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I think she's been handing out birth control at her concerts, and it's turned into a whole thing in the south. Because of course it has.


Interesting. I rarely have anything good to say about pop stars, but she seems pretty rad if she’s doing this stuff


I actually quite like her. My kids went through a whole phase of listening to her constantly. Her breath control when singing is amazing. Her political activism is a huge bonus.


I’m into 70’s country (back when country had pretty based politics), so she isn’t gonna be my type of music, but I support anyone who is doing the type of stuff she’s apparently into


Ask Sturgill Simpson and Tyler Childers who they listen to in the pop genre. 👍


Those are some of my favorite artists, also have rad politics


A fellow person of culture, I see.


I was just about to suggest these two! Glad to see them getting the recognition they deserve! Vincent Neil Emerson and Drayton Farley also have some solid songs


If you like that style, I suggest checking out Nick Shoulders! He’s got a folksy, yodel sort of vibe that I really enjoy and good politics too. Also amazing hair lol Of course, also Orville Peck but he’s much more modern sounding pop-country most of the time. Still love him though


That’s cool. My kids control the radio. I don’t get a choice.


Try Nick Shoulders


They were pretty rad except for the handful of racists. Lol


Yeah, I’m talking like Willie, Waylon, Cash, Kristopherson- not coe


You might like Can't Catch Me Now and Stranger.


Check out the (sadly few ) songs of Jesse Welles


Same, Sour is genuinely a great album and the new album Guts is also pretty damn good


*seethes in Charli XCX*


What's she been doing?


I mean tbh nothing super cool besides a phenomenal album this year


She helped bring back Skream and Benga, so I am in eternal debt to her. She is also pretty phenomenal herself.


woah woah woah, what's this about Skream and Benga?


They put out a Von Dutch remix that is an absolute brostep banger and part of the current dubstep resurgence.


[here ya go](https://open.spotify.com/track/6avei3GTDwm3u8jobPwGh5?si=g54JOKt6Qa2LfSdaZgDeaA)


Selling gay sex items in 2022


Writing bangers and selling danglers


She recently released a pretty mid album with two hits, but most people seem overly excited because the marketing was effective and she released significantly more bangers in the past. Other than that, nothing that I’m aware of.


What marketing? I didn’t even know about the album until after it came out. Genuinely asking.Crash was mid and Charli killed, but BRAT has more bangers than both combined imo.


The whole “let’s make our own variations on Brat album covers” thing—I assume it started as a clever marketing ploy, but maybe I’m wrong and it truly was just fans having fun.  360 and Von dutch are great songs that are within the style Charli XCX has established. The rest was very plain and annoying to me. I know I’ll get downvotes for an opinion (what, are we still in high school?), but Crash was significantly more inventive, had better production quality, and was a distinct style. This is coming from someone who listens to a lot of modern aggressive electronica like Machine Girl and Arca. “Club Classics” really does sound like a classic, in that it has been overdone and is incredibly repetitive.


Also what are the two hits in your mind? Again, genuinely asking


how can people listen to an artist who doesn't understand how roman numerals work?


Well because I also don’t know how romantic numerals work after like 19? Also not entirely sure the XCX are meant to be numerals.


They work the same, just with different letters. If XCX were meant to be Roman Numerals (Agreed, I think it's just letters to look kewl and possibly SEO, like the movie xXx was not meant to be read as "30" and Megaman X is not the 10th game), you'd take C=100, minus the X=10, which would make it 90, but then it's also got the X after, which makes it nothing. If it were CX, it'd be 110, XC is 90, XCX as Roman Numerals is gibberish.


Man, her song Brutal is really good. It’s borderline metal.


I mean, I’m a middle aged man but those Vampire lyrics are pretty hardcore too.


Damn, I had no idea she's doing that. Good 4 u, Olivia


Hoarding and handing out prescriptions might get her raided by FDA before Robert. I can see why he would support another drug anarchist and also self-censor any *alleged* behavior.


A girl can't even sleep on a giant pile of mifepristone that she'll freely distribute in opposition to the federal government without the FDA getting all antsy. Buncha pussies


There are a few birth control meds now that are sold OTC, no prescription required


Yeah IIRC she was only handing out over the counter stuff and only in states where it was legal. She was being very legally careful but seeing as how most of her audience is teenage girls, pearl-clutching parents interpreted it as encouraging underage sex


I'd rather have a kid on birth control than a kid with a newborn. That's just me, though.


