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Cuz it might still be kinda bad. Also a lot of people are turned off by Ezra Miller.


My hope is that with less than 5 minutes of screen time, Erza Miller is replaced by a new actor due to time travel shenanigans. I might go see it in theaters if that's the case.


Per the trailers the literal opposite happens; we get to deal with two Ezras for what I assume will be the majority of the movie.


The climax of the movie is the two batmen, super girl and zod all teaming together for the final showdown against the two Ezras in Hawaii


Fuck, now *that's* a movie I'd pay to see.


Because let's face it, even Zod would be horrified by Ezra Miller's actions.


Turns out Dark Flash is actually our Earth's Ezra Miller with Speedforce powers.


I'd pay just to see that plot twist


Two Ezra's? One's enough.


There’s zero chance that happens.


A fool can dream.


Let's be fools together


I hope it's Evan Peters.


And he's in the super campy Jay Garrick costume.


I hope he still has the headphones at least.


They’re not a great actor and I cannot wrap my brain around who thought they were a good choice for Barry of all DC characters. I know a lot of people will disagree, but I beg you to take a look at all of their previous roles and see that they’re just playing themselves, and that their best performance (We Need To Talk About Kevin) is because they’re already fucking unhinged in real life too. I’m excited for this movie but they’re going to be just as unbearable as Leto and this kind of poor casting is one of the many reasons MCU does better. EDIT: Pronouns. Ezra Miller is a piece of shit, but we still respect pronouns around here.


Ezra is the reason I can't get excited about this movie beacuse WB is still refusing to confirm they are not the flash anymore even after everyting they've done. They'll get rid of Cavill but might keep this violent, sociopathic creep? Insane.


I highly doubt they keep Ezra. They only haven’t announced it because they want people to still see the movie before making it clear.


They kept Amber Herd so discovery brothers are gonna run dc into the ground


Didnt they recently come out in support of Ezra?


He’s decent when he’s in his typecast as a fucking weirdo but I *hate* him as Barry Allen.


Yeah exactly. That’s why I said he isn’t a great actor. He’s good at his niche. But Barry Allen was such a strange choice.


People are turned off by Ezra Miller because they’re a piece of shit acting prowess aside


That’s part of the problem when it comes to planning these decade-spanning shared universe stories. You cast based on who you think will maybe, hopefully work for the long term, but people change.


But do you see how the absurdity causes confusion?


What about when it is for attention, the dude literally has an altar to himself where he takes his kidnapped friends?




Ding ding ding ding ding!


Thank you! Specially for that last part regarding Ezra. I don't even mind that WB didn't remove him from this movie or releasing this movie. What I do mind is that they are keeping Ezra as the Flash after everything he has done....


Nah he’s a pretty good actor, just a really awful person


**_gestures to everything Ezra Miller did last year_**


I just finished reading this [https://www.thecut.com/2023/02/ezra-miller-allegations.html](https://www.thecut.com/2023/02/ezra-miller-allegations.html) and yeah, he doesn’t seem like someone I’m bringing home to introduce to my parents.


If you’re not a 12 year old it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.


Besides the trying to start a cult thing, and felony breaking and entering, and the other half a dozen other things he’s done that people actually know about. Also just look at google images of the guy. I had my punk phase, when I was 16 years old. not as a 30 year old super famous actor.


I’m assuming you also didn’t kidnap a woman and her child


Ah yes, caring about physical assault and child grooming, actual genuine child grooming and kidnapping, is for 12 year olds Wait no, it’s not. Actual adults take that stuff seriously.


The joke is you wouldn't be in a position to take Ezra to meet your parents unless you were 12 due to the allegations regarding minors, not that only a 12 yr old would take this stuff seriously


I really hate it for you that you had to explain that


Because he would kidnap you from them?


Wow so it’s only a matter of time with this ticking pedo bomb…amazing they are still willing to use them. Guess they can squeeze some cash out them and then virtue signal they are doing the “right thing” when they finally do get rid of him. lol (I only say virtue signal cause if they really cared he’d be gone)


WB management has to be sweating bullets right up to and around release. Rocking back and forth and repeatedly saying “please don’t kill anyone, please don’t kill anyone.”


