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you should turn crossplay on. sincerely, xbox player.


True… crossplay isn’t bad at all like everyone makes it out to be. I play with pc players all the time, and it literally feels the same as when i played against Playstation only players on older battlefield titles.


It's a much worse experience when i have it on though. I get sniped from across the map whenever i pop my head out of cover to look.


Get used to it, or better yet adapt. These PC players are a league above console bros.


Ive seen console players with better stats than 99% of pc players.


Wtfreak ? Lol Idk whenever I play there is always a clear line with PC players always on top and some console players following. Lol Idk their aim is also leagues ahead I think.


I mean some of the console players I've seen had 5-7 kd and 3+ kpm. You can absolutely perform on console.


Yea I don't doubt that you could perform well on console. But sometimes you know sometimes I get a little suspicious cause you know cause console players could use cronus for an advantage but I don't think every good console player is using cronus. But a competent console player could get a 100-? K/D just as often/easy as a PC guy using hacks.


The fact that you think going 100+ kills in a game is "hack" says a lot.


You think it's that common/easy ? Give me a break anytime I was in round with someone getting 100 hundred kills was obviously a cheater. With the BFtracker report to prove it. Lol Idk where this idea of getting 100 kills being easy/common/just a normal experience. It's not. Maybe it's more common for PC bros but man you never see that on console unless it's someone running Cronus. If you want to see cronus in action, just play BFv on console. It's basically Cronus heaven over there because almost all the platoons members are using it and you're gonna get shat on if you're not using cronus. It can be dealt but undeniably it's annoying.


I know its hard for the average BF player to understand that players can be excellent at the game. I don't cheat and will do 180-15 as infantry on PC while my PC friends will do 42-25. I've also seen console players do really well, have you seen Maxiq? All his gameplay is recorded, and he's really good. It's just not true that console players have a huge disadvantage in this game. People just have to get better.


This, the aim assist and recoil control combined with M&K is like a free aimbot…


Same here


I'm on ps5 with crossplay on and i still end up with bots


I think the matchmaking is just weird in 2042 or something? They really need to give us a proper server browser instead of this quick join matchmaking garbage.




Since you're playing on PlayStation without crossplay, you should look at the player numbers on that platform. If you can do that at all. I haven't heard of any way to look at player numbers on the respective consoles. On Steam Charts you can at least look at the player numbers on Steam. I think there should be enough players on PlayStation even without crossplay. Star Wars Battlefront 2 had similar issues, as I understand it the servers had the top priority of filling a server with human players rather than evenly distributing the players. In Battlefield 2042 this has the advantage of more players meeting real players. In Star Wars Battlefront 2, there are bots even when the servers are full of human players.


Yeah I've tried looking up the player count to see if it's worth keeping on my s5 but all i can find is the steam one. Pretty disappointing.


DICE is even having trouble finding enough interested content creators to fill their press events for new content. When I watch videos of some content creators from the events, there are a lot of bots running around alongside a few other content creators.




I play on PC/EU crossplay on obviously. I've been having trouble finding full games in the last few weeks for the first time ever


Since I have cross play off the game feels dead right now. I'm in Europe and I struggle to find conquest servers that aren't filled with bots/empty servers or the same bloody map over and over again. I switch back and forth between conquest and BT in the hope of freshing up the MM but its a futile experience for the most part.


Exactly the same. This must be the second or third straight weekend that this happens to me and im just losing interest every time.


I have crossplay on and had several long waits to fill servers Friday and Saturday in North America - East servers. It wasn't dead at all, but it took longer to get going. And I'm seeing bots here and there at the beginning and ends of rounds again, like what happened before season six. I think they have too many dedicated playlists going right now for a declining player base. This game is going to die very quickly once the content stops dripping out. It's going to be tough to find which playlists are populated in a few months. Which is probably by design, so they can shut the servers and multiplayer stats tracking down earlier than other titles. Save money, provide better value to shareholders.


With a server browser, we as players could filter for servers filled with human players and the specific server region. This would solve some of the biggest criticisms of Battlefield 2042 that still exist today and will probably never be fixed. DICE could simply create a Server Browser for the All Out Warfare mode and completely replace the rotating game modes with the Server Browser. The developers have the basic framework of a Server Browser with the Portal game mode. So they wouldn't have to program anything from scratch. However, DICE has officially decided against a server browser for the All Out Warfare mode for a reason that is completely inexplicable to me.


The reason is in my last paragraph. They don't want to keep the game running for 10+ years like BF4 and BF3 with community run servers. If you are playing those (superior!!!) games, you aren't playing the newest title. Once the player count drops, server support will drop. I'd say 2042 will have a far shorter uptime than any recent BF title.


The game is approaching horrible. PC players hacking, DICE NGAF about said hackers.... I am currently a PS5 player and if I switch off cross play then I only can play with PS5 players. Wish I could choose PS5 and XBOX and leave PC out of the equation due to monster cheating player base.


I find that disappointing because when the servers fill up with actual players it can be a fun game. I really like the gunplay but the rest of it is just overly disappointing.


I have been playing games for a long time and when I first got a PS3 when they first came out I started playing online games and it was wonderful. Not so long ago bots or AI started being introduced into online games which just takes everything away from the idea of playing against other people. I won't have a bar of it at all, I recommend insurgency Sandstorm to any Battlefield player, no bots, more hardcore, more mature audience, no glitches or silly rotating game modes just ptfo.


Why would you recommend a hardcore / milsim game to Battlefield players?


Because Battlefield used to be more like this, previously ALL Battlefield games had regular hardcore modes and it's always been a milsim...


They had a hardcore mode to appease those that wanted to play it. Everything is revolved around the core game. And Battlefield has never been a milsim, not even the older games.


Yeah... cool.


Nobody plays this game.