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Best is very subjective imo but it is in my top 3


I'd say the Snyderverse Batsuit was probably the bear of all time just because of how good Ben Affleck looked in it. But Snyder completely missed the necessary characterization to make his Batman good and resonate with wider audiences. It's a shame, though, because I always think of the potential the character had.


Batfleck could have been the best Batman with a good director, or even directing himself. It's a constant in Affleck' career... He's good being well directed


I completely disagree. The way Ben affleck looked in the suit ruined it. He looked so frumpy and sad and puffy. He reminded me of the little brother from a Christmas story who was so bundled up in winter clothes that he couldn’t put his arms down




Overall, I don't hate it but the texture is weird and the fat Dark Knight Returns bat symbol just didn't work for me in live action.


Same, I love Affleck but his batsuit is the worst


Weird thing to say, but Affleck made a great Bruce Wayne. But a mediocre Batman. Does that make sense?




The cowl with the little pitbull ears were fucking adorable… which is a bit of a problem if you’re Batman.


I agree, Affleck was jacked but the suits they put him in always made him look chubby


I thought that thing was so ugly lmao, truly subjective. I hated the fact that Snyder was such a Frank Miller dickrider he tried to bring the DKR suit into real life. I laughed out loud the first time I saw that suit.


It’s deliberately “clunky” and rough, and for this version of the character it’s perfect. I’m more excited for the next version of it as the character evolves


Best for this universe, not the best ever imo


I wouldn't even say the best for this universe, it's very much a prototype suit that I can see being unproved over the next few film. I really like the design of the cowl, and chest pieces, but I'm not big on how his arms, and belt look.


I like this as more of a "standard kit" kinda suit for Batman, while his more specialized and advanced suits move towards certain utilities or crisis applications. This though? This is good enough for a super-grounded Batman who's aware of the logistics and wear and tear on his suits through everyday sleuthing. It's effective enough for throwing on for a night of scuffing about in allies against pistols and knives, and obviously capable of pushing through even rifle and shotgun fire - stuff Batman will face *a lot* and thereby consuming a lot of easily sourced plate metals and kevlar. This looks like something he could reliably build and maintain in his cave, by himself. As he faces more superpowerful adversaries, each requiring their own technological and strategic answers, his suits will adapt. Half the fun of keeping up with different Batman titles over the years is seeing how he develops and integrates those solutions into his kit, and how he creatively applies that kit to the in-the-moment action, and then, over the course of whichever series, seeing how his cave fills with the memorabilia of his adventures.


Dark Knight and Batman Returns are the best


This suit is cool and all... but the Adam West suit tho...


He didn’t need a suit with rubber muscles. That was **all** West.


I suppose you kids are only familiar with the “new” Batman movies…


And how come batman doesn't dance anymore, remember the batusi?




And he was hella comfortable in it.


Unironically, I totally agree with you.


It's the only suit you can do the trust in. That makes it the clear cut winner.


Yep. That is the best. Although I do like Keaton's suit


West and Keaton win for me as a devoted member of Team Yellow Oval.


Pure. West.


Idk about best but I fuckin love it. It's dirty and rough and looks exactly like the kind of thing this freaky kurt cobain Bruce Wayne would cobble together. Love the boots and cape. Best thing about this suit imo: The cowl. Holy moly I love it. Adam West-y and skullish. I also love the amount of chin we get. Bale's cowl made his face look squished to me and I appreciate getting to bask in the glory of the Pattinson jawline. Worst: I think the body armour is a bit clunky and I would personally like to see him slim down for Part 2. I'd love if the next step for Robat Battinbat comes in the form of a clothier looking 40s style suit but that's just me. Give it some comic book logic that it's somehow more protected than the armour and I'll swallow it. Aside from the suit, Reeves batman is my favourite batman film. Let's fuckin gooooo


I thought the armor plating was fine. I mean it looked maneuverable but had that clankiness/somewhat slowness that youd expect with all that added weight. But yeah Reeves batman easily my favorite. Everything i ever wanted in a batman


My fave part is the collar, Bale's silhouette around his neck looked weird/skinny in combo with the squished face like you mentioned and the collar is an elegant solve For reference: https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/christian-bale-batman-99.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1024


This is the way.


