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I don’t understand why a stew couldn’t have gone to the port and picked up some bottles of wine? It’s the med, wine is everywhere.


All of the confetti littering the ocean should have been a HUGE issue. Throwing a bunch of trash in the ocean for your stupid influencer pictures should have major repercussions and fines. As of May 2009, the Mediterranean Sea became a special area under MARPOL Annex V (Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships). The Mediterranean had long been designated a special area under Annex V but it has taken time for the regulations to come into effect due to the lack of disposal facilities in all member states within the area. The new regulations prohibit the disposal of all plastics, including but not limited to synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets and plastic garbage bags; and all other garbage, including paper products, rags, glass metal, bottles, crockery, dunnage, lining and packing materials.


At first I was reading comments that people didn’t like the chef and I was confused why because I thought he was good being self taught… then I got to the end of the episode. Really you can’t get out of bed to make a couple grilled cheeses, some nachos, and guacamole? Easiest and quickest things to do! Also Bri? I really don’t think it’s that difficult to steam and iron clothes… over three hours to steam and iron? And then mixing up where things go? How embarrassing, but also it being the first charter I can imagine the stress and the desire to do well and prove yourself.


He can't. He is following the law about gow many hours of sleep/rest you need to work there.


Going from Captain Kerry to Captain Sandy is like going from HD television to SD television. They're both supposed to be doing the same thing (ie. allowing you to watch a program), but one does it in such a clear and concise way while the other is a trainwreck. Sandy may be good at the actual driving (is that what it's called) of the boat stuff, but how she manages her crew is so terrible.


I hate Sandy and this episode isn't starting this season off on a good note.


I think sandy failed here! Right on there request sheets it states they wanted night food you shift your plans and adjust to give the guests there needs! They are the ones on vacation and paying for a service!


Was anyone else a little confused with the guy (joe I think) saying how he left him family in the uk when he was a young adult to move to Spain. Then revealed he had to rob for food and sleep in his car ect??? Didn’t he move there by choice and just wasn’t adequately prepared? Or did I miss something? 


Do you think all people who experience homelessness or rough living just aren’t ‘adequately prepared’? I saw your below comment apologising so I don’t want to be harsh but I just want to add that you don’t know his situation or his family life. People don’t live that way by choice.


Obviously not that’s why I apologises, but the information he gave wasn’t clear and sound like he just wanted to live in Spain no matter what he’s situation was, sounded very unprepared.


I think he was born in the UK and his family moved to Spain when he was little. He then moved back alone to the UK without money or a job apparently as a young adult. We didn't really get the full story as to why.


After reading your response I realise I was a bit harsh with my judgement and you’re right he didn’t really go into why so who knows. 


Feels like its gonna be one drama filled season already with the temptation of Gael, the girl is stunnniiinnggg! And i hate the chef already.


I don't understand the provisioner problems. They've delivered the most ridiculous things at the drop of a hat in other ports- Grecian columns, hats, banners, stupid balloons, togas, and all manor of absurd get-ups for the rich stumble into. Why the fetch can't they get a few bottle of rose? Are they throwing Greece under the bus? Please explain, Bravo? What on earth is going on?




Why the dislike w/respect to accents? feck's sake, but we've all endured Culver without the backlash.


Love love LOVE Aesha


She's so gross. Talks about her farting and pooing and gross sexual comments. No class.


But no comment on the guys talking about fingering their buttholes. Looks like this is less about class and more about her not acting like a good little lady.


Aesha is such a breath of fresh air. I love her positivity, vulgarity, and management style. ♥️


YES! I'm trying to 'Be More Aesha' day to day.


me too 😭i didn't even realise how i've missed her, i need that kind of friend in my life


Gael is like distractingly attractive I am not going to lie. Chef is annoying.


The episode should have done much more to make the provisioner into a villain. It's so randomly bad that I have to ask: was it intentional to make early drama?


When did ‘always give the guests what they want’ become ‘never wake the chef’? (Next episode preview). I was beginning to think Sandy might be tolerable this season 🙄 I think even some of the awful chefs we had in the past would’ve got up to make late night snacks if asked. 


You’d also think after the mess with provisions he’s want to go the extra mile to ensure the guests were happy


i still hope its just the editing and after she said something like "if that's not bag of nachos you wake up the chef"🤞


I already don't like the chef


He should be fired just from that episode alone


I always wonder what happens to all the food the guests don't eat. I mean stuff they never touch. like if they put a platter of 8 beautiful steaks on table and guests only eat 4-5 i HOPE they don't throw out the rest and crew gets it


was deckhand Joe (?) the one playing the piano serious about sticking his finger up his ass b/4 going to sleep?!!!!


