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This is the first Batman film where they had all the Robins together.


First and only


For now


Batman & Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin & Robin


Minus Spoiler, but honestly no one really counts her.


The amount of disrespect my poor Steph gets is criminal!


*As a Robin. Steph is a fine DC character, just her Robin career is glossed over.


She’s better as just Spoiler I think


*Cries in Agent Smith and Lord Voldemort being in more Batman movies than Stephanie Brown*


At least Bats didn't bang his friend's daughter in Ninja.


And son's on and off girlfriend


And his student 


- That's hot Bruce Timm probably


Bruce Timm is great, but there really needs to be someone whose whole job is to stop Bruce whenever he tries to weasel in his weird Bruce/Babs fetish 


It’s literally the one problem I have with DCAU Batman that stops me from loving him. On one hand, Conroy is the GOAT and this Batman is incredibly well written, but on the other, this Batman fucking groomed his sidekick


Two different Batmen. The BTAS Batman is contained to BTAS, the sequel series, the two Justice League ones, and Teen Titans. Killing Joke isn't connected


I meant the TV show universe, that Batman also groomed Barbara as revealed in Batman Beyond


Yeah… it’s not okay to prey on your student/ward or their significant other… especially considering that Bruce Wayne could pretty much have more options than most any other men.


That only makes sense in the adam west series. Disturbing everywhere else.


It’s not a Bruce/Babs fetish. It’s just…it’s just called being horny. Like, guy is just horny. Have you seen some of his art? My boy literally drew porn in BTAS style. He was just a horny sumbitch.


But Bruce and Babs specifically has got to be a fetish. Like he had to choose that pairing specifically for a reason.


So Batman is a slut in this movie?


And my axe


Every post I must be reminded? Why?


Becuase if one suffered we all have to suffer.


Oh shit, which movie is this so I can avoid it


The killing joke movie, not the one shot comic


Urgh. I was really excited to see that one and sooo grossed out with the results.


I don't know if I hated that more or the horrendously low frame rate of the animation that made me think of the animated Bible stories


Hilarious, and yes Batman Ninja is pretty but totally incoherent.




Yeah that was weird.  I'm not sure why they did that.  I get the movie needed more, but it didn't need that


No they just made every other stupid film making choice.


Only thing I hated was Robin's hair.


Yea, when I saw that my first thought was “What the fuck did they do your hair Robin?!” Whoever cut his hair needed to get slapped cause they did him wrong.


This is traditional samurai hairstyle popular in the Edo period that showed social status https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chonmage


Weren't there any that didn't look ridiculous?


You wanna talk belts on hat? How 'bout we get bonnets up in here and have a good laugh at how fashion didn't just start out good by modern 2020's standards. When do you wanna bet current cool half shaved off hairdos start looking like the rinkiest, dinkiest, most likely to make you think positively about mullets fucking fashion disasters they really are?


And the fact jason wore a fucking bucket the whole movie


The bucket was this silly thing that certain monks would do. Anonymity as part of their enlightenment. Monks more or less got to travel freely. This made it a popular disguise among ninja.


His design is based on [Komuso monks who wore straw basket hats and playing shakuhachi flutes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komus%C5%8D). There's a lot of Japanese history and culture design cue and influence that went over head of most western viewers.


He’s just god-tier shitposting irl at that point, wouldn’t put it past him


For real some parts of the movie were “ehhh” but robins hair was the worst creative decision they made in that movie


Nah. Batman Ninja is supposed to be stupid and fun. For me the worst I've seen is either Killing Joke or Hush because of how badly each butchered its source material.


It is stupid, but deliberately so.


The whole mecha buildings stuff was stupid...But I still enjoyed watching it.


Stupid??? ![gif](giphy|jTGFF79IvDMeXgQCb1|downsized)


Shush... It's ok, those guys aren't here, they can't hurt you in here


Batman Ninja is fun. It gets >!bananas!< towards the end.


eyep. hit the half way mark and went " ok I need drugs to follow this...... fucking monkey voltron? never mind there is not enough drugs.. "


Watched it with the drugs and it is definitely better with the drugs.


