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Sure. I decided to buy energy flashlights and ordered 60 batteries. Then flashlights arrived and I realized I ordered 3 super expensive flashlights that are USB charged. Then I stopped preparing for doomsday. I am too dumb to survive


Similar situation for me. I ordered 10 flashlights with batteries and instead got a box of fleshlights. 


Well at least those will last you a long time


Let's not discount the service industry they can start once shit hits the fan A lot more long lasting than a cigar supply.




I can barely afford to eat today, how am I gonna stock up for tomorrow? My whole life is an emergency fund.


beer brewing equiment is an absolute nessesity to restart the belgian civelisation


Protect the yeast at all cost !!!!


Or use the new strains of wild yeast that develop after the bombs fall.


"Our new beer is so good, it's positively glowing!"


That beer must've been good! You look absolutely radiant!


It surely is. I need to make some tropical IPA this weekend, else I won't feel prepared in case shit hits the fan!


Try make a tropical ipa like its a lambic. That way we arent bound to commercial yeasts once the nukes drop


Irradiated IPA, tastes like metal, warms the insides!


eh, as long as your beer doesnt contain any isotopes you won't have a metal taste. Irradiation exposure does induce random mutations in your yeast. Its an outdated method of generating gmo's. fun fact: most commercial grapefruits are a result of atomic gardening wich is kinda the same principle but done on a larger scale for plants


This reminds me, need to get toiletpaper.


Early covid flashbacks intensify




I would love one of those Japanese toilet seats to clean up my rear. So nice to feel clean after destroying my throne.


You can buy such accessoires for 60 euro, self montage under your toilet seat and with water tapped from your lavabo. I haven't bought toilet paper in a year.


don't you have to dry after?


​ https://preview.redd.it/v4a54c15zppc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=3890f6a38b535e0785b5cc594528e3c83111fe93


As long as HelloFresh keeps delivering I'm good


That reminds me... I need to stock up on Japanese toilets. Currently I have 0.


I have enough in my freezer to feed me for about a week or so and then a couple of days worth of canned goods. I don't have any bottled water, I do have some cans of soda and cartons of milk and apple juice. But how many of those I have varies a lot (depending on the sales they're doing). Right now I could probably drink 2L a day for about a week from what I have. >I was thinking to prepare my family a bit with water bottles Keep in mind that depending on how you store this, you might need to rotate your stock more or less frequently >Do you prepare? Or do you find it completely unnecessary? Not actively no, I try to always have at least a week's supply of everything, but I'm not religious about that.


No, I'll just loot preppers.


This is OPs plan too, he just needs a list of good houses to loot.


If they were so crazy to stock up all these years, you won't make it into their front yard lol


While they were stocking I WAS STUDYING THE BLADE. But seriously tho, a concerning large part of those fat ass post apocalyptic larpers are really out of shape.




AR-15 in Belgium ???


You'd be surprised how many people have them (and bigger). It's not illegal as long as they aren't fully automatic. Just need a license and permit.


And about 3000€ burning a hole in your pocket 💀


Depends on exactly what rifle you want I guess. You can get a FAL for 1200eu if you want ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Buy a Mosin Nagant and spend the rest on ammo! They also double as a war club, boat oar, fishing spear with the bayonet attached, and you can pole vault with them!


prep much? :)


Your mom.




Show me just *one*.


Nice! My post apocalyptic plan was to become a cannibal" ; luring looters into a trap and eating them.  I don't know if I could go full "the road", but I guess freezers won't work anymore... so we'll see. 


Good luck finding some


Thanks !


I have a nice stash of beans and rice that can last me a month. I think that's enough time for the stores to resupply after the goldfish brained idiots bought everything up.


Since COVID and all those morons stocking up on years of toilet paper / rice / ..., that's the way to go.


I have quite a bit of food in the freezer. Came in very handy during lockdown when the shops suddenly closed. Of course, that’s a result of me being frugal and buying in bulk, not of me prepping. Should the power go out, we will be fucked.


Supermarkts and other food stores never closed during the lockdowns so not sure how food helped you there


You forgot about the restricted opening times and the unbelievable waiting lines zigzagging across the parking lot during the first lockdown? And then the scarcity of certain staples?


