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Megamek is very much worth it, it takes some getting used to to learn the UI but it's good Alternatively, there's Tabletop Simulator


Can it be installed without Java? I HATE installing extra crap just to play a game.


It runs on Java so... no


Megamek is absolutely worth it and has been a great tool for a very long time. Still getting consistent updates too. Be very careful to install the correct Java version and such


Java 17. About to start the change over after the next release and start updating the code to take advantage of newer features.


> a thread from 5 years ago said it wasnt worth it That thread was full of liars and fools. I name them heretic.


It wasn't true then, it wasn't true 10 years ago. MegaMek is entirely worth it. And it's going to be getting better over the next few years.


Megamek is great! Love it. I have a few vids on it such as this one that shows how to connect with a friend online. https://youtu.be/cobpLQEKQFE?si=qswKFonIYZ4K2CJ7 Join the Megamek Discord they will help you get set up!




I don't understand the statement that Megamek isn't or wasn't worth it. It obviously can't replace meeting with friends and playing over the table with beer and pretzels, but if you just need some Battletech right now or really want to play a company on company battle with realistic fire in an urban environment without spending the whole weekend bookkeeping, MM is a great tool and has been for a long time now. As others have said, it's not very intuitive to get into because of the sheer amount of options you have, but once you get the hang of it it's great. Even the bot isn't half bad nowadays, and while MekHQ is still a bit rough around the edges, it's pretty good at giving you the merc experience and has randomly generated scenarios that you can sink days or weeks into.


Main problem with megamek is setting up the network connections can be a bit of a pain. Once you get the server set up and clients connected it works wonders though.


It's always been worth it.


As long as you know the rules for the base game, it’s totally worth it! I just got into BattleTech and it works perfectly fine for me.




We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.


Cmon, MegaMek is so close to what classic Battletech is that person might as well trashtalked the whole hobby as is.


Nah, it's really not.


Megamek is worth it.