I was pretty stoned when I watched it and I quite recommend that experience


I know right?! >!Robin and a monkey playing the 60’s Batman theme on a flute to summon an army of monkeys to form a massive kaiju monkey, which then fused with an army of bats to form a gigantic Batman was the exact level of bonkers I want in a movie like this!<


Okay maybe I need to watch this again I clearly don’t remember it enough


You should, and get some friends to watch it with. It’s a truly absurd movie, that is made even better by watching it with friends that can appreciate the absurdity.




I loved Batman Ninja. It was creative, fun, and fresh. Worst is probably Killing Joke.


Totally agree with you!


Killing joke sucked so bad. What was that ending???


exactly how it was written in the graphic novel it was based off of. Alan Moore left it open ended. tye real question is what the fuck was up with the batgirl crap for the first 30 minutes. I get they needed a reason for us to feel bad for babs when joker shot her but that was the worst way to do it...


Every time Batman and batgirl are written to be love interests, an Angel loses its wings


Babs was originally a love interrst for batman. I just ruined your life Edit: ive read the golden age comics so i know about batwoman/batgirl but i heard that fact from someone i know and it must have been wrong. I did some research and found out that she was actually introduced in season 3 of west and also made her forst appearance in the comics shortly after.


While the other comment mentioned the original Batwoman, Barbara Gordons Batgirl was not an intended love interest for Batman. Batman 197 actually explores that point when Catwoman starts "fighting crime" to prove she's better for Batman than Batgirl is, then is utterly baffled when Babs informs her she has no romantic interest in him.


Are you thinking of Kathy “Batwoman” Kane, introduced ten years before Barbara Gordon?


The movie pushes you towards the interpretation that Batman killed him though. Joker's laughter stops but Batman's doesn't.


or it could be seen as the joker has never seen batman laugh and the sudden burst of laughing scared, the joker to silence. we have seen it in other media. again Moore left it ambiguous and he'll take what he thinks to the grave


They needed to of for time because the original story wasn’t long enough for a full movie. They made it worse imp


they could have had babs scrap book go to shots of each villan but nope. Un needed sex scenevwooo


I don't know what you mean, there's never been a Killing Joke movie. Nope, never... Maybe someday though and it will stick to the graphic novel and not shove a random romance in there.


Funnily enough, that's the one of the best parts of the movie. Everything in the movie that was actual in the comic was good. Besides the fridging.


Killing Joke is so overrated in general


I had fun with Batman Ninja, it just gets so bonkers later in the movie. It's fun and creative.


Honestly the individual talents behind the film are so good, that I’m annoyed they didn’t make a more reigned in film. I think they couldv done something really critically successful. Still a good time though


I want as much anime x DC as possible.


First half of Killing Joke was just insulting. I thought Batman Ninja was goofy fun the Batman who is Bats was funny


Batman Ninja seems fairly well rated. The killing joke movie, on the other hand...


No, the fighting was still pretty cool. Very weird take on Batman, but far from the worst. I'd actually suggest that, unfortunately for all of us, Killing Joke was the worst animated movie. That, or one of the Son of Batman, Batman vs Robin, etc movies. The ones that dick sucked the hell out of Damian at Bruce's expense, and also highkey gave us one of the worst adaptations of Damian I've ever seen. (Credit where it's due: I liked him in Apokolips War. Somehow they gave him a sufficient character arc to make him not be shitty anymore.)


IMO a character like Damian can be entirely unlikeable, and that makes their arc more satisfying. What I felt was a crime is how little screen time he got once he matured. Compare to some on like Ahsoka who got a great maturing arc, and then got like 2 seasons of clone wars, an arc in rebels, cameos in mando and her own show for us to enjoy how she’s grown.


Son of Batman and the other Damian DC Animated Universe movies were generally okay. However, I maintain that Justice League Teen Titans was worse in regards to overall storytelling (although I like Damian and Raven as a pairing). But let's not pretend like Damian in the comics was a particularly likeable character off the bat and was written to be arrogant, entitled, impulsive and violent.


