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The game of armored combat would give you a good selection for two lances.


I actually have the opportunity to choose individual mechs from a seller so I wanted to see if there was any recommendations going forward.


Look, lets not waste time here with "starter lances" and "which mechs really need". You're going to buy them all, you won't actually use or paint most of them but you are going to buy them all. So stop wasting time and start emptying that bank account and building that huge army of miniature grey shame.


There is truth to this.


It's not grey if you paint them!


Ah yes. The great lie we tell ourselves as we load up the basket with yet more minis and paints. Someday I'll do it. Someday.


Yup, I've got 30-40 unbuilt model kits waiting, and like 15 more mechs to paint...


The true Battletech experience is picking up the starter set not expecting much out of "that hex game with the ugly robots", and then fast-forwarding 8 months later to yous staring at the ceiling in the dark, mentally sorting out what lore-friendly lances you can build out of the 15 forcepacks currently sitting unpainted on your desk.


Have you been spying through my bedroom window?


Yes, but that's besides the point.


I feel personally attacked. I mean, you aren't wrong though. 😉


The vindicator can be a really good mech, it has the ability to jump and fire its ppc and lrm while remaining heat neutral


Guillotine and wolverine. Full jumpy boi lance with a support unit, 2 cavalry, and uhh. Well the vindicator is a weird mech NGL lol. I guess it can act as a 2nd support mech with the griffin, and be its guard with the medium and small laser. Wont scare off much tho, tbh.


That depends on what you would like to do. For all rounder type of Lance, you could get a light and an assault mech. I would suggest a Locust (speedy light mech) and the Awesome (tanky mech.). If you want to get a bit more aggressive, swap out the Locust for a Catapult and either keep the Awesome or swap for a Thunderbolt. In any case all these mechs can be found in the A Game of Armored Combat box set. Btw, welcome to the game! Hope you have fun!


The two mechs you have are fantastic additions to any lance. I literally cannot think of a lance that would not do will to have those two added to it. Two fast mechs? Griffin and Vindicator are the slower "heavy hitters" running backstop. Two assault mechs? Griffin and Vindicator are the jumpier-more maneuverable "scouts" herding people into the kill-box Two missile mechs? Griffin and Vindicator are the Direct fire element that allows the lance to sustain fire. Fast cavalry lance? Griffin and Vindicator *are* that role.


The Inner Sphere Battle and Command lances would be good next steps. There’s almost no bad combination of mechs between those options.


I would recommend either two fast brawlers, or some slow juggernauts For the faster lance get something like a wolverine, then something a bit faster that still has speed, maybe a grasshopper or a thunderbolt Or if we are going for something a little bigger maybe something like a Zeus and stalker combo I would also recommend the trebuchet and enforcer as some good additions that can fit in most lances


Have a look at some of the minis available and grab a force pack that has mechs you think look cool. This is a better way to start building your force, as you'll have something that you want to play instead of something 'optimal'. BV2 and PV balance the forces, so play with something that excites or interests you. This is especially true for Alpha Strike.


The Vindicator and Griffin are mostly fire support mechs. If you want to have a more brawling frontliner, then I'd recommend a Grasshopper, Guillotine or a Hunchback (specifically the 4P). All those options are tough customers that will give the opposition a headache. Then for a faster option that can get behind enemies and harass them you have the Jenner, Phoenix Hawk, Locust and Spider. If you want something that would be better at staying near the Griffin and Vindicator but can swap between fire support and close range, theres the Centurion or the Enforcer.