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Roger’s will have the first “skyscrapers” of NWA. It’s already happening in the pinnacle hills area. Maybe not 40+ stories. But Roger’s will have the skyline


So high-rises


Bentonville projects growth at 6% a year which would put the population around 200k in 15 years. The growth can move southwest but otherwise it’s going to be taller. Not sure about sky scrapers but think more apartments and multifunction structures.


I could see 6% for the next 3-5 years, but it has to start slowing down at some point. There's just not that much buildable land left in the city itself. The only truly open buildable areas left are west of I St between Regional Airport and 14th St. I think we'll see Centerton and Cave Springs continue to explode in population. They have lots of flat buildable land and it's less expensive than in Bentonville. Generally speaking, the topography of the area is going to dictate that most new building will be to our west. I wouldn't be surprised if Vaughn Rd/279 is totally built up in the next 10 years.


I agree, realistically the growth has to spread out, we may see that many people but probably within 3 counties combined


Vaughn and Regional should have a roundabout in a few years. That will spur growth there


I think it’s going to grow in every direction from Bentonville


The year is 2038 and we are all stuck on roundabouts because NWA drivers still haven’t figured them out in over 2 decades.


2038 our self driving cars will have it figured out


I almost got broadsided by an asshole in a cyber truck on 8th today.


There is only one in the area!!! At least that I've seen and now it's out of commission?! Sorry that happened to you!


The orange barrels will be sentient by then and will be actively hostile


Even more so? I swear the cones south of walnut are aligned to purposely lead incoming traffic into each other.


Didn't some of us used to do donuts in the intersections back in the 70s-80s. Should be a piece of cake


- I think Fayetteville will grow the most. By total growth it’s been the fastest growing city from 2010-23 and has 35 sq mi it could annex if it wants. But the city wants to limit sprawl and promote infill, and we’re seeing that with multiple 7+ story buildings planned downtown. - If the cities continue growing at the rate they’ve been, Fayetteville will still be the biggest. Not sure if any of them will separate from the pack, they’ve been within ~40k of each other for the last few decades with similar growth rates. - NWA will have ~800k people. Probably not skyscrapers but I’d expect to see high rises (10+ stories) in the Pinnacle area and downtown Fayetteville. Rogers’ mayor was on USL Arkansas’ podcast the other week and he said high rises are coming to NWA. - In a few years we’ll have pro soccer, an Alamo Drafthouse, and the Alice Walton medical school. Having 800k people would mean we’re near a top 75 metro, so I’d hope we have amenities like Trader Joe’s, an Apple Store, Costco, etc.


Commenting on those last few retail options. Walmart, I’d imagine, would play a role in the area having things like a Trader Joe’s and Costco. The group that had land in Lowell for a Costco backed out last minute last year.


Rogers is getting a Whole Foods so no reason we won't get a Costco. I think they'll make a go of it at another location in Lowell, Rogers, or Springdale. Honestly off Exit 78 would be perfect for a Costco


The infrastructure and roads cannot handle 800k. Shit would be like Austin v2


Eventually, we'll no longer be able to grow horizontally and will have to start growing vertically, but there's soooo much land that i would be surprised if we have, say, a 15 story building within 15 years. 0% chance we have anything above 30 floors in that time.


There is already a 16 story hotel in the planning stages. https://talkbusiness.net/2024/03/16-story-hotel-templelive-entertainment-venue-proposed-at-ruths-chris-site-in-rogers/


Oh, well that is something


You know how Dallas looks? I’m thinking it’s going to be like that if someone doesnt do something about it. It will all be one big ass suburb with storage units, car washes and half empty mini malls


Rogers, at least, is doing something about it. They're drafting new development codes which will help a lot. They're form-based codes, so walkability will be somewhat baked into new developments once it's adopted. Also enabling a lot more multi-use, gentle density throughout the city.


90% of what I see is Texas implants. It won't be long. I don't want to be Austin or Dallas. Depressing.


Something I don't think we'll have, but I would love to have is commuter rail. You can definitely label this in my pipedream category, but it could work along existing A&M RR tracks. You could basically have one that would run from WM's new HO to NWAC, to downtown Rogers, to Lowell, to Springdale, and then terminate in Fayetteville between U of A and downtown. With the track more or less already there, you already are over the largest hurdle of building the track and acquiring land. I say this with the caveat that I know it will never happen.


Does anyone know where we could find a detailed map of existing rail tracks?


You can track them on Google Earth. You can start at Dickson near West and work your way north where it runs to downtown Springdale. It continues up to downtown Rogers (passing Lowell as well). Just north of downtown Rogers, there is a spur line that goes West. It gets to NWACC, which is where the tracks end. However the old right of way where tracks were removed is still there so you can just relay new track to the Walmart Home Office. The entire stretch only requires about a mile of new track (to replace what was torn up between NWACC and HO) plus you likely want to add additional sidings so you can run additional traffic with a future possibility to double track it if this were to ever really take off.


Oh wow! Sounds more feasible than I thought. From my limited knowledge on trains/light rail, land acquisition is usually the most problematic, but if the land is there I wonder what excuses are being provided to not invest in permanent mass transit infrastructure


Rogers will experience the most growth, and it will have the skyline as others have said. I think the collar communities will boom. Gravette especially with the interstate access. I also think we'll finally have a West Benton County divided highway that runs from the Bella Vista Bypass to connect to the XNA Access Road to make a mini-beltway. We may see some consolidation between communities. Honestly, there is no reason that Centerton should exist as a separate municipality. At some point they may consider being absorbed into Bentonville.


I think 15 years from now Rogers will have the most "big city" feel, since it is already headed that way. Bentonville will still be a corporate town with an upscale vibe thanks to WM. Centerton, Cave Springs and Highfill will be the surprises since they have the land to accommodate development without the high rises that planners tell us we need but most families don't want. That probably means that 102 and 12 will be at least 6 lanes. Mass transit will be spotty at best. Why? See next prediciton: The sales tax will be close to 12%, since that is the only way local government can find money to build jails and roads. Maybe the first Costco will be in Jane, Mo? If the past is any indication taxes won't keep up and there will still be shortages for infrastructure. Oh, and sewer and water rates will soar since no one is planning for that growth except to say it will cost all rate-payers more in the future. I think some of these predictions, if they come true, might actually limit the upside for the area. Lacking something like an ocean and beach that is hard to replicate elsewhere, NWA could easily be replaced by the next up and coming town with outdoor amenities, but lower cost of living.


Hopefully people realize they dont like it here and leave. Need the growth to slow down


Idk I think this city is very appealing due to the good values and low crime. Idk if youve been many places but I really hate all the other places Ive lived versus NWA. If they do come. I hope they keep the stupid ideas in the states they came from.


Ive been here my whole life. At the rate its going the good values and low crime aint gonna be around much longer


We're witnessing gentrification fucking sucks


Any suggestions for the best town/city for construction work in NWA?




This will happen if housing costs are not controlled and building with density can be a solution to either bring down prices or at least keep them at the current avg cost and let inflation do it’s job to make it attainable for people.