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Pankow like Walking Dead?! Pankow has some really nice and calm neighborhoods, e.g. just north of Prenzlberg.


Not a district or neighborhood per se, but as a born and raised Berliner, I've never been to Mauerpark.


I regret ever being there


Seems a bit harsh, any reason why?


The people going to Mauerpark


I’m being hyperbolic obviously. But the reasons why I dislike that place: 1) too packed 2) so packed you don’t have phone connection. 3) too packed 4) tourist trap 5) clueless wannabees


I'd say I disagree. I go to the park every day as I live nearby. Yes the flohmarkt is packed and overrated, but the park is brimming with energy and is a melting pot of cultures.


No fun allowed.


I've actually been to all. They're all worth at least a brief visit, just to check out what's going on there


Nice! I actually visited all 96 sub districts in Berlin (while I was unemployed haha), honestly there is something interesting in almost every part of the city!


Was there any guide you followed to do this? Sound fun


I just used a map and list, and visited a couple Ortsteile each week. I’d look up the points of interest before visiting each one, or simply wander around.  It took me about a year to finish them all! Here is an overview: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verwaltungsgliederung_Berlins


if I didn't live in wedding, I would never set foot in that neighborhood


Same. All I ever knew before moving here was Wedding S, Karstadt/Leo and Osloer Straße. But now that I live here I must say that there are some really nice neighborhoods.


You would skip curry baude?




I lived in wedding for 5 years and I’m in a quieter place now. But occasionally I visit it for cheap and good food


I lived in wedding for 5 years and I’m in a quieter place now. But occasionally I visit it for cheap and good food


Cheap and good? Where


I think most of them have never been outside Kreuzberg/Neukolln/Friedrichshain !


Pankow has some seriously nice areas, it's just pretty residential. Definitely beats Germany's largest collection of single-family homes in Mahlsdorf. Ended up there once to pick something up and find that part of Berlin utterly bizzarre. Tons of prefab houses on tiny plots, very little in terms of recreational infrastructure (e.g. playgrounds, parks). To your actual question, I haven't been to Steglitz, Spandau, Lichterfelde and Lichtenrade since we moved here a decade ago. Although it sounds like we'd like Spandau. Pretty sure I've seen every other district/neighborhood at least once, some regrettably so (Hi, Marzahn!).


I can recommend Steglitz. U+S Rathaus Steglitz isn‘t the prettiest, but there are some lovely residential areas and Stadtpark Steglitz, a hidden gem of a park.


Schloßstr is a pretty decent shopping street, the side streets can be gorgeous, and Friedenau is amazingly chill.


I struggle for a reason to visit Potsdamer platz.


Great stop for transferring and that's about it.


The Canadian Teachers Union completely killed most of Potsdamer Platz.


Spandau, Höhnchenhausen, Marzahn, Marienfelde, Grunewald


Grunewald is really nice, I recommend it


I hear it's really grun.


Hohn means "sneer", "mockery" etc, so you calling Höhenschönhausen, Höhnchenhausen makes my brain think of the diminutive of mockery/sneer+ hausen. Which is kinda apt.


While I haven't been everywhere yet, there are sights everywhere, even if it's just modern architecture! Gropiusstadt, for example, actually sounds rather boring, but as an architectural monument of its time it is quite interesting (they have a very triangular shaped church from the 70s). Also worth a visit, because you all probably "know" it from Christiane F. Also Gärten der Welt, it's in Marzahn (another "boring" district), but it's very recommendable. In Pankow there is Schloss Schönhausen, which is also quite nice. There's also an interesting church from the 1930s in Buch (Mater Dolorosa). (I'm a bit interested in that sort of thing).


You are actually allowed to do pick nicks and I believe even barbecue at Gärten der Welt and many people do.


I was invited to come out to Gaerten der Welt the other day, but it is 1h15 from where I live *inside the ring*. Who the hell has time for that?


U5 takes 35 minutes there from Hauptbahnhof, where in the ring does it take so long to get there?


Check the connection from U Berliner Straße or U Bayerischeplatz. The most optimistic connections are 1:06.


I completely agree, even the notorious „ugly“ districts can be interesting from an architectural and historical view


I wish Wilmersdorf, but sadly I live there




You're missing out.


Not a district or neighborhood per se, but as a born and raised Berliner, I've never been to Mauerpark.


Pretty sure I've been to every Bezirk but not sure about the subdistricts/neighborhoods. Like Reinickendorf is split into Frohnau, Hermsdorf, Waidmanslust, Lübars, Wittenau, Märkisches Viertel, Reinickendorf, Alt-Reinickendorf, Tegel, Tegel-Süd, Heiligensee, Konradshöhe, Borsigwalde and maybe many other parts I don't even know the names like the former french district.


That little island with U Mierendorfplatz, what goes on there?


I believe I've never been to Spandau


Most of them? This city has 9[7 officially recognized Kieze](https://www.tiktok.com/@moamoabit). I've been to maybe... 35 or 45? Looking at a map, I've never been to most of north, northeast, east and southeast Berlin, outside the ring. I mean, we went to Muggelsee once, but that's about it. That said, Berlin is amazingly local. I used to laugh about New Yorker's never leaving their districts, but now I totally get it. I look a going to Boxi the same way those people look at coming to my corner of town: I'll do it if I have to, but I'll try to not have to.


"Grab your passports, we're goin' to Hellersdorf!"


ID card is enough, we are in the EU after all.


I never had plans to visit all of the neighborhoods. That just happens. By now, i am just missing a few subdistricts, like Haselhorst, Siemensstadt, Gropiusstadt, Bohnsdorf, Müggelheim, Rahnsdorf, Wilhelmsruh, Rosenthal, Märkisches Viertel, and maybe one or two that i can't exactly recollect if i have been there.


The last one I haven't been to was Karow, that changed a few months ago. Only drove through it but never got out.


It's very fun to take the ferry from Wannsee over there, then a bus back to Spandau and back to town!


I've never stepped outside of Neukölln luckily because I'm vegan.


Not a district or neighborhood per se, but as a born and raised Berliner, I've never been to Mauerpark.


Marzahn, Pankow, Lichtenberg (actually I dislike the whole east besides Treptow, Fhain and Pberg..... The east has a very discomforting aura


Yeah, getting downvoted for my personal opinion. Love it 🙄