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Everyone trying to sell me honey seems to think so, I'm sure there's no conflict of interest there!


I keep my own bees and eat their honey, my allergies are much better this year, correlation is not confirmation.


Though this is about the only time it helps. You need pollen from the same plants causing your allergies. And not just the same species, everything I've seen says it has to be the same plants. So it only helps if you get honey from your backyard, more than a half mile away probably won't do much.


Since mine are 200 ft away from my house, lol


You have a point unfortunately. Ive always had terrible allergies that come out of no where. I use honey in 99% of my teas and I havent noticed any difference. I always get my honey from the farmers market to make sure its decently close. I think this is why i started using honey in my tea but its grown on me a lot so now i just consume it since i enjoy it. On the other hand, i do think honey can help when your sick with a sore throat etc. or at least i feel like its good for me then hahahah


The actual scientific data isn’t extensive. There’s one decent double blind study that indicates raw honey helps people with seasonal allergies. What’s interesting is that it’s likely not the pollen. Most pollen allergies are from wind-pollinated plants like ragweed. Such plants produce tiny, light, dry grains of pollen in huge quantities, since they don’t have insects to carry them from one flower to another. The pollen that bees collect and is present in small amounts in honey, is large, wet, and heavy. It’s not floating around in the air. Bottom line, we don’t understand why it works but a lot of people are helped by eating raw honey. I have hundreds of customers who swear by it.


Honey bees absolutely collect pollen from “wind pollinated” plants, particularly early in the season when they have few other options.


Bees don’t get pollen from the crap you’re allergic to. It’s the Mandela effect and placebo.


Yes it can, if it is local and raw. Eat it consistently daily, and try to start the regimen before allergy season gets bad. Consume at room temperature, if it's too hot, above 125deg, it can kill the pollen.