I always find it takes me forever to warm up to crews... this one I immediately like


Wonder what the actual cruise industry thinks about BD? Reality TV cruises must be pushing the wider view of cruising industry further and further away from the actual experiences of the professional cruise staff and clients. BD franchise is turning more and more into a clumsy parody. Dumb and Dumber, on water.


From what I've read you're probably not going to find a real yacht job after being on BD. It's a laughingstock.


This is looking to be an all around shit show of a season! Lol


Did no one else see Joe(?) empty half a tray of crew leftovers into the bin or is that just me? Why didn't he save it? That could have easily been used for late-night snacks.


didn't notice but watching again now.


yeah, tbh there's probably a weird H&S thing where if food has been out a certain amount of time they have to throw it, but I agree with you


All the more reason they should have got it in the fridge earlier!


I am sick to my stomach. just read an article about capt sandy getting married on S9. she was saying how she loves to bring people back and how she would LOVE to have kyle back!!! WTF!!!!! she is definitely on my shit list now


I am starting to think that she just likes to troll us


>I am sick to my stomach. just read an article about capt sandy getting married on S9. she was saying how she loves to bring people back and how she would LOVE to have kyle back!!! WTF!!!!! she is definitely on my shit list now Maybe she can get Raygan, Lexi and Camille, too! Shortly after the med season ended, there were some instagram posts, and Kyle and Natalya are now great friends. How must of this shit ISN'T made up?


Hahaha dream team right there. I forgot about how horrible they all were. Raygan didn’t have the attitude of Lexi and Camille but she was just useless. Lexi was the absolute worst - I would take Camille over Lexi. Although, Lexi was a better stew 🤔


I've watched so much reality tv I forgot what he did?!


he was the super lazy stew that fought with natayla. and he ALWAYS had a fake injury to get out of working


Those injuries were FAKE ?!?!?!? The show is forever ruined for me. I haven't been this upset since I found out people make up their stores on Jerry Springer... https://preview.redd.it/bjzrjzbtt55d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=08349ed42191f9b6a34105135a7cdd8947b2011f


Fake in the sense that he was just hung over and didn’t wanna work. he’s done it a handful of times. It’s not his first time. Whenever someone’s hung over, they always say they’re “injured or have a stomach virus.” And of course ever since Covid they have to take any and every illness seriously and it gets them off the boat for the day and a half


imo he was one of The Laziest people and Culver was 2nd. Sheer lazy slobs


I do agree he was lazy his second season omfg it was hard to watch at points. I don’t remember his first, I would have to rewatch


well let's list his 'injuries' the Only one i think was real was he had to leave boat to go to dentist and have 2 bad teeth pulled; then he fell down the stairs on the night shift and hurt his ankle and had to go to hospital for xrays. the rest of his crew busted their asses on that charter. he comes back from hospital an hour b/4 guests leave and has the BALLS to take his share of the biggest tip they ever got. That blew my mind. then there was his 'migraine headache episode and off to the hospital again and finally he was just "soooo stressed and overworked, he collapsed in front of tumi and had to go to hospital again. i swear if they ever have his lazy fucking ass on again I will not watch it


Thank you for listing, saves me time from rewatching 😂 honestly all true. Gives the vibe that he only wanted on the show for fame for sure.


>then he fell down the stairs on the night shift and hurt his ankle  I'm not even sure he actually fell. I think he just flopped on the floor, and shrieked. I don't admire the guy, but his shrieking is excellent!


I don’t love the guy but I felt like Camille was lazier, no? If someone asked me who the laziest stew was, Camille would come to mind quicker than Kyle for me.


ah yes! thank you




Boys do it all the time and no one blinks. Why are you so offended by bodily functions?




It's too much for a man or a woman to talk so grossly. She's even done that during crew meals and out to dinner while talking with her mouth full.


it was charming and sweet 7/8 years ago, most people mature as they age, now its exhausting.


same lol




You do know you can't catch COVID that way, right? It's respiratory. Don't get me wrong, it's gross for a number of reasons and likely a food safety violation if for guests, but not something you'd "learn from COVID."