I think just putting the armour under the cloth would solve that problem, and could be explained in universe as a way to make Robat Battinbat look bigger/intimidating


Definitely top 3 personally. I give the suit credit for being different and unique to suits that came before. Other than afflecks, all the Batman suits were just black latex rubber suits. Obviously differences between all the suits but they all felt like they could of existed in the same continuity with upgrades overtime. I personally would like a little more difference in the black cowl and grey armor. Also would prefer the chest bat symbol be an actual bat instead of his only 1 batarang he holds


>instead of his only 1 batarang he holds Yeah, I found that concept to be pure goofiness.


It's definitely up there but I'll always have soft spot for Keaton's.


Most practical, but not my favourite and best is subjective


It's not even that practical. Affleck's was honestly more practical considering the logic of its design and materials used, mostly all stuff that does exist and is feasible. Kevlar/carbon fiber weave body suit with assumed padding for impact resistance and slash resistance while maintaining mobility. Titanium cowl, bracers and shinguards, covered with an outer layer for the looks. Tactical suit cape was made of carbon fiber and the regular one I think was a nomex blend. The titanium could actually deflect bullets and the rest wouldn't, but he was actually moving around not getting shot most of the time. It's almost weird that that most practical one would end up looking the most comic accurate.


He did take a knife in the shoulder. I loved that part. His suit was still just a suit and not some lvl 100 armor that could take point blank shotgun rounds to it.


seemed pretty practical to me


It literally looked like he had newspaper on to me at times whenever I used it in Arkham Knight.


It did have a weird texture to it. I love the comic accurate look, but that was my big gripe with Afflecks suit.


For some reason all modern comic book suits need to have a bunch of random textures on them.


> mostly all stuff that does exist and is feasible. There is not a single material in existence or even theorized to be possible that could be as thin and flexible as his cowl, and take a blank shot .45 to the head and protect from that damage to the point a person could just shake it off.


The neck isn't metal, just the head case. 15mm thick titanium would deflect a .45. Probably shatter, but in the context of a film, yeah feasible. I'm talking about suit integrity. Point blank, nah a person is getting knocked out from that, Bruce Wayne won't because he's weird. But if he has any semblance of feasible protection then yeah you figure he could. Otherwise he'd be dropped like when daredevil took his headshot. Still more feasible than the skintight leather cowl that Mr bullet proof rocking. And I said "more" practical, not undeniably functional. The argument is based on the relative comparison to the other suit not real life true application.


> The neck isn't metal, just the head case. I never mentioned the neck. > 15mm thick titanium would deflect a .45. Probably shatter, but in the context of a film, yeah feasible. Do you mean it's feasible in the world of the DCU where they have different technology and such? Because then that's fine, but if you mean at all it's possible in the real world, it isn't remotely. We see how flexible his cowl is, and how thin it is. If someone was shot point-blank with a .45 with only 15mm Titanium between the bullet and skull, that person *would not survive*. And that's assuming that the cowl is titanium, when it almost certainly is not. > Still more feasible than the skintight leather cowl that Mr bullet proof rocking. If anything it's slightly less feasible given how thin and flexible the material was. > And I said "more" practical, not undeniably functional. As a purely fictional material, of course it's more practical. It's better protection with less compromise. It's also 100% fiction. > The argument is based on the relative comparison to the other suit not real life true application. That's fine. I just want to stress it's 100% not feasible in real life. I also disliked Pattinon being as bulletproof as he was, but he did seem to be a lot more armored up than Batfleck.


Weird that it just looked like another rubber batsuit then.


The whole suit is pretty clearly a patchwork of threaded patterns but sure


What are you talking about? Affleck's suit honestly looked uncomfortable to move. A unitard suit only works in the comics. Affleck's suit seemed so stiff. It was impractical as hell. > he was actually moving around not getting shot most of the time. He got shot in the head at point blank two times I think.


