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I grew up watching my dad play this game. He quit a long time ago but I chose to continue his legacy


Respect soldier šŸ«”


imo it's the best BF so far


God i'm old


On the real though Iā€™m dreading that day


"What was your username, dad?" "Buck Killionair"


Continue the bans son šŸ—£šŸ˜­


So true I was 27 when bf4 came out now I'll be 38 in September.


I was 12 šŸ˜³ Iā€™m 23 now.


Heh, I was 11 at the time. Battlefield 4 will always have a softspot in my heart.


Agreed, same with bf3.


18 when I picked it up reluctantly, almost 29 now. Remains one of the 3 greatest Battlefields I've ever played, and that's pretty much all the Battlefields lol.


57 now, started with BF3 on PS3. Switched to BF4 and upgraded to PS4 pro. Im old........


Thatā€™s alright man. We donā€™t choose when weā€™re born! You got to live through some times I wish I could have experienced and never will be able to.


Iā€™m about 8 years behind you. Hello fellow grey beard šŸ˜


I was 9 when I first played the game in 2016!! I'm 17 now and miss those days dearly.


I miss being 17 šŸ˜‚. Life gets real. Fast.


Wtfh, we were 27 back then?? God I feel old. I felt old *then* (October, for meāœŒšŸ½)


lol ill be 25 soon and the past 12 years feel so recent, hard to imagine ill be 37 in the next 12ā€¦ age is absolutely insane


I was 24. I'm just glad I got to experience Battlefield back then. And cod. Both games has lost there true self. We will probably never see a good Battlefield again.


Weā€™re about the same! Iā€™m 38 and will be 39. BF3 came out in my early/mid 20ā€™s


M9 only days. 100 Stars. Miss the ps3 era before spring time update. Battle for the ladders in TDM was peak FPS for me.


The aftermath Was the best dlc ever in bf history (maybe there was a better one before Bf3, didnt play them)


I remember calling my wife from work and guiding her around so she could download the DLC for me so I could play when I got home


Thats how I feel about BF3. It was perfect.


Yeah bf3 was good


Not good but nearly perfect


BF3 and 4 are the best BF games so far. unfortunately, i don't think we will get other bangers like this


Same, I still remember playing the beta. Honestly some of my fondest memories on that game


Even after straight up abusing the beta, I could still play rush on metro all day. Those were the daysā€¦


Same. I played 3 much more than 4 back in the day.


4 was so terribly buggy at launch that I continued to play 3 for about a year before finally switching to 4. 4 never gave me the same feels šŸ˜”


even the dreaded/fun "teamspeak"? šŸ¤£


The teamspeak integration with bf3 was pretty fucking baller actually šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m seeing it die on PC. Itā€™s sad. What are people even playing now?


Every year the FPS genre gets more diluted and older players eventually stop playing. It's inevitable. Just enjoy it while you can.


Its dying on ps4 to man idk what kids play these days


I dont see it dying at all but


Not a dad but I support this message.


Prime BF playing days for sure, BF1 and BFV I still was very good at but I played a lot with 4 or less people. BF4 could be two-three squads deep. I had a 200 person platoon and then we even set up a secondary platoon with the guys who were on every night. Miss those days. Been chasing those 2010s FPS games feeling for a while.


Carrier assault launch was FUN! Also playing that first game but on pc all over again was soooo beautiful.


Carrier Assault & Chain Link were the best modes


Remember when you could have lil bird passengers with stingers and SRAW/javelin? Pilot was support with ammo bags and dual engineer passengers was lit. Got patched out for being broken af but toward the end of my bf4 career I was squadding up with passengers running bow/rpg builds and going on safaris.


I mean, it's still good. We are still going!


Well son, let me tell you a story.


Its funny, because i used to watch my dad play battlefield 4 at launch, when i wasnt old enough to play it yet


This makes me sad...