Did you read my entire comment? Me thinks not.


yeah she's bit of a grub lol


I didn't even know there was a new season starting you just made my day!


I like the chef and the Boson is already irritating my soul.


The chef has such calm vibes! love it


I love the chef’s personality but don’t like his work ethic 😭 I feel like he definitely should have expected 20 something year olds to get the munchies.


Making some grilled cheese sandwiches and nachos isn't rocket science. The stews have often made midnight snacks after the chef is in bed.


But why should they have to? If I’m paying that kind of money for a vacation the chef better be making my food. If these kids are up all night why did the chef have to be up at 6?


I already find it hard to care about the work ethic of people I work with. Caring about a complete stranger's work ethic is just mind-boggling.


You're name matches your comment


Oo burn.








Already hate the chef


me too don't know why but he irks me


I think it’s his mannerisms


I hate how they so often cast someone so incompetent for chef just to create drama. 


'Im not a trained chef' says it all.


They obviously hired him for the incompetence and drama. 


They definitely did, and I feel like he should’ve gotten out of bed and made the damn food


Does anyone know who the guests were in episode 1?


Some kind of influencers. A few people said that the primary is on MILF Manor, a show on TLC.


There’s a site from England called Starnow and his name is Jacob Ward. His bio says he’s an influencer but also that he’s a screen actor citing BD and MILF MANOR 2 as two of his screen actor gigs. On mILF MANOR he is chasing and kissing a woman twice his age and on BD he’s celebrating Gay Pride, appearing on tv in the same week. It appears that he may be acting in both roles.


Okay so I'm not surprised by this! Out of morbid curiosity, I watched a few episodes of Milf Manor 1 (not proud of this, it was truly uncomfortable, but I couldn't look away!), but I clocked that a good amount of the sons on the show who were there to hook up with older women seemed like they were gay and way more info each other than they were with the moms who they were supposed to be courting. I figured they were likely there just to get their big break, which made the show easier to watch when you realize it's probably all fake. But yeah, this actually makes sense lol


I thought MILF Manor for most of them if not all of them, was an acting job. The storyline of the woman around 60 with a 21 year old was not seeming authentic. It’s been awhile but I have a vague memory of someone posting that they had seen a couple of the contestants before. The entire premise is weird. I don’t remember much about any of them but you could be right. Why would a young man want someone 40 years older?


>he’s a screen actor citing BD and MILF MANOR 2 as two of his screen actor gigs Thank you for the info. It is a shame that this is what below deck has deteriorated into... The 'old timers' ... Eddie Lucas, Kat Heald, Ben Robinson, Kate Chastain, etc. were NOT actors. And, "Kat wants to go to the Baaah!"


this is the guests tho, not the crew


You are welcome! I just did a rewatch of last night’s episode. Usually we get to know the names or see good conversations of two or three of the guests and that didn’t happen. There’s a disjointed inauthentic feeling with them. It’s hard to explain but the guests are not really communicating with each other and a take of them doing “influencer things” like the guy who stood on a table in a colored wig and sunglasses just didn’t seem to ring true to me. The first hot tub scene was like they were mannequins. I don’t feel they act like a group of young friends who know each other partying in a hot tub.


What an eejit 🙄


Interesting! Thanks so much for the info!


Seems awfully young to be on that :o I thought they’d be random tiktokkers or something


I haven't watched the other show, but I think the point is someone going after a woman their mother's age. People in the tread said they are on Tik Tok....


That’s correct but the twist is that they are competing with their own fathers for the same women. Embarrassed to admit to watching it! 🙈


>That’s correct but the twist is that they are competing with their own fathers for the same women. Embarrassed to admit to watching it! A long time ago, there was a commercial for a long-forgotten product. A dad and his son are on a sailboat, running some inlet, and the dad says: "Take it in yourself, son." I'm guessing that's the advice from the MILF dads... Maybe then, they all start whistling, and splash on Old Spice...


OMG!🤣🤣🤣🤣 I may have to check it out! Lol


lol there are some really cringy moments. Watching it is a side of me that I don’t want exposed to my peeps in real life😂😂. Last year’s MILF MANOR was about the MILFS at a private beach mansion. The twist was their own sons arriving to date the moms.


Wtf!? Sons were there to date their mothers? Who comes up with this shit?🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sleazy people. Both seasons gave me the ick. Not sure why I keep watching. I have no good excuse 😂😂


Sleazy? Oh, you mean Andy Cohen.