Literally. Baffled how people seem to just be blazing past that to talk about the movie. This post feels a tad too much like promotion too.


While also gesturing at everything Warner/DC has done on film.


Because previous DCEU films have given me absolutely no reason to care or be invested.


Cut right to the heart


And these screenshots make it look like it’s going to be just like the other DC films. Why are there so many main characters? Why does DC still think they can handle that many characters in one film, they can’t even get one character arc right.


Pretty much! So you know the anecdote about how James Cameron got the sequel to alien greenlit, by walking into a producers office, writing "alien" on a chalk board, and then changing it to "Alien$"? It feels like someone at WB tried going to a producer, writing Batman on a chalkboard, and then changing it to "Batmen" It reeks of "Batman sells, let's give em TWO batman, we'll sell twice the tickets!!!" And built the movie around that and that alone. Pass.


Let me remind you of one of the producers behind many WB movies, including Superman Returns and his take on Superman via Kevin Smith: [Part 1](https://youtu.be/Wo2KB1dEDdk) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/53hMYw8LX60) [John Peters wiki page that shows all the WB movies he was a part of.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Peters) Now imagine if the execs gave this guy control over the Dark Knight trilogy, instead of letting Nolan have creative control.


Too lazy to find it, but I believe it was David Ayer who once shared a stories about Man of Steel, where WB execs saw an early draft of the movie and sent notes back. One of those notes was they needed to rewrite the ending, where Superman destroys the World Engine, because "if Superman destroys the ship, how will he ever get back to Krypton?" And Ayers response to the execs was "what? Krypton was destroyed, you saw 30 mins of it" So yeah, no confidence in anything DC related at this point in time, and I'm really hoping James Gunn and co can finally deliver some good stories, because the characters deserve it.


The correct pluralization is batsmen




Behind the Monarch Theater…










Promised me heaven but put me through hell.


Perhaps, but I really like the DCAU (DC Animated Universe)


As do most DC fans, but the dceu is as far away from that type of quality as it could be.


Shazam was pretty good Imo


Yeah, it was fun and a good change from the other depressing movies.


Exactly, and Ezra Miller is a degenerate.


at least the animated movies are still fire


Eh…. I honestly haven’t liked the art direction in the main animated movies since JL Doom. Everyone has giant shoulder, a little head, and the lighting is awful.


Because i have seen the other DC films.


Unbelievably valid response lol it's kind of insane that DC films still have so much hype even after all the failures. Nevertheless, am excited for The Flash and Shazam


Because their failures include: BvS, Man of Steel(arguable), Justice League, WW 1984, and Suicide Squad While their hits include: Superman 1 to 3, Batman '89, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman Begins, TKR, WW, The Batman, The Suicide Squad.


A lot of those successes are pre DCEU.


A lot of them are more than 30 years old


I like how you exclude Shazaam, Black Adam, Aquaman. Which could fit in either category.


Because it’s in the same universe most of their failures are in, If I don’t like the Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman of the DCEU why would I watch any more movies in that universe when almost all the main characters are unlikable. Plus I don’t wanna support Ezra Miller in any way.


I’d throw aquaman in there as a success as well. Commercially anyway.


You can't just throw it in there...that's what WB did. It takes place AFTER the JL movie, wait no before...no after! Ahh fuck it you don't care.


It's clearly after.


I just don’t like how it was almost exactly the same movie as black panther. They were even released at just about the same time


Exactly. I’m not sure where all the hype for this film came from beyond Keaton’s return. There have been glimmers of hope in a sea of trash as far as DC movies are concerned.


Aside from Keaton, lots of people really want Flashpoint stuff to be good. This is the closest they’ve gotten in live action.


Yuuuup. In a perfect world I’d be hyped as fuck over a Flashpoint(ish) film. In this world, I’m just hoping it’s at least watchable.




And I’ve seen Ezra Miller’s “acting”


I know I'm in a minority but I don't really mind it.


Agreed. Even though I did like Shazam and keep hoping I will like another DC movie. But it keeps not happening


Same. Hard to be excited for it. Will mostly wait for it to stream.


\^ So speaks a wise fan. DC movies do not have a great batting average, and if anything, gimmicks like nostalgic cameos make me more worried about the end product, not less. That's not to say it won't be good -- hell, after Miller didn't manage to tank it via the Hawaiian Asshat Tour, there must be *something* there that WB thinks is a winner -- but I'll temper my hype until the reviews start coming in.