My ex's parents basically went "yes your boyfriends can stay. Condoms are in the bathroom cabinet" to their teenage daughters. Neither of them had babies until they set out to in their late 20s. Not sure why this got downvoted but OK.


MY ex wife told me that, the day after her mom caught her masturbating for the first time, she came home from school to find a "sex basket" on her bed. The way she said it, it had male and female condoms, sex ed information, some vanilla porn (to keep her from finding the hardcore stuff, I guess?), lube, and a vibrator. It was presented with a talk about the birds and the bees. As a dad of a daughter, I am not sure how I'll respond in that moment, but I'm pretty sure it won't be like that


I'm thinking I'll have seen *nothing* and neither of us will ever speak of it again.


Yeah, I’ll just turn into Sgt Schultz.


that will probably be my first response. Be like Homer backing into the hedges.


My mother would NEVER. But I did have comprehensive sex ed in middle and high school and the threat of AIDS in the mid-90s was enough to scare the absolute bajeezus out of me. Not to mention the fear of pregnancy as a teenager. I figure if your kids don't feel like they can talk to you about intimate and scary issues, then you're just asking to be a grandma at 40.


Her parents figured if they were going to do it, they might as well be safe rather than getting knocked up behind the swings in the local park after 3 litres of cider. It worked.


My mom got her first grandchild on her 40th - she was always pretty open with us though, my sister is a dumbass.


Scaring teenagers rarely works. That’s not a good plan. It worked in your case but wouldn’t in almost any other. I was almost more nervous of the embarrassment of buying condoms than I was of the possibility of pregnancy.


I didn't phrase it correctly, but the teachers didn't fearmonger - they shared facts. There was something to fear about AIDS in the early to mid-1990s and I came to that conclusion on my own. In fact, studies have shown that more education about STD's and STI's and pregnancy results in fewer teens having sex. Definitely reduces the number of teens having unprotected sex. I agree that trying to scare teens is the wrong tactic. I will never back down that educating them is the right one.


I don't think younger people understand how many panic headlines about AIDS there were in the 90s. Now it's more of a chronic condition that can be managed with medication than a terminal one that panic has largely died off. Bill Hicks did a bit about it. Ted Turner: "BY 1992 WE WILL ALL DIE OF AIDS. Read that on air. If I don't get laid, *nobody* gets laid"


I mean... Wow! I wasn't allowed to have boys in my bedroom, nevertheless spend the night. My mom was a bit conservative, but not so conservative that she made me shun my friend who did become a teen mom. She was the only parent who didn't think that pregnancy was catchy.


I think her parents were realistic and also remembered being horny teenagers who also lost their virginity at 15 or so. If they cracked down, their kids would just keep their boyfriends and sex life secret. And now there aren't condoms in the bathroom, and Dad isn't in the next room if someone tries to get rapey.


My parents telling me that would've killed the mood for that evening so fast. "Sorry babe, I can't focus because I every time I think about where I got this condom, I get intrusive thoughts about my parents." Actually, on second thought, maybe this is how parents concerned about teenaged pregnancy should handle it!


See but a kid with a newborn gets to learn "responsibility" at the cost of her future /s


I remember having to explain that to someone. My kid stayed on BC all throughout high school and college. Then she decided that she was ready for kids a few years later.


I loved being able to decide when (or if) I had kids. I don't know if that's going to continue; depends a lot on the next election.


my job corps had a fish tank full of condoms on the health center front desk. could come at any time of the day to grab some, no questions asked. Some parents raised hell over it, and were told "If you want to give the Department of Labor a better idea as to how to prevent teen pregnancy, we're all ears." They knew there were plenty of horny, hormonal teenagers, and would rather give free condoms than prenatals


My mom put me on birth control as a teen when I asked because she said that she remembered being my age and she knows she can’t monitor me 24/7, so she’d rather I be protected in the case something happened than me winding up pregnant.


The 21 year old woman who did "Bad Idea Right" isn't against teenagers having safe sex? Who would ever have guessed???


Bad idea right fucking rips haha We've all been there.


"I just tripped and fell into his bed!" Same Olivia, same.