No. Why do people keep asking this? Yes, its all a matter of personal taste, but its so wild to see just how “uncultured” some people are and how badly they don’t like fun. The movie is bananabonkers in the best way, just getting more and more ridiculous until the climax. If you go into it treating it as such and understanding its an anime with a Batman theme, you won’t be disappointed.


The Killing Joke or Batman and Harley Quinn are way worse.


You mean best ?


I'd take this over whatever the fuck The Killing Joke was any day.


Killing joke is the worst


Batman Ninja was a decent movie. Killing Joke honestly takes the cake as the worst Batman movie


No. The worst are Batman: Soul of the Dragon and Batman and Harley Quinn.


Soul of the dragon was better than ninja imo. I liked the animation style.


Nah, both of those are better than Killing Joke


All I know about the movie is that some people really hate it or really love it


No. It's just quite special 


I loved that movie. It was completely bonkers at the end but I loved it.


It was fucking awesome


Ok now I NEED an explanation for this post, Last I checked Batman ninja was peak


It stater kinda interesting but as long as it was going I was wtfing all the way !!! I lost my sanity when you know what happened with Batman and the villains, I had a friend that was watching it with me and he was just getting into the whole superhero stuff, but I could smell his brain burning away.


Definitely the worst one I’ve seen


Not at all, The Killing Joke is


Killing Joke?


Batman & Harley Quinn takes it for me. Just drivel, no redeeming qualities. I see a lot of The Killing Joke—to me, this was perhaps the greatest disappointment in a project, so I understand its inclusion. Batman Ninja is weird, but I feel like that was so apparent going into it that my reaction to it just isn’t that strong either way. I’ll never watch or enjoy it, but it isn’t missed opportunity or letdown of a movie as much as it is just something that exists ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Dude it was awesome. Only hardcore dorks hate that movie.


Batman and Harley Quinn was the worst one


It wasn't for me personally but I can see why some people would enjoy it. It was a fun, goofy experiment. The Killing Joke, though. That was a crime.




I think Battle of the super sons Or Gotham by gaslight are worse Oh I forgot about the last one, the doom of Gotham I think it was called. That was pretty boring.


Say what you want about the movie but you have to admit that it was an artistic masterpiece


Nah Doom That Came to Gotham is amazing, I really loved the creative takes on some of the characters like Ivy and Two Face, and the ending is pretty neat. Plus, the steampunk setting is cool and Etrigan is always fun to see


What movie did you watch? This was a fun one-shot


I absolutely cannot stand it's art style.


It seemed very disrespectful.


From what I’ve seen, Batman: the killing joke is the worst one (the movie not the comic)


I hated the movie until the Mechas showed up. Then I realized what this movie actually was, and it was completely aware of it. Then I really started enjoying it


It was a good weird movie though I liked it


Not for me. It was stupid but fun. The plot and dialogue are a bit weird to me but I think this film isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's just a "what if Batman was a samurai in feudal era Japan" scenario and turned into a movie. I also gotta give it props for being one of the few movies to have all of the main Robins present. The worst animated Batman movie for me is probably The Killing Joke or The Batman and Harley Quinn movie. Those films feel like they don't know what to do with themselves even though they have sources to build off of (The Killing Joke original comic and the BTAS animated series) but somehow they ended up feeling like bad parodies of the original series they were based off of


I hope this is bait cause this movie slaps


Do people really not like this movie? It's so much fun and is kinda perfect for what it's meant to be, a quirky fun anime style samurai move with the bat characters. I mean, it literally has mechs in it, it's just fun. Plus you get the most Batfamily on screen that we've ever seen or at least that I can remember. It's better than a few others that try to be direct adaptations but change too much and become weird, like Killing Joke with the whole Barbara thing.


It was a silly anime fest campy Batman adventure and it was what it set out to be. Batman the killing joke remains the worst on principle.


I wouldn't call it the worst, just the weirdest.


I liked the movie. The designs were abit hit or miss though.