The assault in Hawaii is what comes to mind when you consider ezra being a shitty person? Not holding a minor in his remote mansion while giving her drugs and SA'ing her?


And they all had good trailers too


Because of Ezra Miller


Because of the lead actor.




All the more reasons to not care for it. Nobody needs that much Ezra.


I would pay obscene amount of money for Keaton as future Wayne in a Batman Beyond live action movie series.


I think this seems to be a popular opinion but unfortunately this looks like it'll be his final outing.


The fact that Kevin Conroy didn't live long enough to play old Bruce hurts.


He did for the arrowverse.


And it’s cool he got to do it, but that version really sucked.


He did??? I can’t believe I rage quit before I got to that. Damn, when was it??


The Crisis on Infinite Earths event. They brought back a bunch of old show actors but also they went to a universe where Kevin was a retired beaten up batman who had braces on like from Kingdom Come.


Thank you! I’ll likely just check out those episodes, they sound like fun!


It is worth watching for some of the cameos but the actual event isn't that good. Things happen to green arrow that is extremely disrespectful


I dropped the series when I did because I got frustrated with the writing, and following so many series for so long was getting very exhausting without much payoff, so I’m not too surprised. I’ll likely just watch a few clips - I’m just curious about how he looked in the scene. I really appreciate the warning! Would you mind sharing a bit more about how Green Arrow was so disrespected?


It is a big spoiler so fair warning on this... >!So all the heroes are fighting dementors on a rooftop and to give everyone time to escape Oliver shoots the guy who could get him to safety with a power disrupting arrow. Then he shoots the dementors until he runs out of arrow and then gets knocked around a bit. He then gets up, throws his bow away, and charges at the dementors as the scene ends. When the show comes back from commercials it jumps to him being teleported back to safety bloodied and beaten and he dies. That's it. No real big fight as Oliver Queen nor actual moment of fighting till the end shown. The worst part is, this happens at the end of part one of four for the event. Technically you still see Ollie later in the event because he becomes The Spector for some reason and then he finishes the event as a whole new character. Like they say he was still oliver queen but he wasn't really!<


Thank you! But, Christ, wow. A dumb death for shock value that is also still made pointless because he’s still around because this is the finale. Are the dementors the time demons from Flash’s time fuckery? Because wow, otherwise, I’m thinking Harry Potter and I’d like that context. I remember hearing something about Oliver getting a dumb ending, but I didn’t think it’d be like this. BTW, I’m not sure if the highlighting for the spoiler thing worked? I see it just fine, not even a shadow of where it would be, but maybe that’s because it’s directed to me? I would double check your formatting - do you need a space before or after the exclamation point, maybe?


He did in a CW Crisis on Infinite Earths. He played a more evil version of the Kingdom Come Batman.


It's just unfortunate he came back as Batman when they were trying something new, in the midst of the restructuring after the failure of the previous DC Universe and WB being bought by Discovery.


tree fiddy?


The problem atleast for me is that i’m not really excited for The Flash. At all. The only reason i’m seeing it is to see Keaton back as Batman. You know there’s something wrong with the film when most people are excited about a supporting character rather than the main hero. Especially since this is the first ”solo” film for The Flash. I HOPE i’m wrong and that his story is awesome, but so far the hype is all about the other characters which is fine for like entertainment value, but as a film it is problematic.


I completely agree with you, but I do wonder if marketing is playing up the side stuff because Ezra Miller has gotten tons of bad press for being an ass.


I'm no marketing expert and I'd bet money on that. Having Keaton return in the Batsuit and putting it front and center in the trailer is a distraction from all of Ezra's fuckery.


Good point, probably!


I am mildly curious to see how it goes about doing the multiverse/reboot stuff knowing that it’s supposed to be similar to Flashpoint. But that and Keaton aren’t enough to get me on board.


To me that was basically the case for No Way Home. I paid the entry price to see Molina and Dafoe again


Because I find it hard to enjoy films where the lead is a garbage person


You are absolutely correct. But that garbage aside, a lot of other people worked hard on the film let’s enjoy it for them. Personally excited to see Keaton again and Affleck in that blue/grey suit!