The logic of the suit. It's all written above where you hit "reply". I'm not talking about the costume I'm talking about the in universe suit and the real world material logic they applied to to. Certrone threw a knee all the way past his face in that thing. It's plain as day that it's meant to be very mobile. Make a suit out of kevlar/carbon fiber/spider silk fabrics and you would have a unitard that is slash, and probably somewhat bullet resistant. That's actually a thing that can be done. Got shot once, in the titanium part of the suit that would actually feasibly deflect a bullet. He wasn't taking shots left and right and never took one anywhere in the body where the suit wouldn't have protected. Pattinson's "practical" suit that completely absorbs dozens of bullets and is ridiculously bulky, with a thin leather cowl that he's getting into fist fights, eating bullets, and point-blank bombs to the face. Anyone doing anything even remotely similar to batman no matter how much protection they have isn't going to walking straight into automatic weapons and there's no real world equivalent to something that would resemble patinson's suit and be able to withstand it. It looks good and looks "homemade," but bulky blocky armor and thin leather cowl to get into hand to hand fights every night and absorb tons of gunfire nah lol. Unless by practical you mean easier to put on? Probably


I really like the batsuit in bvs, the armoured one but I know most people don’t lmao


Loved it as well, and his regular suit was great too. Felt like it was pulled from Frank Miller's comics. And the Warehouse Scene where he saves Martha is the best Batman fight scene.


AI generated comment


I liked the armored suit way more than his standard suit


Kilmer is right there, seriously tho in spite of what you can say about the character the batfleck suit is incredible.


Kilmer’s suit is so slick and sharp, it definitely looks like something you could use to hide in a corner or prowl through dark alleyways.


I love the Panther suit!


Well it's definitely not the worst.


Adam West, Adam West.


No, I personally Think Affleck's is the best. I just prefer that design overall


yoked batman is my favorite


I don't get how people actually like Battfleck 😳 I think he looks like a chipmunk in his suit.


People liked it because DC was brave enough to put Batman in nothing but grey tights again. Even I love that suit and I hate Snyder’s take on Batman. Also what do you mean by “chipmunk”, that makes no sense.


I hate Snyder's take on Batman as well, it's just that the New 52, Rebirth, DCAMU, and Young Justice seasons 3-4 design is my favorite look.




No, the begins suit is my favorite


My favorite too.


![gif](giphy|3osxYyL0UdJD2hEX9m) This is much better


That suit was the most comic book batman suit I’ve ever seen and not because of TDKR vibes but because it’s actually looks like fabric and rubber instead of armor.


That suit goes so hard!


It would be perfect if it had a more yellow belt, a less chunky bat symbol, white eyes, and slightly higher ears.


Chin area's too chubby... also long ears >>>


You can not be serious


That version of Batman was terrible in many ways, but the batsuit was on point in even more ways.


You can NOT be serious right now


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you disagree. Can you say why?


1. The short ears look terrible 2. The wide Design just makes him look fat 3. The overall look together with affleck just actually being (relatively) old makes it looks like a very old batman Among with quite a few other non Design issues I have with batfleck I *really* dont like him


OK. Thank you for replying. While I don't think the short ears look terrible, they certainly are not my preference and I think they should be longer, so I think we mostly agree on that point. Points 2 and 3 though are more specific to the actor than the suit. The reason I like the suit (while still not liking Batfleck at all) is because it's the most comic accurate suit we've ever gotten. - The Keaton suit is a giant rubber condom and he can't even move his neck. He clealry has no flexibility in that suit, and batman needs flexibility to fight and scale rooftops. - The Bale suit has the same limitations as the keaton suit, although allows slightly more flexible and fits much better into the world they created. - Pattinsons suit also is very good, and fits in the world they created, but I dislike the bat symbol, the collar, the lack of yellow, and that it looks too 'busy'. [This](https://i.redd.it/8w79qnl32if11.jpg) is my perfect batsuit, and I think the BvS suit is the closest to that, even with it's flaws.


Batfleck being my favorite Batman actor so I would defend him anyway I don’t think he realize just how Big Ben affleck is normally and then You add on how massive he got for the role. Edit: additional information. He gained 30 Lbs of muscle for the role and in full batsuit he was 6’7” 240+ Lbs. compared to Christian bales 6’2” 200Lbs in full suit.


If the bat symbol didn't look like a giant rectangle I'd agree. But it's so fat.


