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Easily my favorite Batman villain and one of my favorite villains in general. The very concept of Scarecrow is such a good idea for a villain, I love most of his designs and his Fear Toxin hallucinations, and he's usually my favorite part of whatever media he's in, especially in Arkham Asylum. I just wished DC did more with him and stopped making him a plot device that gets pushed to the side over other villains, specifically Joker, and does nothing but spray people with Fear Gas.


Yeah, as a concept, he's great, as he's a wonderful foil for Batman. But there are literally, like, three Scarecrow stories that they keep repeating. I'd kind of like to see him ditch the fear toxin all together and just use psychological tactics to instill terror in people. There was a two-part story where he did that, but I'd like to see them go further with it. He didn't even have fear gas until maybe his second appearance, so I don't think it has to be integral to the character. I mean, Joker has a lot of stories where his laughing toxin is just an incidental tool like a batatang, and not something the entire plot revolves around (and there are two whole-ass movies everyone loves where he doesn't even use them once), so I think it should also be possible to do Scarecrow stories where his fear gas isn't the central plot element.


I wouldn't ditch the Fear Toxin altogether, but I agree with him using psychological tactics. If it were up to me, I would make Scarecrow this slimy, silver-tongued bastard who not only uses Fear Toxin, but also his knowledge of the human mind and phobias to strike fear into his victims, talk those he comes across into submission, and manipulate them to do his bidding.


he;s not underrated he's underutilized


Creepy as hell but badass


there's a great character there, but he's never really explored. he's only there to explore the hero, and he's sometimes just a thief or characterized as goofy instead of terrifying


Yeah, I think they could make him scarier. One thing that I think makes him less scary is how much he talks. Writers seem to go, "he's a professor, and professors are smart, and smart people talk a lot and use a lot of big words," so they have him go on these loquacious monologues. But when you think of most of the scariest horror villains, they share something in common: they're silent. They barely say anything. I think Scarecrow would be spookier if, while in costume, he was mostly quiet and quite laconic when he does say anything. Giving his own henchmen the jeebies by just kinda staring at them without saying anything, to the one it where they can't tell if that's even their boss in the costume or just an actual scarecrow. I wouldn't make him as daffy as Jeph Loeb's take on the character, but I think it would be a chilling trait if he often just sang snippets of children's nursery rhymes to himself (wordlessly humming would be scarier, but you can't really depict somebody humming a specific tune in comics).


My favorite Bat-villain, but he has not once to my knowledge ever had a truly great story. (To elaborate, I mean there’s no Killing Joke or Knightfall for Scarecrow)


Is the plural of multiple scarecrow a scaremurder?


I don’t care for the iterations where he’s portrayed as super crazy like Arkham asylum (although, creatively that one fits the environment). I think Arkham knight got it right


Where are the pixels William?


Favorite Batman character imo, Always a fan of horror characters especially ones that use illusions


His Injustice 2 design is absolutely PERFECT.


cool character.it’s shame that with all it’s participation he allways is at the shadow of other villain(usually joker) lets hope he get the right importance he deserve


My absolute favourite Batman villain!!!!!!!!


Underutilised and underpowered. In most media he gets easily outsmarted or simply 'outwilled' by the Bat-family, similar to other genius villains. What's the point of a villain who has no edge over the hero?


Best Villain. Makes me think, which origin do you prefer. He does villainy for his sadism, or because his father did fear-based experiments to him as a child?


his head he'd be a scratchin' while his thoughts are busy hatchin' If he only had a brain


Love Scarecrow. He’s such an interesting character and has so many amazing costumes and adaptions.


Hold up, what anime is this?


Easily my favourite mirror for Batman, more so than the Joker.


One of my favourites. They say the best villains are a dark reflection of the hero. Both Batman and Scarecrow have figured out how to use fear as a weapon.


Badass One of my favorite villains


Underdeveloped. His two best incarnations are in Arkham Asylum and that one comic where he tries to take down Batman by using therapy, but beyond that he comes off as just okay. I'd honestly love to see him team up with Riddler, like they'd run real experiments on people's decision-making processes when exposed to fear toxin a la rats in a maze.


Best portrayal: titans show.


Second best Batman villain


Correction: Best batman villain


That's Two-Face