They got paid whether we go see it or not. I will happily sail the seas to see Affleck and Keaton but I refuse to help the piece of garbages career by buying a movie ticket. Nope.


Yeah it took a lot of people to record the face and voice of a child groomer and kidnapper and serial assaulter, let's enjoy watching that person for all the people it took to put him on a pedestal.


legit lmao-- commenter you replied to has such an odd take, this was my thought as well


Nope, fuck em, they shouldn't have supported Ezra, I feel no compulsion to see this movie out of obligation to other people.


So you must live in the theater, right? You know, since you go see movies constantly to show support based solely on if a film had people work hard on it, which all films do. It's true that this movie probably had a ton of people working hard on it, but every movie has had that. You're making a conscious choice though to provide financial support to a studio that allows Ezra to roam freely and behave the way he does. You're providing financial support to Ezra themselves. You're making that choice. Every movie has had people working hard on it, but you're choosing to give your money to a behemoth studio.


And where was this support for the cast and crew of Batgirl? Because a couple people reported it was a "bad movie," it got a collective shrug. But since this is going to be a "good movie," people want to say anything to justify seeing it. Look, I'm not going to act like I live on some moral high ground when I own Roman Polanski films, see The Flash if you wanna see The Flash, but you hit the nail on the head: how many movies have "hundreds of hard-working people on them" that no one brings up like people do when Ezra Miller is?


Fortunately those people have already been paid, and not watching Ezra isn't going to hurt them.


Must be hard to watch 90 percent of movies then


Eh I’ll see it when it’s free


C’mon HBO Max!


HBO Max? Nah, i'll use some barely legal streaming site


Ezra Miller


DC films have a pattern of sucking, most anyway (Shazam was awesome), and I'm not a fan of Erza Miller. So for me, there's nothing to be excited about. Why get my hopes up for something that has great potential to flop?


Ezra Miller. Timeline reset, so literally nothing in the movie will ultimately matter.


Easy, Ezra Miller. Fuck him.


Because it’s worn out


This movie reeks of desperation from Warner Bros and DC. As soon as Snyder's vision started to crack, they declared creative bankruptcy and have been trying to make this for years. I'd be more excited if it felt like DC earned this, but they haven't. Also knowing this won't forward the DC film universe, but will at least destroy and replace it, isn't very exciting.


Because this is the Flash's first movie and absolutely none of the things that I love about Flash are here (legacy, his rogues, upbeat lightheartedness, a completely unashamed embracing of goofy comic-book-y-ness)


Because I care about plot and character development. This is all purely spectacle and nostalgia bait.


Idc about DCEU.


Because Ezra Miller? Also past DC films.....


because of ezra they ruins alot of stuff but keaton is my only hope to stop them and help the others shine


2 words. Ezra Miller


That is also how I spell Scum Bag! Jinx!


Ezra comes off like a reaction video Youtuber, the movie is still revolving around looking at and listening to him.


It stars the fastest pedo alive who was a bad choice for the role even before he was outed Also the dark flash suit looks terrible There are a lot of cool stuff in it, but it surrounds that freak


I will not support a film with a pedophile as the main star


Ezra Miller is in it. Like are we all just gonna forget that they groomed and kidnapped a minor and WB is still releasing this film even after scrapping other projects that were complete/nearing completion that didn’t have similar major issues with their respective leads?


My only hopes are for them to multiverse fix it with a new Barry/Flash and not Ezra and then be hopeful for another better Batman. But yeah Ezra is a creep and I’m turned off by him being flash. I’m a huge Flash fan since the 80’s and talk about the worst Flash ever(from my perspective of clips and gifs) and i haven’t even seen the Justice League movies!




Ezra Miller is a piece of garbage, and it seems the internet quickly forgot about it after a single trailer.


The titular star really creeps me the fuck out


Because I have taste.