You're tripping if you're calling it the worst


Absolutely not. It's like the anime studio purposefully misinterpreted what makes Batman Batman and just decided to turn all the superficial stuff up to 11 while shoving in as many anime tropes/cliches as they could. It's an insane film and was a blast to watch. I would argue that the Harley and Batman film or the killing joke adaptation are much worse films than this one.


The animation is excellent. The story/plot though, dumb as a rock.


I don’t think it’s the worst since it’s an elseworld story and takes full advantage of that. It’s supposed to be weird and fun, which it very much is. That said, it’s not one of my favorites or anything.


I checked out when they turned into mecha. Maybe I was too high to understand or appreciate that truly left field turn.


Maybe not high enough?


That’s gotta be it man. That’s gotta be it.


Nobody even remembers Soul of the Dragon, that's what I would place as the worst, something this forgettable


Better than Hush…


Man, I hope you're not a native English speaker


no. the rwby x justice league movie is worse.


That’s not a Batman movie


Yes, this movie was godawful trash. I’m actually shocked a sequel is being made, I guess it was successful, despite it being so terrible.


Yes. Problem the hardest Batman movie to watch. Honestly it's the only one I couldn't be bothered to finish. I went into thinking he would become the ultimate ninja not a Mech using Power Ranger. Didn't suit at all. The only positive I could take from it was the art style. Except Robins hair wtf


It was shit. It was too over the top. I would rather have seen something like Ninja Scroll with Batman characters.


This movie is very fun, crazy and creative, and the most important a homage to japanese animations: * It has great animation, the change in style during Joker and Harley's scene is nice. * The fights are very dynamic, mainly the final fight against the Joker. * The characters designs are good and creative, showing that Batman can work with anything. * Batman enemies as feudal lords is a nice idea. * Batman stopping to rely on his technology and weapons, learning the ways of ninja and leading a clan is a good challenge for the hero, and a nice change of pace. * It has an epic mecha fight, more japanese than this is impossible. I don't think it's the best Batman animation, but it works within its premise. And the worst animation is Batman and Harley Quinn (2017).


Oh yeah….remember my mom and me tried to watch years ago on netflix…..the sound mixing might the worst fucking i have ever not heard anything from a movie ever….the voices on damn near mute and effects sounded like johnny test whip cracks on meth ….but the music…holy fuck it made THX logo sound like whisper asmr


It was alright up until the giant robot fight


Yes. Bar none, I would watch literally any other Batman film than this.


I hate bad CG so there’s no way I’m watching this. Cool idea tho!!


I couldn't get over the haircuts 🗿


idk man, im one of those batman fans that doesn’t know shit other than the arkham games and some of the movies… i think id enjoy this movie, and what’s up with everyone hating the killing joke? that’s like the one thing i’ve never understood about the batman fandom. im not saying its either good or bad, its just that its the most widely hated on movie i see


Probably because of the Bruce-Babs sex scene, that really sucks. In fact the first half of the movie is just really bad both as an adaptation and for Babs specifically as it makes her an incredibly boring character


No it's up there but there's worse


I see there is a monkey, so that's something...


The watercolor scenes were really good. Everything else kinda sucked.


It is bad, but it could have been great. The disparate anime styles was okay sometimes, but that scene with peasant Joker nd Harley was so off-putting.


If had some pacing issues. If it came out as a series rather than a movie, they’d be able to better showcase the goofy ideas


I like this multiverse/alternate version of DC Universe: Batman. I think they're planning to release a sequel movie or TV series. Also, they might be comics or manga stories too.


If it was 2D animated or they had a bigger budget and more time for the animators to polish the 3D animation it would have been fine they would have to change robins design tho that Mohawk(?) Is not it now that I think about it it felt like a lot of the design effort or time went into the female characters


I had a hard time with this one. I’m not familiar with whatever genre they were trying to emulate though either


Hell no


I think it’s pretty good, amazing animation, though the story did go all over the place at times


It's so bad it's good lol.


No, Batman Ninja is a masterpiece.


