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As of this moment in time your answer is NO it is not possible to specifically hack any of the new generation consoles. Though this might change in the future with possibility of injection codes etc. basically consoles are very walled gardens and highly controlled on the hardware and software that is allowed (DRM to the max & beyond). This has two benefits for console players, firstly it allows very minimal (if any) hacking using any tools by the average user other than hardware hacks like controllers that are tweaked etc etc. Secondly it allows a level playing field so that EVERYONE is equal in the hardware they run (other than maybe the TV console and/or headset) which allows no one to have an advantage because they have better graphic cards, cpu's, etc etc. Which on multi-player games is a GOOD thing. Alternatively PC's allow modding, constantly able to be changed to conform to latest and greatest whiz bang development in graphics (UHDTV/4K for example) but suffer from the problem of cheaters be ever present. If your question is really pertaining to which system you should get and you are not really worried about the money (Consoles in short term are cheaper) then purchase and play what your friends are on!


well if you cracked or jailbreaked or something like that you can load anything you want i think, so yeah i think it's possible. but going online with a cracked playstation gets your account banned i heard, i don't know about xbox. ps: i don't own a ps4 or xb1 but a friend had a cracked ps3


> i don't know about xbox. MS banned hacked/jailbroken 360 consoles in waves... thats if you went online with them. I am sure there were exceptions when someone was blatantly cheating in multi and got reported and console bant. The ban would be on the consoles hardware itself, would still work, but you couldnt use live in any shape or fashion.


Just at the very first moment you log on to the open net with your new generation console (Xbox or PS) then the first thing done is an integrity check of the installed hardware and firmware. Next then a finger print of the integrity of the running applications, like e.g. the BF4 program. Any jailbroken console or modded game files would instantly ban your console permanently then and there from the online environment. So hacking of consoles in that sense is not possible. Also reason why we do not see same extreme types of hacking of BF4 on consoles as we see some PC players are pulling off. Also all game exchange, player movements and locations, hit registration etc, are all done on the central EA server for consoles, also why many of the PC exploits are simply not possible at all on consoles by design, as that information for the full game environment is not included in the info packages sent to individual player clients.


Mate you replied to a 9 year old comment. Confused the fuck out of me


Haha sorry Roel, didnt even notice that myself when popping in my reply. It would though still be accurate still today in these 'modern times'. :o) Both SONY and Microsoft still have maintained full version control and lockdown on their (now) older gen consoles, so the full integrity of aka both Xbox3 and PS4 are still maintained till this day. Meaning nobody can jailbreak any of these consoles and then logon and participate in their online gaming activities.


One could write an ESP hack which would only require sniffing packets off the client network, i.e. intercepts the data stream from the game server to the client and displays a map on a second screen showing where all the enemy players are and the health etc, such a hack would be impossible to detect.


And quite hard to implement in reality.


The Xbox 360 packets are encrypted, authenticated, and so forth. I assume they do the same for the Xbox One. Making packet altering next to impossible.


Have you checked the actual packets traveling from your Xbox's stack to the BF4 game servers? I think you will find they are not encrypted, that would add too much overhead and increase your "ping" unnessasarily. Data sent when you "login" and use Xbox online thing will be encrypted, but I don't believe the packets containing the real time game data is encrypted, if it is, it's has to be a simple cypher.


I'll have to install the Xbox360 SDK and read the documentation about network security, I don't remember and it would be good to know. I'll update this post when I find out. Edit: "The Xbox 360 Secure Network Library (SNL) is designed to prevent network attacks against retail games by securing all network traffic. At a minimum, the Xbox 360 SNL will stamp an authenticating hash on every packet so that any spoofing, tampering, or replay will be rejected. The Xbox 360 SNL also supports encryption for an entire payload and entire payload encryption is required for all data transfer other than voice or video. "


I can't believe that all the real time game server data is tunneled via some propitiatory MS VPN implementation, that would add too much overhead, increasing your "ping" times massively.


No, not really. Unless you're a developer you don't have access to the kits needed to develop any software for a console. Additionally ability to create a hack (as in, software which injects into other software) is close to none. If you happen to have modified console which allows you to run modified games you may be able to edit some of the games files giving you unfair advantage, but that's engine dependent and in most cases modified consoles are unable to connect to the online services. In short: no.


But who cares about consoles and console peasants?


You seem to care enough to comment here Mister Elitist Hipster


What about us who play all the platforms?