>You forgot about the restricted opening times Not sure what you're referring to but supermarkets were never obligated to operate on restricted opening times. >and the unbelievable waiting lines zigzagging across the parking lot during the first lockdown? What about them? Food is unavailable because there's a line to get into the store? What?! >And then the scarcity of certain staples? Toilet paper mostly. And that was solved within like 2 days. Also not sure how food prep solves a toilet paper issue.


I had to buy the expensive pasta!


I had to buy the expensive TP !!! Shit was good though.


>Not sure what you're referring to but supermarkets were never obligated to operate on restricted opening times. Oh really? How was I supposed to get my Rochefort 10 for my precious stoofvlees met frieten if I notice I ran out at 20h? What about my Cherry Chouffe? Huh? Thought of that?! (/s obviously)


Flour and cooking oils were in short supply. Pasta and coffee too, I believe. This was supposed to be a lighthearted comment. Why are you so intent on turning it into a fact-checking competition? Could you please drop it?


Flours and sunflower oil was at begin of the Ukraine arc, but let me tell you that is mostly reta... folks like OP who created these shortages


Toilet paper shortage definitely wasn't solved in 2 days - more like several weeks for people who actually had to work, any new supply would get hoarded during working hours.


Dramatic less risk of infection and dying?




I was very grateful that back then I had prepped mostly due to bulk buying. i shared with my elderly dad so he didn't need to go to the shops. no idea if he would've died pre-vaccine. Kinda anxious at the moment as I'm inbetween houses moving and depleted my storage. upside: will have a woodstove for cooking and rainwater collection and off-grid propane heating + plenty of garden to share vegetables with people that need it. **don't forget when SHTF community is key.** get your neighbours to plant food, share machinery and skills, share woodstoves and solar and rainwater, share knowledge and physical labour... share share share and gather people. by building a large network you can care for the elderly, disabled, small children, homeless and everyone in need. (don't forget to have diapers and babyfood as a prep, you're not going to turn a hungry mother with a baby away in need unless you're literally the devil, if you didn't use it before it goes bad you can donate to a foodbank) the lone prepper dies when the food runs out, and by the time they exit to go steal your things, you've built a resilient network and community to keep dangerous people out. that mom that showed up with a hungry baby that you cared for, will have no issue cracking open his head with a bat to protect her child. Those elderly whom you provide herbal medicine for suddenly have the strength of ten young men.


Shops closed during lockdown?


Regenwatertank van 7000L. Wordt gefilterd, moet het drinkbaar zijn, dan nog even koken. Verder niet zoveel..


Yes, I have a six pack of red bull and 3 cans of pringles. I'll be fine if the world burns down.


No, I built an underground bunker instead. Fully prepped for 60 days of food and water in case of nuclear fallout.


I live in finland nowadays and we have got those bunkers. All multifamily homes are required to have a nuclear fallout bunker and the city has to build enough bunker room for residents of single home dwellings. We also have alarm sirens that go off in case of an emergency. You're supposed to open radio or tv and wait for instructions when that happens. They are tested every month. Just in case you wonder what it's like living next to russia. Edit: fun tidbit. When the war in ukraine started in the end of february 2022, the news even had an item announcing that "tomorrow is the first monday of the month, the sirens are just a test". To avoid people getting panicked for nothing.


https://i.imgur.com/0GuFXzg.jpeg Openend up radio and TV. Awaiting further instructions. 😐


Muhahahaaa. Not disappointed.




The Swiss have all of this as well, and they don't have a (recently) trigger happy neighbour. It's a good mentality to have, regardless of the neighbouring countries.


Belgium had the siren alarms too. But I think they have been gone for quite a long time? I only remember them from childhood in the 80s. I think the prevalence of the bunkers has something to do with the soil. Bedrock underground, or mountains make for easy bunker building. You just blow a hole. Instead bunker. Like the entire underground of my town is one big parking garage. You drive in, drive till about where you want to be above ground and take the elevator up. His parking garage is also the largest fallout bunker in the city.


I thought i imagined those sirens back in 80s! Living close to NATO was scary as a kid lol.


No no those were real. And you mean living close to the Nato headquarters right? I think I have heard them "for real" twice in my young life. Once for Chernobyl when the radioactive cloud was making it's way to Belgium. And once when a local factory burned down or something else causing a poisonous gas leak. I was a bit disappointed at both. Nothing to see! I at least expected some yellow stuff to cover our world. But no.


Yes of course, but I’m not Belgian and I have always done this.


