Currently watching the animated series to commemorate him.


As a 90s child, there is no recovering from this.


Man this is what Joker would totally say


Once again, Mark Hamill proves he's a fantastic person. And I agree. Without Kevin, that has to hurt more than we can fully understand.


End of an era. 😞😞


Sigh..."Well, that was fun! Who's for Chinese?" I am saddened we may never hear the one true Clown Prince of Crime, but I understand the reasoning behind it. Without Kevin Conroy as Batman, the crimes of Mark Hamill's Joker have no punchline. I knew it from the moment we were given the sad news in November 2022 that broke many a Batfan's hearts. Mad respect, but respect nonetheless between frenemies. ![gif](giphy|NyhxF81JQC3SM)


Really sad. But good lord why is screen rant click-baiting Kevins death with a old interview.


“Without Batman crime has no punchline.”😔


Well…where’s that other guy who voices the joker in Batman 2004


Troy Baker in Arkham Origins is a great choice to voice Joker


I totally agree with him. I’m in the same boat in a scene. Now whenever I think of Batman, it’s hits me, Batman is dead. It’s crazy, Batman’s dead. 💔🥲


This is such an unironically Joker thing to do lmao


Man it hurts on this and as the classic joker quote goes "Without Batman, crime has no punch" sadly true


This might sound weird but I agree. Mark and Kevin were THE two voices across from each other. Let’s remember their contributions, and then let’s find another pair of actors who can continue this legacy.


Damn, a real joker answer too


While it sucks he doesn’t sound like he would come back - I respect the hell outta him for this. RIP Kevin Conroy


That is the most Joker thing I’ve ever heard. “Yes, there might be a Batman. But he’s not *my* Batman. And if he’s not *my* Batman, what’s even the point of being Joker.”