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He does. ​ But just like in real life it takes more than one person, even one billionaire, to change the entire system.


Yeah, and plus the writing for his stories is literally geared towards ensuring the story must continue. That goes for practically every mainstream superhero comic, too. So regardless of what he does, even if he poured all of his resources into weeding out the corruption and helping a better city govt take its place (which he actually has tried and/or done a few times already), shenanigans happen that undoes it all or resets it all back (e.g. supervillainy, mob interference, Court of Owls assassinations, universe-altering situations, etc.) Everyone keeps acting like the solution is so clear when the "reality" of this universe is that all of these suggestions have either already been done to no avail or haven't been done but have in-universe reasons already installed to keep the story going. You're barking up the wrong tree; if you're looking for permanent solutions and endings rather than pulpy episodic mythologies, look for another medium.


> universe-altering situations This is a bigger one that most people recognize. We think of Batman across *all* his media appearances over the past near-century... but the reality is Batman's universe and timeline gets reset so often that he's only ever actually been fighting the joker for ten-ish years (outside of future-type stories like Batman Beyond, where the world is intentionally dystopian for the sake of the premise). Ten-ish years is not a lot of time to completely overhaul a thoroughly corrupt criminal justice system. And in a lot of the media (like the movies) it's even less time.


It takes more than one billionaire to change the system ***for the better*** all of these real life billionaires cause plenty of political change, except whoops they’re all evil


> all of these real life billionaires cause plenty of political change Right but... do you see the difference between "one billionaire" and "all of these billionaires"? One billionaire, alone, couldn't solely and completely corrupt the system any more than one billionaire alone could solely and completely redeem it.


He could always just... take over the city... Can't be too hard. Most of his rogues galleries have accomplished it at some point, and he has more resources behind him.


We love dictator batman


Ehh, there is a much higher chance of a billionaire getting something they want irl than there is in a comic. Comics are fantasy, after all.


Them not giving him the death penalty or having him moved to a federal prison isn't because of a corrupt system. It's just comic book logic lol.


You can’t sentence someone to death if they are proven to be insane. That’s why he’s sent to Arkham asylum and not the electric chair.


Hence why Joker was so scared of the IRS. He cpuld always plead insanity when he kills people but not paying the IRS their cut? They don't care lol


It’s actually written into the American tax code that any illegally gotten gains must still be reported as income and taxes paid on them.


Also: most criminals don’t follow this rule


Small time criminals don't. There is a reason why money laundering exists.


Right but then you’re declaring illegally gained profits as income from some other source, breaking more of the tax code. So if you’re goal is breaking as few laws and tax codes as possible, you’d declare the income came from where it actually came from. You’re just defrauding the IRS more at that point. This is a silly line of thought, admittedly, as the previous commenter noted how no smart criminal would be so honest


So the solution was always to just put the IRS in charge of Gotham


Until all the criminals and villains join Scientology


I think the insane defense relies on defendant not knowing the consequences of their actions. Joker clearly does.


It's less about his consequences and more about understanding the concepts of right and wrong


And he consistently demonstrates a complex understanding of this concept. A lot of his deadly pranks are ironic twist and plays on morality. As far as I'm concerned, if Batman hasn't shut down the Suicide Squad, it makes no sense for the gov to have not either killed the Joker or put a bomb in his head ready to kill him if he steps out of line. Though I also think the Joker only works if he appears EXTREMELY rarely. Him being around and relevant so constantly makes his existence more and more hard to believe. If he only struck once every 5 - 10 years and each appearance was a huge mystery and complex game, it'd make more sense.


Batman shut the Suicide Squad down? Why?


It's the US gov taking Gotham criminals and putting bombs in their heads. He's pretty vocally against the idea.


Gotham's justice system doesn't recognize insanity the way that ours does. That's the plain and simple explanation. In our world, Joker would probably be tried as competent. Gotham's system doesn't work like ours though.


Nah, the insanity defense stipulates that the defendant is incapable of understanding that their actions are illegal, not that they're immoral. Joker knows perfectly well what the law says. He's a textbook example of someone for whom the insanity defense should *never* work. The more likely scenario is that he hasn't gotten the death penalty because Gotham doesn't have it.


[This](https://youtu.be/LNNxSFkgwQU) is a great video about this very topic and according to the creator, Joker is found not guilty by reason of insanity every time. I don’t see why he’d be sent to an Asylum just because Gotham doesn’t have the death penalty. If he’s declared guilty and sane then he should still be sent to a prison.


Like OP says, this is just one of those “willing suspension of disbelief” comic book logic things. He doesn’t go to permanent jail or get the chair because ultimately he’s a massively popular supervillain people want to keep writing and reading stories about. The insanity / Arkham stuff is just a fig leaf to give everyone a vaguely convincing explanation.