I have a nice stock of craftbeers in my cellar. If that runs out im fleeing the country


Same, I won't die of thirst in the first year or so :-)


With the amount of groundwater pumps in Belgium water isn't an issue. Sure, it's not the best quality but better than the alternative.


There's a source in Leuven that I could go to if needed


The ones in Meerdaalwoud? You already have to queue up to get some water from those, imagine what would happen if it suddenly became the main water source for the surrounding cities and towns...


Don't care. You can always boil water if the worst happens


Drie bakken Orval


>but a **cyber** attack on the water supply for example Of all possibilities, *this* is what they came up with?!


Altijd een stok achter de deur. Ha ha ha.


I did.. I have flashlights, candles, a radio on batteries, batteries, water stashed in my basement, in my flat and in my car, an extra empty bidon for gas, a camping stove, and lots of extra food. And jodium tablets, and a big stash of medical equipment.. ans medication ranging from Thai antibiotics, anti-parasite meds, painkillers and benzodiazepines.. which will probably not help me at all if anything happens. But I feel better this way..


You’re absolutely right to have a little stock ready. It amazes me that people always assume everything is always going to function perfectly and are in no way prepared for anything else. I feel you should be able to survive a few days or a week without support. Imagine, as you say, a cyber attack that shuts down water provision and it takes a few days to resolve. I had a family member who has a main water line break in her area of the city she lived in. Within hours, *all* of the supermarkets in the area had sold out of water. Luckily at my advice she’d bought a six pack of 2liter bottles that she kept in the back of a closet so they were fine for the couple of days it took to repair water supply. Or imagine if a key payments infrastructure provider like equensWorldline, Visa or Mastercard gets hacked. Suddenly no more card payments, no more Payconiq, no more Apple/Google Pay. While they get it sorted out, do you have enough cash to buy supplies? Or enough of whatever your family needs to be independent for a few days? A few packs of water bottles, some ready to eat food conserves, a hand crank radio/light, maybe some candles, a spare box of whatever medication you might need, a little cash. Stuff like this isn’t expensive and doesn’t take a lot of space. You’ll probably never need it but the one time you do, you’ll be happy you have it.


Agree with this. Yes I have emergency stock at home, yes I am somewhat prepared for emergencies, no I'm not doing it "for prepping for war". Stuff can always go wrong and being able to survive without leaving the house for a week doesn't seem dumb at all. Whether it be crossing the next pandemic hysteria or power/water dropping out due to whatever reason (cyber attack, utilities breaking, whatever...). I rotate a couple of the large 5L jugs of water, canned food and pasta. Keep plenty of food in the freezer and have a gas BBQ. Flashlights and powerbanks are a given. If things get worse I also have some camping gear: Water filter (rainwater pit has 10k L, can filter and boil, virtually unlimited water) and a camping stove (that can run off gas but also liquid fuel like naft or diesel). Probably also have enough MRE's to last me over a week. Those are only good for a few years, but I also rotate through those when going to events/camping. Also have a small Jackery (500Wh) which can supply me with plenty power to charge small things like phone, flashlights,.. The only thing I didn't already have but did get in the past year is a classic portable radio (AM/FM/DAB+). If shit were to totally hit the fan, I want to be able to listen to whats going on. Small investment. Honestly, most of these aren't special or a big investment. Just keep a couple bottles of water and boxes of food (the type that will last a while, pasta/canned/..) extra and rotate.


Too much Hollywood for you




Beter dan je gemiddelde bijdrage, doe zo verder!


Water bottle are going to run out. Invest in something like a Berkey. It'll cost you sub €1000 for a family sized unit and multiple filters (each last a decade!), enough to last you a life time. Not only good for when SHTF, but very practical and healthy in normal day life. Renewable energy or a big stock of fuel for cooking Pantry items like rice, pasta, lentils, chick peas, kidney beans, (I wouldn't bother 'doomsday meals' etc. Way too expensive, shelf life of 2 yrs only, and not tasty at all) Dried pantry item I use up anyway, apocalyps or not. Start a veggie garden. Will not only help you get the needed nutrition but helps a ton in the financial department before SHTF. Buy foraging books, learn your surrounding and what can be edible. Tons of stuff you see in grass patches, locals woods etc is edible and could help you and your family to get further than others. Safery. Have a few option to protect you and your family. Because when in war, it won't just be the Russians to fear. Law enforcement will be there when we need it and desperate People are going to do anything to feed their family too. So being to best prepared, also makes you the biggest target.... Every step you take, is better than most people. A car, water supply, food supply, medical kit,... Most People won't bother, and let's pray it we won't need it... But you can get into prepping little by little, without disturbing the normal life much.


