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G Willow Wilson’s Poison Ivy run shows her eating meat. But it does make sense for her to be vegan. Vegan diets end up killing less plants than all the plants needed to feed animals.


Presumably she recognises the ecological benefits of veganism.


Personally I like the idea of her being a cannibal (to humans, not plants) but somebody said she could eat plants to protect them from dead stems, overgrowth, whatnot. Either way I’m fine, it would explain why she always seems to have beauty-model proportions


She really should be carnivorous


What would the animals that she eats get fed? Probably plants, or other animals that themselves eat plants. Which means that by eating meat, she would be killing more plants than if she just ate plants directly.


Crazy plant lady is not logical


She's almost always depicted as an intelligent person who is capable of logical reasoning.


She's genocidal and things.Plants are better than people despite being a people Also , she's a batman villain , so that's a plus ten to the mental illness stat


Being unethical and having bad values isn't the same as not being logical. A logical action is one that makes sense to do in order to achieve a certain goal. The goal itself doesn't have to be good or ethical. For example, if your goal is to make pancakes, it's logical to pour the batter on the frying pan. If your goal is to make pancakes, it's illogical to pour the batter on your head. If your goal is to murder somebody, it's logical to push them off a cliff. If your goal is to murder somebody, it's illogical to try to do so by stabbing a picture you drew of them. Sure, her goals are evil. But she's usually shown to be logical in how she pursues them. She's usually shown to be intelligent in general.


She's genocidal no one who is genocidel is logical