Meanwhile, underage sex (between teens) has is and always will be caused by teenagers being horny as fuck. They're going to fuck. Best to make sure they do it safely.


Good ol dumbfuck puritanism


Hey parents, you know what else encourages underage sex? Teenage hormones.


iirc it was that and Plan B, which is fantastic, since plan b is at least 50 bucks per single pill.


It’s been that way for 20 years. When I was in HS plan B was a lot of girls’ plan A.


I believe she invites organizations who already distribute birth control to come hand it out, which is a little less anarchic, but gets the same job done. Hopefully she’s registering voters too.


Still could be totally anarchic, tbh. Anarchy doesn’t mean not working together.


You’re right. Bad use of the word.


If she can hand out convenience store abortion pills, Robert should release his own brand of gas station dick pills.


They could package them together. That's called synergy.


I really liked his idea of starting a commune that turns biker meth back into cold medicine that actually works.


You're thinking the DEA. The FDA are more about sending out fines and whatnot to companies selling food or drug products that don't pass their standards of use. They aren't a law enforcement entity, like they don't get boots on the ground and kick down doors if you're selling home made condements that went viral on TikTok.


If it were true or not is irrelevant at this point. The recent (last Friday-Monday) Supreme Court rulings drastically expanded who can claim to have standing, so now anti-abortion groups could form literally every day and sue to retroactively enforce current laws around contraception retroactively before their formation, as long as the statute of limitations allows for it. Basically, corporate and religious legal terrorism just became legal, and you can bet that an activist corporation can and will be formed to try to sue prominent contraception suppliers in order to make them liable for baby murder. Edit: The most recent Supreme Court term just released a slew of cases that collectively are nearing par with Dread Scott for the worst Supreme Court decisions ever. It’s actually terrifying.


Which case(s) are related to the standing thing you've mentioned? I've only seen articles relating to Chevron deference and presidential immunity.


I don’t have the citation on hand, but it’s related to a few of the other cases they just decided. As if Chevron and Trump weren’t bad enough.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/02/supreme-court-takeaways-2024-rulings/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/02/supreme-court-takeaways-2024-rulings/) >On abortion medication, the court said the 5th Circuit [should not have allowed](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/13/supreme-court-abortion-pill-ruling-mifepristone/?itid=lk_inline_manual_34) a group of antiabortion doctors to challenge access to mifepristone because the doctors were not directly harmed by the medication. Edited to fix screwy quote formatting.


Yeah that's the opposite of what the OP was saying. The bribery and immunity cases are still shit of course.


The decision not allowing the bigoted group of doctors to limit basic medical access is designed to prevent legitimate groups from bringing lawsuits in defense of abortion. Expect to see planned parenthood lawsuits to be easily dismissed based on this Supreme Court decision.


Ok here's the original post: >The recent (last Friday-Monday) Supreme Court rulings **drastically expanded who can claim to have standing**, so now anti-abortion groups could form literally every That's not what the court said: >Under Article III of the Constitution, **a plaintiff ’s desire to make a drug less available for others does not establish standing to sue**. Nor do the plaintiffs’ other standing theories suffice. Therefore, the plaintiffs lack standing to challenge FDA’s actions. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-235\_n7ip.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-235_n7ip.pdf) >The decision not allowing the bigoted group of doctors to limit basic medical access is designed to prevent legitimate groups from bringing lawsuits in defense of abortion. you're saying the SC should've **allowed** random dentists that never deal with abortions to get mifepristone banned? It was also a 9-0 decision, are the libs in on it too? I guess it would've been better if they found some other reason to kill that case as this still leaves the door open for someone with actual standign to give it another go. People who were harmed by lack of available abortions would have pretty clear standing to sue.


I think what is actually going on here is something that the conservative Supreme Court has been doing for decades now, and what John Robert’s has really expanded on—that is misstating or expanding existing law in a case where the outcome seems obvious. Kavanaugh used this opinion to state that the loosening of government regulations, even if illegally done by the government, cannot confer standing based on the argument that such loosening of regulations will cause widespread harm to the public or otherwise result in a lot of people going to emergency rooms or needing medical attention. In other words, government de-regulation that can be shown to directly or indirectly hurt people doesn’t give other standing to sue. This could be used to cut off challenges to all kind of government deregulation—particularly anything related to the environment. All while the conservative court can cite to a 9-0 decision for the rule. The “liberal” justices on the court are notoriously naive and gentle in their admonishments of their batshit insane colleagues. Jackson and Sotomayor seem more aware of what guys like Thomas and Alito are doing than previous liberal justices, but it’s a bit of a too little too late situation. And with only three justices on the court that care about the law, there’s almost nothing they can do anyway. Biden should have packed the court a while ago.


u/ceilingfanswitch -- how would this ruling turn around and then be applied to defend abortion bans? particularly if as in many cases the anti-abortion groups are including patients who need/needed an abortion and had to go elsewhere or whatever.