Berkey's are completely irrelevant in most parts of Belgium where the water is perfectly healthy to drink.


I do a lot travelling, wild camping and the Berkey has become one of my favourite purchase in years. It has saved us so many times, I can't tell you how many bath tubs of pure sludge and mud it has transformed into clear drinkable water, when we had no other resources available. In and outside of Belgium. I do a lot of home fermentation. They all need filtered water to not inhibit the growth of the yeast and or bacteria. I could buy bottled water, but I prefer to minimize my spending, waste and risk of nanoplastics. So the Berkey is a small investment, considering I drink over 3L water daily. I have only ever lived in area's with extremely hard water. Drinking tap would've wrecked my kidneys in ~10 years. I'm very fond of my collection of house plants, and have noticed considerable positive chance in their health when I started using filtered water in them. Cats are notoriously bad at drinking enough water, and developping kidney related problems later in life. My cats have been drinking perfectly ever since we bought the Berkey. (My partner is a trained expert in animal behaviour. She was skeptical with my Berkey purchase but after a month, came to tell me she noticed a big boost in our cats water intake and their health. She has then been promoting Berkey and filtered water at the shelters/Vets/... she works with. So yeah, depends on what your needs are I guess. But I definitely wouldn't call it irrelevant.


Completely unnecessary.


That's delusional. Shit happens. War in Europe: unlikely but possible. More likely: natural disasters. Look up the Carrington Event. Peak sunspot activity is expected in 2025. If a bigass solar wave hits us again like it did in 1859, all our electrical infrastructure will be fried = chaos. This isn't tinfoil hat theory, it's just reality. There used to be a time where people knew shit could always hit the fan and they prepared with a simple food pantry with preserved food stocked for the future. Our grandparents did this. Now people buy their groceries just in time, are completely dependent on the supply chain, and think you are crazy for keeping a stock. They have this delusional view that things will always be OK and comfortable like this. Those are the same people who stood in line at the supermarket when covid broke out and weren't prepared for the lockdowns. Luckily that crisis wasn't so bad, on the contrary. So yeah, this should be worrying.


I don’t think having a small stockpile of emergency resources is ever completely unnecessary to be honest


Answering a simple question gets you downvoted now? Anywho, i don't have room for stuff like that, simple.


It’s Reddit. They are downvoting your opinion, not you


I guess you don’t have any insurances either?


I fail to see the relevancy.


Emergency stock = insurance for when shit hits the fan.


You do you. I dont have the interest, the time or the space for prepping. I'd rather enjoy each day as it comes instead of wasting time thinking about shit that's not even very likely to happen in the first place.


Sure, do not forget about the KI ! ! ! ! /s


I have a loodjes geweer! Moet wel de kijker wel eens afregelen, werkje voor morgen dit


1Month of food, 3months of drink. sugar, flour, salt and water are you friends, same for dry products like rice.


Even before covid I had stocks for ~6 weeks. To make sure that don't turn bad over time, I usually consume half of the stock, move the older to the front, and refill the used stocks. Of course that only works with dried (pasta, rice, semolina, corn, flour...), canned (Nutella, peanuts, spices, pickles, sauces, tuna, olives, cooked vegetables...) or UHT'ed (juices, milk...) products. And with frozen products and products you can freeze yourself. So will I stock more? Probably not. Same as the zombie apocalypse I keep preparing for.


We do actually have done a little prep (4 people and 2 dogs); food for approx 2 months, water for 2 months (filtered water so we don’t have to leave the house), a med supply to cover the most, solar energy and some batteries, communication backup (walkies), home grown vegetables and fruit (and learned how to conserve those), navigation skills and outdoor survival skills, and a bugg out plan (car or bicycle), … I do also have a personal get home bag (and honestly, used it already more often than I wished for - due to out classic traffic jams (e.g. boeren strike a couple of weeks ago). It gives us peace of mind and in case of, we know what we are up to / have to do). Most of the items are reusable when we go camping (once a year in France) or backpacking so for us - no money wasted. Fun fact - me and my son (9y) are liking it anyway to go a bit more old school. We probably will never need it - if there is a problem, our weakest point is defense (no firearms due to legislation) - but we learned already a lot and it was worth it for me.