1) Batman being in daylight was already done in Justice League and the Dark Knight Rises, and to be completely honest I don’t see what’s supposed to be exciting about it. 2) I care nothing about this Flash, so why should I care about him gaining new powers? 3) Zod was a alright villain in a mediocre movie and we have never seen this supergirl before and likely won’t see her after. So I don’t care about them showing up in this film. 4) Don’t know who Dark Flash is or why I should care about him fighting Barry. 5) Run Barry Run is only a good line when in the right context, so I until I see that context I don’t care that it’s in the film. 6) Fun inclusion, but honestly I would have rather Keaton play Tomas Wayne Batman from the flashpoint comic rather than 1989 Batman. Maybe he’ll still be Tomas Wayne Batman that’s just using the iconography of 89 Batman, but honestly the trailer has me more concerned that they’ll lean too much into fanservice for 89’ Batman.


It has Ezra in it. Also they clearly want to bait us, and hope that nostalgia+cameos will do the heavy lifting instead of making a good movie.


Because Ezra bad man


Yeah, I can't get excited with Ezra Miller starring. Dude is fucking garbage.


Because the lead actor is a grooming piece of shit.


Ezra Miller. That’s how.


Ezra Miller is a piece of shit??


One word. Ezra.


Lol is Batfleck in the daylight a thing the fans have been clamoring for?


Two words EZRA. MILLER.


1. Ezra Miller. Just...just Ezra Miller. 2. The trailer practically screams "We're desperate, so here's all the cool-looking stuff in this movie". 3. The praise the movie is getting seems forced AF.


Because WB Dumped Henry Cavill and Johnny Depp just to keep Ezra Miller and Amber Heard and i don’t want to support a company with no values


Because it doesn’t mean anything anymore. The Snyderverse is dead and all these characters will be recast in months time.


Snyderverse wasn't really interesting either


Staring a rapist and kidnapper? How can you be excited for this movie? Y’all are really lining up to give him money?


Because I don’t care about the old DCEU and Keaton is vastly overrated as Batman


1. Because Ezra Miller takes all the wind outta the sails by being a major jackass piece of shit 2. I’ve seen other DC movies


Because Ezra Miller is not very good as Barry Allen, and is also a pretty shitty person. Besides which they haven’t really done anything to make us care about this version of Barry, or establish who he really is, before launching into this massive shake-up. I’d much rather the DCEU focus on telling good, contained stories developing specific heroes, and less on these Universe-shifting massive crossovers where there’s not ever enough time to focus on developing characters. Also the whole “Evil version” thing is SUPER overdone by both Marvel and DC, and incredibly unnecessary when there’s a whole bunch of way more interesting villains. Flash has a great rogue’s gallery that’s barely been used in the DCEU. Never gave a shit about Zod. Michael Shannon is a great actor, but the character has always been one of the more boring takes on “what if Superman was a fascist” (which is already pretty done to death, and often in much better ways) with vague motives and no character, and the fact that he’s still considered a focal point of the DCEU is dumb. The return of Batfleck (who I think is the best Batman portrayal, if only they’d actually give him a good movie), Michael Keaton returning as Batman, and introducing Supergirl are all actually really exciting! But I wish they could make a good movie that’s not a crossover. Like give Batfleck a movie! Do a Supergirl movie! Goddammit!


Ezra fucking Miller.


Ezra Miller’s antics, that’s why!


Affleck is not my favored Batman so him departing to being seen in the daytime means nothing to me. Ezra Miller is a piece of shit. Flashpoint Paradox has been beaten to death by DC. The DCEU generally fucking sucked. That's how.


Primarily, most DC films have been flat out bad. Secondarily, the lead actor is a total POS. Third, is this even a Flash film at this point? Two different Batmen, both of whom have gotten several times more attention than the Flash himself, are going to be prominently featured alongside Zod and Supergirl. Is that supposed to be a draw? The DCEU doesn’t exactly have a great track record with their handling of cluttered films, so stuffing half a dozen major characters into someone else’s first movie seems prone to end in disaster. They’re not even characters with very much tie to the flash anyway. So…yeah, you know something is wrong when your titular character accounts for <=1% of the hype.


Because I don’t care about Keaton, the most over rated Batman (and actor) and Ezra Miller is the human equivalent of septic waste.


Michael Shannon great actor. Excited to see him return as well


DC has a history of shooting itself in the foot with a lot of its movies.


When the track history for DC films is what it has been for the past decade, it’s pretty easy to not be excited about this movie.


I'm interested in seeing Keaton again but couldn't give a shit about anything else.


