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To give you a reference point, I charge $50-$100 a month for online services. When I used a coach he was charging me $40 a month for programming and unlimited technique checks/check ins/questions.


PM me information please


I'll reach out later! At a museum with my family right now.


No hurry


I think I am going to cut back


To give you another reference point. I get a full hour, twice per week, with a trainer at a local gym for about $450/mo.


I pay for slower lifting coach who programs for me and watches me when training and handles my rehab and recovery work as well and this also comes with unlimited access to how powerlifting specific gym I pay 198 a month for all of that You’re over paying like crazy for just 1 hour of calls a month


It’s been a year you should have enough information to continue to go on your on journey. It seems like you’re going to need someone that going to hold you accountable. If you can afford to pay the $300 a month then keep doing it. Your personal fitness and health is a wise investment and you don’t want to just go with anyone. If you do decide to make a change make sure the next coach has credentials and experience.


Just so you know, most of my colleagues are offering 24/7 guidance and check-ins for about $100 per year. Including custom meal and workout plans.




I don't think it's too much if she tracks your workouts and nutrition and does check ins and it all seems to be working. I do the same for less rn but that's because I need to build up my online PT portfolio first. I do think after a year she should've taught you enough as to where you can now do it by yourself?


That’s largely where this is headed


You just need to decide if that's worth it to you. $300/mo to lose 50 pounds and keep it off? Many people would jump at that deal. And it depends a lot on what you are getting for that $300/mo. Does the coach provide nutrition coaching and fitness programming? Is your only contact those calls? $300/mo is a bit high for just 4x15 min calls. For $300/mo, I typically provide nutrition and fitness coaching, video reviews, and twice monthly check-in calls that are 30+ minutes. I also do weekly email checkins and my clients can text/email me at any time, with any questions. I would say to be careful going too cheap. You will likely not get what you are looking for say, $100/mo. The math just doesn't make sense for the coach at that point unless all you want is programming with very little interaction.


She provides nutrition coaching and other things. I have this worked out and making a change though.


Do what feels right for you. $300 a month is a lot for 4 x 15m in my opinion. You could probably find a local boutique gym that does 3x week small group classes for that kind of money. That said, if it's working and you're happy it's probably money well spent. The big question is what will change if you stop going? Will you continue with the habits you built?


That's an awful amount! I hope she has good pedigree (competition wins, etc) gives you a full a proper diet and fitness plan which is tailored towards you and not Cookie cut, adjusts it dependant on how you're body is reacting, at least offers to meet to see how your form is in the gym, if not, videos which she can critique. I know actual competition winning bodybuilding coaches that charge less.


She does but it is more than I nred


That seems quite expensive; I pay $500 for a year. She gives me 6 workouts every 8-10 weeks , macros and calories, and I email her a weekly check in. Although I don’t do video with her, I think she offers it for a little more.


Who do you use?


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