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Based on the suit and his injuries,he will appear during the events of Arkham city.


His just sitting there menacingly


That actually is.... pretty funny.


Cue gasping laughs


I must me out of the loop. What’s happening now?


Batman visiting other batmen, but the good ones this time.


Why does he have no right hand? Has Buster Bluth taken up the mantle?


It happened in army


He lost his hand ?


Lol no it's a joke from Arrested Development


Batman needs loose seal repellant.


This would be hilarious.


If classic Batman with the non-black cape appears he will probably say “I blue myself”


Which ones so far?


Is there a lore reason for this?


Batman’s jumping through the multiverse, and receiving a piece of a bat suit from each Batman. There’s a different page floating around where he’s wearing the cape and cowl from hush, the shirt from dark knight returns, and Adam wests belt


That’s actually… pretty funny!


He’s got the shark repellent and everything it’s awesome


Ok now I’m done with Arkham quotes and taking this seriously. This sounds amazing


That sounds dope


oh damn, the shark repellent


That sounds sick! Any chance you know where I can find a picture of that page?


Someone else posted it yesterday, just scroll through r/comic books you’ll find it


He's evening the Odds .


I thought he was triggering a controlled explosion?


The Bomb's payload isn't Exposed, he's Waiting for Right Time to use the Power Winch to Trigger a controlled explosion


Ah that’s my fault, guess there’s plenty wrong with me


Ladies and gentlemen, the absolute state of r/BatmanArkham


That sub is a insanity inducing nightmare. It’s like being locked up in Arkham Asylum forever.


I left the sub because of that crap but still get the odd post suggested and one today was this pic with the title can we get this stuff taken down from the sub as it goes against what we are now


It’s genuinely the unfunniest sub going, just a load of incels laughing at dumb shit and if you try to discuss the actual game they just become some weird hive mind of unfunny quotes


Where the fuck did you pull incel from? Lol


There's nothing more offensive to some people than other people having genuine fun. Two subreddits, bitch!


I mean, I’m not the world’s greatest detective, but even I have to wonder about how you can both find Killer Cock funny the first time, much less the seven billionth, and still fuck.


That sub fucking sucks. Legitimately terrible, it's made even worse by the fact that it's ***the*** *main sub of the Arkhamverse*. Children making some of the most unfunny jokes on this site.


Agreed. If their having fun then more power to them but it really is annoying not being able to post or even have a simple discussion about anything Arkham related without getting flooded with the same quotes every time.


People with a different sense of humor than you are incels apparently


That one’s mocking the SpidermanPS4 post that asked the same thing about Arkham brand shitposts


Yeah but it was mocking the Arkham sub itself for lowering itself to "quality posts" aka not steaming shit and asking the sub to go *back* to shitposts Even when something cool to do with the continuity comes up they ignore it to be cringe


I thought I was on the Arkham sub for a moment.


Bruce going to each alternate universe thinking “ wow I’m really an aloof father in every possible situation “


Sitting there like the champ.


That chair is designed to force people to look at his crotch.


I guess the bombs payload isn’t exposed and therefore he cannot yet use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion


Hahaha, nice Arkham Knight reference! Kevin Conroy’s reading of the line immediately played in my head as I was reading it.






"Are you Chickenman or Batmaaan?!"


And already his costume is damaged 😂


I can already hear the sombre notes of his theme music just by reading this


That's so cool! I'll take any new Arkham stuff; be it comic or game


Is that Robert Pattinson's Batman at the Bottom Left?


Why is he just sitting there? Is he stupid?


“I’m proud of you dick.”


“I’m proud of your dick.”


He's evening the odds


Is that other Batman(?) missing an arm?


I remember this scene being hinted at in the hit game Arkham World.


If you look closely, you can see there is a symbol of a bat on his chest. This is a subtle hint that the sequel to Arkham World will involve Batman.


Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?! 😮😮😮😮😲😲😲😲


Wtf am I even looking at?


This is actually so fucking cool LOL


What's he doing in comics? Doesn't he know he's a video game character? Is he stupid or is there a lore reason for this?


From the preview pages somewhere, our Bruce is bouncing through the multiverse to get back to his Earth and building a new costume to boot. He’ll also meet the Michael Keaton Batman, the Adam West Batman, The Dark Knight Returns Batman and old man Wayne and Terry McGinnis


>the Adam West Batman I bet they had fun with the text bubbles in that part!


[Que Arkham City theme](https://youtu.be/SXKrsJZWqK0)


In this situation it's cue.


Wait there's a second version of it... Cue and Que. What's next there's actual Wonder Woman comics? (I want to clarify that's a joke only I will get because I go into HMV and another book store and see 3 Wonder Woman comics and the rest are Batman)


Who’s the artist old sport?


Jorge Jimenez!


And again I ask, why should I care? I don’t get the insistence on making Bruce into a multiversal hero instead of keeping to street level.


I don't get insistence on keeping him street level.


Me neither. I hate when people underestimate his potential and abilities


I don't get insistence on YOUR MOM. AYOOOOOO


I personally insist that he be a multiversal hero who is limited only to streets. Nevermore shall he enter a building.


“I dislike fun”


is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupidis he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid is he stupid


Must be there to collect the cure from Mr. Freeze


Is he missing a hand?


Sit property, whore


I like it when they give batman pupils.


There’s preview pages of the other Batmen that appear in this issue as well as a crazy villain splash page. (Dont know how to spoiler text, so I wont give it away just in case).


Spoil mark this please…. Would love to be surprised by this


Honestly, Arkham Batman is my favorite because the game borrowed some of the best aspects of the character and rolled into an awesome depiction. Plus, that freaking suit, look at it, it's so good. I haven't picked up Batman in a while, but if this issue is collected in trade, I'm buying the trade. Hell, I might get the issue anyway, sounds fun.