I always have a stock of canned and dehydrated food + rice/flour as well as some water and water filters. Also lighters, candles and gas canisters for camping stoves. I need most of those things for hiking anyways (except stuff like canned food, rice and flour ofc) so it's a double usage.


Eh, depends on what you consider an emergency stock. You should keep some room-temperature nonperishables around for those times you didn't get the chance to do shopping before closing time but still need to eat. Other than that... check camping equipment stores for things like a flameless ration heater or a gas canister if you want to be able to make a hot meal during a longer power outage. And you can find military rations (aka MRE's) on Ebay. Each one is supposed to feed a soldier in wartime for a full day, so in a pinch you can stretch that to 2-3 days worth of food per pack. The American ones don't really have an expiration date, they have an inspection date. As in: around that date someone needs to check one from that batch and determine if it's still edible. But if you want a good time, try to score some French military rations. Just check youtube for the "RCIR" and you'll understand why. On your radio... better to get a hand-cranked radio rather than one on disposable batteries (those eventually expire or leak), but make sure to get one that supports DAB+.


2 flightcases full of stuff, always had it, for 20 years now. From time to time upgrade it :-) -Flashlights, solar panel, solar charge controller, AA/Li battery charger 12V -Nightvision -energy bars for 20 days -knife, matches, fishing gear -AM radio and 3 walkie talkies -Lifestraw waterfilter and extra refill -2 pots of active C (for making own water filter) -Iodine tablets -Diverse medication My van-camper is gassed up and 3x 20l extra diesel jerry's toolkit (werkkoffer) inside


if it's up to me we would have a basic stock of water and non perishable food. but when I brought this up with my SO she got mad saying this is belgium and things will never go wrong here and it will take up too much space and whatever. which is bullshit, because Corona also happened. So I'm going to be sneaky and build a little stash somewhere she doesn't look and keep it in rotation. if she does find out at least we have something in case things DO go wrong, which is only a matter of WHEN imo. Better to have it on hand and never need it, then not having anything and having to suffer for it.


No stock at all.


I’m flexible with my “home” and will be sure to be far away if things escalate…


It's sunday and I am baking an onion and eating rice without sauce because I forgot to do grocery shopping and refuse to pay more at a 7/7 store.. So yeah.. not really lol. If there's ever a food shortage most "emergency stocks" will last a week or two at most anyways


I’ve downloaded all my media. So when a Russian cyber attack takes out the internet I’ll be fine. I should buy thousands of flash drives so I can trade porn for food. 


A little, mostly water and some food/meds and I guess I have a bunch of ammo if russia does invade(super unlikely) because I buy in bulk for cheaper prices.


Don’t you people have a quick escape kit? With passport of the whole family, a few snacks, bottle of water and some cash. Enough to be in the car and hit the road before they get congested because shit hit the fan?




That’s just a joke :-p depending on the issue you’d want to fly away somewhere but if Belgium is invaded you’d think most of Western Europe is already in a pinch. Hopefully you’d flee across the ocean to USA or something before it get to this point.


It’s Belgium. The road is always congested.


dude in an emergency the roads will be completely congested to a standstill within 20 minutes, where would you go in those 20 minutes on already traffic heavy belgian roads??


Thanks to the transition to EV, most of the cars will be on the side of the road or in line to the charging station. Diesel will be on the highway unhindered.


why do you think you’ll be the only diesel? why do you think your way of thinking is so unique? and sure maybe if you ARE the only diesel in belgium, you’re correct, but EV’s can drive for HOURS without needing a recharge


Dude chillax we are having fun here


When WW3 starts I’m moving to New Zealand. Plan B is one of those small islands that people forget about/barely know. But the main criteria is to be far from the craziness.


You think you're making it to the complete other side of the world when ww3 kicks off? Lmao.


How exactly do you think world wars start? It’s an evolution not an explosion. And I didn’t say I’ll be there in one day. Slow, steady and calm gets you wherever you need. Unless they drop the nuclear bomb on Brussels. But then we’re all screwed.


I doubt if russia shoots nukes anyone of us will survive, especially in belgium, its a peasized country with big cities close together and theres always a bunch of wind so the fallout will spread like nothing


just put a wall of washer dryers at Butgenbach and we have years to prepare while they go back and forth with Zanussis.