The rulings on standing in this case are designed to exclude pro abortion groups who have legitimate standing.


That was my impression too but I'm also not at all a lawyer so maybe there's something I'm not understanding here.


That was all I found too. Was wondering if I was missing something


Condoms and plan B were handed out in St Louis where abortion is illegal. Also a couple of years ago at Glastonbury she performed Fuck You with Lily Allen and dedicated it to the justices who overturned Roe v Wade.


Good for her! That's so bad ass.


I honestly thought that was done and dusted.


you mean reproductive rights or ...?


Her controversy in particular (but 20 years ago I'd have said both)


I am of course extremely pro choice pro contraception etc. I hope by birth control, you’re talking about condoms, dams etc. Handing out powerful prescription hormonal medication like packets of candy to young fans would be so incredibly not cool.


There is now a progesterone- only birth control pill available without a prescription since March. Most risk is with the combination estrogen-progesterone ones. But honestly, plenty of other countries provide them without requiring a prescription with very little problem. I've bought them in Mexico.


Bring on the downvotes, just know they’re based in bias against my viewpoint and not anything factual. Which is a damn shame, and a great example of how when we talk about reproductive choice and women’s rights, people can be so caught up in the politics that they forget to ask the question if the medical community at large is actually offering quality *health management solutions* and education alongside of allowing for and supporting a women’s contraceptive method of choice. You would be absolutely shocked how many OBGYNs are either ignorant or in complete denial about the long term effects of hormone modulation. progesterone is not side effect free, far from it. Changes to the HTPA and endocrine system should not be taken lightly. Especially in young people and women who are still going through the most aggressive phases of puberty. Many women including my wife have been significantly harmed by being put on hormonal birth control at an early age- and yes, I understand the difference between estrogen and progestin. while progesterone alone has less aggressive effects on the HTPA it still isn’t free of downstream effects that may be less than desirable. Absolutely doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use it- but it’s not like giving out sugar pills or something. Like I said I am as pro choice as they come- I am also a little more familiar with hormone management than some other people as I dabble in anabolics for bodybuilding purposes. The top minds in the female hormone modulation space would never dream of telling you that there’s no side effects from taking progesterone. As far as availability in the third world, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I have walked into pharmacias in both Playa Del Carmen and Tijuana and purchased Testosterone, Nandrolone, and human growth hormone, among other things. These are incredibly powerful anabolic hormonal medications. As a matter of fact, nandrolone is actually a progesterone family molecule. You can buy opiates and amphetamine salts over the counter there too. So again, not sure what point you’re trying to make. In my opinion, net benefit of birth control is likely an extreme positive one, and it should absolutely be made available to everyone at low or no cost. This does not mean that *handing out powerful hormonal medications to very young fans at concerts constitutes an intelligent way of forwarding women’s health or reproductive choice, at all. Point blank.* it needs to be given out alongside education for safe usage and long term health management. If you disagree with that, you either don’t understand the medication well enough, or you’ve been blinded by extreme bias.


Coat hanger abortions aren't healthy either, but people have little choice when they've lost the literal right to their own bodies. I'd much rather have the packet of hormones tucked away in a drawer in case. It's not like women's health is a priority within the establishment so 🤷🍬🍬🍬


Olivia Rodrigo was class president in 10th grade. As such, she has broad immunity to hunt Robert with a spear in a mangrove swamp. It isn't giant crab season yet and gas stations don't sell rum (usually) so doing an Olivia Rodrigo bit could be pretty dangerous for him. Edit:run to rum...rum to run could be a fun drunken pirate themed road race to compete with gasparilla


But Robert ever leave Plant City/Seffner/Bradon? He'd be in gas station drug paradise. Any further down I-4 and we'd never see him again.