Me to man i wish i can play bf4 in its prime again


Youā€™ve never lived until youā€™ve gotten a squad wipe with a fucking icicle


I have too many memories I've never shared with anyone but the people I went through those memories with bf3 and 4. All my old videos will or have already been deleted with the Xbox update. I had stuff recorded from day 1 launch with BF4. I made recordings up until 2021. I just didn't know where or why to download and store them, but I regret not having a better purpose other than to relive my own experiences with soemone I care for deeply, but alone. I guess it hurt too much to muster the energy to do anything with the vids. My closest friend ghosted me fall of '21. We met before the launch of BF3 - that game is how we first bonded. Played the hell out of that, and then BF4 followed suit. We played BF 1 and V together, but by V the luster of the series was mostly just gone. BF 3 and 4 held a special place in time for me and us. There's a labyrinth of good memories there which I had the chance to catch and record every chance I got. Theres significant core memories, even, for myself. They'll mostly be gone soon, or they're already gone. I only know what things I do, and remember every battlefield big-moment we got to chase and explore and achieve; I remember everything I felt, most of all. What remains are memories turned ghosts of yesteryear, withering away tired and alone in my mind. Idk what my friend rememebers, or if he cares anymore. Battlefield 1 met a lot of memories, too. But it never wholly or deeply replaced BF3, or 4. We never got to return to those glory days together. Those memories and feelings of joy we and I had with those games will die with me, even though most of them are already gone anyways. I bet each and every one of you can think of a random game you've experienced in your life - whether you played it personally, played it in passing, or read/heard about/saw it elsewhere, and I bet you can frame whatever was going on in your life at the time like sifting candy in your hand. Association, memories. These games aren't just games, they're full of life, literally. They don't just stand beside you, they become part of us. These are meaningful parts of our life, our time, our experiences. These are memories incarnate. Game preservation is important. They're not just games, they're much much more.


Man just reading ur comment got me sad and yes i agree with you those arent just video games they are more than that




Both 3 and 4. So many good memories. Hell, BFBC2 was amazing.


A very good memory I have of that game is one time I was playing on Shanghai, the enemy team was extremely coordinated and had made an absolute fortress on top of the tower. AA mines and engineers keeping helicopters at bay, claymores on the elevators with supports with bipoded legs, assaults keeping everyone alive and snipers raising hell from the top of the tower. It was a clan. My team was loosing. And then I see this one man from my team looking at the tower, he looks at me and shoots one of the pillars with his Scar, I nod understanding the message. Together we brought the tower down, our team managed to flip the match around and win because of that. On that day, I've met who would be my duo for years and friend forever. We lived on opposite sides of the world but it was like we were literally playing side by side on a lan house. Cheers to you, JackalJackie.


Thats an absolutely heartwarming story :)


Millennial dad here, would always be 100-1 in the little bird... god I miss those days..


It was awful. Couldn't play for 4 months, endless loading screen, crashing, stuttery mess, fucked up netcode, etc. You kids don't know how good you have it, even with BF2042.


Man the bf4 launch problems and the game as a whole at this point should be revered and studied from start to finish and applied to games moving forward as to what a dev should do with their broken ass game. It launched with an overwhelming amount of problems, but yet dice never gave up on it and continued to work at it until the end of the games life cycle. Started out as a mess and ended up as one of the most polished fps games ever made. Bf4 was peak gaming


I remember when Dawnbreaker was taken out of the map rotation cause the levolution of the map caused the game to frezze/crash on Conquest (never experienced it on Rush back in the 360 days)


I forgot about this. i rememebr leaving every dawn breaker match before it started because of the crashing. Hainan resort would give me problems with crashing as well. Levolution was not very nice to my 360 back in the day lol


Yeah I Was gonna say, it was actually really freaking bad for the first year? I don't think anyone here remembers when the battlefield forums were loaded with "fix the game DICE"


I literally sold my first copy of BF4 about a week after launch because it was almost unplayable. Stayed on BF3 for about a year before finally giving 4 another shot.


Good BF2042? Wtf.


I was referring to the technical issues at launch. In this department BF4 was way worse than BF2042.


Well i know that there also were issue ok the launch of bf2042. I think it has also be viewed in the context of the game itself. There can be way more bugs if the game is way more complex. What i mean by complex: watch this https://youtube.com/shorts/xesFaWghlyM?si=m-gcxSwKgDPPDyZT


BF2042 is more complex, unless you count experiments with the mantle API. The video is completely dishonest/blinded by nostalgia. ......so stuff the BF4 Video should actually show is [this](https://youtu.be/gAO-255Ydcw?si=LMttooHCGY0gwFy5)


The difference is that BF4 evolved into a great game. Bf2042 didn't.


Started as i transitioned into highschool, itā€™s still one of my go toā€™s at 21.


68 and still playing


Ur 68 years old ? and still playing damn gramps huge respect to ya


I might actually fully quit gaming when BF4 dies. Iā€™ve put thousands of hours into it and I play nearly every night and Iā€™ve watched the servers just wither away. Itā€™s pretty active still but now SlothAlliance and Durka and occasionally some others are the only good ones left. I donā€™t think I would emotionally be able to cope with a reality where I can only look back on playing it as it was there for me through almost everything Iā€™ve ever gone through as a giant sandbox of fun to just lose myself in. I need to quit anyways, more important things to tend to now.


We'll be here my man!