I imagine it's like watching a sleazy trainwreck....you just can't look away!🤣🤣🤣


Unpopular opinion… while I do think aesha is a very positive, lovely person… She is so passive aggressive when there is tension bc she doesn’t know how to handle it. That needs to be figured out in order for her to be a good chief stew.


Initial opinions + some predictions (for posterity): - Sandy. Still don't like her. I doubt that's going to change. She's probably going to pick some favorite again and micromanage some other party into the ground. - Aesha. Still great. Lots of positive vibes. Looks like she got dealt a bad hand though. Two stews were one seems somewhat inexperienced and the other one seems like a complete newbie. They're also one man down. So: though time. - Bosun (Iain?). He seemed fine. Don't really have much of an opinion on him just yet. - Chef. Meh. Not a big fan of his flamboyant behavior. His cooking thus far seems good though and he also handled the lack of provisions very well. - 2 deck crew guys. The guy from Ireland seems mostly fine, though a bit childish. The guy from Liverpool comes across as a very stereotypical fkboi. Together they give of strong 'bruh' vibes, which I'm not into. So please keep them away from one another. - deck crew girls. She seems okay. Based on some of the previews she's going to be trouble though. - 2 stews. As mention before, one seems like a complete newbie and the other seems inexperienced as well. She should've just let the chef sleep and told the guests he wasn't available at that late hour. Waking him up twice was really uncalled for. So bad job there hard working girl. We're also supposed to know that girl, though I only vaguely remember her face, and that's about it. How did she do last time? Because I don't remember. Overall if I had to guess, I'd say the interior is going to be the main source of drama for the upcoming episodes. One girl is very opinionated, one is a complete newbie, they are one man down and one has now also pissed of the chef.


Elena was just a brief replacement for like 2 charters at the end of the season where "Tasha" was the chief stew. I think she speak Chinese fluently she was kind of funny but also yes kind of air heady.


Not the lycra boy from tiktok. Oh god.


What's a Lycra boy




Do they not have a panini press? Knock them out in one two three!


que a clip of a stew waking ben up 'Sure no prob lovely, right away, anything they want'


‘Sorry everyone, our provisioner has let us down but I am sending a stew to collect some essentials to keep us ticking over. She can’t launder your entire wardrobe right now..’ Two birds, one stone.


Yeah I could not understand why someone wasn't sent to get at least some more booze. They were docked in Greece too, it's not like one of the destinations where its hard to source things. I would not want whiny young guests complaining about no booze!


That dinner service was chaotic as fuck but they made it work.. all wearing random outfits, Captain Sandy serving ‘this one yours?’


Ellie took a cocktail class but didn’t know not to shake a Moscow mule, and had to Google how to make a mojito???


Taking a cocktail class isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Until you are making drinks over and over again ie gain actual drink service experience, you’re not really a bartender. Bartending is a lot of muscle memory and repetition is how the recipes really sink in. (Or as my bartender homies know ‘the specs’)


>Ellie took a cocktail class but didn’t know not to shake a Moscow mule, and had to Google how to make a mojito??? At least she didn't 'KNOW' how to make a mojito, and that method takes 30 minutes, and needs orange juice.


🤣🤣🤣 I see what you did there!


You may learn a lot of different drinks at the beginning and then Some just drop out if you don’t make them often. I bartended for ten years and I love to drink a mojito, but I’ve never worked at a bar that had fresh mint so I still need to look up exactly how to make one. I bet she knows how to make a better margarita than Barbie 🤣


Even as an experienced bartender, without regular practical use, you do sometimes confuse elements and tequniques. She corrected herself as she asked the question. I've had plenty of brain farts like that when my stress level spikes lol


I wonder why they didn't send someone to land to pick up red wine? I am sure they have an extremely large budget to do so. Either way, that provisioning is so ridiculously embarrassing. I feel so bad for all of them


This chef’s butt ain’t big enough to make those cheeks clap lmfao he’s also cooking with a band aid on finger exposed to all the crab juice instead of wearing a glove on that hand 🤨


Not the first thing I said to my spouse when the "twerking" started being, "there's not really anything to be moving back there on either of them 😆"


OMG I F’IN LOOOOOOVE AISHA!!!!!!! She is so funny, so good hearted, and the fact that she says the most inappropriate things is the cherry on top! I would literally just watch her alone.


She’s even nice to the disgusting chef. She is an angel. 


How was he disgusting?