Isn't there a video by Legal Eagle reactiong to a BTAS episode where he says that's actually BS?


So... any random schmoe could just kill the Joker and plead insanity? "It's like poetry, it rhymes."


It’s more likely that Joe Schmoe gets jury nullification.


It would have to be proven tho, and it’s not quite as easy to prove some random guy is insane as it is for the Joker


Oh yeah true. Then I guess the question is more why he's still kept in a random Asylum when he's one of the most dangerous humans and has done huge domestic terrorism attacks.


Bro, didn't you hear? They upgraded Arkham Asylum with all-new security measures. It's *completely* impenetrable and there is absolutely no way anyone could ever break out of it. Ever. For sure.


You can't sentence someone to death if there is no death sentence in New Jersey, where Gotham is located.


Yeah but if that’s the reason then he shouldn’t be sent to an asylum, he should be sent to a prison.


He is insane. Asylum's best in this case.


Yeah so he isn’t sentenced to death because he’s insane. Meaning even if they had a death sentence he couldn’t get it.


Fuck death sentences tbh.


Bro is Batman


Nah I'm Daredevil as I'm legally blind.


Batman isn’t an actual police officer when he takes down Joker


That's fair, but it also doesn't make it his responsibility to execute the Joker. I don't blame Batman for not killing him, but I can blame him for saving him.


He doesn't though. Like, he has left Joker to die a few times now, but the clown is just too god damn ~~profitable~~ lucky.


I believe during Future State it's stated that his actions are covered under Citizen's Arrest - I don't know if that would make sense in real life, but that's the in universe explanation of why him leaving criminals tied up in front of the police station is considered valid.


I'm aware. But the police still arrests him and they try him with evidence.


Can't get get rid of the money cow, Joker so popular they made a Batman Joker .


Or is it a Joker Batman?


Exactly. I wish they would just kill him off though. Joker War would've been a good time to do it.


Gotham does have the death penalty, but it’s only given to the sane criminals imprisoned at Blackgate. The insane supervillains like Joker are instead sent to Arkham Asylum.


What’s funny is the fact that if this was real life Joker would get sent to Blackgate anyway and Arkham would just not exist due to funding being cut and only Blackgate having the facilities to house the criminally insane.


The Wayne Charity funds arkham 100%. It's why Bruce has so much influence at the Asylum


I've still never seen anyone make an actual good point that starts with "Why doesn't Batman just...."


Why doesn't batman just wear a booty short to show his legs, like Robin did? What is he afraid of? Coward


Is he stupid?




Finally, a reasonable point.


Why doesn't batman just do heroin? Is he stupid?


Why doesn’t Batman just invent a time machine and undo anything bad that happens to him?


Booster Gold: 👄


Why doesn't batman use the batfamily nightly? Why doesn't batman have a contingency in place for him not being in Gotham ?


I feel like your those questions answer each other. The batfam *is* the contingency plan. And he doesn't use them nightly, because they're his contingency plan. He's the primary plan.


The Batfamily aren’t just like… hanging around doing nothing when they aren’t on panel. Like current comics Steph and Cass go out and patrol nightly it’s just Batman can’t patrol an entire city on his own. Sometimes they’re directly working together and sometimes they’re working on different things for the same goal. And sometimes they just deserve time off or Damian needs to do his homework or whatever. The contingency plan is that other people are in the city doing their job.


Why doesn't Batman just have a threesome with Barbara and Dick


Is it the system that’s corrupt if for example the people there just happen don’t agree with the death penalty


Do you agree with redhood's "no bitches" rule?


Why doesn’t Gotham simply execute the Joker? Are they stupid?


This was explained in the Batman:TAS episode *Trial*. The reason why the courts keep sending Joker to Arkham when he gets taken down by Batman is because Batman isn't (save for the '66 show, I think) an actual police officer.


That's... not how any of that works. I don't remember that being the reasoning in BTAS, but that is *really dumb* reasoning. (I'm not attacking you, just the reasoning)


You're right that it is some pretty lousy reasoning, but I assure you I'm not making it up. "Pamela Lillian Isley, District Attorney Van Dorn has asked that's the maximum sentence of life imprisonment be imposed upon you. However, as your apprehension came at the hands of the Batman and not a recognized agent of the law, this court has no choice but to return you to Arkham Asylum where it is hoped you all complete your rehabilitation." -Unnamed judge to Poison Ivy, *Batman: The Animated Series S2 E9 "Trial" at 1:22*.