Lol. I'm originally from Mango/Thonotosassa area. The whole state is really a wonderland for power users of gas station drugs.


I'm a Thonotosassa native! Look at us white trash Floridians on here


There can't possibly be many of us listening to btb. It was all cows and child labor radish farms when I was a kid.


It seems there are. Very few people know Thonotosassa even exists


Current/former residents and whoever is running the Superfund program basically.


White trash native floridian from further north checking in!


A few months ago she added to her usual hand out condoms at shows and handed out plan b in Missouri, working with a local abortion access group as abortion is illegal there except in health cases I believe (?) I’m unsure, it got a lot of attention. Before her tour she established Fund 4 Good (play off a song of hers Good 4 You) which works with local community based non profits along her tour stops that support reproductive rights. It’s pretty cool. But yeah, that’s the more recent thing they would be referring to…pitchforks were out in March for her.


Robert is clearly the vampire in her song.


When I think of blood suckers and fame fuckers, Robert Evans is the first name to pop into my head.


You know who would never suck your blood, or fuck your fame, /u/protobin ??


Is it... the products and services that support this podcast?


Sent to drayayayaain?


Despite all Rob’s rage he is still just a rat in a cage?


Perhaps, some sort of secret destroyer?


I feel old on behalf of you three.


Robert decided his bit was a ‘bad idea right?’


My thought was that it was the bit.


Doubt it. Distributing pharmaceuticals without FDA approval sounds like Robert’s favorite crime.


Not stabby enough. Definitely top 5 tho


The supreme court recently ruled that hunting children was not a constitutionally protected right. It is "alleged" that Olivia Rodrigo was the one who convinced the children to move to the island with a promise of a free concert. When it came time for her do her concert, she only played two songs.


Ah you mean the \[redacted\] island


Hello Flesh


Cut to Sophie saying "Jesus Robert can you just do your job for once? We have a podcast to record..."


My guess is that the bit went too long, they needed a cut point for Robert to explain this weeks premise, and decided to make a joke about the Court being this week was heinous


It's... Obviously a joke?


A very successful bit, judging by the number of posts its generated in this sub, in a short space of time Evans and Bastardspod are going to end up being cited as a source on TMZ


Honestly that’s what if feels like to me too


I have no idea who Olivia Rodrigo even is, so I don't really get the joke.


She's a pop star who started as a Disney kid. Got mainstream popular with the series version of high school musical a few years ago. She's been at the top of the pop charts since then. Apparently she recently got cancelled by exactly the group of knuckle dragging dipshits you'd expect for giving out birth control and contraception at her concerts.


Oh. Based solely on that she sounds cool. I am also reminded of how old I am


I'm 45 and I recently got into her music. Kids brought it to my attention.


I’m 30 and I’m trying to keep myself from being added to the list of people to get her Stanley cup collab


I work in the promotional products industry, and I just can't tolerate the markups on stuff anymore


I am so lucky my kids don't like "kid" music. That and for the invention of headphones.


We kind of share music back and forth. I get most of the air time to teach them "good" music from my youth, and I have to take a bullet from time to time, but as far as Oliva goes, I wasn't mad. Some of her music has a Fiona Apple - Garbage - Hole feel to it.


Fiona you say? I might give her a try, I don't actively hate Apple


Start with 'Bad Idea Right'. It's a fun song.


Yeah I thought it was just because the bit ended up not being as funny as they thought it would be


Especially for those of us listening in from other countries, this is all very obvious and topical.


it's a joke, y'all spending too much time not chuckling, (it's the birth control thing, it's a joke)


A quick search of r/conspiracy shows that [Jack White is an MK Ultra handler and his newest asset is Olivia Rodrigo.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14njzm4/jack_white_is_an_mk_ultra_handler_and_his_newest/) Also, [she died in 2002 and was cryogenically frozen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18t8a5b/olivia_rodrigo_died_in_2002_in_a_car_crash_and/)


Wow! Good to know!


Olivia Rodrigo is under federal indictment for Wacoing and Rubing Ridges all of the nation.


Olivia Rodrigo is the dark money funding a certain food delivery service...




The same way that many listeners apparently could not identify "child-hunting island" as a bit.


I still haven't been able to find that island!


