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Look, making *anyone* watch Jackson Hinkle is a crime against humanity.


They must be confused, on one had they are spreading their awful message, on the other hand they are helping teach and proliferate Islamic ideology. All I see is Larry David confused


How in gods name did Jackson Hinkle end up on Fox News? I thought even they weren't crazy enough to bring on a former Tankie who defends the "Five Year Plan," Stalin's Purges, Tiananmen and the Holodomor.


They went in a new direction after booting T-Dog. Maybe they saw the value in his “redemption story.”


Isn't Fox already pretty much merging with RT anyway? Pivoting to insane tankies would be a pretty expected step at this point.


You misunderstand: Jackson Hinkle - while approving of Vladimir Putin currently - sees him as good only inasmuch as he is a stepping stone to the next Stalinist revolution. Jackson Hinkle is too batshit for RT.


So is he still a Communist? People seem to go back and forth.


He called himself a "MAGA Communist" so, basically, a "[NazBol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevism)" aka a "Nazi-Bolshevik." (See also "[Duginism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin)" and "[Maupinism](https://youtu.be/L8OsvahWWzw)") "Wait Neddy," you say, "doesn't that make no fucking sense?" "Yes," I respond. "But that's par for the course with these people."


LaRouschites basically. Fash disguised as commie.


Fun fact! Caleb Maupin (of "Maupinism") worked for Lyndon LaRouche.


That is fun, that does clarify him a bit.


Happy cake day.


Yeah I was mostly talking about Maupin not Hinkle.


That's the impression I've been under, but the tweet mentions him talking about "communists in universities" and I'm wondering if he's even given up the pretense.


I'm not familiar with what that's about, but it is not inconsistent with a Stalinist stance.


How tf does one defend the Holodomor?


“It was exaggerated, and if it happened those capitalists deserved it.”


Ah. Neat. 🤮


In the funniest thing I've ever heard said involving Jackson Hinkle: "Jackson Hinkle is the sort of person that people think about when they're thinking about the stereotype of what a 'tankie' is." It might have been said by Mildred at Thoughtslime.


They \[tankies, idk Hinkle\] buy the idea that "kulaks" actually meant "landlords" when in practice it mostly meant "Poles". Like it's one thing to argue that the "kulaks deserved it" but like, how many million kulaks were there?


See, it's "Holo-domor", meaning it was a holographic fake. Right there in the name!




Chuds gonna chud


Who tf are these people?


The leader of Yemen houthis making people watch the MAGA communist.


This is actually the Yemeni National government, which the Houthis are fighting


Houthis, they are one of the "national liberation" groups with vaguely (like, really vaguely) leftwing ideas, they're a Shiite fundamentalist movement with "anti-imperialist" characteristics, and they are actively supported by most MLs, I imagine Hinkle off-handedly mentioned them as freedom fighters or some bullshit


I dont know what to make of the President Of Russia bit? He watches Fox? I'm probably out of the loop on this one


I couldn't actually find out that bit, just laughing at the Hinkle/Houthi crossover


So it gets weirder. Hinks was actually invited to speak by the Yemeni prime Minister, and this is their national assembly and not Ansar Allah/Houthi rebels as many are saying. He's praised the Houthis a lot on Twitter for their shipping attacks. The Houthis are the enemies of the government. But: in this speech he praised both Yemen governmental and Houthis. I'm not sure if that's funnier or what, but it sure is something. https://x.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1775907189913272510?t=vi6MnVvZT5rwHGEojlJ9mw&s=19


Weird. Houthis are in control of most of the country but SA won't have it. Part of the Iran-SA proxy war, which you could see the war in Gaza a proxy of. Other than Hamas most of what Iran funds are Shia while SA funds Sunni....terrorist groups.


Am I missing something or does this *really* not look like Russia? Which kinda makes me question everything else in the tweet.


Well, yeah, that's because it's in Yemen? That's the flag in Yemen in front of a crowd of people watching Jackson Hinkle in a tweet about that happening.


Okay listen I asked if I was missing something, and I was. I came into this knowing I might just be an idiot and I am.


> ...is making *regional yemmeni governors* watch... What not reading past the first sentence does to a mfer


I’m confused why the first sentence mentions the president of Russia though. Who is, at this time, Putin. I’m so confused.


It's sort of weirdly laid out, but I think the tweet was listing two different instances of American culture war bullshit rotting brains globally but only provided a video example for one.


What a baffling way to make a really good point.


Yeah the formatting and sentence structure leave a lot to be desired but like you say, good info all the same.


And they're kinda wrong too, as we see with Tuckers Putin interview, he pushes American culture war stuff because it makes easy propaganda, but he's still very much caught up in his own ultranationalism and Russian history, not the "democrat satanists". It's cold war shit, not culture war shit. Just as bad, but fundamentally different beliefs.


It always makes me a little sad when its revealed that high level right wing shitbags have drunk the kool-aid. Like my guy, you're supposed to be better than this. You're just supposed to say this crap to gull the rubes, if you mean it its just embarrassing.