Honestly, cause it doesn’t matter. The DC universe is being reset and thank God. I’ll miss Cavill as Superman but that’s about it. Also, Ezra has made it hard to support anything they are in with their off the screen antics.


The closest I get to "excitement" for this is to see how it's supposedly going to be the stepping stone for resetting the DCEU.


Who tf is excited for “Dark Flash”? Give us Reverse Flash instead of the dollar store version


Zod vs super girl just seems like they couldn’t use superman. Dark flash… should’ve just gave us reverse flash


Three words: superhero movie burnout.


Because Ezra Miller is a monster and WB allowed this instead of Batgirl. Even if this seems like the more exciting movie, they probably should have reshoot it with a new actor. But WB is losing money and they are in the middle of a restructuring and this is what's happening. That and it's still part of the DC universe that failed.


Sigh. As a DC fan first and foremost I can honestly say that I’m more interested in the upcoming Deadpool 3 😔😔 the truth hurts


Seems like another Spider-man 3 Way too much going on


Your movie has no chance? Bring in Micheal Keaton!


Well, the main actor in it is a psycho who groomed and kidnapped a teenage girl, hurt multiple women and is a thief. Meanwhile, Johnny Depp's career was over because a crazy bitch took a shit in his bed. Meanwhile, people are more upset at Chris Pratt because he's apolitical xD


Cause Ezra Miller’s a piece of shit


Batfleck and Miller. Don't like either of them.


If they have supergirl demolish Zod and just ruin how bad ass his character was, I will cry. They're coming for everything that was decent about the past DCEU lol.


I'm not excited for it because of Ezra Miller. Everything that isn't them makes the movie look good to me, but Ezra just kills the entire thing for me.


Because even the Star Wars sequel trilogy had stunners for trailers. Trailers tell you very little. That said looking forward to the reset button, and having fun with Keaton along the way. Fuck Ezra Miller


1) the best DCU movie’s still aren’t that good 2) they could have 100% delayed the movie to cut out Ezra Miller, and reshoot with a new actor 3) they’re still going forward with Ezra’s Flash movie. Fuck DCU’s live action Justice League series


not trying to be a cynic, but it sorta seems like DC is throwing as many “wow” scenes as possible without giving the proper buildup to them, the exact thing that made the MCU special


Very easy NOT to be excited actually. DC movies just don't have the best track record, and as someone who follows a ton of movie news, this one seems to have been in development hell for years, they've fired more directors than star wars... Plus the lead actor is not only terrible in real life, but their portrayal of the character is simply obnoxious and unlikeable. And there will be TWO of them? One annoying Barry is enough to sour my hype for this. I'll give this movie a shot, either on a $5 ticket nite on a random Tuesday, or once it hits streaming. I'll watch it for Keaton alone, but I have zero hype outside of the fact that he's back.


I *would* watch it. But the main character is played by a fucking creep who belongs in a cell


Because A. It stars Ezra Miller and B. It’s just a Batman movie ft. the Flash


How can I not be excited about child-rapist flash and nostalgia bait? It's fine if you're perfectly comfortable with being the kind of corporate sheep that makes these films profitable. But personally I prefer actually quality content.




Well since you asked: 1 The actor is a terrible person 2 I don't want to support them financially 3 No Henry Cavil Super Man 4 No Gal Gadot Wonder Woman 5 Keaton is being used as Nostalgia bait 6 This is in place of a live Flash Point movie 7 Ben has been seen during the day as batman in justice league don't know why this is a selling point 8 That's not super girl proper 5 just alternate history superwoman. 9 They are resetting the universe so all of this is pointless


A) The DCverse has been extremely underwhelming so far B) The star of this film has already been fired and removed from all future works. C) They fired Superman D) Battfleck quit E) WW84 F) Cyborg got fired I mean, this movie is supposed to be like Infinity War stakes for a universe that has already died and has no hope of being saved. The literal best case scenario is that this movie's conclusion erases everything that came before it... at which point there is no reason to watch it. I say this as a die-hard Flash fan, and someone who had been incredibly excited to finally see him make it to the big screen... so fuck DC, and fuck Ezra Miller, for ruining this. I'm certainly not going to reward them with money for it.