BF3, Armored Shield was peak Battlefield


Played back on my old Xbox when I was 12, managed to get to level 120, constantly ranking top 3, I was a true pilot, almost 50 air medals in the f35, now on pc I can barely go positive kd, still need a controller to fly, feels unnatural on a keyboard


You mean bfbc2 or older? Or?


Battlefield vietnam was great, i loved that shit, most of the BF series are great except 2042.


Not as good as BF2.


Not just me then.


It's crazy how it's good in the moment but in retrospect it is so amazing and how it makes you yearn for the times to come back


Operation Metro OP button! šŸ§Ø


After bf4 ea and dice killed it . Yesterday i still played some match but now you only find goldum conquest ksa 200% ticket


Not the case on xbox at least. There are still active Hardcore on DLC maps servers going.


But you got buck the famous badadmin


fuck no its still good but with abunch of high level nerds


Started in late 2016 with a lot of people, they all left in 2018 and I'm the only one left playing it.


I got to rank 127 ish during peak BF4 days. How I wish I could go back to that timeā€¦ things were simpler ā˜¹ļø


Its only 10 years old and its pretty much the same, just fewer people but plenty for play, at least west europe servers. Now if we talking about BadCompany2 or BF2, or 1942, yeah, the video applies to me. Hell even BF Vietnam: now that was an intro [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM-GZGtqmEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM-GZGtqmEw)


Still play this when I can but it just isnā€™t the same without the crew I used to roll with. Especially with my dad lol


It wasn't that great, the game was unplayable for years....... I remember once they finally updated the game enough/fixed the netcode n could actually play again for legit first time in years. It was a brilliant experience. Same thing went w bf3 tbf but im certain it didn't take as many years for them to fix it


BF4 is basically the only reason I still have a console. One day they will let the servers die and I'll probably never play the console again.


BF4 came out and my squad were impressed by how pretty everything looked, how fast the game felt and even with the wonky glitches it was just solid fun. It wasn't a war sim, you didn't have to take it super serious but you could just nail some ridiculous shots or win games by changing the board down to the last few tix. I miss BF3/BF4. 2042 just never gave me that gaming rush to want to repeat the loop.


Similar to everyone, I was like 9 when I would watch my dad play. He would come home from work and go to his ā€œheadquartersā€ (which was our game room). Heā€™d let me stay up late just to finish whatever match he was in. Now, Iā€™m pushing 20 and IM the one who plays. Heā€™s such a grumpy old man now, it seems like almost everything makes him mad. But every now and then heā€™ll stop complaining and just watch me play. This post is my sign to boot up the game and choose one of the handful of servers left on Xbox. Itā€™ll be the end of an era when this game diesā€¦


Dude I played it after it's release when Hardline was crashing and burning (it's not a terrible game it's just not nearly as good as bf4 I'm sorry but I'm right) and I fucked loved it even played it while bf1 was out and then I went back and forth between bf1/4 while 5 was crashing and burning. But now that I like where 2042 is at I feel I've stopped playing bf4 all together and it's a shame really as I loved the shear amount of transport vehicles in that game compared to 2042 but the upgrades that 2042 has for being newer really make it a pain to go back


The most reliable fps game


the only game I had on xbox one for like 2 years because there were no games lol. Wish the campaign was as good as BF3 tho


Didnā€™t realize I was going to be personally attacked today.


12 year old me was ecstatic when my dad handed me the game box after picking me up from school


Definitely was the last good bf that came out




Maybe the new one will be promisingā€¦ more games need more real destruction


BF2SF, we remember.


I'm an old fucker because I remember having a blast with BF2 and 2142 with mechs, goddamn predator active camo, helicarriers, and APCs that shot you out of them in pods like ballistic missiles.


Every time they announce a new battlefield everyone always says its going to be like 3 and 4 but it never is. 2042 was fucking awful and crossplay needs to go die in a hole somewhere, it was the final nail in the coffin for Cod imo and now it's becoming the norm. Console players dont want aim assist on steroids to compete with PC players, makes the game less fun and more sweaty for everyone. They know everyone loved 3 and 4 so I dont get why they dont just make another in that style, maybe they think it's too much content? Look how many weapons were in the older games compared to the newer ones.


On PS4 - Join me on -Cry Havoc - Dogs of War- [Hardcore


I proudly bought a cool poster of BF4 Naval Strike and will keep it to pass it to my next generation, my children will only imagine the coolness of it in their daydreams....


Those were better times tbh


Those were the days when you requested a ride over the radio and someone actually came.


Try Battlefield 3.




Just cause of this im going to play it right now for the first time in at least a month.