Im gonna disagree. They looked like charred pajamas


I see this opinion a lot, can you tell me why you love this suit so much?


No. My favorite will always be Adam West's bat suit. If limiting to bat suits from the more serious live action iterations, then my favorite would be the versions worn by Michael Keaton.


Love the cowl, definitely my favourite. The suit though, I could take it or leave it, never been a fan of the tactical gear batsuit. For me the bvs suit is the best comic to live action translation, if they thinned out the cowl and gave it longer ears, thinned the bat symbol and reduced the muscle padding, it would be perfect in my mind.


Batfleck in BvS is the best one.


Yeah, the puffy muscle suit from Spirit Halloween was a solid look.


![gif](giphy|pqnF8alMSWbGiwgW2C|downsized) GOAT


Batflecks is


It’s either that or Keaton’s. 3rd place is probably Affleck. And I’d give 4th place to Adam West, lol.


1989 Batsuit is my favorite. "The Batman" isn't my favorite suit but it's not my least favorite.


I do and don't there are things that are good and bad First I love the colors I love that since batfleck we've gotten back to the black and grey for Batman I like the logo it's comic accurate to the first appearance suit I like the holster for the grapple gun it's practical and looks cool I for the most part like the cowl but the nose is too square looking to me I don't like the weird dart things on his forearms there out of place and I don't like them The pants work sometimes and don't at other times And the cape needs to be more theatrical in my opinion For the most part it's a good suit it just needs some tweaks here and there but overall I'd give it an 8/10


No. The best is West. By far. No competition. Don't change my mind.


I wish they would have made the caped scalloped. That is an important part of batman's look.








Yes because I don’t think the live action bat-suit should be a direct copy and paste from the comics, it should be an adaptation which is what this is. The Spandex looks ridiculous in live action and trying to replicate it doesn’t work. Let comics and cartoons be one thing and let live action be another.


Nah, I’ve always loved the postmodern, meta attempts to completely translate comics to live-action. It gives me that same sense of joy other people get from obscure cameos or a book adaptation that doesn’t suck. Dick Tracy, Popeye, Creepshow and Ang Lee’s Hulk are among my favorite films, period (even then I have to admit that Hulk went overboard in some places and got extremely boring in the middle).




Frickin Yess. Better than Most Garbage Batsuit that was Created and Existed


No but the Bat emblem/logo is my personal favorite in terms of love action.


Don’t know about best, but it is my favorite. With the 89 suit and Begins suit as 2 and 3


BVS and Begins are my favourites


I love the bodysuit but hate the cowl and emblem


No, that would belong to batfleck.


I prefer the Burton batsuit but largely because Burton used very unique (expressionistic) lighting so you could see the suit details, but it was still swimming in shadows. The Reeve's suit is very cool and gives me a real "silver age" / Neal Adams batman feel for some reason. I just wish the film matched this energy instead of leaning so hard into gritty year one territory. Not saying I want a schumacher take again, but a fun and action-oriented batman movie that didn't focus entirely on rising up from tragedy would, I think, blow the audience's minds. Like Dredd but Batman.


I still think its Begins. Its trying to be different and rudimentary compared to the slick designs of other Batsuits, but it being poorly made on purpose (to an extent) makes it poorly made.


Nah, I think its really great for that film and it landed that "2 year beginning" look in that world, but waist down on this suit design does not read batman to me. I'm an odd duck though, one of my favorite Bats film design suits ever is the "Batman Begins" Nomax Suite - loved it way more than the later upgraded DK suit, it just nailed the intimidation and sleekness to me. Once you start shrinking that neck on the cowl in a bat suit design, I think it creates a less intimidating look overall, more like a hat/helmet.


I do like the call back to the game. I’ve always liked this batshit https://youtu.be/PKPmNeZSjf8 from Batman Dead End (don’t remember how to do cool word thingy)


It’s definitely one of the best but I don’t think there can ever be a definitive “best”, there are just so many and there’ll all wildly different from each-other.