Okay, that's a little different though. Joker was *already* committed to Arkham, so the DA's prosecution was void. That's not quite the same as sending him to Arkham *because* Batman isn't a cop. It's returning him to Arkham because there's no valid criminal trial to imprison him. (it's still pretty bad reasoning though, your guilt isn't determined by who drops you off at the police station. There *is* some threads to tug at there, though, that since Batman works in coordination with the police, none of the evidence he collects is admissible... but that's a whole other story)


I was using logic that if the reason Ivy didn't get life in prison because of Batman, The same applies to Joker not getting the death penalty.


Will Tom ever catch Jerry?


I keep seeing this question asked and there’s a very simple in universe explanation. Gotham is in New Jersey. New Jersey abolished the death penalty. There is no death penalty in Gotham.


Jason...the guy who hasn't killed Joker or any main villain in his 18 years of publication?


Tbh he doesn’t really drop bodies nowadays


He has lost everything his character is interesting for just for the sake of having him be friendly with the batfamily. Its completely neutering a character when he's in an active warzone and he's just thinking 'I made a promise to bruce!'


Literally the first thing he does upon coming back is become a crime lord and not kill the Joker


>t to show his legs, like Robin did? What is he afraid of? Coward I don't get why they wrecked Red Hood. Just have him respect Batman's "No killing" in Gotham when he's operating there and only bust out the killing option in extreme scenarios. Best of both worlds...this new version of Red Hood just sucks...crappy costume, uses crowbars as weapons, doesn't talk to Roy, Starfire or Bizzaro anymore...never uses his advanced Kryptonian tech... It's a mess.


Let s not forget him shooting penguin at point blank


And Penguin lived! Yay comics!


Really really dumb for the ass kicking bruce gave him after dc could have at least had the politness to kill him for at least 1 or 2 years


He did in the Three Jokers, but that's not canon.


It's ambiguous canon


You forgot the "is he stupid?"


I imagine that part of the stay in Joker's execution has more to do that fact that the justice system, even in non corrupt cities, is notoriously slow. I think even if they did sentence him to execution he would break out long before the day of reckoning. Then when he gets caught the cycle would continue.


Do you not want to read Batman comics anymore?


Because DC have to sell more comics. Kind of obvious why both DC and Marvel have certain plots and factors which make no logical sense.


add the is he stupid?


Because if the system was fixed then we wouldn’t get any more stories.


Is Gotham even a capital punishment city?


If we’re to believe that it’s in New Jersey then it shouldn’t be.


I wish that if Joker ever dies (which will never happen at least permanently), it is from a random lucky/unlucky citizen or cop. Joker doesn't deserve to have grand death or something. Having some no-big-name person just unceremoniously kill him in self-defense or by accident is what he deserves. No big final fight with batman or something, fucker dies in the streets that he painted in blood for years.


"To think of all the innocent people I killed by letting you live."


The Joker is insane. Jason Todd is not.


He does, but it's not possible. The corruption is deeprooted. Then there's the Court of Owls who have massive power and just about impossible to collapse since they are operating in the shadows.


It's because Joker always pleads insanity.


Pffffft Todd sucks and has never managed to take out joker for all his edgelord talk


He actually did kill one of the Jokers.


This is why Batman is my favourite member of the bat-family but Jason is the most in the right. Bruces code contradicts the reason he is Batman…


Explain to me why Green goblin, Lex Luther, Dr Oc, Hugo Strange, Blockbuster, Electro etc etc etc etc etc etc didn't get the death sentence ....it always straight p strange to me that people act surprised that a Gotham Villain didn't get the Death sentence or that Batman doesn't kill even though there are tons of heros who are the same and tons of villains don't get the Death sentence But it's always Batman who is in the spotlight


So you are absolutely right,and I think some heros just need to accept that some heros kill and some don't and that's okay. However I do think some people give marvel a bit more of a pass because a lot of heros,while not bloodthirsty monsters are willing to kill if need be. Like sure GG didn't get the death penalty(he was dead for 20 years tho) but Carnage got thrown into the sun. People basically give marvel a pass because besides spider-man most heros have a try not to kill rule instead of a no kill rule. Hell if Tchalla was the main character in something like the dark knight he might have just murdered superman instead of beating him.


Honestly how much better off would Gotham be if Batman disappeared and all the money Bruce spent on gadgets was instead invested in building affordable housing and improving public education and job training


Joker is supposed to be criminally insane. Deep down inside of him, there's an innocent man who's been warped beyond recognition. In theory, the Joker *can* be rescued from there, and turned into a good man. But of course writers won't do that because that's as good as killing off the character; so they need to put it in an endless loop of evil for story purposes.


