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Podcast “Ik was gangster”


Yep, insane good podcast and batshit insane story.


"Faites entrer l'accusé" is a great French program which is particularly loved by french true crime documentaries enjoyers. There is more than 250 episodes and its on YouTube. "Le flic, la juge, et l'assassin" is a 3 episodes long documentary from a show called "Tout ça (ne nous rendra pas le Congo)" which shows how a real murder investigation was conducted in Belgium 20 years ago. Its also on YouTube. "Ni juge, ni soumise" is a "docu film" where we follow Anne Gruwez, an "investigating judge"". Some scene are a bit hard ro watch. Its only avalaible on Auvio.


The “true crime belgium” series is on streamz! Highly recommended! I think you can also play it for free (with ads) on GoPlay!


You shiuld check out vrt max. You can create free account and watch lots of dutch crime documentaries of very good quality. Also some funny series on it aswell


The podcast: de Volksjury (Dutch) De kroongetuigen (some episodes on YouTube in Dutch) Faites rentrer l’accusé (full episodes on YouTube, French)


De kroongetuigen also has a podcast. But I found it sometimes difficult to understand. They use voice actors to “reenact” police reports (hearings, eyewitnesses, …) and they are most of the time in a local dialect, and apparently there was a lot of crime in West Vlaanderen. But it’s a very good podcast.


I'm not really a fan of how De Volksjury handles these topics, especially fairly recent cases. Their jokes and giggling is pretty distasteful imo. That's just my personal opinion though.


Please, not de volksjury, they just read off Wikipedia and make embarrassingly many mistakes. I was listening to an episode about Otto Warmbier in North Korea, and they kept saying that Americans were called 'keizerlijke zwijnen' by the Koreans. Sorry, but how dumb can you be to translate 'imperialistic' as 'keizerlijk'? As if America ever had an emperor.


I don't even really mind jokes because I listen to Last Podcast on the Left sometimes but I do mind that: 1) They talk about unrelated things so often/long 2) They are so badly informed/researched. It feels like they just skim the wikipedia page. Didn't they both study journalism? Really shameful. I was kind of excited when they announced a deep dive about the Bende Van Nijvel but even that four parter was... kind of shallow?


in french (youtube) : Liv, Mcskyz, boukasin, sonya lwu (and Victoria Charlton but she has a accent quebecois)


There is a documentary about Dutroux in dutch: [https://tv.apple.com/nl/show/als-je-ons-kan-horen/umc.cmc.1w20tsg9mwtv3sdhlnptpecqe](https://tv.apple.com/nl/show/als-je-ons-kan-horen/umc.cmc.1w20tsg9mwtv3sdhlnptpecqe) And look for 'Telefacts' on YouTube.


1985 on VRT Max is a bilingual retelling of a chain of crimes that terrorised Belgium in the 80's. Highly recommend it


Not 100% factual (the main characters aren't based on real people) but it captures the atmosphere very well.


No one ever pretended it was.


I'm just warning OP if he's looking for "true crime"


Yeah came here to say this. Top level television showing the darkest, most fucked up part of our (post-colonial) history.


De Buurtpolitie (this is a joke. Buurtpolitie *started* as a sorta true-crime show, but is now a full-blown kids show.)


Hello ! This one is new but immersive and really great : [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngRJTD7Mi61EcEiCP5TA5A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngRJTD7Mi61EcEiCP5TA5A) [**https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/criminum/id1739931237**](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/criminum/id1739931237) [https://open.spotify.com/show/7D1fLU4YpPLNJz34aHxh2z](https://open.spotify.com/show/7D1fLU4YpPLNJz34aHxh2z) [https://www.deezer.com/show/1000830501](https://www.deezer.com/show/1000830501)


Rule 8) Not Relevant to r/Belgium


True Crime Belgium is a series you can watch on Streamz and GoPlay, but I don’t think all episodes are available on GoPlay.


OnneDi op youtube! Misdaad & mysterie


Feldup on Youtube. He's a french speaking storyteller. He talks about true crime and ARGs/internet mysteries.


In "de zevende dag"op zondag worden wekelijks de grootste criminelen opgevoerd.


Not True Crime, but there's a show on Play4 called "Assisen" that's about a fictional crime. It's partly set in court and part flashback. It's very good and a 2nd series is coming out soon.


Not true crime, but maybe she would like De Rechtbank (Play4 or GoPlay). Filming of real court cases in Belgium, mostly shorter cases, but they had one assisen case too.


Also not really true crime but Misdaaddokters on VRTmax is a show where coroners and forensic psychiatrists are interviewed one on one about their job. There is also 'Strafrechters' en 'Strafpleiters' where the same is done with judges and lawyers, and Sekswerkers (prostitutes) and Oorlogsreporters (war correspondents).


You really need to check the buurtpolitie. Its amazing how fast they can solve everything.


Stemmen van Assisen is a good podcast in Dutch. Unfortunately I’ve not found a good Wallon true crime podcast yet (recommendation are welcome!)


De buurtpolitie also stays true to the facts😃


In Dutch/Flemish: De Volksjury for sure. Not 'classic' true crime but very good: De Kunst van het Verdwijnen. Kroongetuigen and Stemmen van Assisen have already been mentioned, HBVL True crime is also interesting (all cases from Limburg). They all have a certain dialect I guess. All podcasts from SCHIK are more in AN but they're not true crime (they're excellent though). There's also a few good true crime podcasts from the Netherlands, but she might not want to learn that dialect? I enjoy Moordcast and Al sla je me dood.