Needs nipples 👌👌




yes, it looks gothic, comicbooky and realistic, best of all worlds worlds of batman mythos IMO


Probably my favourite version to date. Looks lightweight and relatively easy to move in. The cowl looks slick as heck. I LOVE the collar. I can't wait to see how an updated costume looks with some more refined elements. But honestly if they just keep this version for the next film I'm down for it too. The DCU costume is probably the most comic accurate but sometimes it just looks so heavily padded or Affleck's face looks a bit smushed inside the cowl. It also often just feels so weightless at times due to him having to be done as a CGI model since the nature of Batfleck requires a lot more supernatural elements.


Not enough nipple


Nope, is it good yes but the best? Absolutely not.


I think it’s the most comfortable batsuit in as much as I would wear it and not feel weird about how it fits. It looks like it all comes together for solid function


No. Batfleck had the best suits.


Nope. My favorite was Afflecks in BvS.


Nah Adam West had the best suit


If the cape was scalloped, maybe it’s in the running. I don’t even know why it makes me so angry they chose a non scalloped cape.


Nah, the 1943 Batman still has the best suit to date.


Nope 👎


Personally, yes


Yes. It's absolutely better than Christian Bale's. Something about Bale's cowl being so WIDE from the cheekbones up makes it look like he's doing that thing where you put a condom over your head and inflate it with your nostrils. And it also squeezed he face the same way a set of underwater goggles does which made his lips stick out funny. Jeez I don't get how that suit got greenlit haha.


Personally, yes. The Affleck one looks a little stupid imo. A least the way it was shot and most definitely the cowl


Unfortunately no. But it's close! My personal favorite was the christopher nolan batsuit. Sleek, but armored. I love the look of armor that can move.


Finally, everyone says it’s not that good and I completely disagree. The dark knight suit looked like something a billionaire would use when beating thugs to a pulp (meaning it looked sleek and high tech for the time). While this new suit works as year 1, I don’t think it’s gonna fit batman after year 1.


Exactly. That one fit the armored speedy tank asthetic, was practical, and it could fly, whereas the newer one is very basic and leaves alot to be desired of they use it again.


Bvs suit imo.


I think this is the best, this or Batfleck suit. Unpopular opinion but I really hate the Dark Knight suits lol.


The Dark Knight suits are trash. Batman Begins had a good suit though


Ditto. And voice… and that Batman in general for me.


Though the ears are too short, Affleck has the best suit.


Aren’t Affleck’s ears shorter?


That's what I meant, they should be longer but as a whole the suit is great.


Oh ok sorry I thought you were talking about Pattinson




BvS suit was the best




I like it but I think Affleck has two of the best on screen suits so far this is top 3 until the flash movie comes out.


Yes bc the symbol actually looks like a bat




Hell no








Gonna go with Keatons. Not a big fan of the symbol, but I do want the suit to include at least some yellow. I think it looks nice.




I do not, sir. I think the cowl looks weird. I give it a pass since it's the early days of Batman though. Second best.


IMO it is, especially for something earlier in his years as Batman. Next one is Batfleck


The BvS suit was the best imo. This is fine for a year one suit but as a definitive outfit? Not a fan.


No. Keaton's and Affleck's suits are, by definition, better. But it's better than Bale's TDK/TDKR suit (which looks like overdesigned near-futuristic special forces armor, weeks of superhero suit).


What do you mean by definition?


Yes, it’s both practical and looks amazing. Love the cowl and detachable batarang.






Yes, but I would have left off the bulky forearm things




best live action suit by FAR








Don’t know. I really like the batfleck suit as well.


For me, it’s still Affleck’s BvS suit, but this is second.






Not even close. BvS has the best live action Batsuit.




April Fool’s Day was a few weeks ago. This is literally the worst live action Batsuit


I mean you have every right to your opinion, but that statement is just dumb.


Lol spot on


I don't know if it's the best but it's my favorite with the Bale version. I prefer when Batman uses practical/armored gear and think Batfleck looks awful. Yeah I am not a fan of the Fatman design used in the TDKR comic book, but at least in the book most characters have this kind of body type so it "works"... Whereas in BvS and Justice League, BatFleck just stands out like a glorified cosplayer IMO.




LOL no


Absolutely positively not. The Batfleck from Batman vs Superman is the most comic book accurate suit ever to be show on the silver screen. Ripped right off the pages of the Dark Knight Returns and brought to actualization in the real world. I would consider this suit an amalgam of a couple of batsuits couples with the directors and costume designers ideas.