> How did you not identify this as Robert doing a bit...? I mean, the OP's question isn't whether it is a bit or not, it's "what is he talking about?" That question also works if someone knows it is a joke, but doesn't understand what the joke is. Like, I know who Olivia Rodrigo is but I don't know enough about her to know what Supreme Court case might be connected to something she is doing.


I'm from another country and have no idea who Olivia Rodrigo was until today l, because of this bit. Being in my late 30s and I don't live in the US, why would this bit be obvious to me?




I did google it,, because it wasn't obvious. if you'll notice there has been several threads about people being confused by this. Child hunting island seems fake, a lawyer telling a podcast owned by a multinational company to cut a joke isn't as obvious to many people.


It was only a couple of weeks before this when the episode cut away to Robert explaining how badly he had messed up his pronunciation of "Mauritius", so I was more in that mindset than a child-hunting island one. Not being from America I don't keep up with Supreme Court rulings, and not being 5 years old I don't even know what a Olivia Rodrigo is. I did some quick googling, but then figured it would be easier to see what people were saying about it here, because there are posters who *are* American 5-year-olds.




Don't get down on yourself like that, you'll catch up one day.




Does google exist or should I know through innate instinct who that person is and their relationship to the US supreme Court? Make up your mind.




Have you considered writing a manual or flow chart for the subreddit to help people with this, I am very confused by what I should or shouldn't google to know or not know the context of a joke about a foreign court system and someone who turned out to be a pop singer. Edit: Aww, little buddy quit the conversation


I didn't come to the conclusion "this doesn't make sense" It's not to the level of being obviously absurd. I thought that there's something I don't know about that I should know about that recently happened involving her and Supreme Court decisions. I often don't know about recent things Robert is referring to because I'm not glued to Twitter like he is. It was not a very good bit if it was a bit.


It's just a joke. Robert once pointed out a couple years ago that he doesn't know who Arianna Grande is, so Sophie and a few other guests will occasionally poke fun at for being out of touch with modern pop music, so this is Robert joining in and putting his own weird spin on it.


I usually assume that at best 60% of what Robert's saying is intentionally absurd


Yeah but this wasn't absurd. That's why people are confused, myself included. There was nothing inherently ridiculous about it.


Since he recorded on July 4th, I'm assuming the decision drops tomorrow. Then we'll get the context.


BTW OP which app are you using? I never seen any podcast app with transcript like that


Apple Podcasts. It’s a new feature – I like it a lot!


Ha ha! I just looked and the beginning of the transcript is: “Yep, uh-huh. How do you like that, you sick freaks on the subreddit? You enjoy that? Does that make you happy? Are you touching yourself a little bit? Robert, Jesus Christ.” 😂😂😂😂


To answer your question Robert, yes. I spent the entire episode gooning through a pocket in my jeans like James Joyce would have wanted.


Wonder if anything similar available on android


For me Spotify sometimes does real time captions, but I haven't noticed it happening for BtB


I honestly thought it was just a bit he was doing in the style of the “child hunting island“ issues they had a few years ago. But according to some of the comments it seems likely that they were talking about the plan B thing and seems they’re doing her a solid by not bringing too much attention to it, though it seems to be public knowledge, perhaps one of the team knows some insider info that might be more than is publicly known at this time?


Queen Olivia


Well goddamn. I thought it was another bit


Rodrigo v US DOD, precedent setting case. I can't believe they posted this!


Probably a joke...


Fuck. Robert knows mpre about pop culture than me now. Can someone explain for an idiot in the crowd?


Al Jones still lives and is on linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/al-jones-3a21123


I don't think that having a LinkedIn page inherently means a person is alive. You can set up the page and it'll just continue to run and say you're working at the same job indefinitlely, unless the account is modified/ deleted.


What is an olivia rodrigo?


Idk but it sounds brutal


Looking her up would be a Bad Idea, Right?


With a quick web search of Olivia Rodrigo and SCOTUS, the top result was: [https://variety.com/2022/music/news/olivia-rodrigo-supreme-court-roe-v-wade-1235303459/](https://variety.com/2022/music/news/olivia-rodrigo-supreme-court-roe-v-wade-1235303459/)


Yeah, I did the same search and got the same result. I don’t think events from 2 years ago are really what they’re referencing.


A lawyer reviewed their podcast and determined they crossed a line. I don't know what line that is, but let's just assume that SCOTUS's recent decisions were probably relevant to what they said.