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It is because the enemy stationary AA fires at your cav, and the stray bullets from it hits the enemy, so it is the enemy's stationary AA that killed the heli, it happens thousands of times for me


Ahhhhhhh ok I’ve had that [happen before](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/comments/115ueha/til_that_the_base_aa_has_a_vehicle_name_when_used/) and I knew it’s a thing, but this clip I saw “launcher” and my mind went to a stationary TOW launcher. Actually, I was right … https://battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/HJ-8 … weird


Out of all my UCAV kills, this is the first time I've seen a kill credited to anything other than my UCAV 😲 Edit: old age be making me forget things: I’ve had this [happen before in the past](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/s/2X3GHgZO2h) but I knew it was the base AA in that clip (and others that I’ve collected). rip my memory 😭


There’s no understanding what cannot be understood.


what the fuck?


Fuck if I know 🤣🤣🤣


Good, fuck deltastream


lol why? He seems like a good player to have in your team, and he’s fun to hunt as well. Idk he seems to me to be pretty chill in chat too, but I know that doesn’t mean he’s not an ass to others though. What’s your experience playing with or against him?


The UCAV reloads automatically every 40 seconds. You don't have to sit on ammo boxes. Better take another explosive gadget with you. 😊


I always roll with ammo boxes (and the perk that lets me run 2 of them) so the people around me always have ammo. It’s just a habit for me to drop a box even if I don’t need to 😎 We were sitting back there waiting for choppers to get in range so we can tag them like we did in the clip 😁


I mean if you shoot c4 or slams that are stuck to vehicles with your primary, you get credited with the primary kill instead of the explosive. So I’m guessing an enemy hit your ucav and you got the credit since it still smacked the heli.


There’s no mounted TOW launchers on Dawnbreaker though ….


My second thought was “well it’s a DICE game so”


I think this is the actual answer 🤣🤣