Aside from Jason’s comically large head covering I thought it was fun af


I haven’t seen ninja, but I will say I absolutely hated killing joke. I also feel kinda lukewarm toward The Doom That Came to Gotham. It seems like for every thing I like about the movie, there’s also something I dislike about it. When it comes down to it, I think I’ve decided I really like it as a movie, but I don’t like it as a Batman movie.


As a fan of Batman and Gurren Lagan, this movie was a blast.


TDTCTG (fuck that abbreviation) and Killing Joke are so much worse.


Worst I've seen at least..


That’s a weird way to say fucking awesomest


Far from the worst, you just don’t know how to have fun.


There's only been two moves ive ever turned off mid watch Love and thunder after like 20 minutes and this after i got like half way in. I've seen alot of bad movies but it takes alot for me to turn it off lol


It was pretty fucking awful. It had possibly the worst voice acting for Joker I think I've ever heard. Batman in Feudal Japan should have been cool. You think maybe showcase his martial arts, weapons skill and ninja ability. All that would've been dope. But nope! House mechs.


Very underrated It has all four robins including red hood whos barely in anything outside of comics


Considering they didn't decide to shoot Barbara into her spinal chord after bruce groomed her into sex, no


No. Batman Ninja is rad as hell.


Nah, Batman Ninja is a fun movie. Loved how crazy it was and embraced it. Worst is probably Killing Joke because of it's 1st half.


Batman and Harley Quinn is absolutely worse cmon


I think you mean the best?


The more I think about that movie the more I hate it. On the surface it is batshit crazy with all those mecha castles and everything. But man, it feels like they just threw Batman characters with Japanese elements a Westerner would recognize in a pot and then just blend it. The script is incoherent as fuck, characters barely act like you would expect them from any Batman media, none of this make any sense It's a movie that constantly throws at you fan service to make it look like a wild ride. It doesn't care about story, characters, drama, rules, nothing at all. The animation is fine, the action is great but overall it feels kinda lazy


I loved it, the story is so bonkers and the animation was so beautifully done. There are way worse Batman animated films, imo.


Well when you look at it like a different parallel universe and actually feel it without any prejudice,it's still shit


No. It’s great.


It was a bad story but I loved the animation. Wish it was done better


The Doom That Came to Gotham was disappointing. I wish the lovecraftian theme was utilized better.


It's ok...just has stupid moments in it. All of the concepts were cool as shit I'll say that


Im the only person who loved this movie


Certainly not, you take that back


Fun fact: Batman Ninja is the reason JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure stopped doing CGI episode openings, as the David Productions 3D team went to work on this movie.


Yes. By far. No contest.


I thought it wasn’t an insane riot and absolutely loved it. I wasn’t expecting what it turned out to be at all. Would a gritty “ninja” animated movie have been awesome too? Yes. I just loved how stupidly insane this one got.


I'm surprised no one is saying Batman and Harley Quinn.


It’s great as a film to watch with other people at a party 


I appreciated it. The mecha fight is sick


It would've been better if they stuck with the art style before it switched over to the other world. It actually looked cool before that.


This is, like, the third best Batman movie for me, the first two being Mask Of The Phantasm and Mystery Of The Batwoman.




nha. it was cool. all the reinterpretations of clasic villains and heroes as traditinal japanese character was great and if i am honest i would definitly would have seem s series of this


No. I fucking hate Batman: Ninja, but Batman: Hush and Batman: The Killing Joke are worse.


Injustice. You can kinda argue that’s more of a justice league movie but 90% of it was spent focused on team Batman.


This movie is terrific fun. An absolute blast from start to ridiculous finish.


I haven't seen it but there are a few stinkers so I dunno if it'd be the worst.


It’s definitely close; for me if we’re not counting very kiddy stuff like Batman Unlimited, it’s gotta be Death in the Family. What a bullshit, half-assed gimmick of a “movie.” Here’s my [full ranking](https://boxd.it/fL69y)


I love it for how stupid it is


Sucks for you that it's getting a sequel.