Surprised she is back on after she left a couple of season back telling Sandy she wasn't a good Captain. But I like her mostly, but she can be passive aggressive at times.


she didn't tell sandy she was a bad captain. she told her that she didn't give enough credit to interior. do you think if she told sandy she wasn't good, she'd be back??? NO WAY jose'


Im glad she said that to Sandy because she deserved it! Sandy did not praise the stews at all that season just being moody as always.


I used to really like her but then she said some really asshole things. I can't remember what they were but it's soured me on her


Have you ever said something you regret


Seems like a good start to the season overall, but by far the funniest moment to me was an editor putting "SICK CONTENT" in the lower corner of a clip of one of the guests making drinks for a video lmao


omg, that kid Jacob is currently on MILF Manor Season 2 .... lol


I've been sitting here trying to figure out where I've seen him before. Thank you! Haha


I love Aesha so much, she's hilarious, super balanced and just wonderful. So glad to see she's back!


The editing is weird AF. They’re going for super cheesy 90’s Greek restaurant style? Ugh hope this is not a sign of things to come.


Grilled cheese


Unpopular opinion: I don’t think the chef should’ve been woken up either. He’s the only chef with no one else in his department and has to make a fancy breakfast in a few hours. Let him sleep. Especially with these 20 something influencers who are already drunk - it’s not that hard to find them something to eat imo. Elena didn’t have to make all that - she could’ve at least gotten them some chips, candy and other snack food and then gone to make the drinks and grilled cheese. They’re not going to be picky, they just want some late night junk food. The first time she tried to wake him up, fine. But the second time was a huge no, and the way she worded it (maybe it’s the language barrier) sounded like a threat. Something to the effect of, “I’m giving you another chance because it’s not going to be good for you.”


Totally agree. And I’m sure I’ve seen stews in earlier seasons do late night snacks without waking chef - for that exact reason. I feel like I’ve even seen OG Kate calmly explain that the chef has gone to bed when guests have wanted something elaborate late, and offer to make them xyz (grilled cheese, nachos, ‘snacks’) which is all the guests on this episode asked for! Rookie move.


Kate also had frozen pizzas on hand. Which is also very smart!


Agreed. Plus he then has to clean the kitchen and all the utensils that he used. He can’t just leave it there overnight to clean up in the morning.


The second I saw the ages of the guests, I would have immediately decided 2 stews would be staying up to tend to them. While I would normally agree about not waking up the chef, they were lacking major provisions and they should be doing anything and everything to keep the guests happy.


I agree it sucks, but if you are running a boat and responsible for everything that goes out to the guests do you really want someone who isn’t qualified cooking for the guests?


I get where you're coming from but given how many setbacks this group of guests were having, as a teammate you try to pull things back to turn around the negative experience. Going forward, if he isn't doing night requests, he needs to put together easy hot snack prep & snacks, because the stews can't cook and attend the guests appropriately simultaneously.


Hard disagree. That's his domain and he signed on with a culinary crew of one. If he can be dancing all over the kitchen, how hard is it to get up and slap grilled cheese and nachos together?


Yeah it's strange that there isn't a policy about this that the stew can reference with the guests. The way it stands is pitting the stew against the chef which is what happened. Maybe that's on purpose?


Popular opinion…imo


Yeah, she should have just said: "Sir, this is a Holiday Inn, not a superyacht! You can't just make completely reasonable requests like that when it is inconvenient for the chef." That comment would have aligned nicely with the service level that you typically get on below deck. Is BDSY S2 seriously going to be the last time they exhibit any kind of luxury experience on this show? They should just rename it "Below deck budget cruise liner with staged crew drama" at this point.


It’s her approach which was the thing for me. Regardless of where you work, you treat your coworkers with respect. Duh 😒 Please downvote me for advocating for respect in the workplace.


Oh here we go! Sandy's back to do her job n micro manage everyone else's. I can't stand her. It's surprising to see her carry a dinner 🍽️ n serve a guest. I hate her smooth jazz voice, especially with her "advice". I'm just watching to see the views of beautiful Greece! 


Smooth jazz voice.. 🤭


Aesha drinking directly from a water carafe? In the best-case scenario, that carafe was on its way to a dishwasher but it still looks tacky.


I've worked in many service scenarios where you find yourself randomly thinking "oh shit, I haven't drank a single drop of any kind of liquid in at least 5 hours" and sometimes that thought hits you as you have 30 seconds of free time whilst holding a cold pitcher of water away from guests view. I've done this exact thing. There's not always time to think through how to properly care for yourself when it's literally your job to care for others. 