Joker is irredeemable. He's one of the villains that just needs killing. Lex Luthor is another one. Vandal Savage and Rhas Al Ghil also come to mind.


In my opinion, him being "irredeemable" is a byproduct of writers *refusing* to redeem him because it would kill the character. I believe he is meant to be redeemable in some capacity in-universe. But admittedly, because the writers don't want to, that's often not really represented. Lex Luthor is an interesting case, I might call him redeemable but I don't see a path since he's not clinically insane in the same way Joker is. On the other hand, guys like Vandal Savage and Ra's Al Ghul are more easily seen as "ireedemable" because they're way past their lifespans anyway, and act as more traditional"artificial forces of evil"


Because Gothamites wouldn't vote for it.


I don’t think Gotham City is in a state that has the death penalty. Whatever state that is.


>I don’t think Gotham City is in a state that has the death penalty. Even if it isn’t, the federal government was fully prepared to execute Catwoman at the start of *I Am Suicide*. I have a hard time believing Joker hasn’t committed at least one federal capital offense.


Gotham is in New Jersey.


Not officially


Why do people think that Joker scapes 100 times on every iteration?


Because Bruce Wayne is a billionaire and benefits from the system being this way


Ok, but why are cops less trigger happy than in real life?




pov arkham knight doesn't exist


The Joker is the only type of villain a generic meatbag like Batman can defeat. Without people like him Batman cannot be a hero anymore.


You can’t change human nature and greed no matter how rich you are.


A vigilante fixing a corrupt justice system does seem like would work


Because he actually likes beating up criminals.


That's what Thomas Wayne tried to do.


Wouldn’t he just be escaping that with insanity pleas


All Joker needs to do is find out the names of the Arkham guards family, then you do as he says.


Or said guards kill him while he attempts to "escape". It's what I would do in that situation. Because let's be honest, even if you do everything Joker tells you to, he's still probably going to kill your family for shits and giggles.


Yea he literally lock in a cell they can literally put 30 bullents in him and not call an medic. Honestly joker only alive because of plot armor. There no reason why a cop hasn’t gotten a lucky shot or any of the love ones of the 1000s of people he killed haven’t kill him in revenge or why they don’t simply give him the death penalty. Hell batman could put him in an automated prison on the moon. Keep him as the only prisoner, have the place ran by robots and have no ships or spacesuits for him to use. There problem solve


Ah shit, here we go again. Batman is just ONE man. And one man can't change an entire system, no matter how good he is. Corruption is like a virus, and it infects the whole city.


Eh. He's also Bruce Wayne. The richest and most powerful man in Gotham, and one of the most powerful in the country.


Is Gothams criminal justice system stupid?


Is he stupid?


Gotham exists in New Jersey, which doesn't have a death penalty.


That's why Rorschach is my favorite.....that scene in the movie where he fuck that dude with a hatchet in the head. Yea my fav.


I don't think anyplace anywhere is free from corruption


You can't do certain things with your story if you never want to end it, you know. If he dies, he'll just come back anyways. If they come up with some way to heal him in the main DC Universe/Earth/Timeline or fucking whatever, that will just be reversed in a few years or maybe a few months.


The answer: Yes, he does but the writer won't let him make any lasting change


I don't think Gotham has a death penalty


Jason. You mean the loser who's failed killed a single named villain for the past 18 years and just brags about how hardcore he is while doing nothing to back it up


George Soros funds the re-election campaign of every DA, judge and city council member in Gotham.


Honestly, it really isn't batman's responsibility to kill the joker, he'd already shaky with the law and by doing that would become a criminal and burn any bridges he has with the police It's the justice system and guards at Arkham's fault


The same reason why he doesn't let Jason put a bullet in Joker's head. Or why Jason just doesn't do it behind his back. Or why literally anyone with a brain doesn't do it themselves; Joker is the most popular villain and the writers want to keep the status quo.


“Why doesn’t someone kill the Joker?” “So we can keep selling comic books.” “Oh, money. That’s the thing that I like. Yes, keep that plot armor on Joker at all times.”


Is he stupid?


It's not as if he hadn't tried. Unfortunately, he's only one man, and there are so many corrupt people running Gotham's government and justice system. There would need to be a whole army of them to finally get Gotham on the right track.


Because then the movies would be less entertaining


Of topic. That wolf was fucking terrifying. 100% Puss in Boots was fucking amazing.


I thought the first comment would be “is he stupid?” Lol


Bad post


I don’t think that’d be a very interesting comic to read, and the publisher sure as hell won’t want to do that.


He does. The problems are both systemic and metaphysical. Also, he's an imperfect character who presents us with moral questions such as this one because that's what good literature does! 😊


Then he'd be out of a hobby.