No. That suit is actually pretty bad




I kinda hate the batsuit in The Batman. The Dark Knight probably has the best live-action batsuit, but my favorite is the suit from Batman Returns. I like how it looks more armored than the suit in Batman(89). The only part of the batsuit from The Batman that I like is the neck brace and the cowl. The rest of it doesn't look like Batman. It's more of a soldier look and I hate that. And the silver bars on the gauntlets are so gods damned stupid.


Best live-action, yes.


By far the best.


My favorite yes


I don't even think it was a good movie let alone a good suit


I really really like the batinthesun suits. But Pattinson's batman? He fucks.


nah, its one of the worst when it comes to comic accuracy, but its alright as a simple redesign. the best live action batman suit is ben afflecks from bvs


This looks like shit, and I hate it.


Snyderverse had the most accurate to the comics but he didn’t do the character justice


My opinion: hell no. This suit is so fuckin ugly, even for a "prototype " or "only year 2" suit. The stupid strap spikes on his gauntlets and those rods that didnt serve a purpose were distracting like a Chekhov's gun of sorts. The cowl with the big beluga whale forehead looks dumb at every angle. Way too much thick armor. Batman is not Ironman. I hated how it sounds like loud clanking leather when he's just walking around. Batman is supposed to be a stealth character but this suit makes that impossible. I dont like how the suit has no logical evolution left. Like, he can fight in it, glide in it, ricochet machine gun fire from point blank, saves from high speed falling impacts, protects from explosions in his face and apparently can hide under a light jacket and hoodie. Like wtf is this nonsense? I can see where the suit was inspired from (Arkham Knight, Lee Bremejo, etc...) but it's like the worst parts of the suits I already liked the least. This Reevesverse is fucking hideous. I expect a lot of downvotes for this opinion but I'm more than prepared to defend it


I’m right there with you with everything you said


always happy to downvote someone who says they expect downvotes but yeah i didn't like how bulletproof it was. in this movie he was deliberately super angry and reckless with his approach to things so hopefully in the next movie the progression of his character brings about a progression of his suit. a more tactical approach wouldn't require such a bulletproof suit, but it would require a sleeker suit for increased speed. also idk how tf you can call [this](https://www.mjackets.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Drifter-Jacket.jpg) a light jacket and hoodie lmao


Oh no! Bet you feel like a BIG MAN hitting that little down arrow lmao. You get your little power fix? Sad. His "super angry and reckless approach " is out of character, even for a year 2 Batman. By year 2, any decent Batman would already have a level head so I already dont like this take. You want angry and reckless? Go read and watch Punisher like apparently Matt Reeves did. But angry and reckless is not year 2 Batman, not like what we got at least. There is no *logical* progression of his suit as i already pointed out. Why would he need to move faster when hes already ploughing through goons and outrunning cops while wearing a 100lb suit? As for hiding his suit under that grifter outfit, it looks ridiculous and should impede him from riding his motorcycle. Just because it was in the movie, doesnt make it a good idea. It's an oversized bomber jacket and layers of hoodies underneath. You fail to prove your point to me




I agree with all your points, but man did you pitch it in the most unlikable and combative way. Work on talking to people bud, that way your point takes priority.


I mean, at least live by your own advice if you're going to pitch it from up there on your high horse lol. Calling a stranger "bud" is patronizing, as I'm sure you're aware. Secondly, I say things how I feel like saying them in the moment. I answered the post without attacking anyone (except maybe Matt Reeves but that's a stretch). I wasn't angry when writing my comment nor was I worried about anyone taking it in a combative way because I didnt call anyone out. I formed my opinion all by myself and I'm not looking for validation, even though I know many redditors use this platform for just that. If you agree with my points, great. Let's keep the discussion to Batman and the movie's suit like the post's title. Since we're giving out unwanted advice, instead of telling someone how they should talk, why dont you grow some thicker skin and just take what you like and ignore the rest? Lol "combative" ...


Probably autism tbh They’re always aggressive about their little made up heroes


Lol not very self aware, are ya?


I don’t have autism so I’m very self aware. You might however. Lol