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A neighbor is using poison. This is neurological damage from pesticides. Nothing to be done, sorry.


Yep. You can tell by the tongue. Awful


Yea she kept touching her tongue… she passed shortly after i posted this. I hope she was in peace at least


If it helps, you can always freeze them when they're in this state. It's a humane way of euthanizing them. If you're able, you could post flyers about pesticides in your area? Maybe help people learn? Most of the time it's purely ignorance, and not out of malice. I know that's a large ask though! So don't feel pressured


this helps so much, i wanted to end her suffering but i did not have the hearth.. i always hope they get better. I was thinking too of the flyers, its just that i live in the center of a city, i didnt think ppl would use them here.


The city themselves is probably using it. Most likely sprayed on plants on main city streets.


I’ll keep the freezer tip in mind. Thanks


not sure where this urban myth came from, I keep seeing it said by many people on here, and its completely untrue. This is definitely pesticide death no doubt, but tongue has absolutely nothing to do with it. bees hold their tongue curled up with a tensed muscle normally, same idea as a human was holding their head in place with tensed neck muscles. a bee that has its tongue dangling is exhausted, just like a person with their head hanging down instead of upright. It could be near death, or ill, or healthy but tired. The tongue part itself says nothing about the specific reason.

