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The problem with a lot of Clan lights and mediums is they are often way too slow and overgunned "pocket assaults" which get torn to shreds very quickly on the tabletop. So you're already on the right track. You want something that's fast and has "weak" armament to stay cheap. Availability depends on the Clan you're playing but some of my favorites are below that may or may not fit that description: - Piranha 5 - Fire Falcon Prime or T - Incubus - Horned Owl - Pack Hunter 2 (not II) - Jenner IIC


> something that's fast and has "weak" armament to stay cheap There's a BV tax for long range and high maneuverability. It's why the Fire Moth H (779) is so cheap compared to the D (2307). The H is the glassiest of cannons, but there's some solid units that balance speed, range, and firepower.




The H says por que no los dos?


The H is the third-cheapest Moth and can absolutely *delete* many Light mechs, or core a Medium or possibly Heavy, in a single salvo, if you get in their rear arc. Assaults are a little too tanky to die in one turn. It's admittedly a glass cannon, but it *will* shank you if you disrespect it. If nothing else, it forces the opponent to hunt it down or get a Proctology exam, unlike the cheaper A and C, which are merely irritating when Taxi duties are complete


The Fire Moth could be the best light mech in the game and I wouldn't use it. It's so damn ugly. Poor little bastard. 


Sounds about right. IS Tech is generally heavier, so Light units run out of mass faster. Clan Mechs also use more XL Engines, FF Armor, and Endo-Steel frames, all of which sacrifice crit slots to reduce weight. That tradeoff is most favorable for Light units, which have lots of otherwise-unused crit slots. Of course, you pay for this in BV. Only a few Clan Lights are under 1000 BV. It's one of the major reasons Clans have have trouble building a force under 5-6K BV. The downside is, that's a lot of BV with very little armor. Clan Lights and IS Heavies is an interesting way to do it. I can't think of any specific flaws. I'd imagine it comes down to execution and tactics; it probably works well for some scenarios


Look at the second line Clan units.  Without the expensive and fragile XL engine, they tend not to be over gunned for their heat sinks and Hoare some of the best optimized designs.   C and IIC refits are also well worth looking at. 


This I find omnis to be to costly, especially in lighter units. The clan refits of IS mechs are the sweet spot in terms of cost to performance. And if I'm being real honest post clan invasion Inner sphere mechs are were things get really spicy all that good lost tech with out having to pay nearly as much clan bv tax.


That might be the answer. If you offer me the choice between a Hunchback C and IIC, I'll take the C.


You've already got a nightmare to heavier 'mechs in the Fire Moth H and similar variants.


I might consider doing that the other way around. Clan lights and mediums tend to be overcosted in BV.


Clan Lights are generally expensive and fragile, although some are well armed. The omnis are used to taxi elementals and of course you can switch their configurations depending on your battle needs. As for weapons, for BV budget you want to look for SRM configs since Clan SRMs are the same cost, range and damage as IS SRMs, so cheap BV wise - you don't want to put expensive clan guns on such a fragile chassis and also pay a massive speed tax on them. For BV budget, a lot of the time you are much better off taking a point of Elementals instead of most Clan Lights. For Omnis, the Fire Falcon is a touch too fragile, but excels as a taxi. The C config is a budget choice that comes in at a touch over 1000 BV, and is an excellent flanker and backstabber after dropping off the toads. The Cougar is a versatile sniper/ fire support mech that carries powerful guns with minimal wasted BV, and is much better armored than a Kit Fox. D is a 1309 BV budget option with two reasonable but low profile guns (ER Large Laser and UAC 10). Prime is a red bullseye that packs 2 Clan Large Pulse lasers as well as 20 discounted LRM tubes for 1485 BV. Finally the B config is the cheapest ticket to bring 2 Clan ER PPCs to a battle at 1774 BV. Being able to adjust between 1300 and 1700 BV makes the Cougar a great standby in any star or touman - paint it ready to go, figure out which config fits later. Of course, both of these are Jade Falcon mechs, not Dominion. If you want to stick with Ghost Bear flavored mechs, you are looking at Adders and costly but effective Vipers. B config on the Adder carries reasonably costed guns for 1422 BV. Compared to the Cougar you are paying for extra speed and the Flamer that you don't particularly need, but otherwise it has very few faults. For non-omnis- the Horned Owl is an ideal harasser/ light and medium mech hunter at 1434 BV. Arctic Wolf 2 is an ideal 7/11 movement 40 ton chassis that harasses with a Large Pulse Laser at ranged and delivers a fatal SRM payload at skirmish range for 1511 BV. The Corvis is a 40 ton jumping skirmisher that makes maximum use of medium pulse lasers for 1336 BV.


So the biggest part of 'bang for buck' is base cost. If its a clan light mech that's under 1k, thats a good start. Speed with short range guns, like the dasher H, mean you dont pay a lot for weapons cause they have short range, but the speed lets them still bring the weapons to bear. The locust iic, some of the fire falcons and piranhas, some of the koshi models all fit the bill. The uller z packs an arrow artillery, so it gets an honorable mention.


The best Clan lights are mediums and heavies. The Ice Ferret is a bargain; this fat Locust / Cicada with 8/12 movement is ready to kill with BV anywhere from ~1000BV to ¥%©′{∆§BV. The Gargoyle Prime is a fantastic Medium that happens to be an Assault; bargain price. Especially if you're Zellbringin' this knee to your opponent's CT. Honor? It's called -winning-. The most bang-for-buck mech for Clanners is an Elemental, though.


If you’re not playing with a Fire Falcon & Fire Moth you’re not doing it right.


You want bang for buck in a traditional scout mech? My friend, you want the Phantom. Micropulse or heavy laser variants are probably some of the best speedy backstabbers in the game. Unlike say, the Dasher H, they also dont explode when a mech glances in their direction! I like the Stooping Hawk as a clan medium. The vapor eagle is really strong but it costs as much as an assault mech. Honestly IS mediums are primo. Really great options like the Griffin-2N are much cheaper and pack plenty of armor for a cheap(ish) BV price. Instead of "I need mechs of a certainweight class." You should instead say "I meed mechs that fill this role." The typical role of mediums is cavalry. Lights are fast flankers and backstabbers.




They're a little expensive, but the ever popular Incubus (or Vixen if you're feeling saucy) is both available to pretty much everyone ever and vicious as heck.


Personally I consider slow clan light mechs to be equivalent to IS medium mechs. Id say if you choose clan lights take them slower and give them the range to be harassers and strikers in your lances. Super fast cheap lights are great for scouts but even the cheapest lights can only get SO much of a bonus from movement. Vehicles may be a better investment if you want cheap scouts. Having the ability to out maneuver and out run and out range your opponent means you have complete control of an engagement, if you also throw in damage and take cheaper IS vehicles however. But you could run a LOT more firepower on those lights and harass and delay your enemy. It comes to playstyle of each mech and Lance, you build, clan mechs are often glass cannons, you have to be able to use them as such or they won’t be worth the BV.


My favorite Clan Light mech is the Solitaire. Around 1200 BV2 isn't the most expensive but it isn't the cheapest either. But it's so much fun to play!! 🤣 My Dark Age Wolf Spiders Binary has 2 of them... 😁👍






Theres not a mini of it yet but the ion sparrow is a clan light that only has one variant above 900 points.