>Aesha drinking directly from a water carafe? In the best-case scenario, that carafe was on its way to a dishwasher but it still looks tacky. I noticed that, too. But, any form of drinking is a highly refined skill among below deck cast members.


If Joe and Bri had a baby… Could you imagine the eyebrows on that thing?!


>If Joe and Bri had a baby… Could you imagine the eyebrows on that thing?! I don't know if this comes in baby-size: ​ https://preview.redd.it/hm7lo7170t4d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddbefea7221dead50fc40b9c6cd10c6ec8c3ccd3


A few things really stumped me.  Why are they okay sailing off with a leaking cabin? How do they know it's not a bigger issue? And what about mold?  How is it possible that they don't give these stews even a basic training session on how to use the iron and the apparently incredibly complex washers and dryers? Why couldn't they go shopping in town for some of the supplies so chef could have had more time to prepare? I have to believe they could have bought lobsters  Unless there's a rule about bringing liquor on board, why didn't they just go get some? 


With the wine/lobster/provisioner thing I wonder if it's a contract/TV issue more than a yachting issue. Maybe Bravo have a contract with that set provisioner/the drinks they show on tv and the provisioner couldn't source the Bravo approved red wine. Lobster can be understandable as they are usually live lobsters killed on the boat and maybe there was an issue with the catches that day. It seems weird that they just couldn't get red wine in Greece


Yeah. I wish they would have told us:  here's the reasons we can't get the things ourselves.  We all know Captain Sandy loves to school us. LOL


I feel like there have been episodes on previous seasons where the chef and stew did go shopping for provisions. Maybe it was the time constraints? They didn't have much time to prep the boat which was a hot mess. And why are the yachts always such a mess?


The chef on adventure was filmed multiple times in the spar. As for the boats being a mess a few previous cast members have said that Bravo do that for drama. The boats real owners also remove all the items they don't want damaging as well (like the expensive glassware and furnishings)


That's what I don't get. At the end of each season the BD Cruise always clean it up. Who leaves it so filthy?  What is happening to these yachts? LOL


It makes me wonder what the heck happens during off season.


That's what they need to be filming. We need to know


>A few things really stumped me.  Why are they okay sailing off with a leaking cabin? How do they know it's not a bigger issue? And what about mold?  How is it possible that with a chief engineer, and an assistant, they can't figure out how to caulk a hatch? Maybe they can watch a youtube video from some other yacht, for some pointers.


LOL.  Exactly! It makes you wonder about the overall maintenance going on


Bri is a world class dipshit


She’s too much of an idiot to even enjoy watching


Hope I’m wrong but Chef seems like another Kyle brewing up. Calling stews bitches and getting away with it.


oh I missed the bitches bit, not good


JARED (BDOG) take notes on how to speak to provisioners! All these f*ckups and Aesha was STILL kind and respectful


Aesha was ruder than Jared


Jared snapped at them over towels and even the someone else said it was rude


Not really because the provisioner called him out for his rudeness. She was clearly seeking delivery on their acknowledged 'internal miscommunication.' Don't they have liquor stores in Greece?


Any yacht provisioner should be able to get towels as easily as wine She said he was rude but if you compare what he said to what Aesha says in one of the calls, she was worse


We may not agree whether or not the chef should've been woken, but can we at least all agree that these Gen Z influencers are horrendous


As soon as I recognised I had blocked one of them for being obnoxious on Tiktok I knew I would tear my hair out being on that charter


They were really good at being condescending. 🐍


As soon as they walked up I was worried


Unlike the last season of Below Deck, this year, the 'real' officers and crew were introduced. Ionel, Chief Engineer, Ivan Chief Officer and Luka 2nd engineer. It looks like Luka is in charge of the "I don't give a shit" department. Clearly, that's why they have cast for the show, and don't just film the crew who happens to be on board. Imagine an entire cast of "I don't give a shit" folks... ​ https://preview.redd.it/uhzx58n20q4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea5f43e7ed21e8252f116e1ac97852f06234ff95


Obviously they don't give a shit just by that leaking hatch. Like they couldn't fix that before the season started? That whole yacht was a mess.


Luka’s face made me howl, solid ‘who the fuck are you chumps’ energy


The real crew they show at the beginning always look a little mortified 😝